Parents' meeting "Every family has its own traditions"
Parent meeting in the preparatory group. Family and family traditions Parent meeting in the preparatory group
pedagogical competitions https://pedproekt.rf
Sports competition “Passed - sit down” The game is played in columns. Each team chooses a captain who
Development of a lesson in mathematics “Diagrams” 4th grade
Calculation tables Calculation tables are a form of calculation task, that is, students perform calculations directly
Summary of GCD in the middle group. “The cook is preparing scrambled eggs” (subject applique)
Calendar planning of work Usually a special thematic week is dedicated to this topic in kindergarten, which
Quest - game “In search of the key of knowledge.” Extracurricular event for Knowledge Day.
Elephant gives a bouquet to the elephant
“Politeness and etiquette” lesson plan (senior group)
Etiquette rules for children are one of the important topics that parents should raise in
New Year's party based on the fairy tale "12 months" material (preparatory group) on the topic
New Year's fairy tale “Twelve Months” Ved.1 Once again we celebrate the holiday, Happy New Year! Near
Moral lessons in fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin Completed by: Sitnikova Ksenia 3B class Leader: Osipenko O.V. MOU "Secondary School 34 with in-depth study of artistic and aesthetic. - presentation
Extracurricular activity program “Moral Lessons” VALUES GUIDELINES Education of citizenship, patriotism, respect for rights and freedoms
Research project: “BEE WORK OR INDUSTRIAL PRODUCT: HOW TO DISCOVER NATURAL HONEY” Completed by: Vera Chizhikova Student 4 “A” class Cool. - presentation
The use of collaboration technology in lessons in primary school in the context of the implementation of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard
“The use of collaboration technology in primary school lessons as a means of forming educational learning” MUNICIPAL BUDGETARY
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