How I see a modern teacher article on the topic

Essay: “Modern teacher. Who is he? What is he like?

Essay: “Modern teacher. Who is he? What is he like?

A teacher without love for a child is like a singer without a voice, a musician without hearing, a painter without a sense of color.

At all times, an important quality of a teacher was not only his education, but also his warm, friendly and reverent attitude towards his students.

The activity of a teacher is every time an invasion into the inner world of an ever-changing, contradictory, growing person. We must always remember this so as not to injure or break the fragile sprout of a child’s soul. No textbook can replace the relationship between a teacher and children.

The teacher is called the engineer of human souls, the architect of character, the doctor of growing pains, the trainer of intelligence and memory... The list goes on. And all this is the pure truth. Only, unlike other professions, a teacher is not given the opportunity to immediately enjoy the fruits of his labor.

Teacher...School...The beginning has begun. Here are the origins of characters, ideals, beliefs. Doctors and builders, pilots and engineers - it all starts here. How can you raise and educate them? What will you teach? What mark will you leave on young hearts?

What is he like, a modern teacher? It is perhaps difficult to answer this question unambiguously. This is a person who is able to create conditions for the development of creative abilities, develop in students the desire for a creative perception of knowledge, teach them to think independently, independently formulate questions for themselves in the process of studying the material, more fully realize their needs, increase motivation for studying subjects, encourage their individual inclinations and talents. The modern teacher is in constant creative search, as well as in search of an answer to the current problematic question “what to teach schoolchildren?” A modern teacher combines love for his work and for his students; he knows how to not only teach children, but is also able to learn from his students. A modern teacher must identify the best qualities inherent in the soul of every child, encourage children so that they receive joy from acquired knowledge, so that, after finishing school, they are clearly aware of their place in society and can work for its benefit, and are ready to participate in solving current and future problems of our society. A modern teacher is a professional. The professionalism of a teacher is determined by his professional suitability; professional self-determination; self-development, i.e., the purposeful formation in oneself of those qualities that are necessary to perform professional activities. The distinctive features of a modern teacher, a master teacher, are constant self-improvement, self-criticism, erudition and a high work culture. Professional growth of a teacher is impossible without self-educational needs. For a modern teacher, it is very important to never stop there, but to move forward, because the work of a teacher is an excellent source for boundless creativity. For a modern teacher, his profession is an opportunity for self-realization, a source of satisfaction and recognition. A modern teacher is a person who is able to smile and be interested in everything that surrounds him, because the school is alive as long as the teacher is interesting to the child.

The 21st century is the century of the latest technologies, and, of course, a modern teacher must correspond to this new time.

Modern schoolchildren value those teachers who treat their students with great respect and understanding. Therefore, the teacher must be honest with his students in any situation, find a common language with them, understand their problems, and in some sense even be a friend to every child. Be demanding in the classroom and, naturally, must be fluent in the subject, be able to make each lesson interesting and effective, using modern teaching methods. Teachers, thanks to their life experience and modern pedagogical technologies, are able not only to teach qualitatively, but also to raise a worthy personality.

At all times, the basis of civilization has been such human values ​​as morality, compassion, decency, wisdom, and kindness. First of all, it is necessary to teach the child simple human feelings: love, kindness, responsiveness, understanding, compassion, justice. There is a certain pattern: if you want your child to be kind, honest, and responsible, start with yourself. If a teacher charges with his ability to communicate, respectful attitude towards people, his love, success, creativity - his students will strive for this too.

Love, kindness, sincerity - this is what a modern student needs.

First of all, he must be a PERSON WITH A CAPITAL L.

A little man goes to school to learn how to be a creator of great things. At first he clumsily writes out the letters, then puts them into words, and makes up his first sentences from the words. And from sentences - text. This is how creation is born. And even though it is still as small and inept as its author, the creation is already the work of his labor.

In order for a child to want to create something, you need to captivate him, teach him to see beauty and admire it. My students have everything: passion, talent, boundless flights of imagination, the pangs of creativity, and the joy of creativity! And I am happy that I give children this joy!

I want to pass on a lot to the younger generation; I want not only to teach, but to have heartfelt conversations, think together and guess. The most important thing a child acquires during his school years is self-esteem. This is faith in yourself, in your strengths, in your capabilities, in your success.

