Experience and advice
Calendar-thematic planning in a group of toddlers (1.6–2 years) Irina Zhilyaeva Calendar-thematic planning in a group
To raise a child who can think logically and flexibly, find innovative solutions, analyze a problem comprehensively, and be prepared
The situation of success in the lesson in the light of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard Artistic and pedagogical technologies in the classroom
Lesson summary in the Russian language “Word ending” TOPIC: Word ending. (With presentation) Goal: Updating
Summary of musical entertainment in kindergarten. Senior - preparatory group Summary of entertainment for seniors
Geometric applique This article is intended for practicing appliqué with children. Geometric applique will unobtrusively introduce
LiveInternetLiveInternet Quote from Tatyana57 Read in full To your quote book or community! SPEECH DEVELOPMENT. LEXICAL TOPIC
Greetings, our readers! We open a page of history that is in our hearts, in our memories
Lesson notes on Russian language and literature Section of the teacher of Russian language and literature in