Conversation “Rules of behavior and social norms of society”

Class hour about the rules of behavior at school

The purpose of this lesson will be to become familiar with school rules.

with elementary school students , diluting it with thematic scenes, reading poetry (M. Tanich “Lesson of Behavior”, S. Marshak “A Memory for a Schoolchild”, Y. Akim “Oath of a Loser”, B. Zakhoder “Change! Change!” ), analysis of typical situations. As the lesson progresses, students, with the help of the teacher, write down a set of rules in the form of a table, which they can use in the future.

With high school students , you can conduct a class hour about the rules of behavior at school in the form of a presentation. Divide the class into several groups (for example, 4), give each group a task (for example, rules of behavior in the cafeteria, rules of behavior at recess), as well as a large list describing correct and incorrect actions. Based on the proposed material and their experience, each team must make a presentation-speech. In this way, students will update their knowledge about the culture of behavior and fill in the gaps. In the future, high school students can defend their projects in front of junior students.

Why are rules of conduct needed?

The presence of established norms is an excellent regulator of relationships between people .
Standard rules make it possible to eliminate daily conflicts and misunderstandings between participants, and to reduce quarrels and difficult situations to a minimum. We will talk below about why rules of behavior are needed and how important they are in modern society. The foundations and culture of behavior in public places that have been instilled in us since childhood greatly help every person in life. Often we don’t think about how to act correctly in certain situations. All actions and steps are performed automatically, according to a pattern familiar not only to us, but also to other participants. Without the existence of these norms, the functioning of a healthy society is impossible.

Class hour on rules of behavior in public places / on the street / on the road

It will be interesting to spend such a cool hour in a playful way and use your imagination. Topics could be “Going to the shopping mall. The stops for students will be certain tasks. For example, to move from one store to another you need to solve riddles. To drive from the cinema to the amusement park, you need to talk about the meaning of certain road signs. Of course, assignments are selected according to the topic of the class hour and the age of the students.

You can come up with a crossword puzzle or a quiz with questions about the rules of behavior in public places. It would be even better to choose an initiative group and give this task to it, so that the children will implement this small project directly during class.

conversation-instruction “Rules of conduct in public places”

Task to test knowledge of traffic rules

Everyone knows that road signs are an integral part of the rules of the road. How well do you know them? Count how many warning, prohibitory and prescriptive signs are in the picture.

Instructions "Road Rules"

1. Walk along the sidewalk only on the right side. If there is no sidewalk, walk along the left edge of the road, facing traffic.

2. Cross the road at the place where the pedestrian path is indicated or the traffic light is installed. Cross the road when the light is green.

3. When crossing the road, look first to the left, then to the right.

4. If there is no traffic light, cross the road at the intersection. You need to cross the street straight, not diagonally.

5. Do not cross the road in front of nearby vehicles.

6. Games on the roadway are strictly prohibited.

7. Do not ride a bicycle onto the roadway.

— Let us also remember the rules of behavior in transport.

Rules of conduct in transport:

1. When entering, do not interfere with passengers getting on the bus (tram, metro).

2. If there is free space, calmly take it.

3. Give up your seat to older people and women.

4 . Don't talk loudly to your friends in public transport.

5. Don’t litter in transport, don’t attract unnecessary attention from others.

— I would also like to remind you that the winter holidays are coming very soon and we

Instructions “Rules of conduct during the winter holidays”

1. Follow traffic rules.

2. Follow fire safety rules and handling electrical appliances.

3. Follow the rules of behavior in public places.

4. Follow the rules of personal safety on the street.

5. Follow the rules of behavior when you are alone at home.

6. Follow safety rules when handling animals.

7. Do not play with sharp, piercing, cutting, flammable or explosive objects, firearms, bladed weapons, or ammunition.

8. Do not take medications without a doctor’s prescription, drugs, alcoholic beverages, do not smoke or sniff toxic substances.

