One-day project for children of the early age group “Insects”

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Calendar - thematic planning for the week according to the Federal State Educational Standard in the junior and middle groups for children with visual impairments

Topic of the week: “INSECTS” (16.05.16 – 20.05.16)

Goal: to form ideas about the life of insects, to introduce them to their appearance features and methods of movement.

Final event: exhibition of works on artistic creativity “Insects” 05/20/16


Musical activity on the theme “Like in our little garden . Integration of educational areas: “Artistic and aesthetic development” , “Physical development” , “Social and communicative development” , “Cognitive development” . Goal: to create the prerequisites for the development of musical and aesthetic development. Logic of educational activities (see outline plan No. 34).

Correctional on the topic “Triangle, cube, square, ball, cube” .

Integration of educational areas: “Cognitive development” , “Speech development” , “Physical development” , “Social and communicative development” . Goal: to consolidate ideas about a cube, ball, square, circle.

Logic of educational activities: (see plan - notes No. 60, second junior group).

Topic: “Circle, square, rectangle, oval .

Goal: to consolidate ideas about a circle, square, oval, rectangle.

Logic of educational activities: (see plan - notes No. 60 average gr). MORNING:

  1. Reception of children in a group.
  2. Did. game “Connect the dots and find out who is shown in the picture” - develop the accuracy of hand movements. 3. Cut pictures “Butterflies” - improve the ability to assemble pictures from 3 – 4 parts.
  3. Breathing exercises.
  4. Morning exercises.
  5. Situational conversation “What do we know about insects?” — clarify children’s knowledge about insects, distinctive features, nutrition and movement. 7. Individual work: did. exercise

“Find a big and small butterfly” fix the value - with Polya, Elmira.


  1. Observing ants - expand knowledge about insects.
  2. Reading “The Grasshopper” by E. Moshkovskaya - the ability to answer questions.
  3. Individual work: exercise “On a level path” - practice walking with high knees - Milan, Alice.
  4. Outdoor game “Bear and Bees” - practice running in all directions, develop the ability to act on a signal.
  5. Independent activity of children.

— independent activity in activity centers (optional).

— offer children the children's encyclopedia “Insects” .

- create conditions for games with external materials: sand sets, cars, scoops, buckets, dolls, strollers, story toys, balls, jump ropes.

Talk with parents about the well-being of their children.


  1. Gymnastics after sleep, air conditioning.
  2. Corrective exercises (rope walking, jumping on 2 legs).
  3. Plot-based role-playing game “Dolls for a walk” - to develop the ability to determine one’s role in the game, to play out the plot of the game.
  4. Productive activity “Ladybugs crawl on the grass” is to develop the ability to sculpt round objects.
  5. A dramatization game based on the fairy tale “The Cluttering Fly” - to consolidate knowledge of the content of the fairy tale and develop expressive speech.
  6. Visual gymnastics.
  7. Individual work on assignment

teacher-defectologist (see notebook of relationships).


  1. Observing the sun - forming the idea that when the sun is shining, it is warm outside.
  2. Reading p. n. nursery rhymes “Sunny” - bring joy to children.
  3. Individual work: develop the ability to walk on a tightrope - with Polina.
  4. Round dance game “Who called whom?” - develop auditory attention.
  5. Independent activity of children.

— add attributes to the role-playing game “Dolls for a Walk .

- offer children plasticine, boards, stacks, napkins.

- offer children illustrations for the fairy tale “Fly - Tskotukha” .

— offer children crayons for drawing on the asphalt.

- create conditions for games with external materials: cars, scoops, buckets, sand sets, dolls, jump ropes, hoop.


Motor activity on the topic “Insects in the grass” .

Integration of educational areas:

“Physical development” , “Social and communicative development” , “Cognitive development” . Goal: to improve the ability to walk one after another, in a circle, holding hands, changing direction, the ability to line up in a circle according to landmarks. Develop physical activity. Logic of educational activities (see plan - abstract No. 33).

Visual activity.

Topic: “Ladybug” (II ml. gr. and middle gr.)

Integration of educational areas, tasks:

“Artistic and aesthetic development”.

1. Develop the ability to draw bright, expressive images of insects. Show the possibility of creating a composition based on a green leaf cut out of paper by the teacher. Improve the technique of painting with paints (repeat round curves, combine two tools - a brush and a cotton swab).

"Physical development".

1. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

"Cognitive development".

1. Introduce children to the ladybug, its habitat, and nutrition. Cultivate a caring attitude towards insects.

Methods, techniques: Verbal - reading a poem, answering questions. Visual – looking at a picture of a ladybug.

Practical – finger play, drawing.

Materials, equipment: green leaves, brushes, gouache paints in red and black, cotton swabs, a picture of a ladybug.

Logic of educational activities: Progress:

  1. Organizational moment: the teacher reads to the children the poem by V. Shipunova “Green Path” .
  2. Cognitive: looking at illustrations, pictures with a ladybug. Answers to the teacher's questions.
  3. Motor: finger game: “Ladybug.” .
  4. Fine: teacher: - What is the shape of the body of a ladybug? - Show this shape with your hands. The shape is similar to a circle. Reminds you that the back needs to be painted with a brush (red paint), and the dots with a cotton swab (black paint).
  5. Reflection: - Who did we talk about today?

— What new have we learned about the ladybug?

Visual activity.

Topic: “Ladybug” (1 ml. g)

Integration of educational areas, tasks:

“Artistic and aesthetic development”.

