Text for testing reading technique, grade 6 (September)
The school curriculum for literature in the 6th grade includes works of Russian writers of the 19th century
FOLK festive costume THEME
Lesson summary on fine arts on the topic “Folk festive costume” (grade 5)
Presentation for an art lesson on the topic “Folk festive costume” FOLK festive costume TOPIC https://vserisunki.ru/publ/raznoe/ostalnoe/kak_narisovat_russkij_narodnyj_kostjum_karandashom_poehtapno/66-1-0-278
Didactic game “Speech cubes” for children of senior preschool age
Do-it-yourself didactic game aid “Entertaining cube” for preschoolers Multifunctional game aid for preschoolers
Methodological development of the class hour “Take care of life!!!”
“Take care of your life and health” class hour (7th grade) on the topic “Take care of your life
Report from the class teacher on the topic “Adaptation of 5th grade”
Plan of educational work for grade 9 for the 2019-2020 academic year
Card of examination of a teacher-defectologist for a preschool child
Diagnostic card of a teacher - defectologist for the examination of children with mental retardation 6-7 years old Orientation
Methodological recommendations on the topic “Introducing older preschoolers to their hometown”
Relaxation exercises with children card index (senior group) on the topic
Exercises for relaxation EXERCISE “TRAVEL ON A CLOUD” PURPOSE: relaxation and development of imagination. DESCRIPTION OF THE EXERCISE:
Lesson plan for a literature lesson in 6th grade based on the work “Dubrovsky”
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