9. Beware of ice to avoid falls and injuries.

10. Do not play near buildings with snow and ice hanging from the roofs.

Knowledge test task

New Year is one of the most favorite holidays for children and adults. It has already become a tradition to arrange fireworks and set off fireworks on this holiday. Pyrotechnic products help make a holiday interesting, fun and memorable, but at the same time they pose a serious danger. You must always remember this and strictly follow safety rules. Read the statements. Consider whether they are true. If the statement is true, put a plus in the table; if not, put a minus. What sequence did you get?

Class hour on the topic “Home Alone”

Often parents have to leave their children at home alone. Before leaving, the phrase “Don’t open the door for anyone!” is considered a mandatory parting word. However, the child may also be in danger inside the apartment.

The teacher’s task will be to familiarize schoolchildren with safety rules in the house/apartment. This can be done through gaming or competitive moments. For example, invite students to break into groups and play the game “What to do?” Each team finds itself in an unpleasant situation and must find a way out of it. Tasks may include circumstances such as a TV fire, neighbors being flooded, or a stranger trying to break into an apartment.

And, of course, schoolchildren must remember, in addition to the rules of behavior, the emergency numbers - they have recently changed. They need to be put on the board or included in the presentation.

Etiquette in public places

For each cell of society, etiquette and culture of behavior in public places sets its own rules, and compliance with these norms can tell a lot about a person and society as a whole. It is customary to behave naturally in public places, showing sensitivity to others and providing them with all possible care. However, not only this is important to observe in society; for each place there is a certain set of rules developed over centuries.

On the street

Papers, candy wrappers and various types of garbage cannot simply be thrown away on the street; to do this, you need to find the nearest trash can.
If there isn’t one along the way, you can put the garbage in your pocket and throw it away at home. When walking along the street, you need to stay in such a way as not to hit or push passers-by walking towards you . When walking with a group along a path or park, you must stay free and be ready to let an oncoming pedestrian pass at any time. If you accidentally hurt someone, it is customary to immediately apologize.

If you unexpectedly meet an old acquaintance on the street and stop to talk to him, you should not stand in the middle of the sidewalk or block the passage to the store. If your companions do not know this person and conversations with him are not interesting, it is better to exchange phone numbers or arrange a personal meeting at a time convenient for you.

The rules of conduct in public places do not provide for loud conversation and showdowns It’s also rude to talk to someone you’re talking to who’s looking out of an upstairs window.

It is always customary to greet acquaintances, even if you have already met and communicated. When greeting, the woman nods slightly, and the man raises his hat or cap. However, this is not necessary to do in winter. Saying hello while holding a cigarette in your mouth or your hands in your pockets is also not acceptable.

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In public transport

Residents of large cities and megalopolises spend a significant amount of their lives in public transport. Peculiarities of behavior in transport are aimed at eliminating inconvenience for passengers of different ages. A certain set of rules applies here:

  • In a crowded vehicle, when making your way to the exit, it is not customary to push everyone away with your elbows.
  • When transporting luggage and large items, you should think about those around you: remove things from the aisle or place them on the floor.
  • There is no need to occupy two seats, one of which contains bulky bags. It is better to put them on your lap or leave them near the driver.
  • If you step on your foot, and this is difficult to avoid in crowded city transport, you need to politely apologize.
  • It is not customary to disturb other passengers by talking loudly to your interlocutor or on the phone .
  • Fellow travelers are treated politely, respectfully and never rudely.
  • A man of advanced age or a lady with heavy bags must be given a seat. You cannot stand in public transport and provide your child with a seat. A small baby is usually taken on one's lap. The growing boy will stand quietly and nearby.
  • It is also prohibited for children to climb with their feet onto the seat of any vehicle.
  • While holding the child in their arms, they carefully monitor the baby’s shoes and try not to dirty those around them.
  • When approaching a stop, they proceed to the exit in advance , changing places with other passengers.

Rules of conduct in public transport

In the theater, cinema, museum, library

How should one behave in a cinema, museum and other cultural places? Lateness is unacceptable and is considered a sign of disrespect for others.

Advice! When planning a trip to the cinema, theater, or circus, you should take into account traffic jams, road congestion and preferably leave the house earlier. It’s better to wait for the premiere to start in a nearby cafe with a cup of coffee than to be late and feel uncomfortable.

