Summary of a lesson on literary reading on the topic of G.H. Andresen. Chamomile (3rd grade)
Summary of the tale Chamomile understood that she was far from the lush and arrogant flowers that
Methodological recommendations for organizing lessons on the course “World of Activities”
(Lessons: No. 6, No. 12, No. 19, No. 23) Knowledge must serve creative purposes
Calendar thematic planning according to Traffic Rules 1st grade
Grade 10. Algebra. Trigonometric functions. Number circle.
Number and unit circle In high school we were already introduced to the coordinate, or number, circle.
Lesson summary on literary reading by A.P. Chekhov “White-fronted” (3rd grade)
White-fronted. A. P. Chekhov Home All authors Home → A. P. Chekhov →
Work program for extracurricular activities “Be healthy!” (sports and recreation area)
Analysis of a literature lesson in 9th grade “Love lyrics by A. S. Pushkin”
Self-analysis of the literary reading lesson “Two Frogs” Olga Tutukova Self-analysis of the literary reading lesson “Two Frogs”
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Methodological development of a lesson in 2nd grade LESSON SUMMARY IN 2nd GRADE “Newtravelling” (“New travel”)
my kindergarten
Fairy tale holiday (joint entertainment for children and parents)
Short-term stay group (SPG) The Short-term Stay Group (SST) accepts children aged from