an open lesson on writing in the 2nd grade of a correctional school on the topic: “Making sentences based on a plot picture”; methodological development in the Russian language on the topic

Story pictures for writing stories for children 6-7 years old

Retelling the text using story pictures for children 6-7 years old. How to teach a child to retell a text, how to compose a text based on supporting plot pictures for children. How to teach a 5-6 year old child to retell text based on plot pictures.

Subject pictures for composing stories for children 6-7 years old “Rich Harvest”

  1. Reading the story “A Rich Harvest!”

A bountiful harvest.

Once upon a time there lived hardworking goslings Vanya and Kostya. Vanya loved to work in the garden, and Kostya loved to work in the vegetable garden. Vanya decided to grow a crop of pears and grapes, and Kostya decided to grow a crop of peas and cucumbers. Vegetables and fruits have grown wonderfully. But then insatiable caterpillars began to eat Kostya’s harvest, and noisy jackdaws got into Vanya’s garden and began pecking at the pears and grapes. The goslings were not at a loss and began to fight the pests. Kostya called the birds to help, and Vanya decided to make a scarecrow. At the end of summer, Kostya and Vanya harvested a rich harvest of vegetables and fruits. Now they were not afraid of any winter.

2. Conversation.

- Who is this story about? — Where did Vanya like to work? What can it be called? — Where did Kostya like to work? What can it be called? — What did Vanya grow in the garden? - What’s in Kostya’s garden? - Who interfered with Vanya? Who is Kostya? —What can you call caterpillars and jackdaws? — Who helped Vanya get rid of the caterpillars? - What did Kostya do to scare away the jackdaws? — What did the hardworking goslings rejoice at at the end of summer? 3.Retelling the story.

Retelling the story “Swans” using plot pictures

Figure (25) (700x519, 220Kb)
1.Reading a story.

Swans. Grandfather stopped digging, tilted his head to the side and listened to something. Tanya asked in a whisper: “What’s there?” And grandfather answered: “Do you hear the swans trumpeting?” Tanya looked at her grandfather, then at the sky, then again at her grandfather, smiled and asked: “So, do swans have a trumpet?” Grandfather laughed and answered: “What kind of pipe is there?” They just scream so long, so they say they are blowing trumpets. Well, do you hear? Tanya listened. Indeed, somewhere high up, drawn-out, distant voices were heard, and then she saw the swans and shouted: “I see, I see!” They fly like a rope. Maybe they will sit somewhere? “No, they won’t sit down,” said grandfather thoughtfully. - They fly away to warmer climes. And the swans flew further and further.

2. Conversation.

- Who is this story about? -What was grandfather listening to? - Why did Tanya smile at her grandfather’s words? - What does “swans trumpet” mean? - Who did Tanya see in the sky? - What did Tanya really want? - What did grandfather answer her? 3.Retelling the story.

Compiling the story “How the sun found a shoe” based on a series of plot pictures

1. Conversation on a series of plot pictures. - Where did the boy Kolya walk? — What was there a lot around the house? - Why is Kolya standing in one shoe? — What did Kolya do when he noticed that he didn’t have a shoe? - Do you think he found it? - Who did Kolya tell about his loss? — Who started looking for a shoe after Kolya? - And after grandma? — Where could Kolya lose his shoe? - Why did the sun find the shoe, but everyone else didn’t? - Is it necessary to do what Kolya did? 2. Compiling a story based on a series of plot pictures. How the sun found a shoe. One day Kolya went out into the yard for a walk. There were a lot of puddles in the yard. Kolya really enjoyed wandering through the puddles in his new shoes. And then the boy noticed that he didn’t have a shoe on one foot. Kolya began to look for the shoe. I searched and searched, but never found it. He came home and told everything to his grandmother and mother. Grandma went into the yard. She searched and searched for the shoe, but never found it. My mother followed my grandmother into the yard. But she couldn’t find the shoe either. After lunch, the bright sun came out from behind the clouds, dried up the puddles and found a shoe. 3.Retelling the story.