If this does happen, you should get to your place very carefully and quietly.
At the same time, remember that you need to move facing the viewer .
If others are late and you are already sitting in your seat, it is customary to get up and let them pass. Latecomers take their places between concert numbers or during breaks between stages. When watching a film or theatrical performance, it is customary to sit quietly and not cause discomfort to others. It is unacceptable to spin around in place or squeak your chair, as this greatly distracts your neighbors and disturbs them. If you come wearing a tall headdress or a wide-brimmed hat, it is better to take it off and not block the view of those sitting behind you.

Loud conversation and active hand gestures are unacceptable either in a cinema or in a museum. When attending a concert, it is not customary to hum along with the performer and beat the beat with your feet. If you don’t come alone, all conversations and impressions should be postponed until intermission.

It is not customary to eat or drink in the concert hall. The rustling of papers, bags, and food packaging is also unacceptable.

When coming to a concert or exhibition, the phone is switched to vibrate or turned off completely. If you still forgot to do this, if you receive an unexpected call, you should apologize to your neighbors and turn off the phone. In such cases the call is not answered.

When visiting a museum, it is customary to leave outerwear and large personal items in the wardrobe. They move carefully through the halls, trying not to touch or break anything. Loud conversations and active discussions of exhibits are also unacceptable.

After the end of the cultural program, there is no need to rush to the exit. It is customary to get up from your seats only after the end of the concert .

Rules of conduct in public places for younger schoolchildren do not require them to attend adult sessions. They will not understand the action on stage, and excessive activity may disturb those around them.

The rules of conduct in public places for self-study, such as the library, are very simple. When visiting the library, outerwear is left in the cloakroom. A quiet, calm atmosphere is maintained in the reading room . The cell phone is switched to vibration mode, and to answer the call you need to leave the room.

Books are handled very carefully, they are not thrown or folded over. It is not recommended to place open bottles of water, a glass of juice or a mug of tea on a table with books to avoid damage.

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In a cafe and restaurant

Upon entering a restaurant, visitors are most often greeted by the head waiter and escorted to their reserved table. In this case, the lady should move immediately behind him, and the man should follow. The head waiter helps the lady to sit down, the man chooses a seat on his own .

In cases where the restaurant does not have a head waiter, the following scheme is followed:

  • visitors find a free table themselves;
  • the man goes first and chooses a place, and the lady stays behind him;
  • the partner not only helps the lady take off her outerwear, but also puts it in the wardrobe himself;
  • the partner pushes the chair back and helps the lady sit down.

Seats at the table are chosen in such a way that the waiter can easily approach the seated lady and serve her.

Rules of behavior in the restaurant

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Doors, elevators, stairs

When entering a room, a man lets a woman pass first . When people of different age categories move, the younger ones give way to the older ones. If the passers-by are of the same age and position, the one closest to the door goes forward. A subordinate always gives way to his superior.

When moving towards each other, the one entering always lets the one leaving. A room equipped with a double door allows you to create two flows.

It is customary to say hello even to strangers in the elevator. If you are closest to the control buttons, it is worth asking your neighbors what floor they are going to. The etiquette of behavior in our country when traveling on the elevators of shopping centers, government agencies and other large organizations does not include greeting strangers .

However, if we consider the experience of foreign countries, where it is customary to greet everyone and in any situation, then in our case, greeting a stranger will be an excellent sign of politeness.

When going down the stairs, a man walks ahead, always ready to support the lady if she moves awkwardly. When lifting, the man stays behind . However, if the landing is not lit and the steps are not visible, the man goes first.

The side of stairs with railings is preferable for children, women and the elderly.

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Conversation “Behavior in Public Places”

Culture of behavior in public places

: Development of students’ skills to behave in accordance with moral standards, rules of conduct, and rules of etiquette.

