It's all about the Hat... Prepared by a primary school teacher at GBOU Secondary School No. 6 of the city. Zhigulevsk, Samara region Pererva Lyudmila Dmitrievna
“Parade of hats” at the Nizhnetavdinsky kindergarten “Rucheyok”
Presentation for the lesson the world around us “It’s all in the hat...” It’s all in the Hat... Prepared
Extracurricular event “Proper nutrition is the key to health”
Health week at school. Action plan Event plan “Health Week” Objectives: • Identify abilities
Russian folk holidays and traditions
Traditional folk holidays and their role in educating the younger generation
The Russian people carefully honor the traditions created by their ancestors over the centuries. In everyday activities and
Methodological development of extracurricular activities for 2nd grade “Hurray! Holidays!" methodological development (grade 2) on the topic
Listen to lectures for children. For example, the “Radio Arzamas” application contains podcasts and lectures about
Musical games at day camp. Camp activities
Date: August 15, 2013 Author: Alina Category: Quizzes According to its content in the camp you can
Relay races with dribbling and passing the ball. Physical education material on the topic: Games and relay races (basketball)
Techniques for fighting for the ball Fighting for possession of the ball is one of the main tasks of the player
Anti-stress drawings
What to give to 4th grade children for New Year at school?
Three reasons for matinees As a rule, holding children's parties in Moscow for primary school students
Lesson-holiday “Journey to the Land of Knowledge”: 1st grade
Card index of outdoor games in the senior group of kindergarten
Stages of organizing classes Preparation for the game should include familiarizing children with the topic and basic rules
Long-term plan for holding holidays and entertainment, calendar and thematic planning on the topic