Winter changes in nature. The world around us, grade 2. - presentation
Hello everyone, the leaves have long fallen from the trees, there is crisp ice on the puddles, you can’t hear
Regulations on holding an autumn exhibition in kindergarten
Organization of an exhibition of creative works The exhibition of creative works of students in the profession of Seamstress is held in accordance with
Consultation for parents: “Hardening children during the summer health period”
Consultation for parents: Hardening of preschool children Consultation for parents of preschool educational institution “Hardening of preschool children.” Expensive
General parent meeting “Interaction between teachers and speech therapists with parents”
Parent meeting in the preparatory group “Your child is going to school” Speech at the parent meeting
Advice for beginning educators consultation (middle, senior, preparatory group) on the topic
A kindergarten teacher is a rather labor-intensive, but at the same time interesting profession. Human,
Card index of outdoor games of the peoples of the North for children of middle and senior preschool age
October Revolution
Abstract on the topic “October Revolution of 1917 in Russia” (9th grade)
Lesson summary on the topic “October Revolution” Teacher’s word: Now let’s open the textbook to
Work program for extracurricular activities “Practical social studies” for grade 9
Lesson notes on mathematics in 1st grade Triangle
Download the material so UNT / Lesson developments / Lessons in Mathematics Notes for
Lesson summary “What is a function” in algebra for grade 7
Summary of an algebra lesson in 7th grade according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Graphs of Functions Algebra Lesson 7
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