Summary of the lesson on FEMS “DIRECT AND BACK COUNTING TO FIVE”
Ordinal and quantitative counting: 5 differences Difference 1: Goals Quantitative counting is used when necessary
Bucket using decoupage technique
“Decoupage” in nurturing the creative abilities of preschool children.
Decoupage Yulia Selyaninova Decoupage For the development of creative imagination in children and creativity in general,
Additional educational program “The World Around Us”
Quiz “The World Around Us” with answers for elementary school Author of scenario development: Novikova Ekaterina
Gzhel painting: how to master the technique and simple patterns?
Where to start? With preparation! Gzhel is a whole direction of Russian culture. Gzhel painting is done
Decorative and applied arts as a means of developing the creative abilities of children of senior preschool age
“Decorative and applied arts” for children of senior preschool age The program promotes: Disclosure and development of creative abilities
Summary of a Russian language lesson in grade 5 “Preparation for an essay describing an animal”
Lesson summary “Elements of combinatorics. Combinatorial sum and product rules"
Combinatorics and its basic principles Very often you have to solve problems in which you need to calculate
Nature calendar in kindergarten
GCD summary for working with the nature calendar in the preparatory group
Kindergarten is not just a place where the child spends time while the parents are
Notes on the perception of music in a preschool preschool group
Conversation with children of the senior group about music Summary of the conversation with children of senior preschool age
Parent meeting “How to help your child study well.” - presentation
Parent meeting with future first-graders slide No. 21 Love your child! Love anyone: untalented,
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