A selection of riddles for vocabulary dictations. methodological development in the Russian language (grade 2) on the topic

Dictations in Russian language 2nd grade

Dictation is a type of spelling exercise, the essence of which for students is to record a sentence, word, text perceived by ear. Test and control dictations in the Russian language for grade 2

  • 1 quarter
  • 2nd quarter
  • 3rd quarter
  • 4th quarter

Dictations according to the rules:

"In the forest"

Good in the forest! A warm breeze is blowing. The blackbirds are singing. There are flowers in the meadow. There are berries in the grass. A mushroom grew under a birch tree. There is a mole hole in the pine tree. A yellow leaf fell from an aspen tree. Autumn will come soon.. (30 words)

Grammar task:

  1. underline the main members of the sentence in the second (eighth) sentence;
  2. indicate stress in words;
  3. write down any three-syllable word and separate it with a hyphen.

"Winter Day"

Severe frosts shackled lakes and rivers. Snow covered the ground. Quiet in the forests and fields. Nature fell asleep until spring. A cold wind is blowing around. In winter it is difficult for birds to get food. They fly towards people. Feed the birds! (33 words)

Grammar task:

  1. write down three words that have an unstressed vowel sound in the root, write down a test word next to it;
  2. emphasize the main members of the sentence in the fifth sentence, indicate the connection of words in the sentence.

"Spring came"

Spring. Warm. The loose snow is melting. Light clouds float across the sky. Rooks are calling in the trees. The cheerful starlings will soon arrive. A wide stream runs along the street. Sasha and Kuzma launch a boat on the water. You can hear the ringing cries of sparrows and the barking of Bugs. (38 words)

Grammar task:

  1. emphasize the main members of the sentence in the third (seventh) sentence, indicate known parts of speech above the words;
  2. write down the verb (noun) in the plural, and next to it write the same verb (noun) in the singular.


We live in the village of Chaika. At the end of the village there is a farm. Students help adults. The cow Zorka gave birth to a calf, Borka. Borka has smooth fur. There is a white spot on the back. The girl Galya gave the baby warm milk. Kolya brought fragrant hay for the cow. Yura and Gleb often grazed cows in a meadow near the river. (49 words)

Grammar task:

  1. in the first sentence, underline the studied spellings in the words;
  2. indicate the parts of speech above the words of the seventh sentence;
  3. write down the adjective + noun;
  4. Underline the main members in the third sentence, indicate the connection between the words.

May thunder struck. Wonderful sounds filled the forest. Silent owls mutter. The hares are babbling. A mosquito squeaked in the thicket. The bells of the lily of the valley sounded faintly. Frogs splash and purr in the puddles. Even a dry leaf came to life. It rustles and scurries across the ground.


Winter. There is fluffy snow in the forest. There are dots and lines on the snow. The tracks lead into the thicket. At night, predatory animals search for food. Here is a forest river. Fishermen are sitting on the ice. My friend caught a big pike.

In the grove

How nice it is in spring! We are going to the oak grove. Siskins and blackbirds sing merrily here. The rooks scream loudly. Pileated woodpeckers are knocking. The nimble magpies are chattering. A bee is buzzing over a flower.

Kindergarten at the zoo

In the spring, new residents appeared at the zoo. The wonderful little bear Topik immediately became friends with the monkey Chika. Tiger cub Akbar and wolf cub Pike eat from the same bowl. Little squirrel Ryzhik happily jumps around the playground. Lion King catches his fluffy tail.


Alyosha Chaikov and Andrey Shishkin are two comrades. Both love animals. Alyosha has a pet crow. He takes care of Kara. Andryusha has a wonderful dog - Akbar. The boy teaches Akbar to serve.

  1. Vocabulary dictation
  2. Option 1. Spring
  3. Option 2. In the forest

tiny, line, elegant, rosette, river, mast, sonorous, successful, assistant, vase, reading, colorful, predator, street, handkerchiefs, powerful, flour, minute, dandelion, vegetable, cannon, mail.


A noisy spring has arrived. The birds are singing loudly. A red squirrel jumps from branch to branch. Brooks are babbling. The swollen buds smell like resin. Clear sap drips from a broken birch branch. The hummocks with lingonberries turn into bright circles of green.

