Extracurricular activities, Mathematics. 2nd grade, Solving word problems, Manual for teachers, Gerasimov V.D., 2020
Plan of educational work in 10th grade work program (10th grade)
Plan of educational work, grade 10 Conditions for successful implementation of the program: Support of the idea of ​​the program by school staff,
Parent meeting “Children’s health is in our hands” in the middle group.
Summary of the parent meeting “The health of children is in our hands” Only a small number of parents can boast
Celebration “Initiation into high school students” for 1st grade
Tests on OM UMK “Primary school of the 21st century” 3rd grade. test on the world around us (grade 3) on the topic
Russian language lesson in grade 10 on the topic “Linguistic text analysis” lesson plan in the Russian language (grade 10) on the topic
Relevance In light of modern requirements for teaching the Russian language as a central unit of instruction
game exercises for the musical development of children. Practical material for the development of children in preschool educational institutions. educational and methodological material on music on the topic
Games for schoolchildren during a rhythm lesson. Olga Mikhailovna Vasilenko, Rhythmics Teacher, MAOU “Gymnasium No. 8”,
interesting facts about the Russian language for a wall newspaper
Wall newspaper on the Russian language, material on the Russian language on the topic
Russian language at school can, perhaps, be considered one of the most important subjects, ignorance
Animals of the Far North lesson plan on the surrounding world (senior group) on the topic
Application “Fruits” In the preparatory group, children know the names of many fruits and what they look like.
Punch cards on traffic rules for children of middle, senior and preparatory school groups
Didactic games on environmental education Didactic games on environmental education for preschool children
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