Common slide. Retelling based on the plot picture

Figure (32) (700x516, 202Kb)
1. Conversation on the plot picture - What time of year is shown in the plot picture? - By what signs did you guess that it was winter? -Where are the children gathered? - Think about who built the slide? - Which of the children just came to the slide? - Pay attention to the boys. What do you think they argued about? - Look at Natasha. What does she tell the boys? - How did this story end? - Give a name to the story picture 2. Sample story. Common slide. Winter came. White, fluffy, silver snow fell. Natasha, Ira and Yura decided to build a slide out of snow. But Vova did not help them. He was sick. It turned out to be a good slide! High! Not a hill, but a whole mountain! The guys took a sled and had fun riding down the hill. Three days later Vova came. He also wanted to sled down the hill. But Yura shouted: “Don’t you dare!” This is not your slide! You didn't build it! And Natasha smiled and said: “Ride, Vova!” This is a shared slide. 3.Retelling the story.

Compiling the story “Family Dinner” using plot pictures

1. Conversation on a series of plot pictures. — What time of day do you think is depicted in the plot pictures? - Why do you think so? — Where did Sasha and Masha come home from? -Where did dad and mom come from? — What is the name of the evening meal in the family? - What did mom do? For what? — What work does Sasha do? — What can you cook from potatoes? - What is Anya doing? - What will she do? — Who didn’t you see in the kitchen at work? — What kind of work did dad do? — When everything was ready, what did the family do? - How can we finish our story? — What do you think parents and children will do after dinner? - What can we call our story? 2. Compilation of a story. Family dinner. In the evening the whole family gathered at home. Dad and mom returned from work. Sasha and Natasha came from school. They decided to cook a family dinner together. Sasha peeled potatoes for mashed potatoes. Natasha washed the cucumbers and tomatoes for the salad. Mom went into the kitchen, put the kettle on the stove and began to brew tea. Dad took the vacuum cleaner and cleaned the carpet. When dinner was ready, the family sat down at the table. Everyone was happy to see each other at a family dinner. 3.Retelling the story.

Compiling the story “New Year is on the threshold” based on plot pictures

1. Conversation on a series of plot pictures. —What holiday is approaching? - How can you prove this? — What are the guys doing? — Tell me what kind of Christmas tree decorations they will make? — What do children use to make Christmas tree decorations? — Do they work with pleasure or not? —What kind of decorations did they make? -Where did they hang their toys? — How did the children spend the holiday? -What were they wearing? — What surprise awaited them at the end of the holiday? 2. Compilation of a story. New Year is just around the corner. The favorite children's holiday was approaching - New Year. And the tree stood in the corner and was sad. Olya looked at the Christmas tree and suggested: “Let’s decorate it not only with balls, but also make toys ourselves!” The guys agreed. Each of them armed themselves with scissors, paints and colored paper. They worked with pleasure. Soon the bright, colorful decorations were ready. The children proudly hung their work on the tree. The tree sparkled and glowed. The holiday has arrived. The guys put on fancy dress and went to the Christmas tree. They sang, danced and danced in a circle. Well, and of course, Grandfather Frost came to the children with long-awaited gifts. 3.Retelling the story.

Retelling of the story “How We Communicate”, compiled from supporting plot pictures

1. Conversation. — How do we communicate with each other if we are nearby? - And if a person is not around, then what do we do? — What can be classified as means of communication? — What can be sent by mail? — How was mail delivered before? — How did the telegraph work? — How long does it take now to send a message? -What do people use for this? — How does the postal service deliver letters and greeting cards to us? — Why do people write letters and greeting cards to each other? 2. Compilation of a story. How do we communicate? By talking, we communicate with each other. But sometimes a loved one is far away. Then telephone and mail come to the rescue. Having dialed the desired phone number, we will hear a familiar voice. And if you need to send a letter or a greeting card, you can go to the post office. Previously, mail was delivered on horseback. Then the Morse telegraph machine appeared, and messages began to be transmitted over wires using electric current. Engineer Bell improved the Morse machine and invented the telephone. Nowadays, messages with text and pictures can be conveyed very quickly. To do this, people use a cell phone and a computer. But even now people continue to write letters to each other, send greeting cards and telegrams by mail. Mail is delivered by car, rail or air. 3.Retelling the story.

Compiling a story based on the plot picture “In a Living Corner.”