In the forest

A boy and a girl often run into the forest. There they look for cones and tear sorrel. Birds sing merrily in the forest. A tame squirrel lives in a hollow. A bunny is running in a clearing. Children feel good in the forest.

Teacher Anna Ivanovna entered the class. The Russian language lesson has begun. Children write down words with spelling patterns. Today eleven students received A's.

Our garden was guarded by the watchman Ostap. A big dog, Marat, lived with him. One winter there was a severe frost. Ostap put on a sheepskin coat, a hat, mittens, and warm shoes. But he was chilly. He was chilled and blew into his hands. There is darkness and silence all around. The dilapidated fence was covered with snow. The low tree was covered by a snowdrift.

One night, a huge, nasty toad jumped through a broken window glass. I saw Thumbelina. She grabbed the shell with the girl and jumped out into the garden. There was a wide river flowing there. There was muddy and viscous mud near the shore. A toad lived here with his son. He was disgusting and disgusting. (according to G.H. Andersen)

  1. Option 1. Vorobyov family
  2. Vocabulary dictation on a soft sign

The Vorobyov family is large and friendly. Everyone is busy. Dad is writing a scientific article. Grandmother sews a dress for her granddaughter. Mom is ironing the clothes. Children Ilya and Tatyana are learning lessons. At dinner everyone drinks tea with blueberry jam.

Vocabulary dictation on a soft sign

July, bench, ears, take, hives, fun, day, winter hut, sew, greens, soap dish, Tatyana, Malvina, life, flair, leaves, bones, cookies, chairs, buns, wings, pilot, swing, play, linen, atelier, ants, honey, blizzard, fireworks.

May. Warm days have arrived. Green foliage covered the trees. Blackbirds and siskins sing merrily. There is lush grass on the ground. Fragrant lilies of the valley bloom in the forest. Wild berries are ripening. Bumblebees are buzzing. A bee flies from flower to flower.

The flowers contain sweet juice. Frogs purr by the stream. It's crawling towards the water.

Words for reference: have arrived, green, juicy, ripen, fragrant, forest, sweet (the teacher spells out the unstressed endings of adjectives and verbs).

Spring came. A faint breeze passes by. The spring sun drives away the snow. Every bush and blade of grass comes to life. The buds on the trees have swelled. Flowers appeared on the bare branches of the hazel tree. They look like gray thorns on flexible rods.

New house

We have a big construction project going on. Syoma and Yasha are going to a new home. The house has five floors. At the car porch. The boys are happy. Words for reference: large, floors, with us.

our school

Our school is new. She is bright and beautiful. Maples and linden trees grow near the school. We love our school. Our students live amicably. Words for reference: about, growing, students.

The hedgehog woke up

There was a hole under the roots of the birch tree. A joyful spring has arrived. An angry hedgehog slept there all winter. The sun warmed the earth. The hedgehog ran out into the forest clearing. Cheerful streams ran through the forest. The cold stream woke up the animal. (according to G. Skrebitsky)


I enjoy reading. Aunt Lucy bought me a book. There are pictures. Here is the elk and the horse. And these are the cones of the Christmas tree. I read poems about a fox. Words for reference: pictures, I read.

in winter

We were waiting for winter. We called for winter. There are snowdrifts near the house. Olga rolls a ball of snow. Tanya rolls a ball of snow. Here comes the snow woman. At Sasha and Dasha's. Words for reference: fun, rolling.

First snow

The first snow fell. Everyone is happy about the snow. Misha and Yasha went out into the yard. Olya was waiting for them there. Dad bought her skis. Children go to the park. Words for reference: it fell, it snowed, in the yard.

Bird food

Fluffy snow all around. He falls quietly to the ground. The old stump is completely covered with snow. Yura goes into the forest. The boy holds bird food in his hands.

In the park

It was a clear day. Here's the park. Fluffy spruce and pine trees grow here. Lenya and Yana were looking for cones. This is bird food. There are seeds in the cones. A squirrel jumped onto a spruce tree.


