Experience and advice
Behavior at matinees in kindergarten 12/15/2017 Quantity Music director N.M. Vakulenko Dear parents!
Wall newspapers about kindergarten, list of topics Wall newspapers are one of the main attributes of educational institutions.
Economic systems An economic system is a historically emerged or established set operating in a country
Lesson 1: Reading practice. The conjugation of the verb être - to be - which does not need to be memorized.
General rule Children learn the general rule of writing “not” with verbs in the 3rd grade,
The task of modern selection Selection (from Latin selectio - selection) is the science of creating
Literature quest game for grades 5-8 Extra-curricular activity Quest “Through the Pages of Books” For students
Psychological and Pedagogical Center Tatyana Anatolyevna Musilovich, teacher-psychologist, Early Assistance Department, State Budgetary Educational Institution “PPC”, Tolyatti Child Adaptation
What to wear for a walk and in a group 1. For a group, choose clothes that are breathable