Poster design for kindergarten graduation. High school graduation. Wall newspapers, posters - Photo report on the release of the wall newspaper “Our life in kindergarten”

Wall newspapers about kindergarten, list of topics

Wall newspaper is one of the main attributes of educational institutions. The wall newspaper occupies a special place in kindergarten. What are wall newspapers for? To accompany various holidays, significant events, to maintain order, convey information, and decorate the group. And this is only a small part of the events when a wall newspaper is needed. The peculiarity of the wall newspaper lies in its brightness and creativity.

When creating a wall newspaper, all available creative skills must be used. Wall newspapers for any event will look very bright and memorable. Can't decide what wall newspaper to make? We have prepared the most current list of topics for you:

  • Family wall newspapers - a wall newspaper on this topic is suitable for such holidays as Day of Love, Family and Fidelity, Mother's Day, Day of the Elderly, Healthy Lifestyle. Family wall newspapers are always especially touching and beautiful. The main material for the poster is photographs of the families of kindergarten students. And only then come various articles and descriptions that reflect family values, highlight everyday problems, discuss aspects of upbringing, and places where special attention needs to be paid in the family;
  • Informative wall newspapers are those that present some information. The group's daily routine may be reflected here. Prevention of colds in winter, prevention of vaccinations, hardening procedures or individual events that correspond to the work direction of the group. Often such newspapers contain important information for parents. Schedule and days of electives, posters of outdoor events, items of the annual plan for the development of children;

  • Festive wall newspapers are congratulations on Children's Day, New Year, February 23 for boys and March 8 for girls. A wall newspaper is selected for any holiday. As a rule, such posters are placed in the locker rooms of children's groups so that not only little pupils, but also parents can feel the onset of the festive atmosphere.

Moreover, it is not necessary to adhere to the topics presented above. Some preschool institutions operate under special programs, where there are other topics that are given by the directors for further work, for example, traffic rules, what a child should be able to do at 3 years old, rules for speech development for children 4-5 years old, etc. . Wall newspapers are often prepared about the beginning of summer, autumn, or where the creative abilities of a children's group will simply be reflected. Whatever the teacher’s imagination is capable of, because it is on his shoulders that this interesting creative work falls!

Beautiful wall newspaper for Mother's Day: print for free

If you don’t have time at all, and the holiday is coming soon, you can print a beautiful wall newspaper for Mother’s Day for free from the Internet and beautifully color it or paste it with colorful applique. This option will not only save precious hours, but also compensate for the lack of imagination or handicraft talent. The festive wall newspaper for Mother's Day can be printed for free in pieces divided into A4 sheets, or in separate beautiful fragments (texts, frames, headings, etc.).

Printable poster templates for Mother's Day at school and kindergarten

A wall newspaper for Mother's Day, created collectively in a school or kindergarten, is not only a bright festive decoration for the room, but also an excellent way to unite the class, remind of the importance of mother in everyone's life, and awaken even greater love for the dear parent. You can create a Mother's Day poster with pictures or photographs with your own hands. Or you can choose a template, print out the elements and color the finished poster together.

Writes for you:


Wall newspapers in kindergarten, photo

Wall newspapers occupy a special place in kindergarten. In addition to the teacher, anyone can draw a newspaper. These can be both children and parents. When creating a poster, you can use a variety of materials. These can be traditional paints, markers, or origami crafts to create volume, various sparkles, sequins. Nowadays, it is very common to use quilling products for wall newspapers; this will highlight and distinguish your poster.

If the wall newspaper contains a list of the group or implies congratulations on behalf of the students, you can add children's photographs.

If the wall newspaper is dedicated to the time of year, it is better to decorate it with “seasonal” materials. For example, in the fall you can decorate with real yellow leaves, and in the winter with ordinary medical cotton wool.

In spring and summer, it is better to stock up on dried flowers for an unforgettable decoration of a wall newspaper. To make it easier to choose a theme and design, we suggest using our selection of templates of different subjects.

Kindergarten graduation wall newspaper template

Be sure to prepare a wall newspaper or a congratulatory poster for such a celebration as graduation from kindergarten. You always want to prepare for such a holiday in a special way, because this is the children’s first graduation in their lives.

If the graduation is dedicated to a specific topic, then you need to prepare an appropriate wall newspaper. Graduation can be in the style of cinema or a specific fairy tale. In such cases, the wall newspaper is designed in accordance with the genre so that all decorative elements are presented in harmony with the holiday.

