Life and work of A.S. Pushkin presentation for a literature lesson (grade 6)
Presentations for literature lessons, grade 6 presentation for a lesson (literature, grade 6) on the topic
Speech therapy classes for children with general speech underdevelopment of levels 2–3
Wild boar and its features
The wild boar is a representative of the artiodactyl order of the pig family. Forms a separate genus. Has another name -
Work program of the elective course in the Russian language (grade 9)
Work program of the elective course “From Word to Text” P O Y S N I
Seven Wonders of the World - Great Barrier Reef
Gymnasium course program for grades 5-6 “Wonders of the World”
In all centuries, people were proud and carefully protected the achievements of their civilizations. The memory of these
Valeology Card index of games on the topic: “Human health” for preschool children
Card index of games-experiments in valeology Card index of games-experiments for children of senior preschool age Submarine from
Didactic game-lapbook (interactive folder) “Family”
Who creates the lapbook? A teacher can prepare the manual, but given the multifaceted nature of the topic being studied -
Consultation “The authority of parents in raising a child”
Education is a complex process that consists of several points. One of the important elements
Literary living room dedicated to the works of N.V. Gogol
W. Shakespeare “Hamlet” in world culture 9th grade The work of a teacher of Russian language and literature at MAOU “Lyceum 4”, Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic Samokhvalova. - presentation
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