Summary of an open lesson on the topic “The Baptism of Rus' - the discovery of history.”

Presentation “The Baptism of Rus'” presentation for a history lesson (grade 6) on the topic

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Baptism of Rus'. The work was completed by: student of grade 9 - B of MBOU secondary school No. 9 Sergey Alekseevich Gnevushev Scientific supervisor: history teacher of MBOU secondary school No. 9 Olga Vladimirovna Volkova

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Purpose of the work: To analyze the activities of Prince Vladimir in the adoption of Christianity in Rus'. Objectives of the work: to find out the common features and differences between paganism and Christianity; show the progressive significance of the adoption of Christianity in Rus'; reveal the social roots of the emergence of religion; identify the ratio of different religions among students in our school

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Eastern Slavs in the IV-X centuries. were pagans and worshiped many deities. The world seemed to them to consist of evil and good spirits. To protect themselves from evil forces, they resorted to various kinds of conspiracies and amulets. Pagan beliefs of the Slavs.

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In the 10th century, the state united many tribes. The Kiev prince Vladimir sought to unite the East Slavic lands. He began his activities with an attempt to bring together the beliefs of various tribes. In 980, Vladimir undertook religious reform. From the numerous pagan gods, he chose several, whom he proclaimed to be the supreme deities on the territory of the state. Pagan rituals and sacrifices were performed in front of these idols. The worship of other gods was persecuted.

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Vladimir listened to the envoys of the Pope, who leads those professing Catholicism, and said: “Go back; our fathers did not accept the faith from the pope.” When the followers of the religion of Judaism came, he asked where their fatherland was. They replied that their homeland was Jerusalem, but God, angry with them, scattered them across foreign lands. “And you, being punished by God, dare to teach others? We don’t want, like you, to lose our Fatherland,” answered Vladimir. The chronicle says that various preachers came to Prince Vladimir, each praising his faith. The first to arrive were ambassadors from the Volga, or Kama, Bulgarians, who accepted, as they said in Rus', Mohammedanism, or Islam, a religion whose founder was Mohammed. In the summer of 986, Bulgarians of the Mohammedan faith came, saying: “...Believe in our law and bow to Mohammed... Mohammed teaches us this: ... do not eat pork, do not drink wine... Mohammed will give everyone seventy beautiful wives...” The Muslim faith scared off Vladimir with a ban on eating pork and drinking wine “Rus' has joy in drinking, we cannot live without it.” Choice of faith. Choice of faith. G. Ivanov. (Copy of the painting by F. Zavyalov)

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The final decision. Then the Greeks sent a philosopher to Vladimir. The philosopher said: “If you want to become with the righteous, then be baptized.” This thought sank into Vladimir’s heart, and he said: “I’ll wait a little longer, wanting to find out about all the faiths... They chose ten glorious and reasonable men, and told them: “Go to the Bulgarians, Germans and Greeks, test their faith.” Russian ambassadors went to the Bulgarians, Germans and Greeks. When they returned, Prince Vladimir called his boyars and elders and told them: “Here the men we sent have come, let’s listen to everything that happened with them.” They said: “We went to the Bulgarians, watched them pray in the mosque, and there was no joy in them, only great sadness. Their law is not good. And we came to the Germans and saw various services in their churches, but we did not see any beauty. And we came to the Greeks, they led us to where they serve their God and did not know whether we were in heaven or on earth: for there is no such spectacle and such beauty on earth, and we do not know how best to tell about it. We only know. That their service is better than in all other countries. We cannot forget that beauty, for every person, if he tastes the sweet, will not then take the bitter: so we can no longer be in paganism.” According to the chronicler, it was after this test that Vladimir made his final decision. Grand Duke Vladimir Svyatoslavich. Drawing from the book “Titular Book”. 1672.

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Reasons for Prince Vladimir's choice of Christianity. Affirmation of moral standards. Christianity has moral standards. It strengthened family and community. The main thing in Christianity is not wealth and power, but the improvement of the soul. Expansion of international relations. Since almost the entire European world had already converted to Christianity, Rus' could no longer remain a pagan outskirts. It was necessary to expand international relations. International marriages contributed to this.

