Presentation for the lesson “Rational environmental management. Environmental protection"
Natural resources and their rational use. — presentation Natural resources and their rational use
Ancient China - the cradle of Far Eastern civilizations, presentation 5th grade
History notes on the topic "History of Ancient China"
Download material so UNT / Lesson developments / Lessons on World History Notes
The use of pedagogical technologies in Russian language and literature classes as a condition for ensuring modern quality of education
“Clean Air” Tsibina Alexandra Aleksandrovna ChDOU Kindergarten No. 254 JSC Russian Railways
Presentation on what air is for preschoolers - relevance. Presentation “Experiments with air in the preparatory group. Experiments with air for children
In grades 2 - 3 of primary school, when studying the topic of air around the world around us
Bashkir folk games of the Baymak region of the Republic of Belarus
Bashkir folk games for preschool children Alfiya Khusniyarova Bashkir folk games for preschool children 1. Kurai
Game jumping sparrows in physical education class. “Jumping Sparrows.” "Hares in the garden"
The benefits of the game and its features It is best to conduct the lesson on a summer walk or during
The use of modern technologies in the educational work of the class teacher in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard
Master class for the competition “Class Teacher” on the topic: “Successful Personality” Epigraph on the screen:
Animalistic genre in art Performed by: Morev Vlad, 4th grade student of the department of fine arts, Children's Art School 2 ZATO Shikhany, Saratov region Leader: - presentation
Author's position: fine arts teacher Animalistic genre in painting Animalistic genre (from Lat.
Summary of the entertainment “We are growing healthy” for children of the middle group
Presentation for a literature lesson in 11th grade on the life and work of A.A. Blok.
Lesson development and presentation “The Life and Work of A.P. Chekhov” Lesson topic: Life and creativity
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