I believe that the meaning of the word “teacher” comes from the word “take into account.” Take into account that each child is unique, individual, and talented. You just need to discern the spark in a timely manner, direct it, and develop it. I think this is the most important thing a teacher should do.

A teacher who strives for knowledge, implementation and increase of his knowledge will no longer be able to “serve” the lesson, he will “live” it, activating the cognitive activity of students. And by teaching others, you also learn.

Essay “How I See a Modern Teacher”

Svetlana Yelenich

Essay “How I See a Modern Teacher”


How do I see a modern teacher?

Our future , our 21st century, is in the hands Teaching is an art , not work.

less creative than the work of a writer or composer, but more difficult and responsible. The teacher addresses the human soul not through music, like a composer, or with the help of paints, like an artist, but directly. He educates with his personality, his knowledge and love, his attitude towards the world...

D. Likhachev.

She entered the class... There was so much love in her blue eyes that we, naughty and loud-mouthed, involuntarily froze under the gaze of these radiant eyes. "I'll tell you a story..."

, - she said.
And the fairy tale began... in our lives. It turns out that the kindest, smartest, most honest students are us, her 1 “A”
And we believe because She said it. She is my first teacher . Marikuts Vera Savelyevna. She has not been with us for a long time, but the fairy tale she told lives with me. And already I enter the classroom and say to my naughty and mischievous children: “And now - a fairy tale!”
Why, thinking about a teacher of the 21st century , did I remember an elderly rural teacher ? I don’t know... I always think about her when I go to class with my students. How she managed to become for me not just a teacher, but a real Teacher . It’s very simple: she really loved us, allowed us to be who we were , showed by personal example how to act, what was good and what was not so good...

“If a teacher has only love for what he does, he will be a good teacher . If a teacher has only love for the student, like a father or mother, he will be better than the teacher who has read all the books, but has no love for either the work or the students. If a teacher combines love for his work and his students, he is a perfect teacher .” This is Leo Tolstoy, 19th century. Today is XXI... Rapid, rapidly developing, informational. And the teacher must keep up with the times. But still... with love in my heart for my students.

What kind of people do we want our children to be? Probably, there is no need to invent anything particularly new: smart, honest, kind - universal human values ​​are the same in all centuries. However, that’s why they are universal.

This is where the main difficulties arise. In our "crazy"

XXI century
teachers to break out of everyday “grayness”
and remember that they, too, are actually smart, honest, and kind.
How can we feel smart if what we were taught has fallen apart? Is it easy to be honest if you yourself are being deceived? How to remain kind while listening to crime reports? There is a temptation for a kind of dichotomy: to be “like everyone else
,” and to raise your children
“as they should

“You must make good out of evil, because there is nothing else to make it out of,” says Robert Penn Warren. It was these words that the Strugatsky brothers took as the epigraph to their very popular book “It’s Hard to Be a God”

. The hero of this book failed to make good out of evil. Warren's hero, by the way, does the same.

Will we succeed ?

And for some reason I want to say a very firm: “Yes!”

But why? Maybe this is because recently the problems of education have ceased to be problems only of the school, or maybe from confidence in the stable development of our state, but, most likely, from the view of their students: smart, kind, honest. They will succeed because they have smart, kind and honest Teachers , and while we decide what kind of teacher to be today , they live, teach and learn. And the main problem is if the teacher does not have the sense of responsibility for the child’s joy and faith in himself.
The flame of joy, trust, and effort can easily be extinguished by a careless touch, a harsh word, or an indifferent gesture. And if a child does not see the success of his educational activities, his heart seems to go out, the little student loses faith in his abilities. Or even worse: the child’s self-esteem becomes dulled, he gets used to the idea that he is not capable of anything. What could be more immoral than suppressing a person's sense of self-worth? Our future greatly depends on how a student treats himself, how he evaluates himself. Jean Jacques Rousseau wrote that the surest way to spoil a person is to give him everything and demand nothing from him: “Then the tyrant will be at your service.”

. One of the truths of pedagogical wisdom, rooted in centuries-old experience, is the proposition: the more a person is given, the more must be asked of him.

