Parent meeting in junior group 1 “This amazing early age”

Parent meeting in junior group 1 “First time in kindergarten”

Summary of the parent meeting in the first junior group of the preschool educational institution “First time in kindergarten”
Purpose: Meeting parents, introducing parents to teachers, establishing positive relationships, creating a positive emotional atmosphere. Objectives: 1. Give parents an idea of ​​the age characteristics of their children. 2. Talk about the child’s adaptation to kindergarten and give recommendations. 3. Create an atmosphere that encourages parents to actively participate in the life of the group. Agenda: 1. Statement of the topic and purpose of the meeting 2. Meeting the parents, the game “Let’s get to know each other” 3. Adaptation of children to kindergarten 4. Tips for parents on adaptation 5. Selecting a parent committee 6. Questions for the teacher 7. Outcome
Progress meetings

Good evening.
I am glad to see you at our meeting. Today we have our first parent meeting, at which we will meet, get to know each other better, and I will tell you about what we have to learn. You can ask questions that arose during the meeting later. And I want to start our meeting today with a humorous poem: I Work as a Child.
I'll get up and wake up mom.
I'll put on my pants myself. I'll wash myself. And I’ll drink tea, And I won’t forget the book. My job is already waiting for me. I have to work hard! Eat porridge, take a walk, sleep, have fun! I'm at work all day, singing, sculpting, dancing. Then I’ll drink, eat again, and draw a letter. And if you ask me, I will answer very loudly: “I’m in kindergarten, I’m in kindergarten, I work as a child!” A. Vishnevskaya In kindergarten, your children and you will have to live with them for five years. This seems like a lot, but in fact, time will fly by and very soon your kids will become graduates. Will all these 5 years be happy, interesting, memorable for your child, and therefore for you - this largely depends on you, on your participation in the life of the group, on your interaction not only with teachers, but also with other parents groups. During our first meeting, we want it to be an acquaintance, because it often happens that when parents of children of the same group meet, they don’t even know each other. And this really interferes with communication. Therefore, I invite everyone to get to know not only me, but also each other. To do this, we will play one simple but very important game called “Let's get to know each other
The teacher holds the ball in his hands and invites the parents to tell them a little about themselves, what they expect from the kindergarten, and what wishes they would like to voice to the teachers. “We often play with such a ball with the guys, inviting them to give a compliment to the person standing next to them, say something affectionate, kind, various wishes, dreams, and so on. I invite you to tell us a little about yourself, what you like to do, your hobbies. What do you expect from the kindergarten, your wishes for me, etc. First, the teacher says about himself: “My name is Tatyana Sergeevna, I have been working in kindergarten for many years, I love children, I am very pleased when I see how children begin to use the skills and knowledge that I taught them. “I’m a creative person, I love making things and I enjoy doing it for my students.” Having finished his story, the teacher passes the ball of thread to the parent standing next to him, thereby passing the baton to him. Further in a circle until everyone tells about themselves. - Well, we met, learned a little about each other. Now we are united by one goal - raising children and helping them at a new stage in their lives. The teacher invites parents to go to their seats. Adaptation is the adaptation or habituation of the body to a new environment. In a new environment, the baby is constantly under strong neuropsychic tension, stress, which does not stop for a minute, especially in the first days. - So, what happens to the baby? 1. Child's emotions. In the first days of being in the kindergarten, almost every child has strongly expressed negative emotions: from whining, “crying for attacks” to toys will become more frequent and bolder, the child will begin to ask cognitive questions to the teacher. 4. Skills. Under the influence of new external influences, during the first days of adaptation to kindergarten, a child may “lose” self-care skills for a short time. Don't worry! The success of adaptation is determined by the fact that the child not only “remembers” what was forgotten, but you, with surprise and joy, note the new achievements that he learned in the garden. 5. Motor activity. Some children become “inhibited”, and some become uncontrollably active. It depends on the child's temperament. A good sign of successful adaptation is the restoration of normal activity at home, and then in kindergarten. 6. Sleep. If you leave your child in the garden for a nap, then be prepared that for the first time in a few days he will have difficulty falling asleep. Sometimes children jump up, or, having fallen asleep, soon wake up crying. At home, you may also experience restless sleep during the day and at night. By the time adaptation is completed, sleep both at home and in the garden will certainly return to normal. 7. Appetite. At first, the child may have a decreased appetite. This is due to unusual food, stress reactions - the baby simply does not want to eat. A good sign is the restoration of appetite. 8. Health. Stress causes the child to become weaker, the body's resistance to infections decreases, and he may get sick in the first month. It often happens that the cause of colds is not medical, but psychological. One of the well-known psychological defense mechanisms is called flight into illness. The body begins to demonstrate amazing weakness, easily falls under any negative influence, and refuses to resist the cold. Usually adaptation takes place in 3-4 weeks, but it happens that it lasts for 2-3 months. 