Lesson summary of ORKSE, topic “Friendship and Decency” lesson plan on the topic

Work program on ODNKNR for grades 5-6

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Work program on the subject

foundations of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia

at the level of basic general education

2020 – 2022

Work program for the academic subject “Fundamentals of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia”

5 - 6 grades

Program structure

  1. Planned results.
  2. Contents of the subject.
  3. Thematic planning.
  4. Evaluation materials

1. Planned results

At the second stage of school education, in the course of mastering the content of a given academic subject, conditions are provided for students to achieve personal, meta-subject and subject results.

5th grade

Personal results are presented in two groups. The first reflects the changes that must occur in the personality of the subject of learning. This:

— readiness for moral self-development; the ability to evaluate one’s actions and relationships with peers;

— a fairly high level of educational motivation, self-control and self-esteem;

— personal qualities that allow one to successfully carry out various activities and interact with its participants.

Another group of goals conveys the social position of the student, the formation of his value view of the world around him:

— formation of the foundations of Russian civic identity, patriotism, understanding of the special role of multinational Russia in the modern world;

— fostering a sense of pride in one’s Motherland, the Russian people and the history of Russia; formation of values ​​of multinational Russian society;

- fostering a respectful attitude towards one’s country, its history, love for one’s native land, one’s family, humane attitude, tolerance towards people, regardless of their age, nationality, religion;

- understanding the role of a person in society, accepting norms of moral behavior, correct interaction with adults and peers, a conscious and responsible attitude towards one’s own actions;

— formation of aesthetic needs, values ​​and feelings.

Meta-subject results determine the range of universal educational actions of various types (cognitive, communicative, reflective, informational), which are successfully formed by the means of a given subject. Among them:

- mastery of communicative activities, active and adequate use of speech means to solve communication problems, taking into account the characteristics of the interlocutors and the communication situation (willingness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue);

- express your opinion and argue your point of view, evaluate events presented in texts of different types and genres);

— mastering the skills of semantic reading of texts of various styles and genres, including religious ones;

— ability to work with information presented in different forms and forms;

— mastery of methods of cognition, logical actions and operations (comparison, analysis, generalization, reasoning);

— mastering ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature;

— the ability to organize educational cooperation and joint activities with the teacher and peers; work individually and in a group: find a common solution and resolve conflicts based on coordinating positions and taking into account interests; formulate, argue and defend your opinion;

— the ability to build joint activities in accordance with the educational task and the culture of collective work.

Subject learning outcomes are aimed at solving, first of all, educational tasks:

— awareness of the integrity of the surrounding world, expanding knowledge about Russian multinational culture, the characteristics of traditional religions of Russia;

— nurturing the ability for spiritual development, moral self-improvement; fostering religious tolerance, respectful attitude towards religious feelings, views of people or their absence;

- knowledge of basic moral norms, moral, spiritual ideals preserved in the cultural traditions of the peoples of Russia, readiness on their basis for conscious self-restraint in actions, behavior, wasteful consumerism;

— formation of ideas about the foundations of the culture of traditional religions, their role in the development of culture and history of Russia and humanity, in the formation of civil society and Russian statehood;

— understanding the meaning of morality, faith and religion in human life, family and society;

— formation of ideas about the historical role of traditional religions and civil society in the formation of Russian statehood;

— use of acquired knowledge in productive and transformative activities; ability to work with information presented by different means;

— expanding the student’s horizons and cultural experience, developing the ability to perceive the world not only rationally, but also figuratively.

Students will learn:

- reproduce the information received, give examples from the texts read; - evaluate the main idea of ​​the texts read and the teacher’s explanations listened to;

- compare the main idea of ​​literary, folklore and religious texts;

- draw analogies between the characters, compare their behavior with universal spiritual and moral values;

— participate in the dialogue: express your opinions, analyze the statements of the participants in the conversation, add, provide evidence;

- create a verbal portrait of the hero based on images (art canvases, icons, illustrations);

- evaluate the actions of real persons, heroes of works, statements

famous personalities;

— work with a historical map: find objects in accordance with the educational task.

— use information obtained from different sources to solve educational and practical problems; — make assumptions about the consequences of incorrect (immoral) human behavior;

- evaluate your actions, correlating them with the rules of morality and ethics;

- outline ways of self-development;

- work with historical sources and documents.

