Experience and advice
The concept of a daily routine A daily routine is a measured and consistent routine for the entire
summary + presentation Life of an Egyptian nobleman (Slide 1) Most of all we know not about the life of ordinary people
Work program on ODNKNR for grades 5-6 Municipal educational autonomous institution “Secondary school”
Summary of a lesson in mathematics in the preparatory group Municipal budgetary educational institution "Bekhteevskaya secondary general education
What is human memory? The concept of memory as a psychological process. Mnemonic processes. Types of mnemonic processes.
Methodological development of a biology lesson on the topic: “Plant respiration” Republic of Adygea, Maykop, MBOU “Lyceum”
Thematic planning “Theater Week” in the 2nd junior group material (junior group) on the topic Cognition:
All parents of preschoolers, as their child grows up, begin to think about how to introduce their daughter or
The main task of games during this period is the formation of emotional contact and children’s trust in the teacher.
Soap bubble show for a child's birthday For a children's party, a soap bubble show looks