Research project “Creation of a puppet theater”
Making dolls Dolls can be made from completely different materials, including
Literature lesson in 11th grade Conversations with Valery Bryusov
Presentation for a literature lesson (grade 11) on the topic: Balmont - presentation of Balmont Konstantin
Didactic games when studying phonetics in Russian lessons
“Entertaining material for Russian language lessons in primary school” Author: Vagabova Madina Magomedovna Introduction
Lesson plan “The Russian state under Yaroslav the Wise”
Summary of a history lesson in 6th grade with presentation. The rise of the Russian state under Yaroslav the Wise
Russian language lesson. 11th grade (preparation for the Unified State Exam)
Russian language lessons Create your teacher website PC and PPK courses Video lessons Olympiad
Information website for teachers of Informatics and Economics
Lesson summary Control algorithms 9th grade Lesson summary Control algorithms (9th grade, lesson 32,
Message about the piano - history of appearance, description and principle of operation of the instrument
History of the piano for children One of the key events in the history of music was the invention of the piano.
My family traditions
Parent conference as a form of active inclusion of families in the development and upbringing of preschool children
A good father is an attentive, sensitive, caring and delicate friend of the child. Preliminary work for
Innovative technologies in the work of a music director
Modern methods and technologies of musical education of preschool children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education Tashkinova E.N.
Oral journal in elementary school with presentation about plants
Presentation “The world of plants: what are they?” for children of the school preparatory group Alena Dmitrievna Voronkova
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