"Through the pages of Russian classics." Literary “Own Game” for high school students

Intellectual game for high school students “Own Game”.

MCOU "Nikolo-Polomskaya sosh" Parfenyevsky municipal district, Kostroma region.

Intellectual game for high school students

"My own game".

Class teacher of 6th grade: Kulikova L.V.


Intellectual game for high school students “Own Game”.


The game consists of three rounds. In each round, the price per question increases, and the difficulty increases accordingly. The round consists of six topics, each topic has five questions.

In the first round, the price per question varies from 10 to 50 points, in the second from 20 to 60 points, in the third from 30 to 70 points. For an incorrect answer, points for the question will be deducted.

“Question - auction” - players bid for a question, but cannot bid more than the amount of points scored. All-in – the player bets all of his points on the question. Denomination – less number of points in a round. During the game, participants will encounter this six times.

The finale offers six themes. Before hearing the question, players place bets. They can bet no more than the amount of points they earn. Players who reach the finals with a negative sum do not participate further in the game.

I Themes are played: Medicine, Rivers, Cities, European Countries, Trees, Russian Monarchs.

  • Medicine
  1. The pinnacle of the art of medicine in the ancient world was the work of this famous doctor, whose oath all doctors take. ( Hippocrates

    ) 10 points

  2. Scorbut, or scurvy - vitamin C deficiency, and what is its second name? ( Ascorbic acid

    ) 20 points

  3. In Europe they called him Avicenna. What's his real name? ( Ibn Sina

    ) 30 points

  4. Famous Russian surgeon. He took part in the war, where he saved many lives. Thanks to him, new surgical devices appeared. ( Pirogov Nikolay Ivanovich

    ) 40 points

  5. Question-auction

    What are carcinogens? ( Substances that cause various cancers
    ) 50 points

  • Rivers
  1. It is in the basin of this river that the world's largest waterfall, Angel, is located. ( Orinoco

    ) 10 points

  2. What rivers are called creeks? ( Temporarily dry rivers, for example, in Australia

    ) 20 points

  3. In the valley of these rivers there was the ancient state of Mesopotamia. ( Tigris and Euphrates

    ) 30 points

  4. Daughter of Father Baikal. ( Angara

    ) 40 points

  5. What is a river estuary? ( Funnel-shaped mouth

    ) 50 points

  • Cities
  1. Following the Russian proverb, this city is the door to Moscow. ( Tver

    ) 10 points

  2. Askold and Dir, Kiya, Shchek and Khoriv are united by this city. ( Kyiv

    ) 20 points

  3. During the Mongol-Tatar invasion, many cities were destroyed. This city fought for a long time and for this received the nickname “evil” from the khan. ( Kozelsk

    ) 30 points

  4. In which city did a congress of Russian princes take place in 1097, where they decided that “everyone holds his own fatherland.” ( Lyubech Congress

    ) 40 points

  5. Pavel the First loved oranges, and in this city near St. Petersburg a greenhouse of citrus plants was set up. The city was named after the orange tree. Nowadays this city is called Lomonosov, but this tree is depicted on the coat of arms. What was the city's former name? ( Oranienbaum

    ) 50 points

  • Countries of Europe
  1. BeniLux is an association of three European countries: Luxembourg, the Netherlands and this country. ( Belgium

    ) 10 points

  2. The country is located in the Atlantic Ocean and is located on a volcanic island. And the name of the capital translates as “bay of fire.” ( Iceland, capital Reykjavik

    ) 20 points

  3. Question-auction

    Which European country does this coat of arms belong to? ( UK
    ) 30 points

  1. Whose flag is this? ( Macedonia

    ) 40 points

  1. This country is fighting against the ocean, dams are being built, and the drained lands are called polders. ( Netherlands

    ) 50 points

  • Trees
  1. On which tree did the crow from the fable of Ivan Andreevich Krylov perch on which leaves? ( Needles

    ) 10 points

  2. When this tree loses its leaves, it will take on a bizarre appearance. It was as if it had been torn out of the ground and then stuck upside down. ( Baobab

    ) 20 points

  3. According to legend, a piano and several dancing couples could be placed on the cut of this tree. ( Sequoia

    ) 30 points

  4. Raw materials for rubber production are extracted from these trees. ( Hevea rubber plants

    ) 40 points

  5. This relict tree from the department of gymnosperms is completely different from its neighbors in the department. Most have needles, but this one has heart-shaped leaves with dichotomous veining. Medicinal. ( Ginkgo

    ) 50 points

  • Russian monarchs.
  1. Son of Rurik. ( Igor

    ) 10 points

  2. Who was nicknamed "The Liberator". ( Alexander II

    ) 20 points

  3. In the old days, salt was the main preservative, and when the price for it was increased, a riot broke out, nicknamed the salt riot. During the reign of which monarch this happened. ( Alexey Mikhailovich Romanov Quiet

    ) 30 points

  4. His catchphrase: “I’m coming to you!” ( Svyatoslav Igorevich

    ) 40 points

  5. Emelyan Pugachev called himself the surviving husband of Catherine the Great. And who was her husband? ( Peter the Third

    ) 50 points

Round 2

Themes played out: Africa, Insects, Flags, Ocean, Great Britain, Transport.