9. How can parents help? Every parent, seeing how difficult it is for the child, wants to help him adapt faster. And that is great. The set of measures is to create a gentle environment at home that is gentle on the baby’s nervous system, which is already working at full capacity. Here are some tips to follow as your baby adapts. Since the child does not know what a “kindergarten” is and how to treat it, the parents’ task is to form a positive attitude towards the preschool educational institution. The child also wonders, what is it like there, inside the kindergarten? After all, if he knows what awaits him within the walls of this institution, then the adaptation will be less emotional. Therefore, at home, throughout the entire preparatory period, I suggest you play “kindergarten”. And for this, we build a “perimeter” of a kindergarten from any building material, containing a “group”, “locker room”, “bedroom”. We call all this “kindergarten”. We choose animal participants: “teacher”, “children”, a figurine of the child himself, etc. Just don’t choose figures of aggressive animals for the role of the teacher! In the game we follow the regime of a real kindergarten. In the morning, toy animals bring their cubs to the kindergarten, and the teacher meets them. They wash themselves, eat, play, resolve various conflict issues, study, walk, sleep, etc., and in the evening they take all the animals home. In the morning we bring the child to the group among the first, we talk calmly and confidentially with the teacher. A child, seeing contact between parents and teachers, will be more likely to stay in kindergarten. We don’t delay undressing. We give preference to clothes that are easy to put on and take off. When we part with the baby, we say when we will return for him. We will definitely keep our promise. You can also say: “Tatyana Sergeevna will definitely feed you, put you to bed, take a walk and play with you and the other guys, you can trust her.” We repeat this for some time every day. Then we quickly, but without haste, confidently and calmly leave, handing the child over to the teacher. If the baby has difficulty parting with his mother, then it is better if the father, grandmother or nanny brings him to kindergarten for the first time. You can take a toy with you from home, which will also “go” to kindergarten, and get acquainted with kindergarten toys. It is good for small children to have a family album with photographs of their parents in their locker. In this case, the baby will be able to see his loved ones at any time and will no longer feel so sad away from home. In the evening, we come for the child in a good mood, with a smile, without showing concern, and without finding out whether he cried a lot (it is better to find out from the teacher and not in the presence of the child). While dressing, we said that we really missed our baby and remembered him all the time. We praise you for spending time with the children in kindergarten, we are interested in what you managed to do: “I really like it when you are in a good mood and you smile. Then I’ll be happy for you.” If there are any products of the child’s creative activity (drawings, crafts) and you can take them home, then be sure to take them, hang them on the wall and update the collection. So the child will feel that he, too, is doing some important work, like mom and dad at work. In the evenings and on weekends we pay more attention to the child, play games together, draw, read, and walk. We don’t shout, we don’t swear, we minimize watching TV, or better yet, exclude it completely. In general, we create a gentle environment for the baby’s nervous system. In the presence of a child, we tell our friends with pride about what an adult he is, because... already goes to kindergarten. Well, now a little about the rules. Rules for parents. • The municipal preschool educational institution is open from 7.00 am to 7.00 pm. It is advisable to bring children before 8.00 o’clock, without being late, so that the child gets ready for breakfast on time. • Personally hand over and pick up the child from the teacher, without entrusting the child to persons under 18 years of age. • Inform teachers about the child's upcoming absence or illness. After absence (illness, vacation), the child must be provided with food in advance, namely two days before his arrival. • Regularly visit the preschool educational institution, do not allow absences without a good reason. • If a child is absent from the preschool educational institution for more than 5 days, he is admitted with a certificate from a pediatrician. • When parents (persons replacing them) go on vacation, a place is reserved for the child if there is an application addressed to the head of the preschool educational institution. • Make timely payments for the maintenance of the child in the preschool educational institution by the 15th of the current month. Bring copies of payment receipts. If it happens that you cannot pay the receipt on time, please make a written statement addressed to the head of the preschool educational institution, indicating the reason. • Bring your child to the preschool in a neat manner, clean clothes and comfortable shoes. Do not give your child chewing gum, matches, sharp, piercing, cutting or other dangerous objects. • Do not put rings, earrings, beads, chains or other jewelry on the child, since the preschool educational institution is not responsible for their loss. • Interact with preschool educational institutions in all areas of the child’s upbringing and development. • Provide all possible assistance in organizing a subject-development environment (namely, helping to make manuals and toys, thematic albums, etc.) with your own hands, and in holding joint events. • Do not violate the main routine aspects of the preschool educational institution and observe them at home (sleep, walks, meals) • Comply with the Charter of the preschool educational institution and the agreement concluded with the administration of the preschool institution represented by the head. All routine moments, games, and