Experience and advice
Early autumn is a bright time, inspiring poets to write heartfelt lines. But after the affectionate
Problem-based learning technology in preschool educational institutions The problem-based teaching method is an organized sequence of interaction with preschoolers,
Long-term plan for the “Masterilka” club for children in the preparatory school group. Explanatory note. Handmade creativity
Project “Use of ICT in the work of a music director in a preschool educational institution” System of music education in kindergarten
Open lesson plan on music for grade 2 “Intonation” Lesson plan on music in
Card index of sand games In such games you can use tasks for classifying objects, for example
Card index of didactic games for teaching literacy. Irina MALINOVSKAYA Card index of didactic games for teaching literacy.
Stages of speech development in children Parents look forward to the moment when their baby begins