1. Introduce children to an unconventional technique: finger painting. Continue learning to dip your finger in the paint and make an imprint on the surface of the sheet - polka dots on the back of a ladybug. Improve your ability to paint without going beyond the outline.

"Cognitive Development" . 1. Consolidate knowledge about insects (ladybug), its habitat, and body structure. Develop the ability to distinguish and name colors (red, black). "Physical development" .

1. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Methods, techniques:

Verbal – questions and answers, reading a poem. Visual – looking at illustrations, showing methods of action. Practical – drawing, finger play.

Materials, equipment: a picture of a ladybug, a finished sample, ready-made ladybugs without dots on a landscape sheet for each child, napkins, black and red gouache in bowls.

Logic of educational activities: Progress:

  1. Organizational moment: The teacher reads a poem: “I can fly deftly, motley ladybug. The wings are red with dots, as if in black circles .
  2. Cognitive: conversation, looking at a ladybug. The teacher offers to determine the color, shape and size of the ladybug. If the children find it difficult to answer, the teacher himself names the color, shape and size. - Let's draw a ladybug in the air, show with our hands how round it is.
  3. Motor: finger game “Ladybug” .
  4. Fine: explanation and demonstration: - I dip a brush in red paint and paint the back of the ladybug without going beyond the outline, then I squeeze all my fingers into a fist, and leave one index finger, dip my little finger in black paint, and carefully put my finger on the back of a ladybug. 5. Reflection: - Who did we talk about today?

— What new have we learned about the ladybug?


  1. Reception of children in a group.
  2. Games with clothespins: laying out objects in a pattern - developing fine motor skills.
  3. Making and guessing riddles about insects is to develop logical thinking.
  4. Finger gymnastics “Beetle, dragonfly, wasps” , “Ladybugs” . 5. Morning exercises.
  5. The game exercise “My dexterous fingers” is to improve the ability to fasten and unfasten buttons and Velcro . 7. Individual work: did. exercise “Connect the dots and find out what the caterpillar will turn into” - develop the accuracy of hand movements, imagination - with Alice.


  1. Continue to reinforce the sequence of dressing and undressing.
  2. Observation of a pine tree - consolidate the ability to find and describe this tree.
  3. Did. game “Guess the tree by description” - develop the ability to find a tree (pine) by description.
  4. Individual work: exercise “Jump to the bee” - consolidate the ability to jump on 2 legs, moving forward - Nastya, Milan.
  5. The outdoor game “Bear and Bees” is to improve the ability to run without bumping into each other.
  6. Independent activity of children.


  1. Gymnastics after sleep, air conditioning.
  2. Corrective exercises (walking on non-standard equipment).
  3. The plot-role-playing game “Dolls for a walk” - to develop the ability to come up with a plot, to unite for a game of 2-3 people.
  4. Visual gymnastics.
  5. Reading A. Pushkin’s fairy tale “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” - introduce children to a literary work about a mosquito.
  6. Did. game “Insects - Birds” - develop the ability to highlight the essential features of an object, clarify the meaning of generalizing words.
  7. Individual work on assignment

teacher-defectologist (see notebook of relationships).


1. Observation of bushes and plants - to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

3. Individual work: to develop the ability to walk on a straight path while stepping over objects - Elmira, Polya.

4. Outdoor game “Sunshine and Rain” - develop motor activity.

5. Independent activity of children.

- offer children games to develop fine motor skills: mosaics, clothespins.

— encourage children to play in activity centers (optional).

- create conditions for games with external materials: cars, scoops, dolls, children's rakes, molds, sand sets, dolls, balls, flags.

- Offer children soap bubbles.

— add attributes to the role-playing game “Dolls for a Walk .

— invite children to look at illustrations to the works of A. S. Pushkin.

- offer children an umbrella for outdoor games.

- create conditions for games with external materials: cars, scoops, sand sets, dolls, strollers, jump ropes, molds, buckets.

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents.

Invite parents and children to observe insects in different places and at different times of the day.

Pick up proverbs and riddles on the topic “Insects” .


Musical activity on the theme “Like in our little garden . Integration of educational areas: “Artistic and aesthetic development” , “Physical development” , “Social and communicative development” , “Cognitive development” . Goal: to continue to create the prerequisites for the development of musical and aesthetic development. Logic of educational activities (see outline plan No. 35).

Communication activities.

Topic: “Insects” (II junior group and middle group)

Integration of educational areas, tasks:

"Speech development".

1. To develop children’s ability to engage in dialogical speech, answer questions, compose sentences using familiar words, enrich and activate their vocabulary on the topic, and promote the development of speech as a means of communication.

"Cognitive Development" . 1. Introduce children to insects, develop knowledge about the parts of insects (wings, body, legs, antennae, head). Cultivate a caring attitude towards insects.

"Physical development".

1. Develop physical activity.

Methods, techniques:

Verbal - guessing riddles, question - answer.

Visual – looking at pictures of insects.

Practical - physical training.

Materials, equipment: flannelgraph, pictures with insects, hoops, butterfly hats.

Logic of educational activities: Progress: 1. Organizational moment: the teacher invites children to guess riddles about insects (ladybug, butterfly, beetle, bumblebee).

2. Cognitive: children look at pictures of insects, get acquainted with their appearance, and clarify the names of individual parts of the insects’ body.

3. Motor: outdoor game “Butterflies” .

4. Communicative: did. game “Tell me who does what?” .

Pictures depicting a grasshopper, ant, dragonfly, and wasp are added to the typesetting canvas. The teacher tells the children who can do what (fly, crawl, flutter, spin, buzz, drink nectar, flap their wings, jump). Then each child chooses a picture and constructs a phrase like: The butterfly flies. The ant is crawling. The beetle is buzzing. The grasshopper is jumping.

