Formation of safe behavior skills on the road through theatrical activities.

The magical world of theatrical performances can change your child's view of creativity once and for all. That is why it should not be neglected in the process of education. The doors of the theater will open your son or daughter not only to a universe of images and comparisons, but will also involve you in social play, introduce you to many new concepts and make a huge contribution to the process of socialization.

Delving deeper into the role of theater in the development of children, it should be noted that drama has been one of the main stages in the development of world art for many centuries. Having thought about how to introduce your child to this sacred refuge, you are embarking on a difficult path of acculturating your family.

The role of theater in raising a child

Do not forget that theater is a collective activity that teaches children to cooperate and interact with each other. In theatrical play, memory, imagination, fantasy, and speech develop. By playing on stage, a child’s self-esteem increases, tension disappears, and self-confidence develops.

The benefit of theatrical performances is that for children they become role models, where the themes of good and evil, honesty, courage, friendship, and responsiveness are mainly discussed. Even if parents are not big fans of theatrical performances, one should take into account the need for their presence in the child’s life for the harmonious development of their worldview.

children's development through theater

Lots of September news and an invitation to an open session tomorrow


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