Recently, the idea of ​​​​creating touching collages with photographs of graduates or highlighting the life of a group throughout all the years spent in kindergarten has been very popular. Wall newspapers on which you can write wishes to graduates will become memorable. Especially for your holiday, we have prepared several wall newspaper templates dedicated to kindergarten graduation.

DIY wall newspaper for your birthday:

Creativity has become an integral attribute of every holiday. We suggest considering options for congratulatory newspapers for the birthday of the teacher and your classmates.


In holiday decoration stores you will find a lot of decorations and ready-made wall newspaper templates. Among them, there are also posters for sale for the birthday of a classmate or classmate.

Photos from memorable holidays are pasted into the empty cells, and poetic or prose lines with congratulations are added if desired. If you purchased a black and white poster, then color it to your liking, but it is better to buy a ready-made drawing. You can also draw a wall newspaper for a classmate or classmate yourself. A box of watercolors, whatman paper and a brush are all we need for a holiday masterpiece. Think about the preferences of your classmate(s). Perhaps your “colleague” loves the Ninja Turtles or some other heroes. Decorate his wall greeting card and make him feel good.

For classmates, you can make newspapers that not only hang on the walls, but also those that contain sweets. Lay out a path of sweet congratulations, for example, like this wall newspaper, below.

And another option that is suitable for all students in the class would be a general newspaper called “Cool Corner”. Provide a separate column for birthday people. Call it “This Month's Birthdays” and include a list of students who celebrate their birthdays on the dates of the current month.


The newspaper “Happy Birthday, Teacher” should have an aesthetic meaning. The main rule that should be followed at all times is that you do not need to indicate the age of the teacher. Come up with a bright signature and a beautiful wish that you will present from the whole class to your respected teacher. An original idea for congratulations would be to create a collage with signs in the hands of children. Each plaque (sheet of paper) must have a wish printed on it. An example in the photo below.

Poems for a wall newspaper for kindergarten graduation

Wall newspapers with poems look very interesting and informative. These can be small quatrains, prose or excerpts from serious works. Poems are usually used to describe photographs on a newspaper or to make signatures in the form of congratulations in poetic form. Poems are allowed on a variety of topics that will be combined with the theme of the kindergarten and the children themselves. This will make the wall newspaper even more interesting. Invite your students to come up with their own rhymes together; such creative variety will add individuality to the poster and make it special. We offer you options for poems for wall newspapers.

To the wall newspaper about summer

To the wall newspaper about family

To the wall newspaper about graduation

To the wall newspaper about graduation

To the wall newspaper for Teacher's Day

How to make a wall newspaper for Teacher's Day, photo with explanation

The wall newspaper for Teacher's Day is congratulatory in nature and is designed on a large format of whatman paper A1 or A0. The design style is most often classic with a heading in a straight, straight font. Although, the direction in the publication can be absolutely free. Newspaper headlines could be: Happy Teacher's Day!; Happy Teachers' Day!; Happy day, teacher!; Happy Teacher's Day, Marya Konstantinovna!

The purpose of the newspaper is to congratulate the class teacher or teaching staff. The basis should be a plot-based congratulation: drawings, poems, prose, signatures of class students. It is allowed to use colorful drawings and cut-out explanations in the newspaper, since the text alone will look very modest. The selected newspaper format must be harmoniously distributed between the material. Decorate the edge of the newspaper with margins 1.5-3 cm wide. Colored lines drawn with pencils, felt-tip pens, and wax crayons can be used as markings.

Place a poem or handwritten greeting in the center. You can use several options as a drawing, the most win-win are flowers and teacher attributes: a globe, a pointer, books, bells, a teacher’s board. Decorations made of colored paper, felt, and corrugated paper are acceptable as decorations.

Wall newspaper for a kindergarten group, design example

If you are planning to make a wall newspaper for a kindergarten group, but cannot decide where to start, then you should consider some recommendations. The group's wall newspaper usually contains a list of the group. You can write it yourself or, if it is not possible to do it aesthetically, just make a printout.

If the group is small, then you can use photographs of the children. The photos are framed - cars, daisies, sun. Be creative.

Usually in a wall newspaper, a prerequisite for design is the name of the group, writing a motto, if space allows, the daily routine is indicated, a list of birthday people and children's hobbies are included in a separate column. We present to you an example of the design of a wall newspaper for a kindergarten group.