5. Reflection

Cognitive - research activities.

Topic: “In a forest clearing” (1 ml. g.)

Integration of educational areas, tasks:

"Cognitive Development".

1. Expanding and clarifying children’s knowledge about insects, their diversity and characteristic features.

"Physical development" . 1. Develop physical activity.

“Social and communicative development”.

1. Develop communication skills, dialogical speech, the ability to maintain a conversation, and answer questions.

Methods, techniques:

Verbal - question - answer, teacher's story.

Visual – looking at pictures of insects.

Practical – physical training, did. a game.

Materials, equipment: pictures of insects, flannelgraph, cards with two stripes, 3 butterflies on the top, the bottom is free, plates with flowers of three pieces.

Logic of educational activities: Progress:

1. Organizational moment: the teacher invites the children to go to the forest to a forest clearing to visit insects. 2. Cognitive: looking at pictures of insects. — What do insects look like, what do they have? (head, chest, abdomen, wings, many legs, antennae) - How do insects move? (fly, jump) - What do insects eat? (leaves, flower pollen) - Insects have different colors, why do you think? (defend from enemies) - Why can’t you offend insects? (They are alive) -Yes, insects are alive, you cannot offend them. But you can admire them. Watch them fly, run, jump, listen to them buzz. 3. Motor: physical minute “In the morning all the bugs woke up...”

4. Game: did. game "Butterflies and Flowers" . The teacher hands out cards, and the children put down as many flowers as there are butterflies shown on the card.

5. Reflection.


  1. Reception of children in a group.
  2. Situational conversation “We know how to be friends” - to form friendly relationships between children.
  3. Games with paper balls - development of fine motor skills.
  4. Breathing exercises. 5. Morning exercises.
  5. Constructive activity: Laying out a flower from waste material (stones, corks, etc.).
  6. Individual work: did. exercise “Find the insect that I will describe” - consolidate the ability to recognize and name an insect by description - Polya, Nastya.


  1. Observing green grass is to cultivate the ability to enjoy spring.
  2. Experimental activity “Why does sand flow well?” - highlight the properties of sand and clay: flowability, friability. 3. Individual work: exercise “On a level path” - practice walking on a low boom - Kirill, Milan.
  3. Round dance game “Who called you, find out?” - practice pronouncing the text, the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text.
  4. Independent activity of children.


  1. Gymnastics after sleep, air conditioning.
  2. Corrective exercises (walking on a ribbed board, jumping from hoop to hoop).
  3. Story-based role-playing game

“Dolls for a walk” - to develop the ability to play together without quarreling.

4. Watch the multimedia presentation “The World of Insects” to consolidate knowledge about insects.

5. Individual work according to assignment

teacher-defectologist (see notebook of relationships).

6. Did. game “Does it happen or not?”

- develop logical thinking, the ability to argue your opinion.

7. Visual gymnastics.


  1. Observation “Bird cherry at the end of May” - look at the bird cherry, tell what changes have happened to it.
  2. Conversation: “First flowers” ​​- introduce the name and rules for caring for flowers.
  3. Individual work: develop the ability to spin in different directions (object in hands) - Alice.
  4. The outdoor game “Butterfly and Flowers” ​​is to practice running without bumping into each other.
  5. Independent activity of children.

— encourage children to play independently in activity centers (optional).

- offer children waste material (stones, corks, cones).

- Offer children soap bubbles.

- create conditions for games with external materials: cars, scoops, dolls, strollers, sand sets, buckets, balls, hoop.

— add attributes to the role-playing game “Dolls for a Walk .

— encourage children to play in the activity center.

- create conditions for games with external materials: scoops, molds, buckets, cars, jump ropes, balls.

- offer children butterfly wings for outdoor games.

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents.

Design of the travel folder “Dangerous Insects” .

Invite parents and their children to create an album “Beneficial Insects” .

Next >

Calendar and thematic planning in the middle group on the topic “Insects”

Middle group No. 2

Lexical topic: “Insects”
Regular moments
games, duty, individual. work, errands, morning.
gymnastics, CGN, breakfast, ECD,
Integration areas

* Social and communicative development * * Physical development * * Cognitive development * * Speech development *

Corrective work

Mon. Teach children to color insects (ladybug). Develop fine motor skills of the hands, the ability to stroke in one direction.

Tue Learn to guess riddles on the lexical topic “Insects”. Develop logical thinking. / She keeps buzzing, buzzing, circling over the flower. She sat down, took the juice from the flower, she prepares honey for us.../

Wed. D/game “Treat an insect”. Expand your vocabulary of words denoting the names of insects. Form categories of nouns in the dative case. (The butterfly loves nectar. Who will I give flowers to? (The butterfly))

Thurs. Looking at insects. Teach children to recognize and name a butterfly, bee, ant, ladybug, fly... Teach to name the body parts of insects.

Fri. D/game “In the meadow”. Teach children to independently change verbs by numbers and persons. /Butterflies in the sky...(fly).Wings...(wave). They amuse us. I don’t (fly) in the sky, I (sunbathe) in the sun.


Mon. Conversation “I play together and don’t offend anyone.” Continue to form a friendly attitude of children towards each other, instilling norms and rules of cultural behavior.

Tue Conversation about insects. Strengthen children's ideas about insects, names, habitats, nutrition.

Wed. Conversation “On compliance with the rules of conduct and safety when using water, road and rail transport.” Strengthen children's knowledge about using transport.