Students will have the opportunity to learn:

- plan and organize your educational and communicative activities in accordance with the objectives of studying the subject, types of educational and homework, in interaction with classmates and adults;

- formulate and express your own opinion, argue your point of view, listen and discuss different views and assessments, conduct a constructive dialogue;

- work in a team;

- be able to search for basic and additional information in educational and popular science literature, the Internet, libraries and museums, process it in accordance with the topic and cognitive tasks, present the results of their creative search work;

— solve creative and problematic problems, develop logical thinking;

- develop speech; culture of behavior, responsible attitude towards one’s actions.

2. The main content of the academic subject.

5th grade

In the world of culture.

The greatness of Russian culture . Russian culture is the fruit of the efforts of different peoples. Workers of science and culture - representatives of different nationalities (K. Bryullov, I. Repin, K. Stanislavsky, Sh. Aleichem, G. Ulanova, D. Shostakovich, R. Gamzatov, L. Likhachev, S. Erzya, Yu. Rytheu and others .). Scientists, literary and artistic figures of Russia at different historical times and eras made a great contribution to world culture. The achievements of different peoples are concentrated in Russian culture. Multinational culture contributes to strengthening friendship and good neighborliness among peoples.

Man is the creator and bearer of culture . Without culture, human life is impossible. The contribution of an individual to culture depends on his talent, abilities, and perseverance. Moral laws are part of the culture of society. Sources that create moral attitudes. In the course of his life, a person assimilates culture and contributes to it. A person’s contribution to culture depends on his talent, abilities, and perseverance. Moral laws are part of the culture of society.

Moral values ​​of the Russian people.

“Take care of your native land like your beloved mother.” Ideas about patriotism in the folklore of different nations. Heroes of the national epic of different nations (Ulyp, Siyazhar, Bootur, Ural-Batyr, etc.). Ancient legends, sacred books, proverbs and sayings of different peoples of Russia about the defense of the Motherland . Examples of heroism and patriotism presented in epic images.

Life is full of military feats . Real examples of the expression of patriotic feelings in the history of Russia (Dmitry Donskoy, Kuzma Minin, Ivan Susanin, Nadezhda Durova, etc.). Figures of different faiths are patriots (Sergius of Radonezh, Rabbi Shneur-Zalman, etc.). The contribution of the peoples of our country to the victory over fascism. Heroic pages of the history of our country. The rise of patriotic feelings of Russians in the era of liberation wars. Examples of heroism. Participation of the church and clergy in organizing the defense of the Fatherland.

The beauty of man lies in work . The theme of labor in the folklore of different peoples (fairy tales, legends, proverbs). Diligence as a moral quality of a person, the basis of work activity.

“The fruit of good labor is glorious...” Buddhism, Islam, Christianity are about work and hard work.

People of labor . Examples of the selfless work of people of different nationalities for the benefit of their homeland (explorers, scientists, travelers, collective farmers, etc.). In any historical era, any nation has people who, through glorious work and exploits, contributed to the development of the culture of society.

Respect for nature . The animation of nature by our ancestors . The role of nature reserves in the conservation of natural objects. Nature reserves on the map of Russia. Not knowing the laws of nature, people in ancient times animated and deified natural phenomena. Why should modern man treat nature with care and rationality?

Family is the custodian of spiritual values . The role of family in human life. Love, sincerity, sympathy, mutual assistance and support are the main family values. About love and mercy in different religions. Family values ​​in Orthodoxy, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism . Relationships between family members. Reflection of family values ​​in the folklore of different nations. The family is the first work collective. The family is the first “school” where a child receives moral lessons. Knowing the history of your family, its customs and traditions is the key to interest in the cultural traditions of the Russian people.

Religion and culture.

The role of religion in the development of culture . The contribution of religion to the development of material and spiritual culture of society. The use of religious images and plots in art and literature. Religious holidays, places of worship (revival of existing performances).

