KVN on traffic rules with older preschoolers

Team UPID "Traffic Lights"

In MBDOU kindergarten No. 3 "Alyonushka" for several years there has been a team of young assistant traffic inspectors - UPID "Traffic Lights".

The team consists of 10 preparatory group students.

The UPID “Traffic Lights” detachment has: a uniform, distinctive badges, a motto, a song and a chant.

Our logo:

Our motto:

“Children are supposed to know the rules of the road! You, my friend, trust them: you will be safe and sound.”

Law of the Yupidist:

Red - stop, yellow - wait, and green - go!


- One, Two! - Three four! - Three four! - One, two! Who walks together in a row? This is us - the YUPID squad! We study traffic rules and explain them to the children. We encourage everyone to learn, Never lose heart!

Our song:

“If only there was no UPID”

1. If there were no UPID in cities and villages, we would never have known these happy days.

2. If you go out on the road with a friend, Have fun on the road, But be more careful, Follow the signs strictly.

3. We firmly declare, Let us say without a doubt: We really need traffic rules in life.

4. Let there be no more troubles, sadness and anxiety. Let the green light burn on your road.

The UPID “Traffic Lights” team participates in promoting road safety among parents: they perform musical performances at parent-teacher meetings and take an active part in promotions.

Work plan of the UPID detachment "TRAFFIC FORIKS"

Passport of the UPID squad "SVETOFORIKI"

Regulations on the team of Young Assistant Traffic Inspectors in a preschool educational organization


Scenarios for presenting traffic rules commands

Presentation of the "Traffic Light" team.

One, two, three, four, Three, four, one, two.

Who walks together in a row? Our YID squad! Stand still, one, two! Our team: “Traffic Light” Our motto: “Always shine, shine everywhere!” Speech: “You need to obey without arguing the Instructions of the Traffic Light You need to follow the traffic rules without objection” 1 student: Future drivers! Student 2: Motorists! 3 student: Children and parents!

In chorus: Guests in the hall, all our spectators!

Would you like to see the UID team? 1st student: Our team is “Traffic Light”, 2nd student: We have known each other for a long time. Chorus: Welcome! Hello!

The path is open to everyone! Green light! Song to the tune “It’s fun to walk together” It’s fun to walk through the open spaces together, (3 times) If the path is open to you by a traffic light (3 times) 1 student: We will show you an interesting program, Although the topic seems familiar to everyone, 2 student: They study everything today, without a doubt, Schools have traffic rules! Children perform a song to the tune of “The Driver’s Song.”

Traffic rules quiz

Traffic rules quiz


test and consolidate knowledge of traffic rules on the streets and roads.


: cards with road signs, cards with various situations of traffic rules, crossword puzzle, posters with traffic rules.

Host: Every day more and more cars appear on our roads. High speeds and traffic intensity require drivers and pedestrians to be very careful. Discipline, caution and compliance with traffic rules are the basis for safe traffic on the streets. We have already told you more than once that the road is not a place for games. It often contains many traps and unpredictable situations. You and I have already discussed these situations in previous classes, watched a film about traffic rules, and studied the rules of behavior in various weather conditions. And today we will conduct a quiz and check how you have mastered these rules.


Today we have two teams competing.

And also present: a guest - a traffic police inspector, a jury consisting of: the school director, the deputy director for VR, teachers, a librarian, who at the end of the quiz will announce which team deserves the title “Competent road user”.

team emblem - Traffic lights

Team emblem - Road signs

Greetings from the teams:

Team: “Traffic Lights” Team: “Road Signs”

Follow a simple law: So that trouble does not happen to you,

The red light comes on - stop! You should always know road signs!

Yellow flashed - wait! And also traffic rules

And the green light - go! Everyone, without exception, should know!

1. Warm-up

Now I will check what attentive pedestrians you are and how prepared you are. I ask you a question, and you answer “yes” or “no.”

- What do you want - say, red light - no way? (Yes) - Say what you want, every time we bike home, we go along the big road? (No) - Say what you want, but if you are in a hurry, do you run in front of the transport? (No) - Say what you want, we always move forward only where there is a transition? (Yes) - What do you want - say we are running forward so fast that we don’t see the traffic light? (No) – Say what you want, on round signs the red color means “it’s prohibited here”?


Story based on pictures .
Each team is given five pictures. It is necessary to tell where traffic rules were violated, and where they were not, and why. Annex 1.