Wall newspaper for September 1:

The very first wall newspaper for preschool institutions and schools is a newspaper for September 1st. You need to draw it in advance in order to have time to place it in a specially designated corner of the class or group for the upcoming holiday.


Even the smallest “residents” of the Land of Knowledge know what September 1 is. A teacher or parents from the parent committee can use this idea: collect painted palms from each child and glue them to a wall newspaper. To give the newspaper autumn motifs, it is advisable to paint your palms in yellow, orange, red and brown colors, reminiscent of leaf fall. Thus, all the children from the kindergarten group will take part in the production of the newspaper. In the center of such a newspaper or along the edges, place quatrains congratulating teachers and their students.


A welcome poem, quote or school anthem as the main material in the wall newspaper will be quite enough. Beautiful school-themed pictures and an elegant title will complete the school creation.

A newspaper for a first-grader deserves special design. Its headings may be called “From September 1, first grader!”, “For the first time to school (first grade).” As materials for design, choose instructive quotes, parting words, and poems.

Wall newspaper for kindergarten day

One of the brightest holidays for all young pupils is Kindergarten Day. A concert is always organized for this celebration and, of course, like for any birthday, a wall newspaper is always prepared.

A wall newspaper for Kindergarten Day is hung in the hall and pleases the eyes of all the guests of this event who come. This could be a congratulatory wall newspaper from parents and students, where flowers, toys will be drawn, and the warmest words of congratulations will be written. Or maybe these will be the most interesting and memorable moments from the life of the kindergarten itself. In any case, such a wall newspaper will be bright, shiny and bring a good mood to all guests at the kindergarten birthday celebration.

What poster to make for a 1 year old child's birthday?

a finished poster for a child’s first birthday in a frame on the wall

The first holiday after the birth of a baby is an exciting and joyful event. Young mothers treat holiday preparations with special trepidation. Many people want to create an interesting and special poster for their little one’s birthday. And although the baby is unlikely to show interest in it, parents will be able to keep the wall newspaper as a family treasure and pass it on to their older child.

The most popular option is a poster with photos by month. Place them:

  • arbitrarily
  • on the template

In the second case, you will find wall newspapers with:

  • cartoon characters and photo windows
  • balls
  • place in the trailers
  • windows

Alternative poster options for a child’s first year:

  • with monthly dynamics of weight and height and a photo of the birthday boy in the center
  • with windows for wishes from guests, which they write in their own hand
  • according to the “who do I look like” template with photographs of mom, dad, grandparents or just parents in infancy
  • with a monthly indication of the baby’s skills and the heading “my achievements”
  • Memorable moments from life captured in photographs
  • your option

Poems for wall newspapers kindergarten

It is interesting and advantageous to use rhymes when creating a wall newspaper - they are easy to read and accepted by all readers. That is why rhymes often become one of the main components of a wall newspaper. These can be congratulation poems, joke poems, accompanied by bright illustrations. To choose the right poem, you just need to turn on your imagination and put together a syllable of the rhyme. If your friendship with rhyme doesn’t work out or you don’t have enough time for it, then use the ready-made option from our article.

About your favorite kindergarten

My kindergarten

I'm entering kindergarten

Leaving kindergarten

I love my kindergarten

Wall newspaper about a child in kindergarten

Children are the main thing in kindergarten. Wall newspapers dedicated to a child always turn out to be very funny. If one of the children in the group distinguished himself with his successes, then this is a reason to include his achievements in the wall newspaper. You can ask parents to choose their child’s favorite photos and paste them into the prepared layout.

Usually, parents make a wall newspaper about a child for their child’s birthday, about his good deeds, favorite animals, or about the past summer, as in the photo above. In the material it is allowed to write wishes from all friends, teachers, and draw his favorite pets. Such a newspaper will be very memorable for the child and his parents. You can also make a wall newspaper, which will become a business card about each child in the group and will tell about his characteristics. So, children and teachers from other groups will know which children attend kindergarten in the group next door.

Poster, wall newspaper for a child’s birthday made from sweets: ideas, photos, templates

fragment of a sweet DIY poster for a child’s birthday

Children love sweets, and parents try to dose them. An interesting original option for this is a wall newspaper, a poster with birthday sweets pasted on.

