Regulations on holding an autumn exhibition in kindergarten

Organization of an exhibition of creative works

The exhibition of creative works by students of the Seamstress profession is held in accordance with the plan for a ten-day period of the cyclic methodological commission of the professional cycle in the direction of “Industrial ecology and biotechnology; service and tourism.

Purpose of the exhibition:

organization of creative activities of students;

implementation of educational work through fine and decorative arts.

Exhibition objectives:

creating conditions for the maximum realization of students’ individual abilities:

expansion of artistic and aesthetic horizons;

mastering technologies of decorative and applied arts;

public presentation of creative works.

Works at the exhibition are presented in the following categories:

“Embroidery” (ribbons, satin stitch, stem stitch);

“Working with fabric” (patchwork, applique);

soft toy.

Exhibition participants:

students of GBPOU MO PPPET by profession: Seamstress.

Creativity is an activity that generates something qualitatively new and is distinguished by uniqueness, originality and socio-historical uniqueness.

Since childhood, we have been surrounded by the fruits of someone's creative work . Not every one of us has the opportunity to marvel at the masterpieces of world-famous museums and architectural monuments, or to admire the performances of actors in the capital’s theaters. But in any place you can always find something unusual, surprising, attracting attention, making you think about the infinity of human imagination. A church built and decorated by serfs; paintings painted by local artists; objects of artistic craft - all these are the results of the creative work of people who love their work, putting their skill and soul into their work.

All artists and poets created only in the presence of the Muse, one of the nine goddesses of Greek mythology. And for a mere mortal, just the mood is quite enough. Any work becomes creative if it is done freely and without coercion. What beautiful things come out of our hands if we set to work with desire! What interesting ideas arise in your head if no one dictates, no one stands above your soul.

But this is the ideal option. Not every immortal creation was created in such greenhouse conditions. Harsh reality often interferes with creative work . But you can also show your skills in everyday worries. Take a creative approach to solving a problem, choose a non-standard approach. A lace napkin skillfully knitted by hand, a new dress made independently from unnecessary scraps, a gazebo in the garden built using discarded scraps of wood and metal, a flowerbed lovingly and creatively decorated with river shells - isn’t this a creative work ? The main thing is that the work brings satisfaction and joy to the creator

Reviews about the exhibition of paintings by Anastasia Novykh. Part 7

They say that if you wait impatiently for something for a long time, the waiter will be disappointed, and in the end something will definitely go wrong. I admit, I was waiting for the exhibition of paintings by the contemporary writer and artist Anastasia Novykh from the moment I learned about it. But, fortunately, in this case the unspoken rule did not work and nothing prevented the plan from being realized.

The small city of Boryspil, in which this event took place, and which I visited for the first time, can serve as an example of the transformation of society towards creation and goodness. Joyful, bright, life-affirming banners, billboards, and graffiti throughout the entire route within the city charged with positivity and excellent mood. And friendly people only strengthened this impression. It was in such high spirits that we arrived at our destination.

The atmosphere at the exhibition was simply homely and family-like. Despite the large number of people standing in a queue several tens of meters long, during the entire waiting time there was not even a hint of dissatisfaction, ill will or nervousness. What is not a mini-model, a prototype of the society of the future, in which the fundamental principles of relationships between people will be friendliness, tolerance, and mutual respect.

We can talk about the paintings themselves for a long time, but I won’t think too much and will simply try to convey my feelings, as well as the most vivid impressions of what I saw. What caught my eye at the first glance and especially struck me was that the paintings turned out to be not of the usual format, but three-dimensional, that is, it was as if you were immersed in them, falling through. It seems that you take one more step - and you are already there, in the middle, in a different reality. An amazing feeling... Another vivid impression was that these paintings can rightfully be called alive. Some even heard the rustling of leaves and the babbling of streams. Each of the paintings is like a window into another, unknown world. Not only to look into this world with one eye, but also to step into it, live it, make it as real as these amazing creations - this is the opportunity... no, the responsibility of every person. It's stupid to spend your whole life barricaded in a miserable shack when the wide, vast world is open to you. The door is simply wide open - it’s time to go out into the world of the Present.

Author: Vitaliy, Chernivtsi

On Saturday, September 12, I visited an exhibition of paintings by Anastasia Novykh. To be honest, I was really looking forward to this day. For a long time, ever since reading her books, and this was several years ago, there was a great desire to see her work in person. And here is such a wonderful opportunity. Of course I couldn't miss it! It is difficult to convey in words the feelings that arose. Words in this case can be compared to a baby rattle compared to any modern device of the latest generation.

At first, all attention was focused on the paintings themselves. The first feeling when entering the hall is immersion in something pleasant. Just the first step into the room, the paintings were in the opposite corner of the hall, and their energy filled everything around. And with every step approaching, the feeling of this immersion became more and more pleasant. There are simply no further words.