Thurs. Conversation “Traffic signals”. Review the rules for crossing the street.

Fri. Conversation “A smile will make everyone brighter.” Discuss how you can share a good mood with others, why it is important; cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

Labor activity


Household labor

Labor in nature

Manual labor

Mon. Work. “I do everything myself.” Form a conscious desire for order, teach how to put things in order, and put away toys after themselves.

W Labor. "I dress myself." Teach children to dress independently, maintain consistency, and neatness.

Wed. Fulfilling the teacher’s instructions to prepare for the GCD. Instill work skills and the desire to provide all possible assistance to adults.

Thurs. Work. Canteen duty - teach how to carry out instructions for an adult.

Fri. Work. Water flowers and seedlings. Train to carry out assignments responsibly.


Mon. Examination of illustrations “Insects”. Consider the structure of the body of an insect (butterfly).

Tue Observation "Good deeds". Offer to observe the work of the assistant teacher, pay attention to what good deeds they do every day.

Wed. Monitoring the growth of seedlings. Pay attention to how the seedlings have grown and what is needed for plant growth (water, light, heat).

Thurs. Looking at a violet. Pay attention to leaf structure and flowering.

Fri. Watching the sky from the window. Pay attention to the states of the clouds, teach them to analyze why this happens.

A game

Mon. D/game “Find out by description.” Encourage children to look at the pictures and compare the qualities named by the teacher with the characteristics of insects.

Tue D/game “Collect a picture”. Practice assembling pictures from 4 cubes, develop attention, thinking, perseverance.

Wed. Lego Purpose: to develop constructive abilities, fine motor skills of the hands.

Thurs. D/game “What time of year?” Teach children to correlate descriptions of nature in poetry or prose with a certain time of year. /The sun is hot, the buds are swelling - when does this happen?/

Fri. D/game “Collect a picture”. Practice assembling pictures from 4 cubes, develop attention, thinking, perseverance.

Vaccination of KGN

Mon. Exercise "Clean". Learn to notice and eliminate disorder in your appearance.

Tue "Visiting Moidodyr." Form the habit of keeping your body clean. Continue to teach how to wash your face, wash your hands, and dry yourself with a towel. Learn to keep your nose clean in a timely manner.

Wed. Continue to teach how to use a handkerchief, take care of others by covering your nose and mouth with a handkerchief.

Thurs. Foster a culture of behavior. Continue to teach how to behave well while eating, not to shout, not to talk loudly, and to politely express a request.

Fri. Etiquette. Remind about the use of napkins after meals, the correct use of cutlery, the rules of behavior during meals, the need to say thank you after eating.

Regime moments

Games, preparation for a walk.

games, observations, work, individual work, physical education and recreational work
Areas of integration

* Socio-communicative development * * Physical development * * Cognitive development *

Walk. Observation

Mon. Observation: birds in spring. Consider the appearance of the bird. Pay attention to color and behavior. Expand knowledge about birds flying to the kindergarten site.

Tue Observation: plants in spring. To update and systematize ideas about the characteristics of the life of trees and shrubs in the spring. Give the concept that trees come out of dormancy in the spring, buds swell, the roots of trees and shrubs absorb nutrients from the soil.

Wed. Children's experimentation. Properties of the earth. To form an idea of ​​the saturation of the earth with water in the spring, humidity, softness. Shoe marks remain and the ground is easily dug.

Thurs. Observation: the sun bakes the grass - it turns green. To form an idea of ​​the effects of heat and sun on plant growth.

Fri. Observation: weather. Learn to describe the weather conditions. Develop coherent speech and the ability to draw conclusions.

Corrective work

Mon. Speech therapy rhythm for speech development./Transparent wings, round eyes. A miracle dragonfly flies above me. I’ll offer my palm, rest at least a little! Tell me, where have you been, what have you seen? But she is silent in response, probably there is no time. After all, flying is her job, and she doesn’t want to talk./

Tue Sports exercise: kicking a ball. Learn to kick the ball.

Wed. Sports exercise: kicking a ball. Learn to kick the ball.

Thurs. Sports exercise: kicking a ball. Learn to kick the ball.

Fri. Game exercise “Field mice”. Learn to crawl under any object (jump rope, stick) with your right and left sides, without touching the ground.

Labor activity

(labor in nature, household chores, self-service)

Mon. Cleaning up the veranda. Learn to apply previously mastered labor skills when working with a broom. Cultivate hard work.

Tue Work assignments: feeding birds. Continue to teach how to care for birds.

Wed. Collective work to clean up the area. Learn to use a rake. Instill hard work and a desire to work together.

Thurs. Labor: assignment “helping the janitor.” Foster hard work and a desire to help adults.

Fri. Labor: Form the habit of cleaning up toys after playing, putting them neatly on the veranda.

Outdoor game

Mon.-Tue. P/game “Crucian carp and pike”. Develop evasiveness, learn to play by the rules, and not bump into each other during the game.

Wed.-Thu. P/game “At the bear in the forest.” Develop evasiveness, learn to play by the rules, and not bump into each other during the game.

Fri. P/game “Ball in the ring”. Develop throwing power, the ability to throw the ball from behind the head.

Role-playing game

S/r game "Kindergarten". Plot: “We’re going for a walk.” Continue to teach the distribution of roles, using indirect leadership methods, offer to play out situations when children play with each other.