When creating it, consider a number of points:

  • Plot. Think it over in advance and prepare materials. For example, cut out your child’s favorite cartoon character from paper or draw him on whatman paper.
  • Main inscription. For example, the child’s name, the words “Happy Birthday.” They should attract attention and be bright.
  • Layout of sweets. Be sure to sketch it in a notebook before transferring it to a large sheet of paper.
  • Method of their fastening. Light ones - glue, heavy ones - secure with a stapler.
  • List of sweets and poems/slogans, their location.
  • Elements for decoration, for example, sparkles, pebbles, cut-out details, photographs of the hero of the occasion, ribbons, beads.

Your favorites can be used as sweet inserts on the poster:

  • candies and cookies
  • juice and chocolates
  • glazed cheese curds

The text for a wall newspaper can be:

  • classic poems
  • compliments with an emphasis on sweets
  • emphasis on talents and skills
  • advertising slogans
  • your poems
  • short fairy tale

The list of materials for creating a children's wall newspaper is as follows:

  • whatman
  • felt-tip pens
  • paints
  • tassels
  • scissors
  • pre-prepared sweets in wrappers
  • stapler
  • silicone glue
  • magazine clippings
  • elements for decoration

Next, think about the location of the latter on whatman paper and the text that will accompany them.

For inspiration, we add a photo of a number of ready-made wall newspapers for a child on his birthday.

ready-made wall newspaper made from sweets for a child on his birthday, example 1

ready-made wall newspaper made from sweets for a child on his birthday, example 2

ready-made wall newspaper made from sweets for a child on his birthday, example 3

ready-made wall newspaper made from sweets for a child on his birthday, example 4

ready-made wall newspaper made from sweets for a child on his birthday, example 5

ready-made wall newspaper made from sweets for a child on his birthday, example 6

ready-made wall newspaper made from sweets for a child on his birthday, example 7

Original ideas for translating your thoughts into a sweet poster:

  • book
  • puzzles
  • the name of the birthday person, collected from small candies
  • postcard

After viewing the photos of the finished posters above, you will get even more ideas for realizing your ideas and use the first ones as templates to create your own unique children's “sweet” posters.

Wall newspaper family for kindergarten

Family plays an important role in the life of every person. Since childhood, we pass on the love of our family to our child. A wall newspaper dedicated to family values ​​is especially touching and important. Such a wall newspaper is usually prepared for Mother's Day, Father's and Child's Day, and Family Day. Drawing wall newspapers dedicated to family instills family values ​​in children.

The content of the wall newspaper can include information about the traditions, customs, foundations of the family and their ancestors. These could be poems or illustrations. In order for the wall newspaper to become individual, each family of a small pupil must choose their joint family photographs and write the story of its creation. In the future, when posting a newspaper, the teacher should spell out the basic concepts of family values ​​in order to attract children's attention and develop the correct concept of family.

DIY Mother's Day poster for school: what's what

Unlike a wall newspaper, which is the result of collective child labor, including a variety of types of creativity, a poster is an informative and entertaining poster of an educational or congratulatory nature, performed by one author. A do-it-yourself Mother's Day poster for school can contain short notes about the history of the holiday, unusual facts about great heroine mothers, thematic poems by writers, colorful illustrations and pleasant congratulatory lines.

Often, school themed posters for Mother’s Day are designed in the form of an information summary about the achievements of mothers over the past school year, about parental assistance to the school, about their participation in various kinds of competitions and holiday competitions. Even more often - in the format of an advertisement or poster for an upcoming school concert (performance, competition, etc.) dedicated to the mothers of all students. They usually contain an announcement of the event, the time and date of its holding. But there are other, more or less popular options for a DIY Mother’s Day poster for school: we’ll figure out what’s what next.

Certificate of honor for beloved mother on Mother's Day at school

In recent years, thematic posters - certificates of commendation, diplomas and certificates of honor - have become very popular. They can be factory-made (bought ready-made) or homemade. In the first version, students only have to sign the poster and add a couple of lines of their own. In the second case, the children create a poster on their own “from scratch”: they buy whatman paper, draw a title, write a text of praise or gratitude, and complement the picture with bright decorative illustrations.

In the certificate of honor, you can thank all the mothers at once on behalf of the whole class, or indicate the individual merits of each student’s mother. Eg:

  • Kravchenko N.G. - leader of the class committee;
  • Veres I.N. — creative organizer of holidays, etc.;
  • Zaitseva A.S. - a skilled pastry chef, sponsor of children's buffets;

A poster for mothers in the format of a certificate of honor can contain beautiful poems by classics, modern authors or the students themselves, a list of merits of the mothers of the class, a list of thanks from all students, information about who and when issued the “document”.