Cultural heritage of Christian Russia . The adoption of Christianity in Rus', the influence of Byzantium. Ancient Rus' after the adoption of Christianity. Christian faith and education in Ancient Rus'. The Grand Dukes of Ancient Rus' and their influence on the development of education. Orthodox church (external features, interior decoration). Spiritual music. Liturgical hymn. Bell ringing. Features of the Orthodox calendar. The influence of the church on the education and culture of the people. Historical figures who influenced the development of Russian culture.

Culture of Islam . The emergence of Islam. The first centuries of Islam (VII-XII centuries) are the golden time of Islamic culture. The role of Islam in the development of world culture. The Art, Literature and Architecture of Islam . Advances in education and science. The contribution of Muslim literature to the treasury of world culture. Decorative and applied arts of peoples professing Islam. The mosque is part of Islamic culture. Islamic calendar.

Judaism and Culture . The emergence of Judaism. Torah – Pentateuch of Moses. A synagogue is a Jewish house of worship. Features of the interior decoration of the synagogue. The sacred history of the Jews in the subjects of world painting. Jewish calendar.

Cultural Traditions of Buddhism . The emergence of Buddhism. The spread of Buddhism in Russia. Peoples of Russia professing Buddhism. Buddhist religious buildings: stupa, pagoda. Buddhist monasteries. Tank art. Buddhist calendar.

How to preserve spiritual values.

The state's concern for the preservation of spiritual values . Constitutional guarantees of the right of a citizen to profess any religion. Restoration of monuments of spiritual culture, protection of historical monuments associated with different religions. The state takes care of the preservation of spiritual culture and its development. Mutual assistance and support from the state, public and religious organizations. Restoration of religious cultural monuments on Russian territory.

Preserve the memory of ancestors . Respect for the work, customs, and faith of ancestors. Examples of charity from Russian history. Famous philanthropists of Russia. Charity as a spiritual and moral value.

Your spiritual world.

What makes up your spiritual world . A person’s education, his interests, hobbies, sympathies, joys, and moral qualities of a person are components of the spiritual world. Moral qualities . Culture of human behavior . Etiquette in different life situations. What makes up your spiritual world? The culture of behavior of modern man. Rules of good manners.

6th grade

Religion, tradition, traditional religions.

Traditional religions of Russia are an inexhaustible source of spiritual wealth for every Russian.

Orthodoxy in the history and culture of Russia.

Orthodoxy in Ancient Russia. The Baptism of Rus' and the pre-Christian traditions of the Russian people. Kyiv is the center of Orthodoxy in Ancient Rus'. The significance of Kyiv for the Orthodox in Russia. Russian monasticism. Metropolitan Hilarion. Anthony and Theodosius of Pechersk. Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

“Teaching ” by Vladimir Monomakh . Vladimir Monomakh is an Orthodox Christian. “Teaching” of Monomakh and his Christian moral ideal. The Orthodox Church and the Mongol invasion. The invasion of Rus' by the Mongols, the destruction of Kyiv and its Orthodox shrines. Transfer of the metropolitan throne from Kyiv to Vladimir, and from there to Moscow. Metropolitan Peter. Russian Church and the Golden Horde. The Russian Orthodox Church is a stronghold of the unity of Russian lands. Help of the Church to the Moscow princes in strengthening the state and collecting Russian lands.

Orthodoxy in Moscow Russia . Metropolitan Alexy and his covenants to the Orthodox. Union of Florence. Establishment of autocephaly of the Russian Church.

Nil Sarovsky and Joseph Volotsky . Josephites and non-possessors. The Christian's attitude towards wealth.

Orthodoxy in the Russian kingdom. Establishment of the patriarchate in Russia. Metropolitan Philip and Tsar Ivan the Terrible. Civil and Christian feat of Patriarch Hermogenes. The desire of the royal government to limit the influence of the Church. Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and Patriarch Nikon.

Testaments of the Optina Elders . Liquidation of the patriarchate under Peter I. Restriction of church land ownership by Catherine II. Preserving the role of Christianity in the spiritual enlightenment of the people. Elders. Ambrose of Optina and his testaments to Orthodox Christians. The commandment is “do not judge and you will not be judged.”

Orthodoxy in Soviet Russia . Revolution and persecution of the Church. Restoration of the patriarchate. Holy Bishop Luke and his spiritual feat. Patriotism and sacrifice in the name of the Fatherland of the Russian Church during the Great Patriotic War. Patriotism is an obligatory quality of an Orthodox Christian.