Progress of the conversation

The problem of culture of behavior in public places remains relevant today. We often do not think that this or that situation requires a certain action, movement, phrase or gesture. The problem is that many people do not know these rules. This is understandable - it is difficult to remember all the rules of etiquette. Therefore, we want to voice at least some of them. The priority goal of etiquette is to make our lives as pleasant and safe as possible when communicating with each other, to smooth out all possible rough edges and unexpected offenses, and to warn us against accidental claims and troubles.

The idea of ​​a cultured person is connected not only with his education, success in work, knowledge and appearance, but also with his behavior. The most educated person cannot be considered cultured if he does not know the rules of behavior in public places, does not know how to behave, if he does not respect himself or the people around him.

And how often we are offended by petty inattention, rudeness and harshness of tone, sweeping and rollicking behavior, vulgar speech, inability to behave in a public place or at home at the table and many, many other manifestations of bad manners! We easily notice these shortcomings in others, but sometimes we do not know how to control ourselves, how important it is to be a truly well-mannered, polite person.

To be polite is not only to know the rules of politeness, politeness distinguishes a truly cultured person, it expresses a kind attitude and respect for people, the ability to take into account their convenience and interests.

A polite person can be polite in different ways. You can avoid doing things that are obviously unpleasant to others, and only: don’t make noise, don’t turn on the radio at full volume, don’t talk to your neighbors in the theater, don’t push passers-by on the street or on the bus.

But it’s even more important to actively demonstrate your desire to be polite - to give up your seat to an older person, to pick up a dropped object, to tell a visitor how to get around the city. Seeing off the old man. Behavioral manners serve as an outward expression of politeness.

Smartness, clarity in movements and gait, respect for other people's work and time, calmness in conversation, the ability to behave in a public place, at the table - all this indicates that a person has good manners. There is no need to be afraid of this word and think that “good manners” are prejudices that have disappeared into the realm of legend.

When good manners express a person’s inner culture, then they have nothing in common either with bourgeois affectation, which makes a person ashamed of any natural movement, or with ostentatious “aristocratic” gloss.

Many rules and manifestations of politeness originated in ancient times, were passed down from generation to generation, and sometimes lost their original meaning (for example, bowing), but those that are marked by goodwill, reasonableness and convenience have become our property, our custom.

Our cultural behavior and attitude towards the rules of behavior is the same as towards the entire cultural heritage of the past - to accept everything that is a genuine achievement of humanity, everything that serves progress, everything that improves people's lives.

Being polite is not a big deal, but it means a lot in people's interactions. No wonder the great Spanish writer Cervantes wrote: “Nothing costs us so little and is valued by people so dearly as politeness.”


The term “etiquette” (from the French etiquette) means the form, manner of behavior, rules of courtesy and politeness accepted in a particular society. Etiquette is a combination of formal rules of behavior in predetermined situations with common sense, the rationality of the content embedded in them.

The word "etiquette" became commonly used in the 17th century. Once, at a court reception during the reign of the French king Louis XIV, the guests were given cards that listed some acceptable rules of behavior. The word “etiquette” came from their French name, and later it entered the languages ​​of many countries. Rules of conduct arose a long time ago. As soon as people began to live together, the need for peaceful coexistence arose. Thus, in Homer’s “Odyssey”, in Egyptian and Roman manuscripts, the rules of good manners are already mentioned.

Relations between the sexes, superiors and subordinates, means of communication, and the reception of strangers were strictly regulated. Violation of these rules entailed exclusion from the social group. The ancient Greeks attached great importance to interstate relations; they actively developed diplomatic etiquette, creating a complex chain of necessary rituals. Then court etiquette arose. Each ruling dynasty created an elaborate ceremony around itself with a certain degree of solemnity. On the basis of court etiquette, only in a simpler form, general civil etiquette is formed.

So, etiquette began to take shape in ancient times, but it was during the Middle Ages that it acquired the features that we know today. In the 11th century, a social system of chivalry emerged, which subsequently spread throughout Europe. Chivalry had a huge impact on European etiquette and created countless new rituals and ceremonies around the feudal aristocracy. Etiquette in Western European countries developed under the great influence of local national customs and traditions. Thus, etiquette is a very large and important part of universal human culture, morality, morality. It has been developed over many centuries. There are practically no people who have not made their contribution to the world treasury of etiquette.

