Rules of conduct in the theater, cinema, and concerts

The theater begins... no, not from the hanger. And not even from the front entrance and posters. The theater begins at home, with the choice of outfit, elegant shoes and a tea rose in hand. Theater is culture, art, celebration. Therefore, we learn the rules of behavior in the theater from early childhood, attending the first performances for young spectators.

Theater for a child is a fairy-tale world where a miracle, a fairy tale, and magic are born in a dark hall. You can and should go to the theater with your children, but it is very important to teach young spectators the basic rules of attending theater performances

Rules of behavior for children in the theater are needed, first of all, to teach them to respect other spectators , the performance of actors and those who clean the hall. The basic rules are based on maintaining silence, cleanliness and neatness of appearance. Although the requirements depend on the age of the children, they practically do not change.

The topic will be well complemented by the rules of conduct for schoolchildren in public places.

Preschooler in the theater - how to behave as a child

Theater is not only “adult” entertainment. For small audiences, each theater prepares its own separate repertoire. Children are warmly greeted by doll heroes, and children of older preschool age attend children's musical comedies and performances of drama theaters.

The first time a child goes to the theater is accompanied by his parents (grandmothers). It is their task to teach him what we call etiquette, but today these rules are for them:

  1. Tell your child in advance about the theater, what it is;
  2. Dress your child festively. The association “theater – holiday” should be firmly rooted in his memory. There is another meaning in this - when we are beautifully and festively dressed, we behave more gallantly and restrainedly;
  3. Take your child to the toilet before the performance starts;
  4. Never give him a phone or tablet during the performance;
  5. Make sure you have water, tissues or wet wipes on hand;
  6. If the child is small, he cannot always sit without a snack. If you take food with you, don't let it be crunchy cookies. To avoid rustling the wrapper or paper, first place the cookies in a small bag.

Rules of behavior in the forest for children


The culture of behavior in the theater can be instilled in preschool children only by personal example.

Rules of conduct in the cinema

Rules of behavior in society for schoolchildren

Etiquette for schoolchildren. Etiquette for girls

Rules of conduct in cinema

You really love watching various films on TV.

But going to the cinema is much more pleasant: a huge screen, powerful sound and... a romantic atmosphere evoke completely different feelings.

You can go to the cinema alone, with a friend or with your parents.

But that is not all. A young man may invite you to the cinema, so you should know for sure how to behave in this case.

Before continuing our conversation, we want to ask you one question: what will you do if already at the beginning of the film you understand that it did not live up to your expectations or that you have already seen it once?

1. Place your feet on the person sitting in front of you.

2. You put on a big shaggy hat and never take it off until the end of the film.

3. You will go for ice cream as often as possible.

4. Loudly inform everyone about the main events and tell you the ending of the film.

5. Watch to the end.

6. You will leave immediately.

7. You will be glad that you have the opportunity to chat with the neighbor on the right.

8. You will loudly gnaw nuts and rustle candy wrappers.

9. Move to the last row and sleep.

10. Call a friend and make an appointment at another cinema.

The rules of behavior in the cinema largely coincide with theater etiquette .

It just so happens that going to the cinema is considered a less formal event, which means the rules are not so strict.

Firstly , appearance. You don’t have to go to the cinema completely dressed up; you can even wear jeans. Just don’t forget that clothes should be clean and tidy.

Secondly, you are allowed to take popcorn or candy with you into the cinema, but you should not eat too loudly or litter.

It is not customary to clap at the cinema, nor is it customary to laugh loudly and comment on what is happening. In general, these rules apply not only to the cinema hall, but also to friendly movie watching at home.

Of course, by going to watch a movie with friends at someone’s home, you are freed from the need to buy tickets and communicate with strangers.

But in this case, too, you shouldn’t interfere with others watching the movie with your comments and jokes.

And it’s not at all good to say at the very beginning that you’ve already seen this film, and then tell in detail how it all ends.

At the cinema you:

1) don’t litter;

2) don't make noise;

3) do not behave provocatively;

4) do not comment on the film with the air of an expert;

5) and under no circumstances talk on the phone.

These are the basic rules. We hope that this information is useful to you.

And then you will often be invited to the cinema or theater, because it is better to go to any place in a pleasant company.

We recommend watching:

Rules of conduct at the hotel

Fashion, style, beauty for schoolchildren. Conversations about fashion, style and beauty with schoolchildren

Etiquette. Communication with peers. How to communicate correctly with peers

Etiquette for schoolchildren. Rules of conduct in the company

Rules of conduct in public transport

Behavior in the theater for a school-age child

School-age children are already quite old enough to understand what is good and what is bad. They are able to behave “like adults” in the theater, so the rules of conduct apply to them fully.

A neat appearance, elegant shoes (jeans and sneakers are bad taste), friendliness and courtesy are mandatory conditions.

How to behave as a child in the theater:

  1. Hand over outerwear to the cloakroom on a first-come, first-served basis. Do not push in line, do not try to “get ahead”. Pass the clothes over the side forward. Thank the cloakroom attendant;
  2. Visit the toilet before the start of the performance;
  3. Take your seat indicated on the ticket;
  4. Do not run around the auditorium before the performance begins;
  5. Do not get up from an occupied place unless necessary;
  6. Move along the auditorium facing the seats;
  7. Do not make noise or talk with a friend or with adults;
  8. Turn off your phone and do not take it out until the end of the performance;
  9. Do not eat during the performance;
  10. During the intermission, try to do everything you need to do: make a phone call, go to the toilet, have a snack and drink water;
  11. Do not leave the auditorium while the actors are on stage.

Video lesson for the little ones.