Orthodoxy in modern Russia . The collapse of the communist system and the end of the persecution of the Church. The Russian Orthodox Church in modern Russia, its participation in public life and the preaching of Christian morality. Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia and its reunification with the Russian Orthodox Church. Patriarch Kirill on the importance of preserving the ideals of goodness and justice in modern society. Alexandro - Nevsky Cathedral is the main temple of Stary Oskol. Orthodoxy in the history and culture of Russia.

Orthodoxy in the traditions of the peoples of Russia.

Orthodoxy in the traditions of the Russian people. Orthodoxy in the everyday life of Russian people. Baptism and godparents. Name day. Funeral ceremony for the deceased. Proverbs and sayings of a religious nature.

Calendar and Orthodox holidays . Traditional occupations of the Russian population and Christian holidays. Transfiguration of the Lord (Apple Savior).

Orthodoxy and traditional values ​​of the Russian people . The Orthodox faith is the basis of cultural and civil self-identification in ancient times. Afanasy Nikitin. Loyalty to friend and friendship in Orthodoxy. Mercy in Orthodoxy. Ulyana Osorina.

Home and family in Orthodoxy . Veneration at home among the Orthodox. The red corner and the care of the house owners about it. Orthodox reverence for marriage and family. Love for children and respect for parents.

Saints Peter and Fevronia . Saints Peter and Fevronia are an example of marital fidelity and patrons of family and marriage. Memorial Day of Saints Peter and Fevronia is the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. Orthodoxy in the traditions of the peoples of Russia.

Islam in the history and culture of the peoples of Russia.

Ancient history of Islam on the territory of Russia . The penetration of Islam into Russia. The emergence of Islam in the Middle Volga region. The embassy of the Bulgarian king Almush and his conversion to Islam. Tolerance in the Golden Horde. Establishment of Islam in the Horde. Islam in the states - heirs of the Golden Horde: Kazan, Astrakhan, Siberian and other khanates.

Muslim is not in Russia . Entry of Muslim peoples into Russia. The Russian government's tolerance towards Islam. The emergence of Muslim organizations and madrassas in Russia. "Union of Muslims". The fight against Islam in the USSR.

Islam in modern Russia . Muslim peoples of Russia. The revival of Islam in our country after 1991. Muslim religious education. Muslim organizations in modern Russia.

Muslim Values ​​and Ideals . The role of Islam in the development of charity, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, preservation of interethnic and interfaith peace and harmony in Russian society.

Home and family in Islam . Family - Muslim home school. Honoring parents in Islam. Respect for mother. The role of the father in a Muslim family. Relationships between brothers and sisters. Family relations in Muslim families. Islam in the history and culture of the peoples of Russia.

Judaism in the history and culture of the Jewish people

The emergence and development of Judaism in Russia . The emergence of Jewish communities in Ancient Rus'. The resettlement of Jews in the western lands of the Russian Empire. Their relations with the authorities. Religious education among the Jews.

Judaism in the Russian Empire . Judaism in the USSR. Restriction of the rights of Jews and the gradual weakening of these restrictions. Moscow Choral Synagogue Revolution of 1917 and the abolition of restrictions for Jews. Repressions against them in the USSR. Jews of the Soviet Union and the Great Patriotic War. The tragedy of the Holocaust.

Judaism in modern Russia . The revival of Judaism after 1991. Modern Jewish organizations in Russia. The role of the Jewish clergy in promoting religious tolerance and mutual understanding of different cultures in Russian society.

Judaism in the culture and traditions of the Jewish people . The role of Judaism in preserving the culture and traditions of the Jewish people. Honoring family in Judaism. Jewish attitude towards marriage and family. Love for children and respect for parents. Mutual support and assistance in the Jewish community. Charity is the main characteristic of a Jew. Judaism in the history and culture of the Jewish people.

Buddhism in the culture and traditions of the peoples of Russia.

The emergence and development of Buddhism in Russia. Tibetan Buddhism. Tibetan Buddhism (Gelug school) is a Mahayana movement. Lama in Tibetan Buddhism. The Dalai Lama is the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhists.