The paintings themselves were very surprising with their artistic technique. From the photographs that I had previously seen on Anastasia Novykh’s website, I couldn’t even imagine how beautiful these paintings were. It's like they're alive! You can look at them endlessly. And it seems that you can hear the murmur of a stream, feel the blow of the wind in the mountains, see how the stars twinkle in the night sky - a complete effect of presence.

In Anastasia’s second book of the “Sensei” series, I once read that the most important thing in creating a work of art is the state in which the author was when he created. That through the author, as through a guide, the spiritual world manifests itself. Again, I can’t find words to express the feelings that arose while studying the paintings. But I know for sure that this was it - contact with the spiritual world.

But it was not only the paintings that made an unforgettable impression. I met a lot of people at the exhibition. What was unusual, or rather unusual, was that their faces glowed with happiness. Such quiet kind joy. Looking at them, a thought arose, if only outside of this exhibition people would remain in such an elevated state, without being distracted by the illusions of material existence. When I approached the stands of the projects that were presented at the exhibition, I realized that this idea was not so utopian. There are quite a lot of people striving to change the world, guided by the principles of creation and personal spiritual self-improvement. The main thing is to unite in these good endeavors and make your contribution within your power, without putting it off for later.

I left the exhibition with a feeling of elation and a firm determination to put my efforts into something that will truly help make the world a better place for us.

Author: Tatyana

I was lucky enough to visit a unique exhibition of paintings and books by A. Novykh. I admit honestly that I am not very knowledgeable about such a wonderful art as painting, but these paintings amazed me. I was struck not even by the writing style, relief painting or fine drawing of details, but by the invisible, inspiring and inspiring feeling that you experience when looking at the author’s work. Even now, remembering the paintings I saw at the exhibition, that amazing feeling does not go away, as if life itself was invisibly written in those works, as it really is, true freedom and boundless love, and a whole range of delightful feelings that It’s hard to even put it into words. I really want to share all these amazing deep feelings with all people.

This exhibition gave another internal impetus to work on myself, to improve my inner world, thoughts and actions. As practice has shown, one person can change a lot, change himself and help others change. After such a gift, I would like to express my great love and gratitude to the author of the paintings and books, A. Novykh, for the unique opportunity to come into contact with primordial knowledge and change my life forever.

Author: Karina

Having visited the exhibition of paintings and books by Anastasia Novykh, I was amazed and surprised... Such a pleasant and tender feeling, a whole range of shades of feelings. These feelings are like the colors in A. Novykh’s paintings: deep and rich. Of course, this is a material connection to the paintings, the venue, which our consciousness clings to and tells us that we can come into contact with the Spiritual only under certain circumstances and near a Spiritually strong person. But believe me, all this external stuff is only a help for us in our tireless work on ourselves. Paintings and books by Anastasia Novykh help people feel their Soul, understand themselves, realize their inner nature. All these transformations and discoveries take place in the inner world of a person, in his conversation on a sensory level with the Spiritual world, with God, and do not depend on external conditions.

I would also like to note the unusually warm atmosphere at the exhibition itself. You understand that you are surrounded by people of different professions and ages... and at the same time, all these age-related conventions and the status of a person in this world fade into the background. And the spiritual beauty of people, kindness and sincerity comes first. There is the knowledge that we are all one and we have one home, we are all a big friendly family, a family of different countries and nationalities.

I remember my feeling when I want to share a good word with everyone, but all the words seem to be superfluous and only get in the way, the feeling when everything is clear and simple.

In fact, such spiritual unity of people occurs thanks to the knowledge that is presented in the books of A. Novykh. Only knowledge unites people, only knowledge can help a person understand the meaning of real Freedom!

Author: Alesya

The exhibition ended, but the feelings and inspiration that I received from being there remain with me today. Words cannot express my gratitude to the author, as well as to everyone who participated in one way or another in holding the exhibition. Such events are priceless for each of us. They give a powerful charge of inspiration to work on yourself even harder in every moment of your life.

Indeed, the creativity of one person can change the whole world.

What if each person knew how important each of his actions is for all of us as a whole? After all, we are all one in our essence!

The phenomenon of books and paintings by Anastasia Novykh is a wonderful example of how the creativity of one person can help someone else. And such examples cannot but inspire! I want to continue to work on myself, to become better every day, to catch this emotional wave and, to the best of my ability, create, do something good.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Author: Ekaterina

Other reviews of the exhibition of paintings by Anastassi Novykh can be found in the “Notes” section.