The teacher teaches , inspires. “The thirst for money, disbelief in goodness, lack of moral rules, contempt for thought, indifference to the common good, indulgence in violating the laws of honesty ... - these are the enemies of education with which it is called upon to fight.” This is K.D. Ushinsky, and the capacious ellipsis also belongs to him. Remarkably accurate list!

Let all our children have the best teachers - unselfish, passionately believing in goodness, with strict moral rules, with deep respect for thought, rooting for the public good and not knowing any leniency for violating the laws of honesty. Such as it should be for a person “eternally called to the board”

, answer to children, answer for children.

Essay on the topic: “What kind of modern student is he?”

Our present asks humanity many questions, but only life gives us answers. Life requires attention, understanding, cordiality, curiosity. From year to year we meet new students, lead them along the path of knowledge, discovering a new character, a new perspective on the world of knowledge. Will we, teachers, be able to answer the extraordinary question: “What is he like, a modern student?”

Sometime in 2003, my first student was different, unique, very different from us. But time is like a fast wind, and now it’s 2013. Before us is a student with a new worldview, striving for new computer technologies, who reads little. What influences the student? What changed him? Is it our fault? This is a big problem? What are today's students like? Smart, kind, precocious, or maybe spoiled and capricious? Lots of questions, but most importantly - school! A modern school is a school of kindness, mutual understanding, cooperation of students, parents and teachers. A student in a modern school is not just a person who receives knowledge. This is the one who defends his honor, the honor of his parents, the honor of the school. A student is a friend to his classmates, an assistant. For me, a modern school student should be able to: 1. Learn new material well. 2.Help those who do not understand the topic. 3. Express your point of view. 4.Must do homework.5.Respect the teacher and his opinion.6. Must take part in the life of the class and school.

7. Must keep up with the times. A student of a modern school must also be tolerant, must understand that he is the basis of society, the student must be able to work in society, in a team. He must interact with the teacher, only in this case he will receive knowledge completely. The student should be interested in everything (at least a little), because in our time the flow of information is enormous and the student must be aware of everything that is happening. Of course, he must be an example for the younger ones and a source of pride for the elders; he must lead an active, healthy, sporty lifestyle. School is the first step into the big, adult world, and the student must take it confidently.

The question of the modern student - the student of the 21st century - is complex and interesting. Children... they are so different that it is impossible to say what they are like. Some are overly informed - they live only by their worries, love and with headphones, others already in early childhood know what it means to earn a living. The third is “whose house is on the edge.” And there are those who have known so much grief that even an adult could never know in a lifetime. It is impossible to give an exact answer; it will be temporary. And time goes by, new ones come and new ones..., with new interests, different in level of thinking. They are different... and WE must (or are obliged) to find an approach to all of them.

There may be two students in the class, or maybe more, but he will catch your eye - the “Modern Student”. And in my class there is such a miracle. A beautiful girl - Aliya, a third grade student, taken into guardianship, fragile, small in stature, not spoiled by the love of others, and the desire for knowledge makes her special. A sea of ​​questions and answers in her head, striving for something new. He gets out of different situations instantly, is interested in the computer, and reads every book avidly. But this is our modern student. Don’t forget about the good teacher who gives knowledge, gives everything new, new...

We, too, as teachers, keep up with the times, continuing our self-education and mastering advanced technologies.

Teacher is a word that we hear since childhood. The concept of a “modern teacher” is closely related to the concept of a modern student and is not limited to any framework. But at all times, a teacher for people is a special person. An example of this is Valentin Rasputin’s story “French Lessons”, in which the main character Lidia Mikhailovna, a French teacher, helping the boy, thus taught him the main lesson - the lesson of kindness. A modern teacher should always be in search of various developmental methods and techniques, not give students ready-made knowledge, but ensure that each student reveals himself as an individual. Thinking about this, I remember a Confucian parable:

“One day a Student came to the Teacher: “I need to solve a very important problem, and I want to ask in what way - like this, this way, or maybe even try some other way?” In response, the Teacher took his thick wooden staff and lightly hit the Student on the forehead. "For what?!" - he cried. “You fool, how many times must I repeat to you: one gained experience is more important than the seven rules of wisdom,” said the Teacher.”