Many modern rules of behavior initially had a completely different meaning when they arose (as a rule, they originate from all sorts of rituals that permeated the life of ancient man). Some etiquette norms of the past have changed in such a way that it is difficult to trace their historical roots. Others simply disappeared, just as the phenomena that gave birth to them disappeared, but, one way or another, all the accepted rituals of behavior left their mark on the development of etiquette. It is believed that modern etiquette inherits the best customs of the past, the behavioral traditions of all peoples. But! One should remember the well-known relativity of etiquette requirements; they are not absolute: the conditions for their observance depend on the place, time, and circumstances. It often happens that behavior that is not acceptable in one place and under some circumstances may be quite appropriate in other conditions.

Let's remember why a man should walk down the street to the left of a woman. Just two or three hundred years ago, men had the rule of carrying a weapon on their left side - a saber, sword or dagger. To prevent this weapon from touching the woman, if she was nearby, they stood to her left. Now such an obstacle when walking with a lady is possible only among the military. But the custom, nevertheless, was preserved for everyone.

There are customs whose origin is almost impossible to find out. They, as they say, pass from generation to generation. But if they have been preserved unchanged, then it is hardly worth challenging the folk wisdom, thanks to which they were preserved. The most honored guests are given seats in the middle of the table, next to the hosts or opposite them. The owners always enter the house or apartment first, and then the guests, if they come together.

So, etiquette is a very large and important part of universal human culture, morality, morality. It has been developed over many centuries. There are practically no people who would not make their contribution to the world treasury of etiquette, albeit in accordance with their ideas about goodness, justice, and humanity.

But even the strictest adherence to faceless patterns of behavior is not the root of truly correct behavior; the main thing always remains a sincere, hospitable and kind attitude towards people. After all, if all the little details of etiquette are not supported by internal education and high morality, then it is unlikely that etiquette will be of much benefit to the people around us.

Rules of behavior in public places

Public places. Today you can rarely see a picture where, standing near an open door, two people persuade each other: “Please come in” - “No, please, you come in.” Usually, when we are allowed to go ahead, we go through without unnecessary ceremony. And, in principle, this is correct. Traditionally, the man lets the woman pass first; the younger one gives way to the older one; subordinate to the boss. Of two people of equal age occupying the same position, the one closest to the door passes first.

If you brought a guest to your house. The hostess enters first, followed by the guest. If the owner is a man, the guest enters first. Well, what if he doesn’t know the way or it’s dark outside the door? In this case, the owner enters first, saying: “Let me show you around” or: “Please follow me.” The same should be done if the guest is a woman.

Ladder. Previously, it was customary for a man, when going up the stairs with a woman, to walk in front of her. At present, a slightly different order has been determined: it is advisable and therefore justified for a man to strive to get ahead of a lady only in cases where the stairs are dark, steep or shaky. If circumstances are different, the woman leads the way. When descending, the man goes first, followed by the woman. If someone politely gives way to you as they pass by, either bow slightly or say, “Thank you.” If you are on a narrow staircase and an elderly person, a boss or a lady is walking towards you, you need to pause and take a small step to the side, allowing the person coming to pass.

When a man and a woman walking in different directions collide on the stairs, the woman is not obliged to move away from the railing, even if this is contrary to the rule of “right-hand traffic”; the sides of the stairs with the railing are the privilege of the weaker sex, the elderly and children.

Shop. At the doors of a store or institution, first let those leaving, and only then enter yourself, this way you will not cause a “traffic jam” to form inside the room. In large stores or other mass service establishments, a man may not take off his headdress. However, where the client is being served individually, it is useful not to forget to take off your hat and say hello to the person who will be dealing with you. When making a purchase in a store, it is worth remembering not to tire the seller with petty whims or prolonged indecision.

When approaching the checkout, you need to have an approximate amount of money ready for the purchase, and not look for it in your wallet or pockets at the last moment.