Trees are the inhabitants of our earth. They live a very long time. They have their own memory. It is enclosed in annual rings. Wide rings indicate abundant years. Narrow rings will tell about the years of drought. The age of the tree can be determined by the number of rings. How many rings - so many years.


Indoor plants not only decorate our homes. Long ago, garden geranium was considered in Europe a flower of the urban poor. She healed the damp air in their homes and improved sleep. People believed in the healing power of garden geranium and loved it.


The dog Mukhtar and the cat Murka were friends. In the spring, Murka gave birth to five kittens. The kittens grew quickly. One day the cat left. The kittens squeaked. Mukhtar began to play with the kids. The big kitten climbed onto Mukhtar's back. The dog was happy. Soon Murka came and began feeding the kittens milk. Mukhtar looked cheerfully at his friends. Words for reference: once, born, grew up, became.

2nd grade test Dictations in the Russian language

New dictations for grade 2 »

Source: https://7oom.ru/diktanty/diktanty-po-russkomu-yazyku-2-klass.htm


test students’ ability to identify sounds in words, determine their sequence, isolate words from a sentence, use a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence, in people’s names, correctly indicate in writing the softness of consonant sounds with vowels (e,
ё, yu,
i) and a soft sign
(day );

zhi - shi, cha - cabbage soup, chu - schu
in words copy and write text from dictation without errors. Dictation volume: 17-20 words.

When dictating, unstressed endings of words, words for reference, and words with prepositions are clearly pronounced. Murzik. Slava had a cat named Murzik. Murzik loved to play in the bushes. One day Slava spent a long time looking for a cat. And the cat was sitting on the window. (21 words) Words for reference: sat, on the window. Umbrella. A dark cloud floats quietly across the sky. The sky frowned. Here comes the rain. Yulia has an umbrella. She's not afraid of rain. (19 words) Words for reference: rain, not scary. At the school. Here's the school. There were children standing at the porch. They held asters and roses in their hands. The guys are now schoolchildren. (19 words) Words for reference: stood, with them. At home. Mom left. Grisha and Yura are alone at home. They are playing. Grisha has cubes. Yura has a horse. The boys live together. (19 words) On the river. Our dacha was near the forest. There is a river behind the forest. In the morning we went to the river. My brother was fishing. My grandfather taught me to swim. (23 words) Words for reference: caught, me. Rabbits. Yura and Dima had rabbits. The boys looked after them all summer. They cleaned the cages and carried food. (19 words) Words for reference: looked after, cared for, carried. By the sea I lived by the sea. The sound of the waves woke me up. During the day I loved watching them play. The white combs were beautiful. (21 words) In the meadow Ksyusha was in the meadow. There is tall grass all around. A bumblebee sat on a white porridge. It hummed menacingly. The girl was not afraid of him. (21 words) Word for reference: his.

School This is our school.
Lush asters grow at the entrance to the school. Wonderful roses bloom in the flower beds. I like my school. (20 words) Words for reference: bloom, their own.
Ducks Ducks are swimming.
Olga and Alyosha throw pieces of bread to the birds. Soon the birds will leave the pond. They will fly away to warmer climes. (19 words) Words for reference: abandoned, pond, fly away.
Meeting Kolya was fishing.
The reeds rustled. It crawled out onto the grass. The boy didn't touch him. I was already basking in the sun. Snakes are not poisonous. (21 words) Words for reference: caught, crawled out, not poisonous.
Mystery I'm walking through the forest.
There are many secrets and wonders in the forest. Here a fluffy tail flashed. Who was that? It was a squirrel jumping. (21 words) Word for reference: flashed.
Cat Fedya Yasha had a cat Fedya.
The cat loved to play in the bushes. Yasha searched for the cat for a long time. And he was sitting on the porch. (21 words) Words for reference: cat, sat.
Oak and spruce Spruce and oak grew in the forest.
The spruce was big and fluffy. The oak was old with a hollow. A squirrel lived there. She was drying mushrooms on spruce branches. (28 words) Pay attention to the spelling of words: grew, oak, forest, big. Roses Nikita has roses. Roses smell good. Here, mom, a rose. Splitting roses. The rose has thorns. Take it oh-so-really. (17 words) (From the magazine “Elementary School”) Pay attention to the spelling of the words: okay, take it. Umbrella
A dark cloud floats quickly across the sky. The sky turned black. Now the rain started pouring down. Olya has an umbrella. She's not afraid of rain. (19 words) Pay attention to the spelling of words: rain is not scary. Exercise. Divide the words into syllables and for transfer: Olya, dark, rain. Come up with and write 2-3 words with a soft sign at the end.

