Math lesson in 4th grade “Table of area units”
Math lesson in 4th grade “Table of area units” ~~Math lesson in 4th grade Topic
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Thematic planning on life safety, grade 1, for a correctional school of type VIII.
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Master class on ecology: DIY crafts made from natural materials on the topic of ecology
Crafts on the theme “Ecology” are one of the methods of environmental education for preschoolers and younger children
Presentation of the lesson “Batu’s Campaigns in Eastern Europe”
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Card index of games for the formation of grammatical structure of speech in preschool children
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Righteous Caliphate
The emergence of Islam and the Arab Caliphate 6th grade. Lesson plan 1. Nature and occupations of the people of Arabia. 1. Nature and occupations of the population of Arabia. 2. Bedouin tribes. - presentation
The decomposition of the primitive communal system of the Arabs in the VI-VII centuries. Arab tribes have inhabited the Decomposition since ancient times
Review of an open lesson in grade 4 “b” on the topic “Generalization of knowledge about adjectives”
Reviews of mathematics lessons from the portfolio of Veretennikova I.A. Feedback about an open lesson from a math teacher
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