Wall newspaper for kindergarten teachers at graduation

A little more, and the children of the senior group will become schoolchildren. In memory of themselves, they will leave drawings, crafts, pleasant impressions, and a lot of photographs. Why not turn this into a wall newspaper and give it as a gift to your favorite teachers.

Wall newspapers for favorite teachers are usually assigned to parents from the parent committee together with their children. This poster is of a congratulatory nature, which contains one general congratulation to parents and children. If desired, and if space on paper allows, you can attach several crafts to it in the form of decoration.

On the eve of graduation, I want to prepare a memorable gift for teachers, because the time in kindergarten is especially exciting, where kids grow into schoolchildren. I would like to convey only my warmest wishes to the teachers who taught the children a lot. Don’t forget about those who took care of the young pupils for 4 years: nurses, cooks, security guards, janitors, managers, senior teachers, music directors and others. It is very important to forget anyone and highlight everyone who was involved in the small growing up of children. We have collected for you the most sincere options for wall newspaper congratulations to dear educators.

Wall newspaper for Teacher's Day

Teacher's Day is not the biggest holiday, but all preschool workers know that it is celebrated on September 27 every year. It is on this day that they expect congratulations. As a congratulation, the editorial board or parent committee publishes a wall newspaper dedicated to Teacher's Day. The easiest option is to make a title, write poems in gratitude to the teachers and their assistants, and complement everything with colorful drawings.

Each group in kindergarten has its own name: “Bells”, “Fireflies”, “Ladybugs”, etc. If your preschool educational institution does not have such names, then we suggest using the name of the kindergarten. Some of the institutions have been named “Teremok”, “Beryozka”, etc. since Soviet times. Draw several objects on a wall newspaper, for example, if a group or DS is called “Bee”, draw 20 bees. Place them harmoniously on a wall newspaper, paste a photo of a studying child into each bee, place a photo of the teachers you are going to congratulate next to it, also indicate kitchen workers, medical office workers. In the free space, draw a caricature or glue relevant drawings, and write lines of a suitable poem next to it.

Decoration of kindergarten wall newspaper

What can decorate a kindergarten better than a wall newspaper? Several preparations on a specially selected topic make the institution exemplary. This could be information stands, fairy-tale posters, demonstrative photographs of the life of the kindergarten itself.

Life in kindergarten is always interesting and eventful; children learn so many new things here. Some interesting events are constantly happening, filled with positive impressions. A wall newspaper can decorate the entrance to a kindergarten with the pleasant words “Welcome!”; the wall newspaper must accompany the walls of the dining rooms, the groups themselves, the music room, and the sports class. Each wall newspaper is dedicated to a specific topic. This design of a kindergarten will be special, because creating a wall newspaper is a creative process that shows the skills of students and their teachers. Thus, all guests of this kindergarten will be able to appreciate the creativity and atmosphere of this institution.

Sequence of steps when creating a wall greeting

Its creation begins with planning, a diagram. First, place gifts, inscriptions, decorative details on a simple piece of paper, mark all places with a simple pencil. Paint empty spaces with bright colors.

The center of the poster should contain a congratulatory message to the hero of the occasion: write beautiful letters yourself or cut and paste. You can mention the best qualities of his character and hobbies.

When creating a photo collage, you can immediately start working on whatman paper:

  • arrange pictures by topic;
  • mark the contours with different colors;
  • cut the corners of the contours made, insert photo cards into them;
  • decorate with decorative elements;
  • the free space can be filled by coloring it with a marker;
  • You can make signatures in a humorous manner.

When creating a sweet surprise, work in this order:

  • sketch out the diagram on a separate sheet, thinking over places for inscriptions, drawings, sweets;
  • draw a sheet of whatman paper according to the diagram;
  • if necessary, use watercolor paints or colored pencils for a background;
  • perform the congratulatory part with wishes especially carefully;
  • glue photographs and pictures to the allocated places;
  • fasten delicious products with a stapler.

If you try, you can use sweet gifts to create a riddle, rebus, or puzzle on whatman paper.

It is not so difficult to come up with and create a poster with congratulations. The only downside to the original gift sheet is that it takes time.