Vocabulary words 2nd grade

admin 9 – August – 2016

Dictionary words are those words whose spelling does not correspond to pronunciation and does not obey any known rules of the Russian language, therefore, in order to write correctly, the spelling of these words has to be memorized.

In different educational and methodological complexes for primary schools operating today, different vocabulary words are given (grade 2). The “Prospective Primary School” program gives the most modest list - schoolchildren must learn 55 words in a year. Compilers of the list: Churakova N.A., Kalenchuk M.L., Malakhovskaya O.V., Baykova T.A.

In the “School of Russia” program, vocabulary words for grade 2 are a list of 94 words, author-compilers – V.P. Kanakin and V.G. Goretsky. In the “Perspective” program, the list consists of 86 words, compiled by S.G. Makeeva and L.F. Klimanova.

The “Harmony” program includes 65 words in the list of vocabulary words (grade 2) (compiled by N.S. Soloveychik, N.S. Kuzmenko), in the “Planet of Knowledge” children need to learn 102 words (compiled by T.M. Andrianova, V. Ilyukhina .A).

The largest list of vocabulary words for memorization in 2nd grade is in the “Primary School of the 21st Century” program, author-compilers: Ivanova S.V. and Evdokimova A.O.

Vocabulary words for grade 1, see here . All vocabulary words from grades 1 to 4 are here.

Complete list of vocabulary words grade 2

Each elementary school program offers its own list of vocabulary words for study. If you combine all the lists, you get the following list:

A : watermelon, alphabet, April, car, bus, address, alley, agronomist, antenna, attraction, orange

B : ticket, fast, birch, drum, pool, shore, concrete, library, breaststroke

In : sparrow, crow, fun, suddenly, wind, Tuesday, Sunday, yesterday, station, wind, Great Patriotic War, veteran, attention, carriage, bath

G : city, newspaper, group, hero, peas

D : village, girl, director, goodbye, duty officer, December, road, woodpecker, sofa

F : yellow, buzz, iron, woman, desire, burns

Z : hello, plant, hare, health, strawberries, gold, tomorrow, building, breakfast, fun

And : frost, excuse me, June, interesting, July, skillful, art

K : cow, class, cabbage, pencil, envelope, picture, skates, cinema, team, basket, kefir, Red Square, Kremlin, boil, computer, room, space, apartment, astronaut, movie, potatoes, calendar, vacations, pocket , collection, candy, cross, cash register, kilogram, compass, jelly, sausage, compote, cutlet, bed

L : shovel, fox, frog, ladder, lemon, noodles

M : shop, bear, milk, car, carrot, Moscow, frost, raspberry, furniture, month, blizzard, metro, hammer, cartoon, dream, ice cream, month, boy, route, man, pasta, tangerine

N : people, November

About : clothes, lunch, Fatherland, monkey, nut, cloud, vegetable garden, October, father, vegetables, one day, aspen, cucumber, Fatherland

P : dishes, coat, nephew, pencil case, tomato, scarf, goodbye, Monday, holiday, Friday, clearing, weather, platform, passenger, niece, please, planet, cookies, pie

R : Motherland, work, rocket, guys, chamomile, Russia, rowan, Russian, worker, drawing

With : capital, dog, soon, sugar, lilac, magpie, thank you, boots, September, bullfinch, glass, capital, neighbor, nightingale, today, salad, silver, tit, sugar, Wednesday, frying pan, Saturday, sour cream, sausage

T : trolleybus, comrade, telephone, notebook, plate, TV, axe, tennis, tractor, telegram, tram

U : textbook, student, harvest, teacher, street, student, dinner, teacher

F : surname, February, football

X : master, okay, hockey

C : circus, compasses

H : feel, Thursday, what, man, garlic

Sh : walking, highway

SH : sorrel

E : escalator, excavator, encyclopedia

Me : tongue, berry, apple, apple tree, January

Flashcards with vocabulary words and unchecked letters highlighted

Source: https://bebiklad.ru/14-shkola/slovarnyie-slova-2-klass

Dictations in 2nd grade

We offer dictation texts for 2nd grade. Their volume corresponds to the norm of 20-40 words. All tests are adapted. They are compiled based on the works of L. Tolstoy, G. Skrebitsky, M. Zverev, E. Shim, A. Glebov. There are 43 dictations in total.

