educational project is
Project activities in technology lessons. Synopsis of a technology lesson in grade 5 “Project Method”
What is a project and what is it for? If you ask any teacher, he will answer,
Lesson summary on the world around us on the topic of seasons (grade 2)
Lesson summary on the topic: “Seasons” Lesson topic: Seasons. Change of seasons. TASKS: Form
Literary and musical composition “Where the Motherland Begins”
Literary and musical composition “About Russia with Love” Correctional education Currently one of the most
Creative project “Wise, kind and cheerful poems by Agnia Lvovna Barto.”
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Summary of a developmental lesson using gaming technologies for preschool children “Friendly Children”
Game technologies as a type of pedagogical technology Bibliographic description: Mikhailenko, T. M. Game technologies as
Consultation for parents "Raising a child in the family"
Consultation for parents “The role of the family in raising a child” consultation on the topic of preschool kindergarten
Travel lesson “Where did the book come to us?” Multimedia final lesson on the topic “Text” for 3rd grade, senior teacher of the highest category Valentina Babenko. - presentation
Summary of GCD in the senior group. Where did the book come from? Summary of educational activities for children 5-6 years old.
Project “Children's Book Week “Book, I Love You!”
Project “Children's Book Week “Book, I Love You!” Minibaeva O.S. Project "Children's Book Week"
consultation for parents
Lesson notes on Fire Safety Rules for children in the second junior group
What is the point of consultations for moms and dads on life safety? The issue of safety in everyday life
Working with parents in preschool educational institutions on environmental education of children
Questionnaires for parents on environmental education Olga Lazebnaya Questionnaires for parents on environmental education
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