Extracurricular event “Autumn Birthday Day” (3rd grade)

Paraphrases about different things

poems about teenagers, poems about girls, poems about guys, poems about women, poems about men, poems about youth, poems about a daughter, poems about a son, poems about children, poems about adults, poems for congratulations, poems for anniversaries, gentle poems about birthday boy, with tenderness about his birthday, poems for the birth of a child, poems for a child's birthday, beautiful poems about birthdays, funny poems for birthdays, funny poems about children, mother's poems, mother about her son, mother about the anniversary, love, poems congratulatory poems, poems about dates, poems about love, tender poems, with tenderness about a daughter, with tenderness about a son,

You are nineteen... and a little more...

You are nineteen... and a little more But this is your little secret... We live and breathe. Well, thank God. After all, life is beautiful and extraordinary.

Give thanks to the Creator for every day. We all know the transience of life. Burn with an autumn, warm flame... With your soul rushing into infinity!

Sergei Dunant

It's my birthday again...

It’s my birthday again... No sadness... Bright, colorful, autumnal My bouquet... Asters, phloxes, chrysanthemums For me! Like a blooming poem, a holiday of the day...

Well, what if it’s not sixteen - Twenty-five! The passport is lying! I am fulfilled Again Let it be in my soul! She remained Young! This is a quarrelsome age With soul!

Everyone is in a hurry to add years... But the soul does not want to grow old - Twenty-five! Only the difference is clearer From year to year, She still lies incredibly!……

….Someone will say: “A rich cargo is behind you!” It’s not a burden, but experience, guys, acquired! If the eyes still laugh and sparkle, We will never be Sixty in our souls!

Natalia Lysenko

Because of the clouds the autumn sun...

Because of the clouds, the autumn sun smiled at the cloudy day. Today is my birthday, I've been dancing and singing since the morning!

Flowers and congratulations waltz around, A magnificent feast of joy is in the soul! I want the whole world to share this mood with me!


The falling leaves are spinning to the autumn blues...

The falling leaves are spinning to the autumn blues, playing with gold in the rays. Oh, how many wonderful moments and beautiful evenings by candlelight there are in autumn.

Having surrounded your birthday with attention, she does not cry tears outside the window. She covered the earth with a variegated carpet and caressed it with a ray of sunshine.

And at night the sublunary world will present you with a scattering of stars as a gift. The drink will be hot on your beloved lips, let it drive you crazy again.

And tenderness will splash in the ether, and feelings will be renewed at the midnight hour. On your birthday, Hymen himself plays the ancient lyre just for you.

Svetlana Svetlova-Yagodina

Invite to this holiday...

Invite Life and Dreams, Spring and Summer to this holiday... The earthly inescapability of forces, the darkness of the night, and the tenderness of the light...

For our birthday we are waiting for the Moon and the Sun, a prankster whirlwind... And autumn is crying with rain, not invited to the holiday...

Boris Lvovich Froenchenko

May there be for you on your birthday...

May there be for you on your Birthday Poems and songs, stars, wishes, And roses - a symbol of reverent love, And cherished confessions of passionate feelings!

May the morning bring happiness to your home, And may your soul sing like a bird of paradise! You are as charming as autumn... Tender.. And so magically good!

Nata Besedina

Today is my birthday...

Today is my birthday... And, alas, I haven’t been twenty-eight for a long time! After all, after a leaf, a leaf from the calendar Autumn plucks gold year after year.

No wonder the sun is in the sky; So what: it’s “Indian summer” again! And the cobwebs in my red hair are signs of my coming autumn.

And it’s not without reason that my gaze is full of sadness - Autumn still darkens my joy... But I’ll put on a festive outfit - Let this “Indian summer” mean.

My house is in flowers, and guests are in the yard. I put “Veto” on melancholy, It’s no coincidence that on my birthday Life again presents me with “Indian summer”!

Natalia Kolotilina

Look how festive autumn is...

Look how festive autumn has decorated the dawn. Let the gray fog of past years obscure the sky,

Let the birds fly away to the south, Before the snow falls. Don't be sad, my friend - They will return in the spring.

As usual, on Sunday I will present you with a bouquet. How good it is that on an autumn day you blinded the white light!

Winter is still looming in the distance, And you have an amulet - Your beauty. It becomes brighter, the Soul becomes brighter as the years go by.

