Class hours in elementary school calendar and thematic planning on the topic

Class hour “Let's be kinder!” + presentation 1st grade class hour (1st grade) on the topic

Lesson summary for extracurricular activities “Let's be kinder!” for 1st grade students


Teacher 1st grade "A"

Cherednichenko N.P.

Goal: Formation of friendly attitude skills in children of primary school age.


1. Formation of tolerant attitude skills.

2. Development of a sense of empathy, sympathy, compassion.

3. Development of skills to express and recognize the feelings of other people through facial expressions, gestures and speech.

4. Expansion and activation of vocabulary.

5. Formation of a favorable psychological microclimate in the classroom.

Materials: computer, presentation “Let's be kinder!”, video recording of the cartoon “The Ugly Duckling” (excerpt), colored pencils.

Progress of the lesson.

Greetings. (slide 1) Today we will have an unusual lesson on the topic “Let's be kinder!” We will go on a journey through the world of fairy tales. (slide 2) All of you are probably very familiar with some of the fairy tales. What fairy tales do you know?

In all fairy tales, good fights evil. And this struggle is not always easy. Sometimes fairy-tale heroes are forced to undergo serious trials before good triumphs...

Let's go on a fabulous journey with you today. And this fairy tale is about a little duckling, who, having matured, turned into a beautiful swan. What is the name of this fairy tale? (slide 3)

I bring to your attention an excerpt from H.H. Andersen’s fairy tale “The Ugly Duckling”.

Viewing and discussion of an excerpt from the cartoon “The Ugly Duckling” (slide 4)

Conversation after watching: Did you like the cartoon? What is he talking about? Remember the characters. How did the inhabitants of the poultry yard feel about our hero? Why? (Because he was different from them) How was he different from other birds? (size, age, feather color, voice, skills, etc.) Tell me, should everyone be similar to each other?

Exercise “Similar - not similar.” (slide 5)

Guys, turn to face your neighbor on the desk, look carefully at each other and complete the task: “Raise your hands up only those ...”

-who has blue eyes;

- light (dark) hair;

-whose names contain the letter A...

- who has the same color in their clothes...

— who has a friend in class?

Each of you has something in which you are similar and different from each other, but this did not stop you from having a friend. (slide 6)

Does the fact that your neighbor has a different eye or hair color prevent you from making friends, playing, or studying?

Do you think the inhabitants of the poultry yard were right in being offended, rude and angry at the duckling just because he was different from them? How did our hero feel? (offense, sadness, fear) How did you guess about this? (facial expressions, gestures, movements, voice)

Exercise “Presentation of Emotions”. (slide 7)

I will show you images of different emotions. Let's try to guess together what this emotion is called, and which of the cartoon characters could experience it?

Is it possible to guess from people’s faces the mood they are experiencing? (Demonstration of images of emotions in people: joy, sadness, anger, fear, disgust, arrogance, etc.) (slide 8)


Let us show different emotions with the help of facial expressions, gestures and movements. Turn to face each other and show the emotion: sadness, anger, indifference, fear, disgust, joy.

Exercise “How to improve your mood?”


  1. Good words. You and I have become acquainted with “kind words” and you know their magical power. What kind words do you know? Thank you, goodbye, hello, etc. (slide 9, 10)
  2. Good deeds (slide 11)
  3. Surprises, fun games, ...(slide 12, 13)


  1. Mom, dad (slide 14)
  2. Close people
  3. Friends, …

Tell me, how can we improve the mood of our little fairy-tale hero?

Good words! What kind words could you say to GU if you were in this fairy tale? What else besides words can you help GU? Actions, deeds, friends...

Conclusion “Let's be kinder!” (slide 15)

It happens that in our class someone feels sad. How can you see such a child? (by facial expression, behavior, etc.) How can you help a person who is sad? Have any of you ever shown a friendly attitude towards one of the guys? (slide 16)

Drawings “The Magical Power of Good”. (if there is time left)

Let's think about how we could help the duckling? What could we change in the behavior and words and actions of others. You can draw him a boyfriend or girlfriend, a gift, organize a game for him, etc.

Discussion of children's drawings.

Do you think the Duckling’s mood will change from the kind words and gifts you gave him? So you have brought order to the fairy-tale land: good has defeated evil and we can return to class.

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