Regime moments

Return from a walk, KGN,

lunch , work before bed, relaxation, music therapy, reading fiction

Integration areas

* Social and communicative development * * Physical development *

Regime moments

improve your health.
and hardened. procedures, KGN, afternoon snack , duty

games, educational activities, correctional hours, independent activities of children, leisure

Integration areas

* Social and communicative development * * Physical development * * Cognitive development * * Speech development *

Breathing exercises

Vaccination of KGN

Mon. Form the habit of keeping your hands and face clean; wash your hands and face after sleep and before eating.

Tue Game situation “Culture of behavior at the table.” Learn to follow table manners. Analysis of situations, what the characters are doing wrong, what rules they are breaking, why this is unacceptable.

Wed. Continue to form the habit of keeping your hands and face clean; wash your hands and face after sleep and before eating.

Thurs. Game situation “Culture of behavior at the table.” Learn to follow table manners. Analysis of situations, what the characters are doing wrong, what rules they are breaking, why this is unacceptable.

Fri. Game situation “Polite words”. Foster a culture of approaching adults and children, politely expressing requests using the words thank you, please.

A game

S/r game "Hospital". Learn to play together, play the role of an emergency doctor, and select attributes for the game.

Reading liters

Mon. Reading the fairy tale by D. Mamin-Sibiryak “The Tale of the Mosquito Komarovich - Long Nose”

Tue Reading the poem by T. Kulakov “Bee”. /The bee buzzes merrily. She circles above the flower. She landed on a flower and lowered her proboscis. In the middle and with delight drinks nectar - flower juice./

Wed. Reading D. Minaev “Don’t touch the cockchafer.” Learn to listen carefully to a piece.

Thurs. Reading the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky “The Cluttering Fly.” Discuss the content of the fairy tale.

Fri. Reading the Russian folk tale “Zayushkina’s hut”. Learn to listen carefully and answer the teacher’s questions about the content of the work.

Correction hour

Mon. Looking at illustrations about insects. Develop coherent speech, the ability to guess and name insects.

Tue Development of fine motor skills of the hands. "Paint the butterfly"

Wed. Improvisation with movement. “Bug” /I found a beetle on a large daisy. I don’t want to keep the beetle, let it lie in my pocket. Oh, my bug fell, it fell. Nose stained with dust. My cockchafer flew away, its wings began to buzz.

Thurs. Development of fine motor skills of the hands. "Paint the butterfly"

Fri. D/game “Pick according to the shape.” Continue teaching children to name a circle, square, triangle.

Labor activity

(labor in nature, household chores, self-service)

Mon. Putting things in order in the game room. Instill hard work and a desire to maintain order.

Tue Analysis of the designer by shape and fastening. Cultivate diligence and hard work.

Wed. Continue to teach children how to dress themselves, observing consistency, and teach them how to put on tights. Train yourself to self-care

Thurs. Clean the plasticine boards. Teach how to carry out instructions for an adult, create a desire to help, teach how to use a stack to clean the board.

Fri. Putting things in order in gaming centers. Instill hard work and a desire to maintain order.


(integration with fiction, artistic creativity, music)

Final event

Mon. Artists". Learn to draw a ladybug using a model. Improve the skill of carefully decorating objects.

Tue Listening to the musical work “Sounds of Spring.” Learn to listen carefully, distinguish the sounds of birds, the babbling of a brook.

Wed. An evening of riddles on a lexical topic: “Insects.” Develop logical thinking and the ability to solve riddles.

Thurs. Evening of fairy tales. Viewing the fairy tale “The Clapping Fly” Develop perseverance and the ability to answer the teacher’s questions about the plot of the fairy tale.

Fri. Table theater "Zayushkina hut". Develop the ability to listen carefully to a fairy tale, take part in the production, and clearly pronounce the words of the role after the teacher. Develop coherent speech.

Regime moments


Integration areas

* Socio-communicative development * * Physical development * * Cognitive development *


Mon. Observation: pigeons. Expand knowledge about the appearance of birds, their habits and habitat.

Tue Observing changes in the kindergarten area. To teach us to observe the changes around us./the snow has almost all melted, new grass is visible here and there, the buds on the trees are swollen, the bushes are putting out their leaves, the birds are singing happily/.

Wed. Watching worms. Pay attention to the appearance of worms with the arrival of spring and warmer weather. Form a friendly attitude towards their life, do not disturb them, do not cause harm.

Thurs. Sky observation. Pay attention to the blue sky, the airiness and density of clouds, learn to determine which clouds are gray or white depending on the weather.

Fri. Surveillance: transport. Form an idea of ​​the classification (truck, passenger, specialized.

Corrective individual work

Mon. Exercise “Toss-catch”. Learn to throw and catch a ball with both hands.

Tue D/game “One - many”. Learn to form plural number of nouns. /One beetle. Lots of bugs/.

Wed. Saying a nursery rhyme: Beetle, beetle, where is your home? Under a birch leaf! Filya the farrier was driving and trampled my house. Develop speech and memory.

Thurs. Guess the insect from the description." Teach children to guess an insect based on its external description and methods of movement.

Fri. Exercise “Toss-catch”. Learn to throw and catch a ball with both hands.

Physical development

Mon. Physical activity. Jumping up from a place. Develop jumping ability, the ability to concentrate muscle efforts, combining strength with speed.

Tue Sports exercise. Hitting the ball against the wall. Develop kicking accuracy and the ability to stop the ball with your foot.

Wed. Exercise “Toss-catch”. Learn to throw and catch a ball with both hands.

Thurs. Walking around the kindergarten. Develop the endurance of the child's body.

Fri. Exercise “Toss-catch”. Learn to throw and catch a ball with both hands.

A game

Mon. P/game "Bubble". Continue to teach children to move in an even circle, pronouncing the words of the game.