  • Africa
  1. In which African country are the remains of the ancient city of Carthage located? ( Tunisia

    ) 20 points

  2. The name of this state comes from the syllables of the names of the united lands: Tanganyika and Zanzibar. ( Tanzania

    ) 30 points

  3. Question-auction

    In 1905, the Cullinan diamond was discovered in this country. 105 diamonds were made from it. One of the Star of Africa diamonds adorns the royal scepter of Great Britain. ( South Africa
    ) 40 points

  4. David Livingstone discovered a waterfall in Africa and named it after the British queen. But as? ( Victoria

    ) 50 points

  5. Which country was ruled by Muammar Gaddafi? ( Libya

    ) 60 points

  • Insects
  1. The hearing organ is located in the legs of this insect. ( Grasshopper

    ) 20 points

  2. How many parts does a beetle's body consist of? ( 3; head, chest, abdomen

    ) 30 points

  3. This cricket lives in the soil and feeds on plant roots. It digs the ground with its front legs. ( Medvedka

    ) 40 points

  4. In Latin, the name of this insect reads “religiosa”. ( Mantis

    ) 50 points

  5. What is the respiratory system of a spider? ( Tracheal system

    ) 60 points

  • Flags
  1. This is a freedom-loving country. Previously a colony of Britain. Island state. ( Ireland

    ) 20 points

  1. This country is a country of great composers, including: Mozart, Schubert, Strauss. ( Austria

    ) 30 points

  1. This country is located in the Alps. It borders with Italy, France, Germany. ( Switzerland

    ) 40 points

  1. Mount Athos is located in this country. ( Greece

    ) 50 points

  1. These names glorified this country: Charles de Gaulle, Edith Piaf, Georges Pompidou, Jacques Chirac, Gerard Depardieu. ( France

    ) 60 points

  • Ocean
  1. What is the name of the strait that separates South America and Antarctica? ( Drake Passage

    ) 20 points

  2. What current warms all of Europe? ( Gulf Stream

    ) 30 points

  3. There is the deepest trench in the Pacific Ocean, but what is it called? ( Mariana Trench

    ) 40 points

  4. Why was the ocean called Pacific? ( During Ferdinand Magellan's trip around the world there was not a single storm in the ocean, but it is impossible to say that the ocean is quiet: tsunamis, typhoons

    ) 50 points

  5. What is the name of the strait that separates Argentina from the Fire Islands? ( Strait of Magellan

    ) 60 points

  • Great Britain
  1. This is what the people of Wales are called. ( Welsh

    ) 20 points

  2. What is the name of the business part of London? ( City

    ) 30 points

  3. What is the popular name for the Loch Ness monster? ( Nessie

    ) 40 points

  4. Who is the Lord Protector? ( Oliver Cromwell

    ) 50 points

  5. Question-auction

    In what year did a huge fire occur in London, destroying many buildings, but after that the plague ended because the infected mice were burned? ( 1666
    ) 60 points

  • Transport
  1. This famous Russian inventor created a “scooter”. ( I. Kulibin

    ) 20 points

  2. These relatives are famous for their steam locomotive. ( The Cherepanov brothers, but they are not brothers; they are each other's father and son

    ) 30 points

  3. The business translation of the name of this car sounds like “people's car.” Later it was called the "beetle". ( Volkswagen

    ) 40 points

  4. Funny question!!! The first woman to be a pilot and astronaut? ( Baba Yaga

    )50 points

  5. Brothers, French inventors, made the first flight over Paris in a hot air balloon? ( Montgolfier brothers

    ) 60 points

Round 3

Topics played: Metals, Anatomy, Astronomy, Museums, Writers, NN

  • Metals
  1. Structural metal in aviation, construction; substitute for copper in electrical engineering; alloying additive in metallurgy. ( Aluminum

    ) 30 points

  2. Noble metal, used in jewelry. The main currency metal. ( Gold

    ) 40 points

  3. Metals of this group can be cut with a simple knife, are very active, quickly oxidize in air and therefore are stored without access to oxygen. ( Group 1, alkali metals: lithium, potassium, sodium, etc.