The texts are grouped thematically. They are dedicated to nature, animals, family relationships, and funny incidents. Some dictations contain instructive stories and fairy-tale elements.


End of September. The forest is beautiful in autumn! Blue sky. Green blade of grass. Yellow leaf. Green spruces. Red rowan berries. Birches and aspens in a colorful dress.

There is a bunch of honey mushrooms on the stump. A hedgehog rustles in the grass. Baby squirrels play happily on a pine tree. The cranes are flying south.

(39 words.)

We are waiting for winter

Autumn. I'm walking through the forest. The leaves rustle underfoot. It was drizzling. I hid near an oak tree. The oak held its beauty firmly on its branches.

Winter is coming soon. The first snow will cover the ground with a fluffy carpet.

(30 words.)

Lesson for a cat

Grandma Nina had a beautiful cat named Timoshka. One day he caught a mouse. It releases the prey and then catches it.

Two magpies sat on the fence. One bird waved at the cat's nose. Another mouse picked it up. And then they both flew away together. The cat will have science. Do not snooze!

(39 words.)

Paths in the forest

In the forest I saw narrow straight paths. Maybe people have forgotten about them? I followed one path. She led me to an anthill.

It was the ants who trampled such noticeable paths with their little paws!

(According to N. Terentyev.)

(31 words.)

In the country

We lived in the country. In the morning my grandmother called me to the table. There was fresh bread and buns on the table. Oleg and Olga loved cheesecakes. Fragrant tea steamed in cups.

The dog Alma came running from the lake. We treated her to cheesecakes.

(35 words.)

Red-haired friend

Olga often goes to the park. Olga has a red-haired friend who lives there. This is a small squirrel with a fluffy tail.

A girl knocks on a pine tree. The animal jumps from a branch and quickly takes food.

(29 words.)

On the river

We were sailing on a boat along a quiet river. My brother worked with oars. Mom admired the white water lilies.

I put my hand in the water. The water was warm and clean. A flock of fry swam under the water.

(29 words.)


The mouse came to visit the frog. The frog met her on the shore and led her into the house. The mouse took a sip of water. She no longer began to visit.

(According to L. Tolstoy.)

(25 words.)

Ice rink

Winter. It was a warm day. The guys went out into the yard. There is snow on the skating rink. Oleg took a shovel. Nikita has a broom in his hands. The boys began to clean the skating rink.

Uncle Stepan filled the ice with water. Soon the boys were skating across the ice.

(35 words.)


The fisherman threw his fishing rod into the river. Suddenly the float jumped on the water and sank. The fisherman pulled his fishing rod and pulled out a perch. The fish is beautiful. The fins are red and the back is green. There are dark stripes on the sides. Perch loves to hunt small fish. Doesn't let any fish escape!

(According to G. Skrebitsky and V. Chaplina.)

(40 words.)

Forest heroes

Winter has come into the forest. She dressed the pine trees and spruce trees in snow coats. She put snow-white hats on them right up to their eyebrows. I gave downy mittens to the branches. The forest heroes stand calmly.

Bushes and young trees also dressed in white coats. So good!

(According to G. Skrebitsky.)

(38 words.)

Footprints in the snow

There are many footprints in the snow in the winter forest. There are holes in the snow. It was the hazel grouse that spent the night. The otter dug a ditch with its belly. And the sable's trail leads to a tall mountain ash tree. The animal loves her berries.

How many interesting things can be learned from footprints in the snow!

(According to M. Zverev.)

(38 words.)


