step-by-step drawing of trees with children; methodological development for drawing (senior group) on the topic
Wood in world art Almost in every corner of the Earth you can find one or another
Summary of an open lesson in 4th grade on the surrounding world “Life of the forest. Forest is a natural community"
Download the material so UNT / Lesson developments / Lessons on Understanding the World Synopsis
Planning. Plans for the summer health period (summer) in the middle group
plan for summer health work in a preschool educational institution material on the topic Section 1 Analysis of summer work
How to behave in class and during breaks at school - rules of behavior
The child behaves badly at school. How to talk to a teacher?
Recommendations for the correct behavior of students during recess: During recess, only those on duty remain in the classroom.
Metal bond Chemical bond Novikova Irina Petrovna chemistry teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Sovkhoznaya secondary school, Tambov district. - presentation
Lesson plan: Like the components of a construction set, atoms are connected to each other. And no matter how you
Extracurricular activity and presentation for children with disabilities “The Path to Kindness”
Extracurricular work with children with disabilities Pedagogical classification of children with disabilities Features of extracurricular work
Summary of a lesson on fine arts and moral education in the middle group of the preschool educational institution “In the world of goodness”
Long-term planning of events - table Systematicity and consistency are one of the most important principles
Organization of military-patriotic education at school. - presentation
Research work “The influence of pets on a child’s character and his performance at school”
2.2.Pets are a source of inspiration Pets help in artistic creativity. They write about them
Introduction to the textbook “Fundamentals of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia”
Lesson summary on ODNKNR in 5th grade. Topic: “Life is full of military feats.” ODNKNR. 5
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