Exhibition Regulations

about the regional methodological exhibition

"Modern educational environment of kindergarten"

Download the statement: statement on the method. exhibition 2014.doc (227.5 KB)

I. General provisions

1.1. These Regulations determine the procedure and regulations for holding the regional virtual regional methodological exhibition “Modern educational environment of kindergarten” (hereinafter referred to as the Exhibition).

1.2. The organizer of the Exhibition is the editorial office of the electronic periodical “Kindergartens of the Tyumen Region” and the DROFA Publishing House, Moscow.

II. Goals and objectives of the Exhibition

2.1. The methodological exhibition is held in order to identify, support and disseminate the experience of teachers of preschool educational institutions in creating a system of material, cultural and didactic resources that provide a comprehensive education for preschool children.

2.2. The main objectives of the Exhibition are:

— to improve the professional skills of teachers in modeling an educational space in which every child can gain a variety of experiences and realize themselves most fully;

— stimulate the creativity and passion of teachers to achieve effective educational results in the process of interaction with children;

— create conditions for productive pedagogical communication, establishing business contacts between teachers of educational institutions;

— to create a bank of methodological, didactic, information materials about effective experience in creating conditions for the education of preschool children.

III. Dates and place of the Exhibition

3.1. The virtual exhibition is held on the information and methodological portal “Kindergartens of the Tyumen Region”

Acceptance of applications and publication of exhibition materials: from November 1, 2013 to April 4, 2014.

Online voting: from April 7, 2014. to 04/13/2014

Summing up the results of the exhibition 04/14/2014

IV. Procedure for organizing the Exhibition

4.1. Teachers from preschool educational institutions take part in the Exhibition. Participation in the Exhibition is voluntary, the number of participants from one institution is not limited. One author can submit only one work.

4.2. To hold the Exhibition, an organizing committee is being created, which includes:

— Editorial office of the electronic periodical “Kindergartens of the Tyumen Region”;

— The DROFA publishing house is one of the largest scientific and pedagogical centers in Russia.

— SAOU DPO Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug “Regional Institute for Educational Development”. (Head of the Department of Preschool Education - Voronina Galina Leonidovna)

— Winner of the regional competition “Kindergarten: day by day” 2013. — Gnatyuk Inna Vadimovna, head of the MADOOU Child Development Center-kindergarten “Dolphin” in Muravlenko.

— Preschool teachers, specialists in the field of correctional pedagogy of preschool institutions in the Tyumen region, winners of regional and district competitions (as agreed)

4.3. Organizing Committee:

— responsible for organizational and methodological support of the exhibition;

— evaluates materials and makes a decision on their placement at the exhibition;

— decides on rewarding the winners of online voting;

The general management and coordination of the Exhibition is carried out by the editors of the electronic periodical “Kindergartens of the Tyumen Region”.

V. Main thematic areas of the exhibition

5.1. Exhibits of a virtual methodological exhibition can be original author's teaching aids, made by hand, tested in the practice of joint/independent children's activities, distinguished by their versatility, multifunctionality in application, accessibility in production, and having a general developmental or correctional effect.

5.2. The exhibition provides teaching aids in the following areas:

1. Copyright items ( visual aids; visual teaching materials; sets of teaching materials used in joint activities with children; mini-equipment that stimulates the child to perform independent or collective activities).

Requirements for submitting original work:

— title page with the name of the teaching aid;

- photo series:

a) 1-3 photographs showing a close-up of the manual from different angles,

b) a series of photographs (up to 5), which reflect the various activities of children and/or the teacher with benefits; (Photos are large, good resolution in jpg format. Photos are attached as separate files to the email. Do not paste them into the text!),

— a brief summary of the manual, a description and presentation of the practice of working with the manual: its purpose (about what, for whom, in solving what problems it will be useful); versatility and algorithm (methods) of use, educational effect;

Attention! How to submit your work to a methodological exhibition in the “Author’s Manuals” category Step-by-step illustrated instructions.doc (2.64 MB) Download.

2. Copyright information and communication resources (information and interactive presentations, computer games and simulators used in the practice of preschool educational institutions).

Requirements for submitting original work:

— title page with the name of the teaching aid;

— a brief summary of the work: a) age-appropriateness, b) rules of the game/work on the simulator, c) sequence of work with the program, d) control of the game/simulator, e) developmental effect.

— If the presentation (computer game, simulator) weighs more than 19 MB, they must be uploaded to Yandex.Disk or a file-sharing site (for example,, and only a link to this material must be sent to the exhibition. (How to Install Yandex.Disk)

3. The author's view on modeling the subject-developmental environment of a group/kindergarten

Requirements for presenting a designed environment:

— a video recording of the designed environment with voice author’s accompaniment, reflecting age and gender-role targeting, dynamism, versatility and efficiency of use.

The video recording should be of good quality, with enough time to examine the presented objects, the corners of the kindergarten group, and see how they fit into the interior. The maximum video recording time is 10 minutes.

