Features of a modern lesson in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education, an article on the topic

Case “Designing a modern lesson in terms of implementing the Federal State Educational Standard for Education”

The case was prepared for the work of teachers at a methodological workshop.

“Designing a modern lesson in terms of implementing the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.”



As part of the modernization of the Russian education system, the goals and content of education have changed, new means and technologies of teaching have appeared, but the main form of teaching students remains the lesson. What is the novelty of the modern lesson in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education? In accordance with the new standards, it is necessary to strengthen the child’s motivation to understand the world around him, to show him that a lesson is not about obtaining knowledge abstract from life, but, on the contrary, about searching for useful information and the skills to apply it in real life. The fundamental difference between the modern approach to education is the orientation of standards towards the results of mastering basic educational programs. Results mean not only subject knowledge, but also the ability to apply this knowledge in practical activities.

Brief description of the problem:

— formation and development of information competence of teachers;

— development of teachers’ skills in orderly, structured thinking;

— fostering a culture of communication and exchange of opinions;

— formation of self-control to achieve a positive result.

Purpose of the seminar:

Preparation and construction of a lesson in accordance with the system-activity approach.

Seminar plan:

“Brainstorming”: Results of mastering educational programs.

Work in groups “How to prepare a modern lesson?”

Methodological recommendations “Lesson requirements”.

Work in pairs “Lesson design”.

Didactic material “Methodological foundations for constructing a lesson.”

Seminar progress:

1. “Brainstorming”: Results of mastering educational programs

(participants: teachers)

Our district has been working for several years to implement new federal educational standards at both the primary and basic levels of education. We know very well. What has changed significantly in recent years

education priorities. We know that from the perspective of the new standard, mastery of the educational program is assessed according to three groups of results.


What are these result groups? (subject, meta-subject, personal)


How can these results groups be characterized?

Subject results

- mastered experience of activities specific to a given subject area to obtain new knowledge, its transformation and application, a system of fundamental elements of scientific knowledge that underlies the scientific picture of the world.

Meta-subject results

— mastered universal learning activities that ensure mastery of key competencies that form the basis of the ability to learn, and interdisciplinary concepts.

Features of a modern lesson in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education, an article on the topic

Features of a modern lesson

in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

One of the distinctive features of the new Federal State Educational Standard is a change in emphasis: instead of regulating the content that previously should have been presented to students in lessons, the main thing is the results that they should achieve as a result of their educational activities. You understand that new forms of educational activities must be introduced at school. But the main form of teaching in primary school today is still a lesson, modern, at the level of its century, meeting the spirit and requirements of its time.

New social demands reflected in the Federal State Educational Standard define the goals of education as the general cultural, personal and cognitive development of students, providing such a key competency of education as “teaching how to learn” in order to be in demand in a highly competitive and high-tech world.

In all educational systems and educational systems, the first place is not the accumulation of knowledge, skills and abilities in students in a narrow subject area, but the formation of personality, its “self-construction” in the process of the child’s activity in the objective world, and not only individually, but jointly. , collective activity.

What changes are taking place in the structure of lessons? How to structure and conduct a lesson so that the student becomes the subject of educational activity, so that as a result he achieves the desired goals and results? After all, the main goal in teaching for me, as for every teacher, is the key to the success of each lesson, so that students can use the acquired knowledge not only in the classroom, but also in life.

Here, “Technology of Problem-Based Dialogue Teaching” will provide assistance - author E.L. Melnikova. What are the features of a modern lesson?

1).Modern lesson is personality-oriented,

activity-based, competence-based, that is, the focus will no longer be on the student’s knowledge, but on his ability to apply this knowledge in practice (his competence). It is important for the teacher to understand what the main trends in the development of a modern lesson should be.

Typology of lessons in primary school (FSES)

The main methodological goal of a lesson in systemic-activity learning is to create conditions for the manifestation of cognitive activity of students. The main methodological goal is achieved in the following ways.

· The progress of knowledge is “from the students.” The teacher draws up and discusses the lesson plan together with the students, uses didactic material during the lesson, allowing the student to choose the most significant type and form of educational content for him.

· The transformative nature of students’ activities: observe, compare, group, classify, draw conclusions, find out patterns. That is, to awaken to mental activity and their planning.

· Intensive independent activity of students associated with emotional experiences, which is accompanied by the effect of surprise. Tasks involving the mechanism of creativity, assistance from the teacher or other students in pair or group activities. The teacher creates problematic situations - collisions.

· Collective search directed by the teacher (questions that awaken students’ independent thoughts, preliminary homework). The teacher creates an atmosphere of interest for each student in the work of the class.

· Creation of pedagogical situations of communication in the classroom, allowing each student to show initiative, independence, and selectivity in ways of working.

· Flexible structure. The teacher uses a variety of forms and methods of organizing educational activities, which make it possible to reveal the subjective experience of students.

Activity-oriented lessons on goal setting can be divided into four groups:

1) Lessons in the “discovery” of new knowledge 2) Lessons in practicing skills and reflection 3) Lessons in general methodological orientation

4) Lessons in developmental control.