The spread of Buddhism among the peoples of Russia . Spread of Tibetan Buddhism in Russia. Adoption of Buddhism by Kalmyks. Khurul is a Buddhist temple among the Kalmyks. Khosheutovsky khurul is a monument to the military glory of the Russian people. Buddhism in Buryatia. Dagan is a Buddhist temple among the Buryats. Datsan is a Buddhist monastery among the Buryats. Buddhism in Tuva. Khure is a Tuvan Buddhist temple. Agvan Dorzhiev is an outstanding leader of Russian Buddhists.

Buddhism in the USSR . The revolution of 1917 and the reforms of Russian Buddhists led by Agvan Dorzhiev. Persecution of Buddhism in the USSR. Patriotic position of Russian Buddhists during the Great Patriotic War.

Buddhism in modern Russia . Modern Buddhist organizations in Russia. The role of Russian Buddhists in establishing kindness, mercy and love for one’s neighbor in Russian society.

Buddhism in the culture and traditions of the peoples of Russia . The role of Buddhism in the preservation and development of the cultural traditions of the indigenous peoples of Russia. Buddhism and family. The role of lamas among the Buddhist peoples of Russia. White Month is an important holiday of Russian Buddhists and the customs and legends associated with it. The ritual of burning a magic cone - rubbish. The Thousand Lamp Festival commemorates Tsonghawa, the founder of the Gelug school. The role of the holiday in the family and folk traditions of Kalmyks, Buryats and Tuvans. Tsam is a festive mystery. Buddhism in the history and culture of the peoples of Russia.

Traditional religions of Russia. The role of traditional religions of Russia in establishing in our country the ideals of kindness, justice, truth, peace and harmony, love for one’s neighbor, respect for family, patriotism, fidelity to duty and friendship.

3. Thematic planning

Thematic planning on the basics of spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia in 5th grade

Lesson no. Section topic Lesson topic Number


Class date
Calendar Actual
In the world of culture. The greatness of multinational Russian culture. 1 5a

5 B





The greatness of multinational Russian culture. 1 5a

5 B





Man is the creator and bearer of culture. 1 5a

5 B





Moral values ​​of the Russian people. “Take care of your native land like a beloved mother.” 1 5a

5 B





Ancient legends, sacred books, proverbs and sayings of different peoples of Russia about the defense of the Motherland. 1 5a

5 B





Life is full of military feats. 1 5a

5 B





Figures of different faiths are patriots. 1 5a

5 B





The beauty of man lies in work. 1 5a

5 B





“The fruit of good labor is glorious.” 1 5a

5 B





Labor people. 1 5a

5 B





Labor people. 1 5a

5 B





Respect for nature. 1 5a

5 B





The animation of nature by our ancestors. 1 5a

5 B





The family is the custodian of spiritual values. 1 5a

5 B





The family is the custodian of spiritual values. 1 5a

5 B





Family values ​​in Orthodoxy, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism. 1 5a

5 B





Family values ​​in Orthodoxy, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism. 1 5a

5 B





Religion and culture. The role of religion in the development of culture. 1 5a

5 B





The use of religious images and plots in art and literature. 1 5a

5 B





Cultural heritage of Christian Rus'. 1 5a

5 B





Cultural heritage of Christian Rus'. 1 5a

5 B





Cultural heritage of Christian Rus'. 1 5a

5 B





Culture of Islam. 1 5a

5 B





Art, literature and architecture of Islam. 1 5a

5 B





Judaism and culture. 1 5a

5 B





Judaism and culture. 1 5a

5 B





Cultural traditions of Buddhism. 1 5a

5 B





Cultural traditions of Buddhism. 1 5a

5 B





How to preserve spiritual values. The state's concern for the preservation of spiritual values. 1 5a

5 B





The state's concern for the preservation of spiritual values. 1 5a

5 B





Preserve the memory of ancestors. 1 5a

5 B





Keep the memory of ancestors 1 5a

5 B





Interim certification. Project protection. 1 5a

5 B





Your spiritual world. What makes up your spiritual world. 1 5a

5 B





Culture of human behavior. 1 5a

5 B





Thematic planning on the basics of spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia in 6th grade