Figure (40) (700x515, 249Kb)
1. Conversation. — Who do you see in the plot picture? - Name the plants that are in the living corner. — Do children like to work in a living area? Why? -Who is working in the living area today? — What are Katya and Olya doing? — What kind of leaves does ficus have? — Why does Dasha like to take care of fish? What are they? — What should you do if a hamster lives in a living area? What is he like? — What birds live in the living area? —Where is the cage with the parrots? What parrots? — How do the guys do their work? — Why do they like to take care of animals and plants? 2. Compiling a story based on a plot picture In a living corner. There are many plants and animals in the living area. Children enjoy watching and caring for them. Every morning when the children come to kindergarten, they go to the living corner. Today Katya, Olya, Dasha, Vanya and Natalya Valerievna are working in the living corner. Katya and Olya are caring for a ficus: Katya wipes its large shiny leaves with a damp cloth, and Olya waters the plant. Dasha likes fish: they are very bright and happily eat the food that she pours into the aquarium. Vanya decided to take care of the hamster: he cleans its cage and then changes the water. Natalya Valerievna feeds motley parrots. Their cage hangs high and the kids can’t reach it. Everyone is very focused and trying to do their job well. 3.Retelling the story.

Compiling the story “The Hare and the Carrot” based on a series of plot pictures.

1. Conversation on a series of plot pictures. — What time of year is shown in the plot picture? — What can you say about the weather? - How much does a snowman cost? -Who ran past the snowman? -What did he notice? - What did the bunny decide to do? - Why couldn’t he get the carrot? - What did he plan to do next? — Did the ladder help him get to the carrot? Why? — How has the weather changed compared to the first story picture? — What can you say about the mood of the bunny in the second picture? - What's going on with the snowman? — How does the sun shine in the third picture? -What does a snowman look like? — What is the bunny’s mood? Why? 2. Compilation of a story. Hare and carrot. Spring has come. But the sun rarely peeked out from behind the clouds. The snowman that the children made in winter stood there and didn’t even think about melting. One day a bunny ran past the snowman. He noticed that the snowman had a tasty carrot instead of a nose. He started jumping up and down, but the snowman was tall and the bunny was small, and he couldn’t get the carrot. The bunny remembered that he had a ladder. He ran into the house and brought a ladder. But even she didn’t help him get the carrots. The bunny became sad and sat down next to the snowman. Then the warm spring sun peeked out from behind the clouds. The snowman slowly began to melt. Soon the carrot ended up in the snow. The joyful bunny ate it with pleasure. 3.Retelling the story.

Subject pictures for composing stories for children 6-7 years old: the fairy tale “Spikelet”

1.Reading a fairy tale. 2. Conversation. - Who is this fairy tale about? — What did the little mice do all day? - What can you call the mice, what are they like? And the cockerel? - What did the cockerel find? - What did the little mice propose to do? - Who threshed the spikelet? — What did the little mice propose to do with the grain? Who did it? - What other work did the cockerel do? - What were Krut and Vert doing at that time? — Who was the first to sit down at the table when the pies were ready? — Why did the little mice’s voices become quieter after each question from the cockerel? - Why didn’t the cockerel take pity on the mice when they left the table? 3.Retelling a fairy tale.

Compiling the story “Where the bread came from” based on a series of plot pictures

1. Conversation. — What time of year is shown in the first plot picture? — Where does the tractor work? What is the name of the profession of a person who works on a tractor? — What work does the tractor do? — What is the name of the technique that you see in the third picture? What work does a seeder do? — What work does the plane do? Why do you need to fertilize the field? — When does the wheat ripen? —What is used to harvest wheat? What is the name of the profession of a person who works on a combine? -What is bread made from? — What needs to be done with wheat grains to make flour? —Where are the buns and loaves baked? Who bakes them? —Where is the bread taken then? — How should you treat bread? Why? 2. Compilation of a story. Where did the bread come from? Spring has come. The snow has melted. Tractor drivers went out into the field to plow and loosen the soil for future grain. The grain growers poured grain into seeders and began to scatter it across the field. And then a plane took off into the sky to fertilize the wheat field. The fertilizer will fall into the ground, and the wheat will grow and ripen. By the end of summer, the wheat field will be in full bloom. Combine operators will go out into the field. Harvesters will float across a wheat field, as if across a blue sea. The threshed grain is ground into flour. In the bakery they will bake it into warm, fragrant, delicious bread and take it to the store. 3.Retelling the story.