The video is posted on the website (detailed instructions on How to upload a video to youtube.doc (27.5 KB)

Only a link is sent to the exhibition. ATTENTION! There is no need to send the video itself to the editor!


Any manuals made by yourself are accepted for the exhibition. Methodological manuals for industrial production, as well as low-quality photographs and video materials are not allowed at the exhibition.

During the examination of exhibition works, the following is taken into account:

— compliance of materials with the requirements of the exhibition;

— relevance and compliance of materials with Federal state requirements;

5.3. Copyright:

— exhibitors guarantee that they have personal non-property and exclusive copyright rights to the works sent to the exhibition;

— The exhibition organizer guarantees that participants will respect copyright.

VI. Awards for exhibitors

6.1. The virtual exhibition allows you to get acquainted with the creative works of your colleagues, learn from teaching experience, and present your own works. Based on the results of the exhibition, prizes and titles are not awarded.

All teachers are awarded diplomas of participation in the regional event, methodological literature and a multimedia methodological album with a full version of the virtual exhibition. Documents on paper have the original editorial seal and signature. Registered parcels are sent to the address of the exhibition participants.

6.2. The best works, in the opinion of the Drofa Publishing House, will be presented on the publishing house’s website.

6.2. Based on the results of SMS voting for the “People's Choice Award”, 3 participants are awarded valuable gifts - software and methodological complexes from the DROFA Publishing House.

View all books in the set: >>>

6.3. The criterion for determining the winner of the SMS voting is the participant’s place of work in the ranking. The voting procedure and results are available for free viewing on the Internet portal “Kindergartens of the Tyumen Region”:

6.4. Exhibition partners can provide certificates for products, sets of methodological literature, educational and methodological complexes, and visual and didactic materials.

VII. Financing of the exhibition. The terms of participation

7.1. The financial base for organizing a virtual methodological exhibition consists of sponsorship funds and monetary contributions from participants.

7.2. The registration fee for participation in the methodological exhibition is 700 (seven hundred) rubles. The registration fee for participation is a voluntary donation to ensure the holding of the competition.

Org. the fee includes registration of the application, examination, creation of a website for the exhibition participant, connection to social networks, SMS voting system, registration, mailing of the diploma and multimedia album (DVD), overhead costs.

Forms of payment:

Org. the contribution is transferred according to the bank details of the Editorial Office of the electronic periodical “Kindergartens of the Tyumen Region” ( Download the receipt: Receipt_Method_exhibition.doc) You can pay the receipt at any branch of Sberbank. The receipt indicates the full name of the exhibition participant.

Directly on this page of the site you can pay for the service with your plastic card without commission. To do this, the card must be connected to the Internet banking service. Clear illustrated instructions on how to pay by card.doc (1.07 MB)

You can also pay for participation in the exhibition in person at Sberbank (you must present your passport and state the Sberbank Card No.) or transfer the amount from your pl. cards on the square Sberbank card (via an ATM or Sberbank-online) No. Editorial card in Sberbank: 4276867023001978.

7.3. State, public, commercial and other organizations, media and individuals can provide any assistance for holding the exhibition or act as information partners.

VIII. Required package of documents for exhibition participants

1. Application for participation in the Exhibition (download: Application for participation in the methodological exhibition.doc (21 KB));

2. Photo of the Exhibition participant in jpg format (optional);

3. Exhibition materials with a full description (photos are numbered and attached as separate files to the email), a link to a video posted on or a link to materials posted on Yandex.Disk

(Appendix 3: How to upload a video to youtube.doc), How to Install Yandex.Disk)

4. Scanned copy of the receipt (check) for payment of the registration fee.

How to submit your work to a methodological exhibition in the “Author’s Manuals” category Step-by-step illustrated instructions.doc (2.64 MB) Download.

The complete package of documents is sent to the editorial office’s email address: [email protected]

Registration of exhibition participants is carried out upon payment of the registration fee and receipt of a complete package of documents for the online event.

If a teacher participating in the exhibition undergoes certification in April-May, then he can order a certificate “Confirmation of participation in a regional event.” Write a request by email. editorial address. Sample: certificate confirming account. exhibitions.doc (378.5 KB) In May, ALL participants will be sent registered parcels with diplomas.


— The exhibition organizer guarantees the confidentiality of participants’ personal data.

— All costs for the delivery of diplomas, gifts, prizes and responsibility for sending them by mail are borne by the organizer

For all questions related to participation in the Exhibition, you can contact representatives of the festival organizing committee by phone: 8 (3452) 205724 from 9.00 to 17.00 except Sat. and all or by email editorial address

Download the statement: statement on the method. exhibition 2014.doc (227.5 KB)

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