It was a harsh winter. Birds died without food. Vitya brought home a half-dead bird. He gave the poor thing food and warmed her up.

The cat wanted to catch the bird. The boy put the robber on a rope.

(According to I. Nedola.)

(27 words.)

About the hare

The wind tore off the last leaves and circled over the forest. The water in the puddles froze.

The bunny ate thin twigs. Tasty. He slept under a thick spruce tree. The enemy will not find the animal there.

(27 words.)

At night in the forest

So winter has come. At night there was a blizzard going to work. She laid white carpets in the forest.

Frost knocked on the trees. Snow fell in flakes from thin birches.

(25 words.)


Fluffy snow fell at night. The guys went out into the yard. There are miracles outside! A large snowdrift near the house looked like an elephant. A polar bear was sleeping on the branches of an old tree. Winter has come!

(30 words.)

Autumn and sunshine

Autumn washes away the colorful pattern of leaves with rain. The sky is covered with gray clouds.

The sun came out. The last leaves glittered like gold coins on the bare branches of the birches. The river became bluer, the expanses of the native land wider.

(According to G. Skrebitsky.)

(28 words.)


Why do wolves howl at the moon? Daytime animals and birds love white light. They sing and rejoice in the sun.

And the wolf is calmer in the dark. The moon is the wolf's sun.

(According to E. Shim.)

(26 words.)


Outside the window, a blizzard played with the wind. And the house was warm and cozy. The candle went out. There were toys on the table. This is a wonderful little palace. There lived a doll. A long scarf hung from her shoulder. There was a soldier next to the gun.

(38 words.)


My brother and I decided to write a story. I wrote the first two sentences. Brother wrote the third.

The wind fell asleep. Flowers filled the air with a wonderful aroma. A frog was sitting at my feet.

(26 words.)

Smile of spring

The last snow was leaving. The quiet sound of drops woke up the forest. Thin willow twigs were covered with fluff.

Early in the morning frost walked through the forest. During the day, warm rays warmed the earth. Brave crows swam in puddles. The first grass stood on its feet. This is the first smile of spring.

(39 words.)

In the courtyard

Our yard came to life. End of winter. Spring has come to the city. The voices of birds can be heard everywhere. The crow walks important. The crow has strong legs and a strong beak. The bird's feathers are gray. The dog Fomka is watching the crow, and the crow is watching Fomka.

(36 words.)

At home

The sun was shining hotter and hotter. The snow was melting quickly. Streams of water rolled down from the roofs of houses. The cat Kuzya was sleeping on an old log.

An icicle fell. The ringing scared the cat. He hid around the corner of the house. There was a trace of his paws on the log.

(38 words.)

Our garden

Our garden is beautiful in spring. In the garden, next to the old cherry tree, a small thin cherry grew. She came out of the pit.

Alla and Ilya began to look after the baby. They watered it with warm water and loosened the soil. The cherry blossomed its branches and turned green. Now she is pleasing to the eye.

(40 words.)

Sounds of the forest

I sit and listen to the forest. The breeze is playing. A hedgehog rustles in the grass. He hurries into the bowl.

Woodpeckers are knocking in the wilderness. They search for prey in the bark of a tree. The magpie began to chatter. She conveyed the news and flew away. Forest music is a generous gift.

(38 words.)


There was an apple tree growing near the pillar. Some of its branches have dried up.

In the evening, a flock of spotted woodpeckers flew to the tree. The chicks sat on the branches. The woodpecker began to hammer at the post. Only chips were flying around.

People were walking by. The flock quickly rose into the air. After a few seconds the work will continue.

(40 words.)


There was a hut on the shore. Grandfather Ilya was cleaning fish. The sun disappeared behind the forest. Day life died down. We were getting ready to spend the night.

The birds fell silent. The heads of the flowers drooped. The breeze played with the leaf and flew away. Night has come. The moon illuminated the river. The stars lit up in the sky.

(40 words.)


The sun came out. The forest clearing came to life. A flock of birds flew by. A calf ran out into the clearing. The baby's legs are thin. He loves fresh grass and juicy twigs. The moose examined the area.

The moose went to the old stump. There the forester left salt for them. Soon the moose disappeared.