Tue P/game “Ball in the ring”. Develop throwing power, the ability to throw the ball from behind the head.

Wed.. P/game “Bubble”. Continue to teach children to move in an even circle, pronouncing the words of the game

Thurs. P/game “Ball in the ring”. Develop throwing power, the ability to throw the ball from behind the head.

Fri. P/game "Bubble". Continue to teach children to move in an even circle, pronouncing the words of the games.

Labor activity

(labor in nature, household chores, self-service)

Mon. Work. Cleaning up the veranda. Goal: to accustom to work activity.

Tue Labor: Collecting dry branches on the site. Goal: to teach all children to take part in work activities.

Wed. Work. Cleaning up the veranda. Goal: to accustom to work activity.

Thurs. Work. Collect and carry out the material to the veranda. Goal: to teach all children to take part in work activities.

Fri. Labor: Collecting dry branches on the site. Goal: to teach all children to take part in work activities.

Working with parents

Mon. Consultation: “What a 4-5 year old child should be able to do.” Working together to master children’s skills to dress and undress independently.

Tue Folder: “Child Safety.” Educating parents in order to comply with safety rules when using transport and crossing the street.

Wed. Conversation with parents “Attention, dangerous situations on the road!” Educating parents to strengthen safety measures.

Thurs. Consulting parents on completing tasks in notebooks on the lexical topic “Insects.” Joint work of specialists and parents to consolidate the material covered.

Fri. Answer parents' questions.

monitor the correct implementation of the rules of the game and the distribution of roles.

Offer children independent activities with plasticine.

develop fine motor skills of the hands, consolidate the skills of such techniques as rolling, pulling, develop imagination

Fire safety quiz.

Introducing children to the rules of crossing the road where there is no traffic light. Establish rules for pedestrian behavior on the street. Continue to teach children to pay attention to road signs.

"Guess the transport"

Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about transport, the ability to recognize objects by description (riddle); develop ingenuity, quick thinking and speech activity.

Drawing transport using stencils.

Goal: to develop children’s creative skills and introduce them to stenciling.

Consultation “Instilling road safety skills in preschool children”

Calendar planning of educational work for the week “Insects”

Popova Anna

Calendar planning of educational work for the week “Insects”

Scheduling of educational work . Topic of the week : " Insects "

Goal: Clarify and reinforce the concept of insects

, using various types of children's activities, clarifying the features of the appearance of
insects , consolidating knowledge about feeding methods, lifestyle , coloring in accordance with the habitat, protection from enemies, benefits and harms, knowledge for the lives of other inhabitants of nature.
Forming a desire to enjoy communication with nature. Final event: Exhibition of drawings

Day of the week Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational organizations Organization of a developmental environment for independent activities of children

(activity centers, all group rooms)

Group/subgroup Individual

May 13 Monday Morning reception . Morning. Morning exercises No. 2

Learning finger gymnastics “Spider”


Conversation on the topic “Benefits and harms of insects

Target. Expanding children's horizons about the benefits and harms of insects .
D/I: “Paired pictures”

To develop children's powers of observation, to develop the ability to find similarities and differences in objects depicted in pictures , and to activate children's vocabulary.
P/i “Catch the Bunny”

Goal: relieving emotional stress, developing motor activity.


— Develop the ability to lay out according to
a model .
Arina, Lisa Independent play activities of children. Independently select toys and attributes for play, use substitute items.

GCD 1. Familiarization with fiction. Reading the fairy tale by D Mamin-Sibiryak “The Tale of Komar Komarovich - The Long Nose.”

"V.V. Gerbova
(P. 63)
2. Physical education according to the physical plan . instructor

3. Massage

Walk Observing the weather, compare morning and evening weather.

P/i "Hares and the Wolf"

.Goal: practice crawling under the cord, develop dexterity.

Labor: sweep the gazebo

ATS exercises with children of the 2nd subgroup. (Walking after each other)


Teach children to jump on two legs over an obstacle. Andrey, Daniil Independent play activities of children.

Teach children to organize games independently, find activities of interest, and use a variety of sports attributes .

II half of the day Gymnastics after sleep. Hardening.

Reading I. Krylov’s fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”


Goal: teach to listen to fables, develop attention and memory.

Free communication between adults and children. Exercise therapy

"Whose children"

- Fix the names of the animal and their children. Vasilisa, Zlata

Place coloring pages depicting domestic animals and their babies in the creativity center.

Walk Observing the cat. Consider it, ask what benefits a cat brings to people as a pet.

— consolidate the concept of “pet”


Collection and removal to a certain place of dry leaves and grass from the beds

- teach cleanliness and order; strengthen the ability to work in a team.

P/N “birds, one!” Birds, two!

.Goal: to train children in performing movements, to teach counting. Teach children to walk and run in a column one at a time, improve the standing long jump, practice throwing at a horizontal target with the right and left hand, and develop the eye.

Individual work on the development of movements. Goal: to consolidate the ability to throw the ball to each other from below. Lisa, Artem

Independent play activities for children. Goal: To teach children to organize games independently, find activities of interest, and use a variety of sports attributes

Interaction with families of pupils: (individual conversations, consultations, screen folders, exhibitions)

Consultation for parents “Educating environmental consciousness of preschool children in the family

Scheduling of educational work . Topic of the week : " Insects "

Day of the week Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational organizations Organization of a developmental environment for independent activities of children

(activity centers, all group rooms)

Group/subgroup Individual

May 14 Tuesday Morning reception. Morning. Morning exercises. Complex No. 2

Conversation “What do children know about insects ?”