Lesson no. Section topic Lesson topic Number


Class date
Calendar Actual
Religion, tradition, traditional religions. Traditional religions of Russia. 1 6a





Orthodoxy in the history and culture of Russia. Orthodoxy in Ancient Rus'. 1 6a





"Teaching" by Vladimir Monomakh. 1 6a





Orthodoxy in Muscovite Rus'. 1 6a





Nil Sarovsky and Joseph Volotsky. 1 6a





Orthodoxy in the Russian Kingdom. 1 6a





Testaments of the Optina elders. 1 6a





Orthodoxy in Soviet Russia. 1 6a





Orthodoxy in modern Russia. 1 6a





Orthodoxy in the history and culture of Russia. 1 6a





Orthodoxy in the traditions of the peoples of Russia. Orthodoxy in the traditions of the Russian people. 1 6a





Orthodoxy and traditional values ​​of the Russian people. 1 6a





Calendar and Orthodox holidays. 1 6a





Home and family in Orthodoxy. 1 6a





Saints Peter and Fevronia. 1 6a





Islam in the history and culture of the peoples of Russia. Ancient history of Islam on the territory of Russia. 1 6a





Muslims in Russia. 1 6a





Islam in modern Russia. 1 6a





Muslim values ​​and ideals. 1 6a





Home and family in Islam. 1 6a





Islam in the history and culture of the peoples of Russia. 1 6a





Judaism in the history and culture of the Jewish people. The emergence and development of Judaism in Russia. 1 6a





Judaism in the Russian Empire. 1 6a





Judaism in the USSR. 1 6a





Judaism in modern Russia. 1 6a





Judaism in the culture and traditions of the Jewish people. 1 6a





Judaism in the history and culture of the Jewish people. 1 6a





Buddhism in the culture and traditions of the peoples of Russia. The emergence and development of Buddhism in Russia. 1 6a





Tibetan Buddhism. 1 6a





The spread of Buddhism among the peoples of Russia. 1 6a





Buddhism in the USSR. 1 6a





Buddhism in modern Russia. 1 6a





Buddhism in the culture and traditions of the peoples of Russia. 1 6a





Traditional religions of Russia. Interim certification. Project protection. 1 6a





Traditional religions of Russia. 1 6a





  1. Evaluation materials

Evaluation criteria.

The subject “Fundamentals of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia” in grades 5 and 6 is assessed verbally.

The main purpose of control is to check knowledge of the facts of educational material, the ability of children to make simple and more complex conclusions, express generalized judgments, give examples from additional sources, and apply complex knowledge.

Classification of errors and shortcomings.


- incorrect definition of a concept, replacement of an essential characteristic of a concept with an unimportant one;

— violation of consistency in the description of the object in cases where it is significant;

- incorrect disclosure of the causes, patterns, conditions of the occurrence of one or another studied phenomenon;

— errors in comparing objects, their classification into groups according to essential characteristics;

— ignorance of factual material, inability to independently provide examples confirming the expressed judgment;

- lack of ability to make a drawing, diagram, incorrect filling of the table; inability to support your answer with a diagram, drawing, or illustrative material;

— errors in setting up the experiment, leading to an incorrect result;

- inability to navigate on a map and plan, difficulty in correctly displaying studied objects.


— predominance of non-essential features when describing an object;

— inaccuracy in the execution of diagrams, drawings, tables that do not negatively affect the result of the work; lack of markings and signatures;

— individual violations of the sequence of operations during the experiment that do not lead to an incorrect result;

— inaccuracies in determining the purpose of the device, its use is carried out after leading questions;

— inaccuracy when locating an object on the map.

One type of creative work can be a presentation compiled in PowerPoint.

Project protection.

The final stage of studying the foundations of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia in grades 5–6 as part of the intermediate certification is the preparation and defense of a project. The project can be group or individual.

Protection can take different forms:

- in the form of a holiday with the invitation of spectators;

— in the form of a competition with the invitation of a jury;

- in a work environment (in class), etc.

Work on the project, and then its defense, will show the extent to which students have formed all groups of universal educational actions.

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so UNT / Self-knowledge / Lesson plans for self-knowledge 4th grade

Lesson 7 Topic: “Integrity is...”