But the advantages make up for this disadvantage: anyone can do it, it does not present any difficulty; the creator realizes his creative abilities and receives moral satisfaction; the recipient accepts not just a gift made from the bottom of his heart, but an expression of love and attention.

Wall newspaper in kindergarten photos, templates.

A wall newspaper in kindergarten is a wonderful way of educational play in teaching children. Through visual demonstration material they acquire many new skills. Thanks to the wall newspaper, it will be easy and fun for a preschooler to perceive information that is difficult to present in the form of a lesson. Children cannot read fully yet, so they learn all the rules and everyday moments from pictures. Thus, a wall newspaper in kindergarten is a visual aid for mastering theoretical knowledge, because it is much easier to visually perceive information. In our article we provided examples of posters for various holidays. Don't limit yourself to general templates, use your imagination when it comes to design. To make it easier to choose an idea for decorating a wall newspaper for a kindergarten, see below photos of ready-made posters.

Wall newspapers – Wall newspaper “We are little theatergoers”

Publication “Wall newspaper “We are small...”

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Image library "MAAM-pictures"

We constantly create wall newspapers for our parents. As part of the “Summer” project, two newspapers were designed with the children. When the children returned to kindergarten after their holidays, they talked a lot about how they had a rest, where they had been, and then the idea came up to make a newspaper about the children’s summer holidays….

New Year's collective newspaper "New Year's Mouse" for the New Year with their own hands by children of senior preschool age. Objectives: Development of fine motor skills of the hands; developing the ability to work with templates and improve techniques for working with scissors. develop constructive and...

National Unity Day occupies a special place among public holidays in our country. This is an amazing holiday! A holiday of peace and friendship that brings everyone together. This holiday is dear to each of us in its own way; each of us has different feelings. Russian…

Wall newspapers - Festive wall newspaper “Let there always be a mother!”, dedicated to Mother’s Day"

On this brightest, most tender, most important day, the guys and I prepared a wall newspaper for our beloved mothers! With beautiful words! Also a festive program dedicated to our dear, affectionate and gentle mothers. They sang songs, told beautiful poems and danced with...

The main attribute of the New Year holidays is the Christmas tree, but an elegant tree should not be the only decoration of the house, office or school corridor. You can complement the festive decorations with balloons, tinsel and colorful posters. We will be happy to help you draw a wall newspaper for the New Year of the Rat for those who did not graduate from art school and do not have innate artistic talent.

A bright and cheerful wall newspaper consists of 8 graphic files, which as a whole form a large picture with windows for congratulations and wishes. In order to get a poster, you will need white A4 paper, a printer and tools for coloring.

Poems for wall newspapers in kindergarten

A poem is a literary work that has a certain rhyme. It is rhyme that makes a poem easy to remember. Often, educators and parents use poetry for publications in kindergarten. Folding lines are much easier to perceive by the child's brain; over time, memorized rhymes will bear their first fruits. Along with memory training, children come to realize what they have learned.

In order for the material depicted on the wall newspaper to be better absorbed in the reader’s head, it is recommended to accompany the illustrations with poems. These could be poems about life in the garden, about sports, about games, congratulations in verse. The most important thing in a poem for a wall newspaper is lightness. It should not burden the minds of little pupils and readers, but should give a good mood. With such a poem, the wall newspaper will definitely enjoy high popularity among the public, both adults and young viewers.

Poems for wall newspaper

  • Poems for first graders;
  • About school;
  • Poems about the beginning of the school year;
  • For a classmate's birthday;
  • For a classmate's birthday;
  • About kindergarten;
  • For the teacher;
  • For Teacher's Day;
  • For the teacher's birthday;


Wall newspapers are very widely used in educational institutions, and kindergartens are no exception. Congratulatory for the holidays, dedicated to current events, informational for parents, educational and entertaining for children, family - all wall newspapers posted in this section are original and unique, since in each work the authors, in order to convey to the reader the necessary and important information, show all their Creative skills. The section contains works made using the techniques of quilling, applique, collage, and trimming. The collective works of children performed under the strict guidance of preschool teachers and educators using the origami technique look very unusual and touching.

Contained in sections: Includes sections:

  • Wall newspapers and posters for February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day
  • DIY wall newspapers for Mother's Day. Posters for moms
  • DIY wall newspapers for the New Year. New Year posters

By group:
Showing publications 1-10 of 5709. All sections | Wall newspapers

Wall newspaper

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