Story pictures for writing stories for children 6-7 years old: Home alone

Figure (54) (700x517, 191Kb)
1. Conversation. —Who do you see in the plot pictures? — What toys do you see in the story picture? —Which child likes to play with a teddy bear? Who's with the cars? - How is mommy in the mood? What is she unhappy about? - When could this happen? -Where do you think mom went? -Who was left at home alone? What did the children promise their mother? — What was Katya doing? And Vova? —Whose beads are scattered on the floor? - Do you think mom allowed me to take the beads? -Who took them? — Why were the beads torn? — How did the children feel when their mother returned? 2. Compilation of a story. Alone at home. Mom went to the store to do some shopping. And Katya and Vova were left at home alone. They promised mom that everything would be fine. Katya took her favorite bear and began to tell him a story, and Vova played with cars. But suddenly Katya saw her mother’s beads. She really wanted to try them on. She took the beads and began to try them on. But Vova said that mother did not allow Katya to touch them. Katya did not listen to Vova. Then Vova began to remove the beads from Katya’s neck. But Katya didn’t let them take them off. Suddenly the thread broke and the beads scattered on the floor. At this time, mom returned from the store. Vova hid under the blanket out of fear, and Katya stood and looked guiltily at her mother. The children were very ashamed that they had not kept their promise. 3.Retelling the story.

Subject pictures for composing stories for children 6-7 years old: about border guards

1. Conversation. —Who do you see in the first picture? -Where are they going? — What did the border guard notice? -Who did he show the tracks to? - Who did the tracks lead to? — What does the offender have in his hands? - Look at the second story picture. What can you say about Trezor? Why is he so angry? — What did the intruder do when Trezor attacked him? — What can you call the border guard and Trezor, what are they like? - If all the defenders are like this, then what will our Motherland be like? 2. Compilation of a story. The border of the Motherland is locked. The border of our Motherland is guarded by border guards. One day, soldier Vasily and his faithful friend, the dog Trezor, went out on patrol. Suddenly the border guard noticed fresh tracks. He showed them to Trezor. Trezor immediately followed the trail. Soon the border guard and Trezor saw the border violator. He was armed, and when he saw the border guard and Trezor, he pointed a pistol at them. Trezor became tense and attacked the criminal. He grabbed the intruder by the hand, and he dropped the gun in fright. Faithful friends arrested the offender. Let everyone know that the border of our Motherland is locked. 3.Retelling the story.


Abstract of OOD on speech development on the topic: “Composing stories based on a series of pictures”


"General developmental kindergarten No. 115"

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the preparatory group

Topic: “Compiling stories based on a series of pictures”

Completed by: teacher Parshina I.Yu.1KK

Voronezh 2020
Summary of a lesson on the development of coherent speech in the preparatory group
Topic: “Composing stories based on a series of pictures”

  • Target:
  • exercise children in composing a story based on a series of pictures connected by the same content;
  • learn to grasp the sequence of depicted events, use complex sentences and words of definition in speech;
  • develop monologue speech.
  • Developmental tasks:
  • consolidate the ability to determine the composition of a series of pictures;
  • continue work on teaching how to write a story about a specific object;
  • practice the formation and use of adjectives, coordinating them with nouns;
  • learn to pronounce two-syllable words from open syllables;
  • practice simple syllabic synthesis;
  • practice using sentences with the conjunction because.
  • develop attention, memory, creative thinking;
  • continue to work on clarity of diction and intonation expressiveness of speech;


sets of pictures

Methodical techniques:

didactic game, game motivation, questions, looking at pictures, verbal exercise, telling a story in parts, coming up with a title for a story.

Progress of the lesson:

Announcing the topic of the lesson

— Today, in a lesson on speech development, you will learn a lot of new and interesting things, learn how to compose a text, and magical pictures will help you with this.

Updating knowledge.

- To begin with, let's imagine the following picture:

In the morning you silently got up, washed, got dressed; went to school in silence; They sat silently at school, looked at each other and silently returned home.

- Did you feel good? (Badly)

— I wonder when a person feels good? (when a person talks, communicates, learns something)

- What is the name of everything we say? (speech)

- What kind of speech is there? (written and oral)

— For what kind of speech do you need: telephone, pen, microphone, chalk, pencil?

- What kind of speech is oral?

—What kind of speech is called written?

-What is it needed for?

- What does our speech consist of? (from suggestions)

-What does our speech consist of? (From proposals.)

-What is a proposal? (This is one or more words that are related in meaning and express a complete thought.)

-What does the proposal consist of? (From words.)

-How is an offer written? (The first word is written with a capital letter. At the end of the sentence there is a period, exclamation point, question mark or ellipsis.)

-What is text? (These are sentences related in meaning by a common theme.)