Objectives: to clarify children’s knowledge about insects , their diversity , distinctive features, nutrition, and movement.

Outdoor game "Crows and the dog"


— teach children to act quickly on a signal; run without bumping into each other.

Conversation about culture of behavior. Conversation: “How to behave at the table”

.Goal: to continue to develop the skills of proper behavior at the table and the basic rules of etiquette.

Didactic game “Recognize an insect by its contour

.Goal: to develop children’s ability to identify
an insect by its contour .
In the book corner: consider a selection about animals.

Coloring pictures based on the topic.

— teach the names of domestic animals and their babies, expand ideas about what they eat, introduce people to the work of caring for pets and know what benefits they bring to humans.

GCD 1.Drawing Topic: “Ladybugs”

Consolidating the ability to draw independently using non-traditional techniques. Development of figurative perception , children's creativity. Encouraging imaginative evaluation of images .
Lykova p. 112 2. Music according to the plan of the muses . head

3. Massage

4. Physical education in the air

Walk Observing an anthill or ant trail on a walk in the kindergarten area

Goal: to clarify children’s knowledge about the behavior of ants and their habitat.

P/ and “Catch a mosquito”

Purpose: to practice jumping for children; develop precision of movements and dexterity.

improving skills of various types of walking. Zlata, Lisa

Independent activity of children in the area, games with external materials - development of skills in joint play activities

II half of the day Gymnastics after sleep. Hardening.

Looking at illustrations “In the world of insects

Goal: expand children's understanding of insects ; teach to recognize them in nature and in pictures.

P/i "Sparrows and the car"

Goal: learn to act on a signal.

Free communication between adults and children. Exercise therapy

Didactic exercise “Who has who?”

.Goal: to teach children to name wild animals and their cubs, to improve the grammatical structure of speech.

Display the album " Insects "


Exhibition of insect .

Walk Observing passers-by.

Goal: to form an idea of ​​seasonal clothing. How are people dressed and why?

Mobile speech games: “Three Bears”

“Two Girlfriends” (card index)
Goal: to develop the ability to correlate words with movements.
Work on the development of ATS : exercise walking in a half-squat. Dima, Zlata Independent play activities for children. Tasks: Independent activity: help children organize their game so that everyone finds the pleasure of the game - the competition “Who will throw the bag farthest?”
.Goal: to practice throwing, develop arm strength, cultivate a desire to perform physical exercises.

Interaction with families of pupils: (individual conversations, consultations, screen folders, exhibitions)

Consultation for parents “Play with your children”

Scheduling of educational work . Topic of the week : " Insects "

Day of the week Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational organizations Organization of a developmental environment for independent activities of children

(activity centers, all group rooms)

Group/subgroup Individual

May 15 Wednesday Morning reception. Morning. Free communication between adults and children.

Morning exercises. 2

Conversation “I’ll tell you about the lizard”

Goal: to improve children’s knowledge about the lizard and its habitat.

KGN-Reinforce the ability to wash hands with soap.

Work in the book corner. Goal: To consolidate the ability to neatly arrange books. d/game “find a pair”

- orientation in space. Arina, Andrey Independent activity on the site, games with external material - development of skills for joint gaming activities

GCD 1. Modeling Topic: Topic: “Teamwork - Insects

»Goal: to teach to convey the distinctive features of different
insects , the same shape, but slightly different from each other in proportions;
consolidate previously demonstrated techniques. abstract Internet resource 2. Music according to the music plan . head

3. Massage

Walk Observing passers-by.

Goal: pay attention to how people are dressed. Form ideas about seasonal clothing.

P/i "Beetles"

Purpose: to practice random running to develop attention.

Labor: feed the birds. practice jumping from hoop to hoop.

Goal: development of basic movements. Dima, Artem

Independent activity: help children organize their game so that everyone finds the pleasure of the game - the competition “Who will throw the bag farthest?”

.Goal: to practice throwing, develop arm strength, cultivate a desire to perform physical exercises.

II half of the day Gymnastics after sleep. Hardening.

Learning the poem "Hardworking Bee"

(according to the
“Tell poetry with your hands”

Goal: to develop memory, motor skills, ability to navigate in space, speech, sense of rhythm.

Musical and didactic game “Sun or Rain?”

Target. Teach children to perform actions according to the different sounds of the tambourine. Developing children's ability to switch auditory attention.

Free communication between adults and children. Exercise therapy

Didactic game “Who called?”

- develop in children the ability to concentrate attention, auditory perception, and develop the ability to distinguish voices by ear.
Arina, Dima Dramatization game based on the fairy tale “The Tsokotuha Fly”
Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of the content of the fairy tale; develop expressive speech.

Walk Observation of trucks.

Observation of minibuses.

Goal: to form an idea of ​​the role of the minibus and its purpose for people. Under. game of children's choice.

P/I “We are drivers”

.Goal: to learn to move one after another without bumping into each other, the ability to navigate in space.
Exercise “On a thin path.”
Purpose: to strengthen the ability to maintain balance. Lisa, Artem Independent activity on a walk.

Games with external material.


Interaction with families of pupils: (individual conversations, consultations, screen folders, exhibitions)

Memo “First aid for
insect .

Scheduling of educational work . Topic of the week : " Insects "

Day of the week Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational organizations Organization of a developmental environment for independent activities of children

(activity centers, all group rooms)

Group/subgroup Individual

May 16 Thursday Morning reception. Morning. Free communication between adults and children.

Morning exercises. 2

Conversation: “ Insects in the nature of our region”

Goal: to expand ideas about the insects of our region , to consolidate the concept of the relationship between insects and humans .