Transport. Before entering the vehicle, give the opportunity to exit it. Stand so as not to disturb exiting passengers. When traveling on public transport with a lady, the man enters after her, but gets out first and offers his hand to his companion. Usually everyone pays for the fare themselves, but a man, on his own initiative, can pay for the fare of his good friend. Decency obliges him to give way to a tired mother with a small or infant child, a pregnant woman, an old man or a disabled person, a woman with a heavy bag or an acquaintance. In relation to young, healthy strangers, such a gesture is voluntary politeness. The woman who was given her seat should immediately thank her for this. A young girl can give way to an elderly relative. You should not talk loudly in public transport, laugh, or play music. It is absolutely unacceptable to be in transport with ice cream or an open bottle. You cannot stand in the doorway, interfering with the entry and exit of other passengers. If you cannot hand over money for travel or validate a ticket yourself, ask others to do it. It is indecent to look over your shoulder at a book, newspaper or magazine that another passenger is reading. It is indecent to stare at your fellow travelers. In transport, you should try not to step on people’s feet, not to lean on the person standing next to you, and not to push him in the back. If one of the passengers accidentally touched another, you must apologize. When exiting a vehicle, a man must get out first and then help his companion.

Conversation. Boys or girls over 18 years of age should be addressed as “you.” It is also important to control your voice, because it may well reveal your well-being, mood, thoughts that you would like to hide. Speech should not be too loud, otherwise you may embarrass yourself.

Good manners require that we avoid conversations that are unpleasant to the interlocutor or that make him despondent. To become a conversational ace, first of all, you need to learn several rules: in a conversation you need to avoid loud “I”; consider the interests of others and hide one's own identity. It is very indecent to speak to someone in a language unfamiliar to the rest of society. You should show courtesy and delicacy if a third opponent intervenes in your conversation, and the topic of the conversation is purely intimate.

It is also important to control your voice (you can resort to the help of a specialist), because it may well reveal your well-being, mood, thoughts that you would like to hide. In a state of stress, it is even harder to speak, rapid intermittent breathing and trembling in the voice interfere, so it is also important to control your breathing.

Think about it, do you speak quickly? If so, how clearly? Clear? Okay, but do you know how to correctly place pauses in a conversation? Why are pauses needed? It's very simple - pauses are a sign of good manners. Pauses should be long enough for your interlocutors to think about what was said. If you speak slowly and don't pause, you risk boring the other person. Every word in a conversation should be distinct and understandable to the interlocutor.

In society they talk about everything, but do not delve into the issues, do not analyze any subject comprehensively, but discuss briefly, but not superficially. You should not show that the conversation is boring or tires you, or that you would like to talk with others, you should not look in the other direction during a conversation or look at your watch, your hands should be in a calm state, and it is not permissible to twirl objects.

Remember that in any society your behavior should be natural. Pretense is the enemy of any engaging conversation. In order to feel easy and at ease when communicating with strangers, in order to start a conversation without effort and freely conduct it (and not just assent), certain preparation is necessary.

What to talk about with a person you don’t know well when mutual silence becomes uncomfortable? That's right - about the weather! This is a topic that interests everyone to one degree or another, it is safe and conflict-free. Uninteresting? It's right. But it’s not at all necessary to start talking about something serious right away. This may seem pretentious.

In a conversation, it is better not to touch upon personal problems, not to persuade your partner to do so, and not to talk confidentially about yourself. When the weather topic is exhausted, you can talk, for example, about television, newspaper news, sports. In the end, there will definitely be a question that can captivate both interlocutors. You should be careful when using different variations of words from youth slang.

Know how to listen! Do you know how? But as? Be silent, looking at your interlocutor with “empty eyes” that reflect your own concerns. This is not the same at all! You should look at the interlocutor with interest and from time to time insert some comments that will indicate that you understand what is being said. While someone is talking to you, it is ugly to rummage in your bag, rummage through your own pockets, glance at the TV, catch your heavenly beauty in the mirror opposite. If you have already heard the story once, it is better to immediately say: “I know, I heard it,” than to interrupt in mid-sentence in impatience. A polite person rarely interrupts someone else's story, even if he has heard it a good hundred times.