26.10.2011 15324 2139

of the lesson:
to introduce students to the concept of “decency”; develop in children the idea that decency is the basis of communication with others; to form the desire to think, feel and act in accordance with moral rules and norms.


conversation, story, explanation, work with a book, exercise, game, practical work.


reader, notebook “My Assistant”, ball.

Circle of Joy

- Hello children! As you know, a person is not only a physical body. A person has feelings, emotions, thoughts. We strive to keep our physical body clean, we take water treatments every morning and every evening, we harden ourselves, we train, and we lead a healthy lifestyle.

– Do you guys know that the inner world of a person, that is, our spiritual world, also needs purity, harmony and order?

The teacher asks the children to think and finish the sentence

: “For me, order in the soul is when...”, “...order is when it’s comfortable; ...when my family and friends love me; when the heart is good; ... when there is harmony in the family; ... when I am appreciated and loved at school, etc.

Let's talk

The teacher draws a circle and rays that extend from it on the board.

– Today we will talk about such an important quality of a person as decency.

How do you understand the word “decency”?

Children's answers


The teacher writes words that reveal the meaning of the term “decency” on the rays, and then the children read the notes on the board. Eg:

– Decency is when a person has everything in order: thoughts, feelings and actions.

– Decency is associated with such qualities as honesty, responsiveness, courage, responsibility, respect, kindness, conscience and others.

Working with the reader

Reading with a stop.

A. Kunanbaev. "Teacher's Test"

A long time ago, a wise old teacher gathered his students around him and said to them:

– I feel that I have become old and feeble. Now it is your duty to provide me with food.

The disciples agreed that, indeed, it was their turn to serve their teacher, but they said:

- Where, sir, will we find food and money? People living nearby are unlikely to help us.

The teacher replied:

– My children, I do not ask you to beg. I suggest that you take it without asking. This will not be a sin, since we need money more than others. I'm too weak to do it myself. So who will help their old teacher?

- We, we! - the students shouted. – We are young and strong. Tell us what to do!

The teacher explained that first they must find a place where no one will see them and wait quietly. As soon as some rich man walks by, they must quietly steal his wallet. The teacher, however, said that the children should not offend anyone.

All the students were about to leave, except for one boy, who stood with his head down. The teacher sternly asked him:

-What's the matter, child? Don't you want to help your old teacher?

– What do you think the boy said?

Children's answers.

Next, the teacher continues reading the story.


“Forgive me, my lord,” said the boy. “But I won’t be able to do as you ask.” You said we should go where no one will look at us and steal. But this is impossible, because even if I am completely alone, part of me is still watching. I would rather go begging than let my self watch me steal!

– What do you think the teacher answered?

Children's answers.

Then the teacher continues reading the story


The old man's face shone with joy:

– Finally, at least one of my students understood my instructions!

The rest of the young men, hearing these words, lowered their heads in shame. But from that day on, they never committed any unworthy acts, because they always remembered the words of their comrade: “My Self is always watching over me.”

– Explain how you understand the words: “My “I” is always watching me.”

– What does it mean to be honest with yourself?

– What is more difficult: to be honest with yourself or to be honest with others? Why?

Children's thoughts.

– Decency makes a person human. It does not allow a person to act badly, not because someone can see it and judge him, but because the person himself will judge himself more harshly than anyone else, because you cannot lie to yourself, you cannot hide your actions from yourself.

Warm up. Game "Waves"

The teacher and children sit down, forming a circle. The teacher asks them to imagine that they are swimming in the sea, plunging into the gentle waves, and to depict these waves as gentle and cheerful. The training ends with “swimming in the sea”: one of the children stands in the center of the circle, “waves” run up to him one by one and affectionately “stroke the swimmer.” When all the “waves” stroke him, he turns into a “wave”, and the next swimmer takes his place.

Working in a notebook

– Complete task 1 in your notebook.

Complete task 2

. Select and complete the sentence that you think is correct.

Exercise “I want to know”

The teacher and children stand in a circle. The teacher throws a ball to everyone, asking questions: “I want to know what kind of decent person he is?!”

Children catch the ball and name some quality of a decent person. All children are asked to answer the teacher's question.


– Complete task 3 in your notebook.

In the anthology, read A. Neelova’s story “The Price of Money.”

Write a story about the seed of decency.