Rules of conduct in the theater, cinema, and concerts

It is very important not only for children, but also for adults to know the rules of behavior in the theatre, cinema and concerts. Since in our time there are also adults who do not behave very civilly at such events.

When going to a theater or concert hall, you must remember a very strict rule established by etiquette regarding the clothing in which you can visit such establishments. Take this seriously so as not to look like a black sheep among the people present there!

It is not customary to come to the theater in jeans and sneakers, much less in a tracksuit. Men usually wear a dark suit, light shirt and tie. Women, as is customary, come in evening dresses.

  1. You need to come to the theater or concert early so that you have enough time to get yourself in order, put your outerwear in the wardrobe, and just take a walk in the foyer.
  2. If your seat is in the middle of a row, try to take it early so as not to disturb those sitting at the front of the row. But if such a situation occurs, go facing those sitting, and do not forget to ask forgiveness for the disturbance.
  3. During the performance, do not talk to those sitting next to you and do not comment on what is happening - you can share your impressions during the intermission (during the break).
  4. It is bad form to eat or drink anything during a performance.
  5. It is better not to go to the theater if you have a cold. With your cough you will disturb both the audience and the performers, and you yourself will find yourself in an awkward situation.
  6. At a concert, do not sing along with the performer, understand that people did not come here to listen to you sing.
  7. At musical concerts, in order not to look stupid, do not rush to applaud if you do not know the piece of music very well, because a pause in the performance may not mean the end of the performance, but a break between parts.

The rules in the cinema are simpler than in the theatre. However, you still shouldn't relax too much. There is no need to turn the cinema hall into a dump of popcorn, candy papers and drink cans. Behave yourself.

  1. People usually don't take off their outerwear in the cinema. However, you must always be aware of the people sitting behind you. Take off your hat before you are asked to do so. Not only boys, but also girls should do this.
  2. If the person sitting in front did this for you, be sure to thank him.
  3. It is a sign of bad manners to predict what will happen in a film. Do not comment on what you see, do not express your opinion about the film and your attitude towards the characters as you watch. It bothers others. And if someone thinks differently, an argument or noisy discussion may arise, which has no place in a movie theater. Don't forget that people came to watch the film, not to listen to comments and arguments.

Visiting the theater has recently become increasingly popular, both among young people and adults. That is why it is very important to know the rules of conduct in the theater, like the multiplication table. After all, if a child behaves defiantly in the theater, this will certainly attract disapproving glances at his parents. In order not to blush and feel awkward, you need to teach your child these simple rules in a timely manner.

Rules of conduct in the video theater.

Rules of behavior in the video cinema.

Rules of conduct at a classical music concert video.

Going to the theater with the whole class - a reminder for students

We all know that one child always behaves better than in a large company of children like him who are cheerful, mischievous and ready for adventure. When parents are around, children try to behave better. It is much more difficult to accompany a whole class to the premiere. The responsibility is great, their desire to indulge is great - every teacher knows this. That’s why organization and discipline are so important.

Rules for safe behavior in spring for children

When organizing a class trip to the theater, it is very important for the teacher to have an educational conversation with students , explaining in detail and strictly how to behave in the theater. The best way to do this is to use a handout that can be printed and distributed to each student in advance.

Behavior in the theater for preschool children

Visiting the theater is an important event in the life of every person, especially for the first time. We need to explain to children what theater is, why it is needed and how to behave there. Basically, the rules of behavior do not change depending on age, but there are small characteristics of children that should be taken into account.

The following recommendations are most likely for parents:

  • It is necessary to take your child to the toilet in advance, because during the performance it will be difficult to pass without disturbing others.
  • Bring a snack because your little viewer will most likely not be able to sit for long without eating. But it should not be something crunchy, rustling or with a strong odor, because it may interfere with those around you from watching the performance.
  • Ask a young theatergoer if he wants to go to the theater, and if so, what performance. Always discuss the topic and the main characters of the play before going to a performance. When choosing a performance, be sure to consider its age category. An incorrectly chosen performance may not please the child, which will lead to whining, bad behavior, and so on.

Theater is literally a holiday. And time spent with the whole family is priceless. Children should be explained in advance about the norms of behavior and rules that cannot be broken. It is necessary to instill a love for the theater, but do not be upset if the child does not like it. Everything can come with age. Although children are small, their interests also need to be respected, and all relationships between an adult and a child are built on this.

Reminder of children's behavior in the theater

  • Prepare for going to the theater in advance. Dress clean and tidy. Don't take anything with you that might distract you;
  • On the way to the theater, always stay close to your comrades so that the teacher does not have to look for you;
  • Behave well in your wardrobe. Don’t jostle in line, don’t step on your comrades’ feet, don’t try to get ahead;
  • When presenting clothes to the cloakroom attendant, throw them over the side, after checking that there is nothing left in your pocket that you may need;
  • Help those who are shorter than you;
  • Make sure to do everything you need before the show starts. Getting up and leaving during a performance is bad manners;
  • Enter the auditorium no later than the third bell;
  • Take the seat indicated on your ticket. If a class has a reserved row, wait until the girls take their seats;
  • When walking along the auditorium, turn to face the people sitting;
  • Pick up your feet if someone passes along the row;
  • At the end of the performance, don’t run headlong into the wardrobe. Everyone will have time to get their things and leave.


  • Use cell phones during the performance, answer calls;
  • Eat and drink during the performance. You're not in a movie theater. There are actors in front of you, and they are playing for you. Respect their work;
  • Littering in the auditorium;
  • Make noise and talk with friends;
  • Leave your seat while the actors are still on stage.

Video presentation.

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