D/n And now I propose to play. (Children get up from their seats in a circle)

Game “The end of the word is yours”

I will throw the ball and say the first syllable, and you will return the ball to me and say the second syllable, then say the word in full. Game “Come up with a Sentence” I will say the word “spring” and pass the ball to the child next to me, and he must come up with a sentence with this word. Then the child says his word and passes the ball to the next one.

Game “Explain why...” Children will have to complete the sentences that the teacher begins to speak, using the word “because.” You can select several options for one beginning of a sentence, the main thing is that they all correctly reflect the reason for the event stated in the first part. Unfinished proposals for the game.

The children sit down in their seats to the music.

Formation of a long exhalation.

- Guys, tell me, what is the spring wind like? (strong, cool)

-Let's show you: - take air into your bellies, check with your hand how your belly is inflated, stretch out your lips and blow like a spring wind.

Working with deformed text.

- Oh! The pictures scattered and my story got mixed up!

Guys, can you help me compose it correctly?

The children sit at the tables. (We hang the pictures in the wrong order).

I have a set of pictures with their images. Look at them carefully and put them in the correct order so that you can understand what happened.

Now the pictures are in the right order.

Compiling a general story based on the pictures on the board, then 2-3 more children come to the board in turn and compose the story with their own additions.

After compiling a general story, the children are given cut-out pictures and they independently compose their stories. Listening to 2-3 children give speeches near the board. (see Appendix No. 1)

Outdoor game "Vesnyanka". –

Let's invite the sun to visit us. May it come soon and make us happy!

Sunshine, sunshine, (they walk in a circle, holding hands)

Golden bottom. Burn. Burn clearly so that it doesn't go out.

A stream ran in the garden (they run in a circle on their toes)

A hundred rooks have flown in (they run, flapping their arms like wings)

And the snowdrifts are melting, melting, (slowly squat)

And the flowers are growing. (stretch upward, standing on tiptoes, raising arms)

Lesson summary.

What did we talk about in class today? Who was the story about? What was your favorite thing to do? What games would you like to play more?

Appendix No. 1

Resourceful mouse

The first picture shows a cat and a mouse. What word is close in meaning to say about a cat? ( soft, fluffy, red, shaggy, homely, kind, mustachioed, strong, funny, amusing.

What can you say about the mouse? ( small, gray, fast, cunning, smart, hungry, brave).
Come up with nicknames for the cat and the mouse.

Think about who lived in the house with the cat and mouse. Come up with a name for the girl.

What did the girl pour into the cat's bowl? What did the cat do? Where did the mouse run out from and what did he see in the cat's bowl? What did the mouse do to drink milk? What was the cat surprised when he woke up? Come up with a continuation of this story.

Make up a story. Guys, did you like the story the artist told us?

Sample story "The Resourceful Mouse "

Lena poured milk into a bowl for Barsik the cat. Barsik lapped some milk, put his ears on the pillow and fell asleep. At this time, Timka the mouse ran out from behind the closet. He looked around and saw milk in the cat's bowl. The mouse wanted milk. He climbed onto a chair and pulled a long pasta out of the box. The mouse Timka quietly crept up to the bowl, dipped the pasta in the milk and drank it. Barsik the cat heard the noise, jumped up and saw an empty bowl. Barsik was surprised, and the mouse ran back behind the closet.

Balloon. The adult asks the child to arrange the story pictures in a logical sequence, answer the questions with complete answers and independently compose a story 1. Answer the questions: Who lost the balloon and where? Who found the ball on the field? What kind of mouse was he and what was his name? What was the mouse doing on the field? What did the mouse do with the ball? How did the ball game end? Come up with a continuation of this story. 2. Write a story. Sample story "Balloon". The story is not read to the child, but can be used as an aid in case of difficulties in composing a children's original story. The girls picked cornflowers in the field and lost a balloon. The little mouse Mitka was running around the field. He was looking for sweet grains of oats, but instead of them he found a balloon in the grass. Mitka began to inflate the balloon. He blew and blew, and the ball became bigger and bigger until it turned into a huge red ball. A breeze blew, picked up Mitka with the ball and carried him over the field.

