Presentation on the topic “Law” for preparation for the Unified State Exam in social studies
Elements of a legal system: A rule of law is a generally binding rule of behavior established or sanctioned by the state,
Development of a lesson on the MHC “Architecture of Ancient Greece. Order system."
Minoan architecture Minoan civilization flourished on the Greek island of Crete from the 27th to the 15th century
Family and economics Technology Technology 8th grade 8th grade Technology teacher G.R. Birdina Technology teacher G.R. Birdina. - presentation
Lesson plans on technology (girls) 8th grade technology lesson plan (8th grade) on the topic
Literary reading lesson presentation for a reading lesson (grade 3) on the topic
An essay based on Andersen's fairy tale “Thumbelina” “Thumbelina” is the name of one of the most famous works of the storyteller
Summary of parent-teacher meetings in a mixed-age (middle and junior) group
Parent meeting in a mixed-age group “We want our children to become...” material Parent meeting
Booklet Art activities with children
Booklet for parents “Preparing a child for school” methodological development (preparatory group) on the topic
Booklet for parents “Fine Arts Techniques” Slide description: Methods and techniques of non-traditional drawing with children:
English lesson in 9th grade Lesson topic: Infinitive/ + ing forms
Formation of the infinitive The distinctive feature of the infinitive is the particle to, which comes before the verb. I would
Dictionary for students grade 4 “The world around us” methodological development on the world around us (grade 4) on the topic
Dictionary of terms in mathematics from A to Z. An axiom is a statement accepted without evidence.
Origin of man lesson plan on the topic
Requirements for the results of studying the topic Students know: – biological and social factors of anthroposociogenesis; –
How to draw a New Year tree with toys and garlands with a pencil and paints step by step for beginners
On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes This article presents the final lesson on
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