(40 words.)

In the garden

In late autumn I planted apple trees. Spring came. A bright light flooded the surroundings. The puddles sparkled brightly in the sun.

I came to the garden and examined the apple trees. The buds burst. The scarlet edges of flower leaves appeared. My heart felt light and calm. The young seedlings did not die!

(40 words.)


I don’t remember my mother’s hands now. But I remember her face well. It was kind and beautiful.

I’ll hit myself with a bump and run to my mother. She could immediately relieve the pain. Mom pressed her cool cheek to the sore spot. The pain went away. I smiled.

(According to A. Glebov.)

(40 words.)


In the morning the lake was beautiful. The sun gently caressed the water lilies.

The boy Lyoshka was fishing behind a bush. He was about seven years old. Suddenly his fishing line jerked sharply. Lyoshka fell into the water. Bubbles bubbled in the water. The boy's head appeared. I helped the baby get ashore.

(According to E. Sharapov.)

(40 words.)

funny bird

In the summer we lived in the country. The titmouse woke me up. She stood on thin legs and looked around the room.

Suddenly she flew up to a chandelier with three horns on its arms. The bird mistook them for tree branches and began to swing. What a funny tit!

(39 words.)

By Grandma

The village of Zhukovo is located by the river. In the summer our family lives there. Grandma has a goat, Rozka. Sister Olga prepares food for her. The goat is waiting for the girl at the porch.

Brother Alyosha loves to fish. Once he caught a pike. Grandma Daria cooked fish soup. The soup was delicious!

(41 words.)

Fairy tale

Fairy tales live a long time. We have a lot of good books in our class. My favorite fairy tale is about a little girl. Once her mother sent her to her grandmother. The path went through the forest. The birds sang loudly. In the forest she met a wolf. Do you remember this fairy tale?

(38 words.)


The bushes filled with water. There are drops on every branch. A sparrow sat on a branch. It began to rain. Sparrow began to drink. A drop fell to the ground. He's with someone else. Leap of a sparrow. Drop a drop! He got drunk with great difficulty.

(32 words.)

In the clearing

It was a warm day. Clouds were floating across the sky. I sat down on an old stump. Butterflies circled over the flowers. The dog Tyapa ran after them.

A beetle crawled out of the grass. He was big. Tyapa rushed to the beetle. He flew away. The chap lay down at my feet.

(39 words.)


The horse Bindweed lives on the farm. Petka Ivanov often takes him out to the meadow. The entire meadow was strewn with fluffy balls. These are dandelions.

Bindweed runs. White fluff flies behind him. Only the stems remain on the ground. Bindweed had a good rest. And Petka is happy.

(39 words.)

Bees and bumblebees

The meadow is all in flowers. The bees are buzzing. Bumblebees are buzzing. You wove a wreath and threw it. You offended the bee and the bumblebee. You took a drop of juice. She was wearing flowers. The bee and bumblebee may die. And who will bring fragrant honey to the hives?

(40 words.)

Baby and the stream

The stream meandered merrily. The boy stepped on him mischievously. The stream gathered its strength and broke free. He turned out to be very lively and fast.

The stream ran towards the lake. His brothers were waiting for him there. The lake welcomed them warmly.

(34 words.)


The trees cast a thick shadow on the ground. Moss underfoot. It looks like a carpet.

A warm breeze plays with flowers and herbs. Midges fly between the trees, bumblebees buzz angrily. Life and joy all around! I love the forest at any time of the year.

(39 words.)

Source: https://ruslita.ru/13-glavnaya/519-diktanty-vo-2-klasse

Warning and explanatory dictations on the topic “Dividing (s) soft sign”

Dictation 1.
Winter. Snow flakes fall on fallen leaves. A little bunny hid under a spruce tree. Ruffled sparrows sit on tree branches and bushes. It gets especially freezing at night. In the morning, patterns of hare, fox and bird tracks are intertwined in the snow.

Dictation 2.

In the fall I take a gun and go hunting. My dog ​​runs happily along the path. She knows all the fox trails. The instincts of an experienced hunter never fail her. But she and I need a lot of patience to track the fox.

Dictation 3.