House for a caterpillar. The adult asks the child to arrange the story pictures in a logical sequence, answer the questions with complete answers, and compose a story independently. 1. Answer the questions: Who are we going to write a story about? Tell me, what was the caterpillar like and what was its name? What did the caterpillar do in the summer? Where did the caterpillar crawl one day? What did you see there? What did the caterpillar do with the apple? Why did the caterpillar decide to stay in the apple? What did the caterpillar make in its new home? 2. Write a story. Sample story "House for the Caterpillar." The story is not read to the child, but can be used as an aid in case of difficulties in composing a children's original story. Once upon a time there lived a young, green caterpillar. Her name was Nastya. She lived well in the summer: she climbed trees, feasted on leaves, and basked in the sun. But the caterpillar didn’t have a house and she dreamed of finding one. Once a caterpillar crawled onto an apple tree. She saw a big red apple and started gnawing on it. The apple was so tasty that the caterpillar did not notice how it had gnawed right through it. The caterpillar Nastya decided to stay and live in the apple. She felt warm and comfortable there. Soon the caterpillar made a window and a door in its home. It turned out to be a wonderful house

New Year's preparations. The adult asks the child to arrange the story pictures in a logical sequence, answer the questions with complete answers, and compose a story independently. 1. Answer the questions: What holiday was approaching? Who do you think bought the Christmas tree and put it in the room? Tell me what the tree was like. Who came to decorate the Christmas tree? Come up with names for the children. How did the children decorate the Christmas tree? Why did they bring a ladder into the room? What did the girl attach to the top of the spruce tree? Where did the children put the toy Santa Claus? 2. Write a story. Sample story "New Year's Preparations." The story is not read to the child, but can be used as an aid in case of difficulties in composing a children's original story. The New Year holiday was approaching. Dad bought a tall, fluffy, green Christmas tree and put it in the hall. Pavel and Lena decided to decorate the Christmas tree. Pavel took out a box of Christmas tree decorations. Children hung flags and colorful toys on the Christmas tree. Lena could not reach the top of the spruce tree and asked Pavel to bring a ladder. When Pavel installed the ladder near the spruce tree, Lena attached a gold star to the top of the spruce tree. While Lena was admiring the decorated Christmas tree, Pavel ran to the pantry and brought a box with a toy Santa Claus. The children put Santa Claus under the tree and ran away from the hall happy. Today parents will take their children to the store to choose new costumes for the New Year's carnival.

Bad walk. The adult asks the child to arrange the story pictures in a logical sequence, answer the questions with complete answers, and compose a story independently. 1. Answer the questions: Name who you see in the picture. Come up with a name for the boy and a nickname for the dog. Where was the boy walking with his dog? What did the dog see and where did it run? Who flew out of the bright flower? What was the little bee doing in the flower? Why did the bee bite the dog? What happened to the dog after the bee sting? Tell me how the boy helped his dog? 2. Write a story. Sample story “A Bad Walk.” The story is not read to the child, but can be used as an aid in case of difficulties in composing a children's original story. Stas and the dog Soyka were walking along the alley of the park. The jay saw a bright flower and ran to smell it. The dog touched the flower with its nose and it swayed. A small bee flew out of the flower. She was collecting sweet nectar. The bee got angry and bit the dog on the nose. The dog's nose was swollen and tears flowed from his eyes. The jay lowered its tail. Stas became worried. He took a bandage out of his bag and covered the dog’s nose with it. The pain has calmed down. The dog licked Stas on the cheek and wagged its tail. The friends hurried home.

How a mouse painted a fence. The adult asks the child to arrange the story pictures in a logical sequence, answer the questions with complete answers, and compose a story independently. 1. Answer the questions: Come up with a nickname for the mouse you will talk about in the story. What did the little mouse decide to do on his day off? What did the mouse buy in the store? Tell me what color the paint was in the buckets. What paint did the mouse use to paint the fence? What color paints did the mouse use to paint flowers and leaves on the fence? Come up with a continuation of this story. 2. Write a story. Sample story “How a mouse painted a fence.” The story is not read to the child, but can be used as an aid in case of difficulties in composing a children's original story. On his day off, the mouse Proshka decided to paint the fence near his house. In the morning, Proshka went to the store and bought three buckets of paint from the store. I opened it and saw: in one bucket there was red paint, in the other there was orange paint, and in the third bucket there was green paint. The mouse Prosha took a brush and began to paint the fence with orange paint. When the fence was painted, the mouse dipped a brush in red paint and painted flowers. Prosha painted the leaves with green paint. When the work was done, the mouse's friends came to visit him to look at the new fence.