1. A lesson in “discovering” new knowledge.

Activity goal: developing students’ ability to perform a new way of action. Educational goal: expanding the conceptual base by including new elements into it

2. Reflection lesson.

Activity goal: developing in students the ability to reflect on a correctional-control type and implement a correctional norm (fixing their own difficulties in activities, identifying their causes, constructing and implementing a project to get out of the difficulty, etc.).

Educational goal: correction and training of learned concepts, algorithms, etc.

3. Lesson of general methodological orientation.

Activity goal: developing the ability of students to a new way of action associated with building the structure of the studied concepts and algorithms. Educational goal: identifying the theoretical foundations for constructing content and methodological lines.

4. Lesson of developmental control.

Activity goal: developing students’ ability to carry out control functions. Educational goal: control and self-control of the studied concepts and algorithms.

Let’s formulate the main goals and ways to achieve them for the lesson

discovery of new knowledge (OND).

Algorithm for constructing a lesson for discovering new knowledge:

1.Identify and formulate new knowledge. 2. Model the method of discovering new knowledge. 3.Identify the mental operations used in the discovery of new knowledge. 4.Identify the necessary knowledge and methods of its repetition. 5.Select exercises for the actualization stage, based on the list of necessary mental operations and learning skills. 6. Model the difficulty and how to fix it. 7.Simulate a problem situation and dialogue. 8. Compile independent work and a standard. 9. Determine methods for organizing and conducting reinforcement. 10.Select tasks for the repetition stage by level. 11. Analyze the lesson based on the notes 12. Make adjustments to the outline plan if necessary.

Structure of a lesson on discovering new knowledge:

1).The stage of motivation (self-determination) for educational activities.

2).Stage actualization and fixation of the difficulty

3).The stage of identifying the location and cause of the difficulty.

4).The stage of constructing a project to overcome the difficulty.

5).The implementation stage of the constructed project.

6).The stage of primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech.

7).The stage of independent work with self-test according to the standard.

8).The stage of inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.

9).The stage of reflection of educational activities in the lesson.

How to formulate goal fulfillment at the motivation stage?

1.Motivation (self-determination) for educational activities.

Goal: The main goal of the stage of motivation (self-determination) for educational activities is to develop, at a personally significant level, the internal readiness of each student to fulfill the regulatory requirements of educational activities.

To achieve this goal it is necessary:

— create conditions for the emergence of an internal need for inclusion in activities (“I want”); — update the requirements for the student in terms of educational activities (“must”); — establish the thematic framework of educational activities (“I can”)

At this stage of the lesson, moods and poems will help.

First of all, we must understand that teaching activities means making learning motivated, teaching the child to independently set a goal and find ways and means to achieve it (i.e., optimally organize one’s activities), helping the child, and developing control skills. and self-monitoring, assessment and self-esteem. The teacher should not simply “train” the child in performing some operations or techniques. These operations must be comprehended and accepted by the student; he must be able to independently choose the most appropriate methods for solving educational problems, and ideally, find his own, never encountered methods of action.

Thus, when teaching children goal setting, you can introduce a problematic dialogue, create a problematic situation for students to determine the boundaries of knowledge and ignorance. For example, in a Russian language lesson in 2nd grade on the topic “Soft Dividing Sign,” I invite students to write the words “polyot,” “family,” and “salt” under dictation. After walking around the class and looking at the notes in the notebooks, I write down all the spellings of words (both correct and incorrect) on the board. After the children read what they wrote, I ask questions: “Was there one task? (“One”) What were the results? (“Different”) Why do you think?” We come to the conclusion that due to the fact that we don’t know something yet, and further, we don’t know everything about the spelling of words with a soft sign, about its role in words. “What is the purpose of our work in the lesson?” - I address the children (“Learn more about the soft sign”). I continue: “Why do we need this?” (“To write words correctly”). Thus, through creating a problem situation and conducting a problem dialogue, students approached the independent formulation of the topic and purpose of the lesson. The fundamental difference between the technology of the activity method and the traditional demonstration-visual teaching method is, firstly, that it describes the activities not of the teacher, but of the students, but secondly, it transfers the student to the position of a subject of educational activity, during which, in any subject content of educational disciplines, the student gets the opportunity in each lesson to perform the entire range of personal, regulatory, cognitive and communicative educational actions provided for by the second generation Federal State Educational Standard.

In TDM lessons, conditions are created for students to fulfill the entire range of required educational activities. Forming the ability to use any action is possible only when there is a form, an algorithm, that is, students know how to perform this action.

But then questions arise. Where to find a place and time in the educational process to introduce students to them? How to do this?

Lesson scenarios from “The World of Activities” edited by L. G. Peterson will provide invaluable assistance in this. This cross-curricular course, developed by the center's scientific team

System-activity pedagogy. The main goal of the “World of Activity” is to create a theoretical foundation for the formation of students’ general academic and activity skills and associated abilities and personal qualities as a necessary condition for building a modern model of education. In other words, this is an encyclopedia of the construction of lesson stages, these are examples of dialogue between the teacher and students. There is a Smiley in every lesson. This is the exemplary ideal student of the Little Country (primary school). Friendly, smiling, similar to Kolobok from a Russian folk tale. Thanks to this hero, first-graders feel comfortable and are more easily involved in activities in the lesson.

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