The whole family gathered at the tea table. Grandmother Aksinya baked pancakes, took out strawberry jam, and put on the samovar. Everyone is waiting for our dear guest - Aunt Sophia. Her sons Ilya and Pavel will also come with her.

Training dictations in Russian for 2nd grade

My son is wonderful! But the Russian language is not his strong point. The New Year's gift was a three in a quarter.

In this regard, we have come to grips with dictations and test cheating.

We bought an additional manual with test dictations on topics and write one a day. Next we plan to practice on standard dictations for grade 2 according to the School of Russia program .

At the same time, we repeat the topics covered: the main members of the sentence, parts of speech, and the notorious chu\schu, we often don’t forget))).

I divided the dictations into a specific rule and general dictations for all the material covered.

Here are training dictations for 1st grade.

Test dictations for grade 3 with assignments here.

Control dictations with tasks for grade 4

Dictation in zhi\shi, cha\cha, chu\schu

May hubbub

May thunder struck. Wonderful sounds filled the forest. Silent owls mutter. The hares are babbling. A mosquito squeaked in the thicket. The bells of the lily of the valley sounded faintly. Frogs splash and purr in the puddles. Even a dry leaf came to life. It rustles and scurries across the ground.


Alyosha Chaikov and Andrey Shishkin are two comrades. Both love animals. Alyosha has a pet crow. He takes care of Kara. Andryusha has a wonderful dog - Akbar. The boy teaches Akbar to serve.


Kindergarten at the zoo

In the spring, new residents appeared at the zoo. The wonderful little bear Topik immediately became friends with the monkey Chika. Tiger cub Akbar and wolf cub Pike eat from the same bowl. Little squirrel Ryzhik happily jumps around the playground. Lion King catches his fluffy tail.



Winter. There is fluffy snow in the forest. There are dots and lines on the snow. The tracks lead into the thicket. At night, predatory animals search for food. Here is a forest river. Fishermen are sitting on the ice. My friend caught a big pike.


In the grove

How nice it is in spring! We are going to the oak grove. Siskins and blackbirds sing merrily here. The rooks scream loudly. Pileated woodpeckers are knocking. The nimble magpies are chattering. A bee is buzzing over a flower.

Vocabulary dictation in chk\chn\cht\schn

tiny, line, elegant, rosette, river, mast, sonorous, successful, assistant, vase, reading, colorful, predator, street, handkerchiefs, powerful, flour, minute, dandelion, vegetable, cannon, mail.


Now check the same rules in a literary text

Dictation on chk\chn


A noisy spring has arrived. The birds are singing loudly. A red squirrel jumps from branch to branch. Brooks are babbling. The swollen buds smell like resin. Clear sap drips from a broken birch branch. The hummocks with lingonberries turn into bright circles of green.


In the forest

A boy and a girl often run into the forest. There they look for cones and tear sorrel. Birds sing merrily in the forest. A tame squirrel lives in a hollow. A bunny is running in a clearing. Children feel good in the forest.

Dictation on double consonants, grade 2

Teacher Anna Ivanovna entered the class. The Russian language lesson has begun. Children write down words with spelling patterns. Today eleven students received A's.

Dictation on voiced and voiceless consonants

Our garden was guarded by the watchman Ostap. A big dog, Marat, lived with him. One winter there was a severe frost. Ostap put on a sheepskin coat, a hat, mittens, and warm shoes. But he was chilly. He was chilled and blew into his hands. There is darkness and silence all around. The dilapidated fence was covered with snow. The low tree was covered by a snowdrift.


One night, a huge, nasty toad jumped through a broken window glass. I saw Thumbelina. She grabbed the shell with the girl and jumped out into the garden. There was a wide river flowing there. There was muddy and viscous mud near the shore. A toad lived here with his son. He was ugly and disgusting.

(according to G.H. Andersen)

Dictation on a soft dividing sign, grade 2

Vorobyov family

The Vorobyov family is large and friendly. Everyone is busy. Dad is writing a scientific article. Grandmother sews a dress for her granddaughter. Mom is ironing the clothes. Children Ilya and Tatyana are learning lessons. At dinner everyone drinks tea with blueberry jam.

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