Duckling and chicken. The adult asks the child to arrange the story pictures in a logical sequence, answer the questions with complete answers, and compose a story independently. 1. Answer the questions: Come up with nicknames for the duckling and the chicken. What time of year is shown in the pictures? Where do you think the duckling and the chicken went? Tell us how your friends crossed the river: Why didn’t the chicken go into the water? How did the duckling help the chicken swim to the other side? How did this story end? 2. Write a story. Sample story "The Duckling and the Chick". The story is not read to the child, but can be used as an aid in case of difficulties in composing a children's original story. On a summer day, Kuzya the duckling and Tsypa the chicken went to visit the turkey. The little turkey lived with his father, a turkey, and his mother, a turkey, on the other side of the river. Kuzya the duckling and Tsypa the chicken approached the river. Kuzya plopped into the water and swam. Chick didn't go into the water. Chickens can't swim. Then Kuzya the duckling grabbed a green water lily leaf and put Tsypa on it. The chicken swam on a leaf, and the duckling pushed him from behind. Soon the friends crossed to the other side and met the turkey.

Good fishing. The adult asks the child to arrange the story pictures in a logical sequence, answer the questions with complete answers, and compose a story independently. 1. Answer the questions: Who went fishing one summer? Come up with nicknames for the cat and dog. What did your friends take with them? Where did the friends go fishing? What do you think the cat started screaming when he saw that the float went under the water? Where did the cat throw the caught fish? Why did the cat decide to steal the fish that the dog caught? Tell me how the dog managed to catch the second fish. Do you think the cat and the dog still go fishing together? 2. Write a story. Sample story “Good Fishing”. The story is not read to the child, but can be used as an aid in case of difficulties in composing a children's original story. One summer, the cat Timofey and the dog Polkan went fishing. The cat took the bucket, and the dog took the fishing rod. They sat down on the bank of the river and began to fish. The float went under water. Timofey began to shout loudly: “Fish, fish, pull, pull.” Polkan pulled out the fish, and the cat threw it into the bucket. The dog threw the fishing rod into the water for the second time, but this time he caught an old boot. Seeing the boot, Timofey decided not to share the fish with Polkan. The cat quickly picked up the bucket and ran home for lunch. And Polkan poured water out of his boot, and there was another fish there. Since then, the dog and cat have not gone fishing together.

Resourceful little mouse. The adult asks the child to arrange the story pictures in a logical sequence, answer the questions with complete answers, and compose a story independently. 1. Answer the questions: Come up with a name for the girl, nicknames for the cat, and the mouse. Tell me who lived in the girl’s house. What did the girl pour into the cat's bowl? What did the cat do? Where did the mouse run out from and what did he see in the cat's bowl? What did the mouse do to drink milk? What was the cat surprised when she woke up? Come up with a continuation of this story. 2. Write a story. Sample story "The Resourceful Mouse". The story is not read to the child, but can be used as an aid in case of difficulties in composing a children's original story. Natasha poured milk into a bowl for the cat Cherry. The cat lapped a little milk, put her ears on the pillow and fell asleep. At this time, the mouse Tishka ran out from behind the closet. He looked around and saw milk in the cat's bowl. The mouse wanted milk. He climbed onto a chair and pulled a long pasta out of the box. The mouse Tishka quietly crept up to the bowl, dipped the pasta in the milk and drank it. The cat Cherry heard the noise, jumped up and saw an empty bowl. The cat was surprised, and the mouse ran back behind the closet.

How a crow grew peas. The adult asks the child to arrange the story pictures in a logical sequence, answer the questions with complete answers, and compose a story independently. 1. Answer the questions: What time of year do you think the cockerel walked across the field? What did the cockerel bring home? Who noticed the cockerel? What did the crow do to eat the peas? Why didn't the crow eat all the peas? How did the bird sow the pea seeds in the ground? What appeared from the ground after the rain? When did the pea pods appear on the plants? Why was the crow happy? 2. Write a story. Sample story “How a Crow Grew Peas.” The story is not read to the child, but can be used as an aid in case of difficulties in composing a children's original story. In early spring, a cockerel walked across a field and carried a heavy bag of peas over his shoulders. The cockerel noticed the crow. She poked her beak into the bag and tore off the patch. Peas fell out of the bag. The crow began to feast on sweet peas, and when it was full, it decided to grow its own crop. The bird trampled several peas into the ground with its paws. Rain is coming. Very soon young pea shoots appeared from the ground. In mid-summer, tight pods with large peas inside appeared on the branches. The crow looked at her plants and rejoiced at the rich harvest of peas that she managed to grow.

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