    .) 50 points

  4. This silvery-white, heavy, radioactive metal is the main raw material for nuclear energy. ( Uranus

    ) 60 points

  5. This metal is used to make plates for batteries and is capable of absorbing radioactivity. Pronounced "Plumbum". ( Lead

    ) 70 points

  • Anatomy
  1. The man fell and hit the back of his head. Which analyzer may not function, since its center is located in the occipital part of the cerebral cortex. ( Visual analyzer

    ) 30 points

  2. Blood consists of plasma and leukocytes, platelets, and erythrocytes. What is the name of the last components? ( Formed elements of blood

    ) 40 points

  3. Question-auction

    What is the structural unit of bone called? ( Osteon
    ) 50 points

  4. What is the name of the muscle that can open and close ducts (for example, pancreatic ducts, gall bladder). ( Sphincter

    ) 60 points

  5. What type of tissue is formed by tightly packed cells? ( Epithelial tissue

    ) 70 points

  • Astronomy
  1. It was discovered near Venus by our compatriot Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov. ( Atmosphere

    ) 30 points

  2. Three bright stars in the hunter constellation make up this part of the starry sky. ( Orion's Belt

    ) 40 points

  3. This happens when all the planets line up in a row. ( Parade of planets

    ) 50 points

  4. Question-auction

    Who discovered the law that all planets move in their orbit, similar to an ellipse? ( Johannes Kepler
    ) 60 points

  5. What is the name of the tallest mountain in the solar system? ( Olympus volcano on Mars

    ) 70 points

  • Museums
  1. There is the famous and mysterious “La Gioconda”. ( Louvre

    ) 30 points

  2. In the English museum you can meet famous people from different times, but there is a peculiarity - they are made of wax. ( Madame Tussauds museum

    ) 40 points

  3. In the building of this university there is a “cube of earth”. ( Moscow State University named after Lomonosov

    ) 50 points

  4. This museum houses a gallery dedicated to the heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812. Portraits of heroes painted by J. Doe are posted.( Hermitage

    ) 60 points

  5. At the top of this St. Petersburg museum is an old observatory. ( Kunstkamera

    ) 70 points

  • Writers

The names of the characters in the works will be written, and it is necessary to name the author who created them.

  1. Guslya, Pulka, Chamomile. ( N. Nosov

    ) 30 points

  2. Olympiada Samsonovna, Marfa Ignatieva Kabanova, Larisa Dmitrievna Ogudalova. ( A. Ostrovsky

    ) 40 points

  3. Kuteikin, Pravdin, Starodum. ( D. Fonvizin

    ) 50 points

  4. Kukubenko, Mosiy Shilo, Stepan Guska. ( N. Gogol

    ) 60 points

  5. Jean Frollo, Claude Frollot, Pierre Gringoire. ( V. Hugo

    ) 70 points

  • NN

This topic requires an answer consisting of two words, and these words begin with the same letters.
example , Nikolai Nosov .

  1. The coat of arms of this city depicts a red deer. ( Nizhny
    Novgorod )
    30 points
  2. What is Baby's real name? ( WITHvantesWITHVanteson

    ) 40 points

  3. Created Ghassan Abdurahman ibn Hottab. ( Lazar Lagin
    ) 50
  4. He went to Europe incognito to become familiar with Western culture. ( Peter
    the First
    ) 60 points
  5. The only insoluble inorganic acid. ( K belt
    k islota
    ) 70 points

The final.

Suggested topics: Nobel laureates, Countries of the world, Mathematics, Awards, Chemistry, Space.

  • Nobel laureates.

This scientist received a prize for the discovery of immune reactions, and it all started with a splinter in the body of a starfish larva. He watched the processes taking place there. The little bodies devoured the thorn. These are leukocytes and phagocytosis. ( Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov


  • Countries of the world.

The second largest country in South America by territory and population. It occupies the southeastern part of the mainland of South America, the eastern part of the island of Tierra del Fuego and the nearby Estados islands, etc. It borders on the west with Chile, on the north and northeast with Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil, and Uruguay. In the east it is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. ( Argentina


  • Mathematics.

This writer is also a mathematician. He portrayed himself in the Dodo bird, and the work is about the adventures of a little girl in different countries. State the real name of the writer. ( Pseudonym: Lewis Carroll, but the real one is Charles Dodgson. He stuttered, and his friends nicknamed him Dodo


  • Awards

He was the first to be awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. ( Lyapidevsky


  • Chemistry

In addition to discovering the theory of electrolytic dissociation, he was a supporter of the extraterrestrial origin of life. ( Svante Arrhenius


  • Space

Pluto is no longer called a planet, but what is it called now? ( TNO: Trans-Neptunian Object


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