3. Analysis of situations

Put “YES” or “NO” in the boxes
Yes 1. One of the dangerous places for pedestrians is an intersection.
No 2. You can play with a ball on the sidewalk next to the roadway.
No 3. If you are late, you need to quickly cross the road.
Yes 4. You need to wait until the bus moves away from the stop, and only then cross the road.
Yes 5. Follow the sidewalk, keeping to the right.
Yes 6. You must stand at a yellow traffic light.
No 7. When the light turns green, quickly cross the street.

4.Tell about road signs.

Appendix 2.

Tell us what rules of behavior in public transport every passenger should know, starting with waiting for transport. (Which team will name the most rules.)

  1. You need to wait for the bus only at the bus platform.
  2. Landing only when the transport is completely stopped.
  3. Don’t rush to sit down right away, remember that besides you there are old people, women with small children, and disabled people.
  4. You cannot make noise, talk loudly, or litter in public transport.
  5. Do not lean against doors.
  6. Don't lean out of windows.
  7. Do not distract the driver while driving.
  8. Give way to elderly and disabled people, pregnant women and people with small children.

6. competition – “Allowed - prohibited”

– Play near the roadway...(prohibited)

– Cross the street when the traffic light is green...(allowed)

– Crossing the street in front of nearby vehicles... (prohibited)

– Walking in a crowd along the sidewalk...(allowed)

– Cross the street using an underground passage...(allowed)

– Crossing the street when the traffic light is yellow...(prohibited)

– Helping older people, crossing the street...(allowed)

– Cyclists clinging to passing cars...(prohibited)

– Talking loudly in public transport... (prohibited)

– Running out onto the roadway...(prohibited)

– Riding a bicycle without holding the handlebars... (prohibited)

– Cross the street using an underground passage...(allowed)

7. Crossword

1. What is the name of the part of the country road?

2. What is the name of the place where they wait for public transport?

3. I don’t look like a horse, but I have a saddle. There are knitting needles, but frankly speaking, they are not suitable for knitting. Not an alarm clock, not a tram, but I’m calling - so you know.

4. What do you call a road user walking on the sidewalk?

5. The stone belt surrounded hundreds of cities and villages.

6. What is the name of the place where streets and roads intersect?

7. What is the name of the path along which pedestrians walk?

8. There is a three-eyed sorcerer hanging at the crossroads, but he never looks with three eyes at once.

9. You walk and there’s someone lying in front of you; if you look back, he’s running home.

10. WHAT DOES THE INSPECTOR HAVE TO THE TOPIC OF OUR TODAY’S LESSON (monitors compliance with traffic rules)!

Presenter: The jury counts which team won, and the floor is given to the traffic police inspector

1) It will oblige us to drive quietly; a close turn will show us. And it will remind you what and how you are on your way... (Road sign).

2) What is this “zebra” on the road? Everyone stands with their mouths open. They are waiting for the green light to blink, so this means... (Transition).

3) A three-eyed stuffed animal on one leg stood from the edge of the street in a long boot. Where cars move, Where paths converge, Helps people cross the road. (Traffic light)

4) The house on the rails is right there, it will carry everyone away in five minutes. You sit down and don’t yawn, the tram is leaving... (Tram).

5)Drinks gasoline like milk, can run far. She carries cargo and people. You are familiar with her, of course. He wears shoes made of rubber, called... (Machine).

6) This horse doesn’t eat oats,

Instead of legs there are two wheels.

Sit on horseback and ride it.

Just drive better. (Bike)

Host: Well, guys, our quiz on traffic rules is over. Now we know how to behave on the street, where and at what traffic light to cross the street, where to play and at what age can you ride a bicycle on the roadway.


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Today: 10.10.2020 — 07:15:00

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Ekaterina (Creative Workshop)
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Material from InteWiki - a training platform for conducting training programs for the Intel program

  • The world around us is a world of complex systems (computer science, 11th grade, author Krupoderova K.R.)
  • Information civilization (computer science, grade 11, author Koshelev V. G.)
  • Mathematics for future bankers (algebra, grade 9, author Sklemina G. A.)
  • The magical power of music (music, biology, etc., grades 5-8, author Krasnoperova T.V.)
  • Treasure Peninsula (the world around us, local history, 4th grade, author Timokhina E.G.)
  • The amazing is nearby (the world around us, local history, Russian language, grades 2-4, author Timokhina E.G.)

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