The teacher should enter the class with a smile on his face and show with all his appearance that he is glad to see his own... and then our children will not lose interest in knowledge! Many questions will find answers.

I really want all my students to find their place in this huge world, because every happy fate inspires creativity, helps to continue to teach, to love...

Essay on the topic “Portrait of a modern teacher “Teacher – does this sound proud?...””

I did not choose this epigraph by chance. A teacher is, first of all, that Great person who is entrusted with the most important thing - the successful life of the future generation. For me personally, an ideal teacher should have the following qualities: respect the child’s personality, sacredly believe in his capabilities, in addition, have intelligence, limitless patience, tact and be responsible for his work 24 hours a day.

Agree that in our time there are only a few teachers who go to work as if it were a holiday. Do you know why? Not because the teacher is lazy and is simply sitting out time. This is because the main function of a modern teacher of the 21st century is not to give knowledge to children, but to perform bureaucratic and sometimes humiliating work of collecting certificates, maintaining personal files, redoing work programs, filling out paper and electronic journals. Modern society is built on consumption. Therefore, the teacher from a strict but fair mentor of the child (as was the case in Soviet times) turned into a service personnel, that is, an employee providing educational services for teaching, raising and caring for children.

The media have firmly formed a negative image of the teacher and reduced his status. Every year a large number of teachers graduate in our country, but only a few come to work in educational institutions. Why did it happen that the word teacher used to sound proud, but now it has become a humiliating word?


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With the advent of the age of digital technology - the use of modern computers and multimedia projectors, multifunctional devices, the life of a teacher would seem to have become easier. It is possible to present the material to students in an accessible and interesting form, as well as motivate them to independently study the material in depth. But children are not interested in this either; they do not want to learn to think, to look for material not only in books, but also on the Internet. Where better to mindlessly sit down and play computer games... Is it only the teacher's fault? Society itself is to blame, with its “clip thinking” and incorrect installations of the latest state standards.

One government leader said that “teaching is a calling.” Yes, I agree with this, but you won’t be satisfied with one calling. A modern teacher must be financially secure, otherwise, what quality of knowledge can we talk about? Of course, the modern teacher keeps up with the times, but he walks with his head bowed low. This should be taken for granted, but you can fight it – not alone, but all together!

I am a young teacher-specialist in a very ordinary public school. Therefore, it pains me more than ever to know what is happening now with our education...

Knowing this problem “from the inside,” I did not set a goal to write sublime words about the portrait of a modern teacher. It is subject to many requirements and competencies reflected in the Federal State Educational Standard. But many have forgotten only one thing: a teacher is also a living person, with his own desires and needs. The teacher has a family to devote time to. A teacher is not a robot who works 10-12 hours a day for two jobs in order to feed only himself. But what about spiritual development - traveling, going to theaters or concerts? A teacher must have a sense of self-worth, which is diminished in modern society. The concept is “if you are so smart, then why are you so poor?”

I would like to write a little about the positive, namely about my professional activities. My students are special children. Therefore, my work is very interesting, it goes beyond the “framework” of teaching. After all, I not only conduct classes with children, but also do diagnostics, develop individual correctional routes, and advise teachers and parents. My working day is planned down to the smallest detail, because little students are waiting for me, each of whom is unique, each of whom needs a special approach. Some of my students need to be reprimanded, others need to be praised. But it is always important to give a smile and a bit of warmth. After all, children sense our mood so subtly, which affects the success of their education. Therefore, I try to be real, honest, sincere with my students and I hope that the guys answer me the same. Every lesson I conduct is a piece of a child’s life. The success of the child in the future depends on how accessible and interesting the material is presented. I strive to use computer and gaming technologies, a variety of didactic and handout materials in the classroom. Getting interested means moving in the right direction and getting one step closer in forming a child’s persistent motivation for development.

To sum up my own thoughts, I will write that a modern teacher is a mobile personality who is in constant development. After all, development is not only thoughts, disappointments, hesitations, but also the joy of professional discoveries, faith in the success of one’s students, energy, kindness and constant work on oneself.

Say “thank you” to your teachers! They deserve it!

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