classes are held with the goal of introducing, accustoming, and teaching children something. Morning reception. We meet children, they gather in a group, and at this time we develop the ability to greet adults and peers, call ourselves and others by name, teachers, assistant teachers. Morning exercises . It takes place in a playful way, accompanied by cheerful music. Helps improve children's health. Creates a joyful emotional uplift. Develops the habit of daily exercise. Develop all muscle groups, coordination of movements, strength and endurance. GCD. These are classes such as speech development, construction, social and communicative development, environmental development, sensory development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical education, music classes - for these classes we go to the music room, the rest of the classes are held in a group. All classes, lasting 10 minutes, are held in a playful way. Washing. We develop the ability in children to roll up their sleeves, wash their hands carefully, use soap correctly, wipe their hands dry with a napkin, and put it back in its place. (ask parents if they themselves know the rules of conduct in the washroom and the procedure for washing). Breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack. At the table we develop eating skills: do not crumble bread, do not spill food, chew food with your mouth closed, teach how to use a spoon and napkin correctly, do not leave the table without chewing food, and say thank you. We teach proper sitting at the table. Walk. We develop the ability to dress and undress in a certain sequence with a little help from an adult! Hang things carefully and put them in the closet. We learn to unbutton and fasten buttons. Dear parents, give your children more independence to dress and undress themselves! On a walk we: observe nature, play, do feasible labor, carry out work to develop movement. Dream. Before quiet time, we also teach children to undress in a certain sequence and carefully hang things on a chair. I would like to remind you about labeling clothes, try to label each item, since it happens that things may be the same, or the baby will lose them, so that we know and return them to you. After sleep - play activities, didactic games (educational, consolidating the knowledge gained in the classroom). Age characteristics of children 2-3 years old. In the third year of life, the child grows by an average of 7-8 cm, and the weight gain is 2-2.5 kg. Children actively master a variety of movements. Growing motor capabilities allow children to more actively get acquainted with the world around them, learn the properties and qualities of objects, and master new ways of acting. But at the same time, babies are not yet able to constantly control their movements. Therefore, the teacher needs to show increased attention to the actions of children, protect them from careless movements, and teach them to behave safely among their peers. The body of younger preschoolers is not strong enough. Children are easily susceptible to infections. Their upper respiratory tract is especially often affected, since the child’s lung capacity is still small and the baby is forced to take frequent inhalations and exhalations. The teacher must constantly keep these characteristics of children in mind: monitor the cleanliness of the air in the room, ensure that children breathe properly (through the nose, not the mouth) while walking, during walking and outdoor games. At a young age, the structures and functions of the child’s brain intensively develop, which expands his capabilities in understanding the world around him. Children of this age are characterized by visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking. Children “think with their hands”: they do not so much think as act directly. The more diverse a child’s methods of sensory cognition are, the more complete his perception, the subtler his sensations, the brighter his emotions, and therefore, the clearer his ideas about the world and the more successful his activities become. In the third year of life, children’s speech activity increases noticeably; they begin to show a keen interest in words. This is found in children's statements and questions, as well as in their play with words. Kids change words, come up with new ones that are not in the speech of adults; There is a rapid development of grammatical forms. Under the influence of communication with adults, speech games and exercises, by the age of three, the child begins to successfully use simple and common sentences, reproduce small poems and nursery rhymes, and answer questions. Timely development of speech is of great importance for the mental and social development of preschool children. Communication between children and their teacher is constantly enriched and developed. This includes emotional communication (exchange of positive emotions), and business communication, which accompanies the joint activities of an adult and a child, and in addition, cognitive communication. Children can calmly, without interfering with each other, play side by side, unite in play with a common toy, develop a simple game plot from several episodes interconnected in meaning, and carry out simple tasks together. There was one question left on the agenda. Selection of the parent committee. Our assistants. What would be your wishes? (Parents together with the teacher choose the parent committee). In conclusion, I would like to say that together we will lay the foundation for friendly relations in children’s and parent teams, as well as in relations between parents and teachers of a preschool institution. We need to make sure that the child in kindergarten has fun, good, interesting, so that he goes to kindergarten with joy, makes friends with the children and returns home happy, because loving adults are waiting for him at home. — Our parent meeting is coming to an end, I thank you, dear parents, for taking the time to visit us. In the future, I will be glad to see you as our guest at thematic meetings and meetings.