Circle “From Heart to Heart”

The teacher and students exchange warm glances, smiles and wishes for each other to do good deeds.

See the downloadable file for the full text of the material.
The page contains only a fragment of the material.

Self-knowledge, lesson plans for 4th grade

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Lesson summary on the Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture on the topic “Symbolic Language of Orthodox Culture” lesson summary on the Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture...

07/22/2020 Bobyleva Anna Anatolyevna 63 0

Lesson summary “Prayer-conversation with God.” Lesson for students on AOOP (mental retardation)….

07/16/2020 Bakaeva Natalia Vladimirovna 73 0

Fundamentals of Orthodox culture The lesson was created according to the AOOP for students with disabilities (mental retardation)…

07/16/2020 Bakaeva Natalia Vladimirovna 67 0

Test on the history of Orthodox culture tests on the history of Orthodox culture for 7th grade students, to review the material covered...

05/23/2020 Skomoroschenkova Elena Viktorovna 104 1

Calendar and thematic planning of the module “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture” of the complex course “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” Calendar and thematic planning of the module “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture” of the complex course “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” is presented. Planning is…

06/30/2020 Minko Marina Anatolyevna 111 3

Self-analysis of the open lesson “Introduction of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple” Self-analysis reflects the goals and objectives set in the lesson, the technologies used and the types of activities of children in the lesson...

03/05/2020 Portyanova Natalya Pavlovna 142 0

Article “Work on the restoration of temples and churches” The 90s were fertile for understanding who we are, what our path of development is, which contributed to the creation of a highly moral society….

02/23/2020 Petukhova Elena Evgenievna 138 0

Speech on the topic “Restoration of temples and churches” With the advent of democracy, very different points of view were considered on the upbringing of a growing individual. But, undoubtedly, there was one thing that played a big role in the creation of cultural…

02/16/2020 Petukhova Elena Evgenievna 142 0

“Holy place Smyadyn” Can be used in history and military education lessons...

01/14/2020 Skomoroschenkova Elena Viktorovna 164 3

Plan of an excursion to the Holy Trinity Cathedral Plan of an excursion to the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Morshansk, Tambov region...

10.10.2019 Budanova Oksana Andreevna 188 2

“Mercy and Compassion” Study of mercy and compassion - the main virtues of Orthodox Christians...

01/25/2020 Vatulina Taisa Stefanovna 238 6

Lesson on ODNK HP Contains information about the Bashkir shezhar. Its history and development...

01/21/2020 Zinnatullina Maria Sergeevna 375 8

Small deeds lead to great good. Origins 9th grade. Theme: “Small deeds lead to great good”...

11/26/2019 Kirsanova Nadezhda Vladislavovna 243 4

“Good and evil in human society and in the natural world” The lesson reveals the meaning of the concepts of “good” and “evil.” Children develop an idea of ​​a person’s moral responsibility for their actions...

11/28/2019 Natalya Viktorovna Pilyukova 262 1

Top 10 largest lakes in Russia Origins 6th grade. Lesson topic: “Lakes of Russia”...

11/26/2019 Kirsanova Nadezhda Vladislavovna 254 1

Russian Orthodox traditions in the novel by I.S. Shmelva “Summer of the Lord” The lesson will be able to contribute to the formation of the following UUD: &n...

09.29.2019 Lukashina Margarita Gennadievna 353 2

Lesson topic: “Christian at work.” Teacher. — Good afternoon, guys, dear guests! I see you are in a good mood today

05.25.2019 Korchagina Svetlana Alekseevna 497 18

Hazardous chemicals and objects Hazardous chemicals and objects, types, classification…

12/24/2018 Zhidkikh Nikolay Grigorievich 1072 17

Presentation on ODNKNR “Etiquette” 5th grade This presentation may be useful for the lessons “Fundamentals of religious culture and secular ethics” - 4th grade, “Fundamentals of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia” - 5th grade...

02/05/2019 Pazlieva Marina Aleksandrovna 6425 406

"Western Moscow region. Borodinsky saved. the story of one family and a monastery" Lesson objectives: - to introduce the phenomena of Christian Orthodox &...

06/13/2018 Lukashina Margarita Gennadievna 555 2

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