The most unknown fables. Card file for speech development on the topic: Russian folk tales, nursery rhymes in verse for children
Fables in verse are considered excellent entertainment for children. It would seem so short and stupid
How to write a fairy tale
Literary reading project “Writing fairy tales”
Literary reading lessons at school are not just rereading and telling stories of works by different
Warm-up and its meaning.
Lesson plan for physical education in 2nd grade lesson plan for physical education (2nd grade) on the topic
Presentations on physical education Create your teacher website PC and PPC courses Video lessons Olympiads Webinars
Alcohols. Classification of alcohols and their properties, grade 10
Alcohols, lesson 10th grade - presentation Completed by: 10th grade student Sakhabutdinova T. Checked by: teacher
Plan - summary of a lesson in physics, grade 8, on the topic: “Thermal motion. Temperature."
Lesson summary on the topic “Education”, grade 8 Lesson summary No. Subject: ____________________ Class:_______ Date
Industrial enterprises
Environmental pollution lesson plan (geography, grade 10) on the topic
What is ecology The word “ecology” translated from Greek means “the science of the home.” Ecology
Genres of painting in fine arts
"Types and genres of fine arts." What type of fine art do we classify the presented image as? “Painting” (work completed. - presentation
At what age should a child be introduced to such a concept as genres of painting in the visual arts?
Do-it-yourself rowan branch from plasticine with photos and videos
Do-it-yourself rowan branch: we make our own interior decorations on the theme of nature
Handicraft 07.20.2018 Anastasia Prozheva Handicraftsmen strive to capture the bright natural colors in their creative works.
General literature lesson in 8th grade A.S. Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter"
Literature lesson for 8th grade “The Captain's Daughter” by A. S. Pushkin. Final lesson" GBOU secondary school
Open lesson “The world of images of vocal and instrumental music” presentation for a music lesson (6th grade) on the topic
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