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Summary of the parent meeting in the first junior group

Psychological characteristics

The child is still trying to find out “who’s boss” and conducts various experiments on the level of permissibility of certain actions and phenomena.
You should try to help him set these boundaries in a gentle but categorical manner, without succumbing to provocative hysterics. Children 2-3 years old still view the world around them from an egocentric point of view; they believe that this world and everything that happens in it is connected only with them. That is why it is very difficult to explain to a child that someone didn’t see him, so he knocked, and the candy was not for him, but for another boy. When faced with such situations, the child tries to attract attention to himself as much as possible - he cries loudly and violently, screams, and is indignant. Patiently explain to him what is possible and what is not, what is good and what is bad, but not in moments of scandal, but when he is calm and hears you.

Early childhood ends with the crisis of three years. The child recognizes himself as a separate person, different from the adult. He develops an image of himself. A crisis is often accompanied by a number of negative manifestations: negativism, stubbornness, impaired communication with adults, etc.

Development of mental abilities

With proper care, a child’s intelligence reaches a new level, he begins to perform various mental operations, now he does not immediately act, but first considers possible options. The child actively begins to design and build something.

Differences between objects in shape, size, color:

A 2-year-old child correlates the configuration of a three-dimensional geometric figure with a planar image; places on the sample (places inserts of different sizes or shapes into similar holes on the board). Orients itself in three or more contrasting sizes (assembles a three-seater nesting doll and other inserts after display). Assembles a pyramid in descending size from four (five) rings of contrasting sizes (after demonstration). Focuses on three to four colors; some names; matches the sample.

Begins to recognize the weight, texture, temperature of objects (heavy, light, soft, hard, cold, warm). A two-year-old child draws vertical, horizontal, round, short and long lines within the sheet. Names what he draws.

Play actions (plot-display) in children 2 years old:

Shows intelligence: takes out (catch) the toy he likes from the water with a net. Performs several consecutive game actions or solves the game situation himself after presenting the game material, being in a problem situation (feeds a doll if there are dishes nearby; builds a garage if there are cubes and a car nearby). Uses substitute items. A 2-year-old child performs two consecutive plot actions with a toy (cradles, feeds a doll; carries, loads a car). The development of a 2-year-old child allows him to play next to his peers with the same toys.

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