Flocks of birds began to fuss, And autumn came on time. Let her leaf through the years, like the leaves blown by the breeze.

Lyudmila Legchilo

Today I’m “on horseback” again...

Today I am again “on horseback”, Today I am the mistress of the throne. And again it seems to me that the forehead is decorated with a crown.

"Impostor!" - you say - Let it go! I will exalt myself with my mood, I will send melancholy and sadness to hell, And I will call out to my dear guests.

Let the ringing of iridescent foam glasses merge into chords. And let the tuning fork sound in your soul - It won’t be enough anyway!

The cry of cranes breaks through the rows of city concrete. Only I feel stronger and stronger, I feel like I’m in love with life.

Oh, I wish I could stretch out the harmonies of the bellows! Yes, playing is the problem! - I do not know how. Take a sip of sin! And here the choice became poorer.

Today I want everything in full! I even consider autumn to be my own, All its golden tones, - And this just makes me tipsy.

Today I am again “on horseback”, Today I am the mistress of the throne. For some reason it seems to me that a crown is crowning my forehead.

Svetlana Pashko

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Congratulations to those born in autumn Time has swirled with golden foliage, And today of autumn the Queen is you!
Always be loved and be happy, let your radiance illuminate the path! Those who were born in autumn are very nice! The sign of Sagittarius accompanies the wise centaur. Fiery, cheerful, funny, mischievous - Happy birthday to you, our dear Sagittarius! We are cold without you, warm us with humor! You are the life of the party among your friends! Be healthy and happy, miracle man! And may your happy life be long! It’s already autumn, but I’m not sad at all, on the contrary, today is a holiday, I’m looking for a gift for you! And congratulations of course. Now I’ll write it myself! I may not be Pushkin or Yesenin, but I will give free rein to my poems! Today, on your birthday, I wish with my heart and soul Health, vigor and laughter, success in all your endeavors! And may your lucky star always shine. The trees are golden, the birds are flying away. You were destined to be born in the fall. And closing the door behind the warm summer, Autumn gave you a heart of gold! Therefore, we will not hide our admiration, On this bright holiday - on this birthday! And now, allow me, we wish you: Much, much happiness without end and edge! To a woman born in September: My toast to all those born in September! When the light of summer quietly flows towards us, When the brightest August let the children - the green foliage - still develop. And the tired first leaf falls to the ground on a warm, green pillow. The cool, minty air is spicy and clean, And summer whispers in autumn’s ear: “Don’t be afraid! Winter is a long way off, my friend. I’ll give you a little more warmth and treat the fog with milk, and ask God for a ray of sunshine.” I drink to everyone born in September. They, like children, are in no hurry to learn. They are still in love, they are still in the game: In such a month they had to be born. May this day be long and cheerful, May this holiday be repeated for a long time! Let not old age, nor the blues, nor laziness prevent us from getting together on this day! Happy Birthday to those born in September. Outside the window, in September Autumn is in the yard again. Today your birthday will be like gold! As if from a fairy tale, Golden leaves of paint! And September brought you golden hair color! And it was not in vain that I raised my crystal glass just now. For health, happiness, affection, For the most wonderful fairy tale! But I already wish to live without autumn in my soul! Do you hear the loud chirping of birds? So, you will be an excellent student! Were you born in September? So, the holiday is in the yard! Chasing birds in an open field, getting A's at school! There will be charm in your eyes. Win in all matters! My toast to everyone born in September! When the light of summer quietly flows towards us, When the brightest August let the children - the green foliage - still develop. And the tired first leaf falls to the ground on a warm, green pillow. The cool, minty air is spicy and clean, And summer whispers in autumn’s ear: “Don’t be afraid! Winter is a long way off, my friend. I’ll give you a little more warmth and treat the fog with milk, and ask God for a ray of sunshine.” I drink to everyone born in September. They, like children, are in no hurry to learn. They are still in love, they are still in the game: In such a month they had to be born. May this day be long and cheerful, May this holiday be repeated for a long time! Let not old age, nor the blues, nor laziness prevent us from getting together on this day! For those born in September - good luck and luck, September is the beginning of a fabulous time. Those born in September receive honor and respect and generous autumn gifts! Pages: 1 Next Last

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