Labor (household)

- help ml. teacher to wipe the shelves. Goal: ability to help adults.

Looking at illustrations from a book from the Insects

Purpose: to introduce in more detail to insects , nutrition, accommodation and distinctive features. Vasilisa, Dima

Work in the center of the book : design of an exhibition of books on the topic “Pets”

.Goal: to teach the ability to select books on relevant topics, to develop thinking and an aesthetic sense when designing an exhibition.

GCD 1.Applique Theme: “Ladybug”

Goal: To consolidate the ability to create a composition from geometric shapes on a sheet of paper. To develop children's interest in the world around them. Abstract internet resource

2. Physical education according to the physical plan . Instructors

3. Massage

Walk Bird watching.

Sedentary game: “Jump - turn around”

Goal: to learn to perform actions on a signal from the teacher. rake, secure.

Labor: collect branches . Goal: develop motor activity and cultivate a desire to help adults.

"Hit the target"

.Goal: to consolidate the ability to throw objects at a target. Andrey, Zlata

Music development exercise. "Golop" movements


Independent play activities of children. Offer small toys for playing with. Goal: to teach children to organize themselves into groups and unite with a common plot, to teach them to play without conflicts, in harmony.

II half of the day Gymnastics after sleep. Hardening.

Reading Literatures. Reading "Tsokotuka Fly"


Care and monitoring of indoor plants. Remind children the names of indoor plants. Activate the names of plant parts in children’s speech and teach adults to provide all possible assistance in caring for them.

Exercise therapy

Experimental activities

Experiments with water: “Inflate foam using cocktail straws”

Goal: expanding children's understanding of the properties of water, the ability to instantly color; instill in children a desire to try different experiences and experiments

Offer children felt-tip pens and colored pencils for coloring patterns of wild animals. Goal: color without going beyond the outline, develop fine motor skills.

Walk Observation: clothes of passers-by (to consolidate children’s knowledge about clothes, teach them to see changes in clothes)


Situational conversation on the topic: “Bee?”

Goal: develop the ability to analyze and act correctly in the current situation

P/I "Jumpers"

.Goal: learn to jump on two legs. Exercise “Catch the Ball”. Goal: continue to teach children to catch the ball with both hands at the same time. Dima, Arina

Independent play and motor activity of children.

Independent activity during a walk. Games with external material.

Interaction with families of pupils: (individual conversations, consultations, screen folders, exhibitions)

Consultation for parents “Cultivating a love for nature

Scheduling of educational work . Topic of the week : " Insects "

Day of the week Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational organizations Organization of a developmental environment for independent activities of children

(activity centers, all group rooms)

Group/subgroup Individual

May 17 Friday Morning Free communication between adults and children.

Morning exercises2

Looking at illustrations “In the world of insects

Goal: expand children's understanding of insects ; teach to recognize them in nature and in pictures.

P/I “Catch a mosquito”

Purpose: to practice jumping for children; develop precision of movements and dexterity.

KGN - “How to wash your hands correctly.” Goal: to improve the simplest skills of behavior while washing. D/I “Where, whose mother?”

Goal: develop the ability to find the baby’s mother and learn to name the baby’s mother; development of attention and memory. Karina, Roma

Role-playing game "Zoo"

Goal: to consolidate and enrich children's knowledge about animals

GCD 1. Familiarization with the natural world, familiarization with sociocultural values. Topic: Insects

Goal: to form initial realistic knowledge; learn the names of insects , introduce them to their habitat, features of appearance and lifestyle ; to form elementary ideas about the way insects ; develop visual and auditory attention, memory, observation; improve motor skills and abilities. Abstract Internet resource

2.FEMP Topic: Lesson No. Strengthen quantitative and ordinal counting skills within 5. I. A. Pomoraeva, V. A. Pozina “Form. elem. math. rep."

page 39

3. Massage

Walk Observing sparrows. Purpose: to expand knowledge and ideas about the appearance and habits of sparrows.

P/I "Hares and the Wolf"

Goal: clarify the animal’s habits, develop agility in running

Exercises to develop dexterity with girls - ball games (catching the ball with both hands)

. Independent play activities of children

Independent activity of children in the area, games with external materials - development of skills in joint play activities

II half of the day Gymnastics after sleep. Hardening.

Learning nursery rhymes. Reading works of art from the series “Forest Tales”

V. V. Bianchi

Goal: developing the ability to listen to works and understand the meaning; learn to answer questions after reading

Watching the evening weather. Beyond the sky.

Goals: continue to get acquainted with various natural phenomena; learn to distinguish the weather, associating it with the state of the sky, enrich the vocabulary with nouns (clear, cloudy, overcast, clouds, clouds)


P/I “Catching Butterflies”

Goal: to train children in running, agility, and ingenuity.

Exercise therapy

creative game: “make a pattern from sticks”

.Goal: to develop fine motor skills of the hands. Vasilisa, Artem

Independent games for children. Create conditions for fine art activities

Develop children's creative abilities, strengthen the ability to use a brush, draw lines, dots

Walk Cloud watching. What do clouds look like?

Goal: developing the ability to observe, develop the imagination of children during a walk

P/I "Skittles"

.Goal: to develop the eye, coordination of movements.

Work "Dashes"

. Practice speed and agility. Zlata M, Dima

Independent play and motor activity of children.

Goal: To teach children to independently organize games, find activities of interest, and use a variety of sports attributes

Interaction with families of pupils: (individual conversations, consultations, screen folders, exhibitions)

Consultation for parents “How to spend a day off with children

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