In a friendly discussion there is no place, for example, for such expressions: “It’s not true!”, “What?!”, “I won’t understand you!” After all, you can say the same thing in a different way: “But it seems to me that...”, “Sorry, I didn’t hear...”,

Don't interrupt when someone is speaking, especially if they are elderly. Don't correct someone's mispronounced foreign word. You should not suggest words to the narrator, finish his sentence for him, and, especially, correct stylistic errors out loud.

In general, try not to make any comments to adults. Young people can sometimes afford this among themselves, but only in a friendly manner.

Address and greeting According to etiquette, you need to greet a person with the words: “Hello!” "Good morning!" "Good afternoon!" "Good evening!" When greeting, you should not lower your eyes; you need to meet the gaze of the person you are greeting. But the persistent gaze of someone else is felt by a person even if he is sitting with his side or back to you. Therefore, you should not “hypnotize” anyone. It is considered indecent to stare at a person while he is eating, to gaze at unfamiliar women for a long time, or to look at the person being introduced to you. Intonation is very important. A greeting expressed in a rude or dry tone may offend the person you are greeting. You need to greet people warmly and friendly. And adding a smile to your greeting will improve your overall mood. And don’t forget about a bow, a nod of the head, a handshake, a hug, a kiss on the hand - choose any one based on the circumstances. Only the closest friends are addressed as "you".

Everyone else (older people, unfamiliar peers) is addressed as “you.” It is not customary to say hello across a threshold, across a table, or through any partition. A handshake is a traditional, symbolic greeting gesture. Give your hand with a free, confident gesture. The squeeze should be short.

But you also shouldn’t shake your partner’s hand with all your might, shaking it in the air several times. If you notice an acquaintance in the distance and if you are also noticed, then you need to greet the acquaintance with a nod of the head, a wave of the hand, a bow, a smile. You shouldn't shout at the top of your voice! If you see a friend approaching you, there is no need to shout “hello!” from afar.

Wait until the distance between you is reduced to a few steps. You definitely need to greet those people you often meet, even if you don’t know them, for example, the salesperson at the nearest store, the postman, or neighbors from the front door.

Telephone The advantages of a mobile phone cannot be overestimated. And yet, in certain situations it can create inconvenience and even cause annoyance. With a phone in your pocket you can be in a public place, in a restaurant, in a hairdresser; but in a cinema, a theatre, or during a concert, it will be an undoubted nuisance - in such places you need to turn it off completely or turn on vibration instead of a sound signal.

. Children and teenagers are prohibited from:

Disturb the peace and quiet of citizens from 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.

Intentionally cause minor bodily harm or battery.

Smoking in public places (schools, colleges, on their territory, in libraries, shops, in the entrances of residential buildings, in public transport)

Throw any objects from the balconies of multi-story buildings, from the windows of houses and vehicles.

Use narcotic drugs without a doctor’s prescription in public, office and utility rooms.

Dispose of garbage and other waste in unauthorized places.

Breaking bushes and trees.

Selling alcoholic beverages and cigarettes to minors.

Minors (under 16 years old) must be outside without adult supervision in winter no later than 21-00, in summer - no later than 22-00.

For an administrative violation committed by minors under 16 years of age, police officers draw up a report on the parents (or persons replacing them) and send it to the Commission on Minors for consideration to take administrative measures.


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-What did you like most?

Guys, this is the end of our conversation, follow the rules of conduct in public places.

Children's behavior in public places

The culture of behavior in public places is laid down from childhood .
Teaching children the basic basics of politeness should happen naturally, and learning should begin from the first years of a child’s life. The rules of behavior in public places for schoolchildren and young children are no different from adults:

  • Screaming and noise in public places are prohibited;
  • cleanliness and order are encouraged;
  • Requires careful handling of public and other people's property.

Attention! Before visiting any crowded place with your child for the first time, you should first have a conversation. It will tell you in detail about how to behave in crowded public places, how to act in certain cases, and what actions will be unacceptable.

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