Work program “Music” 5th grade based on the Federal State Educational Standard and the E.D. program. Kritskaya, G.P. Sergeeva and T.S. Shmagina.
Control test on the topic Moscow Rus', grade 6
Training on the topic: “Ancient Russian state” 1. In what century, according to the chronicle legend, did Novgorod
International creative competition “Autumn Wonders in Nature”
Drawings on the theme “Autumn” sent to the competition “Our Autumn is Golden, Fruitful” 1st place Migunov
pedagogical competitions https://pedproekt.rf
Participation of preschool children in competitions as a form of organizing creative activities
Competitions for educators and teachers of preschool educational institutions We invite educators and teachers of preschool educational institutions to take part
Scenario of a quiz game on ecology for older children and their parents
Ecology through the eyes of children - a competition for preschoolers and schoolchildren. We invite you to take part in
Lesson notes on mathematics in 1st grade Triangle
Download the material so UNT / Lesson developments / Lessons in Mathematics Notes for
Technological map of the music lesson “Tell a story”
Mikhail Glinka, “Ruslan and Lyudmila” (1842) Feature film by Alexander Ptushko “Ruslan and Lyudmila” (1972)
Lesson summary on fine arts “Cities of the Russian Land” 4th grade
1) How did cities appear in Rus'? Ancient Rus' was called the Country of Cities, Gardarika. Cities
Quiz for teachers of preschool educational institutions “Knowledge of regulatory documents regulating the activities of preschool institutions at the present time”
Intellectual game for children 6-7 years old. Child’s readiness for school Blitz - tournament: “Ready
Diagnostics of mathematical development of older preschool children
Dear Colleagues! Parents! We bring to your attention the section of the website “Diagnostics of mathematical abilities”, which will help you