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The font of the baptistery, where Prince Vladimir was baptized. Excavations in Chersonese (Korsun) The chronicle narrative of the baptism of Vladimir is usually called the Korsun legend. At that time, Vladimir had pain in his eyes and could not see anything. And the queen sent to him to say: “If you want to overcome this illness, then be baptized quickly.” Hearing this, Vladimir said: “If this really comes true, then the Christian God is truly great.” And he ordered himself to be baptized. The Bishop of Korsun with the queen’s priests... baptized Vladimir. And as soon as they laid their hand on him, Vladimir immediately received his sight. Realizing the sudden healing, Vladimir glorified God: “Now I have recognized the true God.” The circumstances of the baptism of the Kievites are also described in the Tale of Bygone Years. Vladimir baptized 12 of his sons and many boyars. "The Korsun Legend"

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Baptism of Rus' 988 Vladimir baptized his children and called on the people to be baptized. Vladimir ordered to go to the Dnieper. The people reasoned: “If this were not good, the prince and boyars would not have been baptized themselves.” When everyone gathered at the river, Vladimir and the priests went out to the people. The people of Kiev, by order of the prince, entered the water; the younger ones stood near the shore; small children were held in their arms. Priests from the shore read prayers, and thus all the people of Kiev were baptized on the same day. After baptism, Vladimir read a prayer loudly, in which he thanked God for teaching him true faith. And everyone went home.

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Fragment of a reproduction of the painting by Mikhail Shankov “The Baptism of Rus'” Vladimir declared Christianity the state religion.

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HOLY EQUAL-APOSTLES PRINCE VLADIMIR Prince Vladimir was the son of Svyatoslav, grandson of Olga. He remained in the people's memory as the Red Sun, he went down in history as the Baptist of Rus', and the Orthodox Church glorified him among the saints as an equal-to-the-apostles Russian prince. It was Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich who managed to convert the ancient Russian people to Christianity and make Orthodoxy the state religion in Rus'. Vladimir did not come to Christianity right away. Despite the fact that he, like his brothers, was raised by the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, at first he did not accept Christian teaching. He lived half his life as a cunning, warlike pagan and polygamist. Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir.

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Amazing changes happened to Prince Vladimir after baptism. He did not want to fight anymore, because he was afraid of causing harm, and he took up arms only to defend the Fatherland. In the wide princely courtyard they began to organize treats for the entire people on holidays, and bread, meat, honey and other products were delivered to their homes for the sick. By order of Vladimir, meals for the hungry were organized not only in Kyiv, but also in other cities and villages. The prince sincerely and deeply accepted Christian teaching, he tried to be a worthy Christian and a wise ruler of a Christian state. Prince Vladimir after accepting Christianity.

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Vladimir ordered the churches to be cut down and placed in the places where the idols had previously stood. And he built a church in the name of St. Basil on the hill where the idol of Perun and others stood... And in other cities they began to build churches and appoint priests in them and bring people to baptism in all cities and villages. He sent to collect children from the best people and send them to book education... Kyiv. St. Sophia Cathedral The spread of Christianity in Rus' After the baptism of Rus'.

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THE MEANING OF THE baptism of Rus'. The Baptism of Rus' is a progressive phenomenon. This is evidenced by: 1. Strengthening the international authority of Rus' and establishing equal relations with other states. 2. Strengthening state power and order in the country. 3. Spread of Slavic writing and literacy in Rus'. 4 . Introduction to Greek (Byzantine) culture, which contributed to the development of architecture, painting, and icon painting. 5. Elimination of crude pagan customs: blood feud, human sacrifices, polygamy, etc. 6. Strengthening the family and moral foundations of life. 7. The rise of spirituality in Rus', the emergence of monasteries.

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The ratio of different religions among the 100 students surveyed at our school: Despite the Soviet government’s rejection of religion, the people continued to believe in God. Over time, churches were revived again: Orthodox, Catholic and Muslim. According to a survey of students at our school, I came to the conclusion that children from different religions study in our school, but the Orthodox are a big advantage. The choice of Prince Vladimir had a great influence on the development of the country.

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Resources: Baptism of _ Rus'…/shatsky.htm of a reproduction of a painting by V. G. Perov “The Baptism of Rus'”…7677.htm Celebration of the Baptism of Princess Olga. N. U. Martynov. " Baptism of Rus' ". After the baptism of Rus' and the strengthening of Baptism is clickable. Grand Duke Vladimir chooses religion. Fragment of a reproduction of a painting by Mikhail Shankov “The Baptism of Rus'”

History lesson summary for grade 6 “Baptism of Rus'”

Summary of a history lesson for grade 6 “The Baptism of Russia”
Author: Oleg Vladimirovich Mamaev, teacher of history and social studies MCOU “Batkovskaya Basic School”, Ryazan region, Sasovsky district, Batki village

Description and purpose: The material is a detailed summary of a history lesson in grade 6 and is intended for teachers working according to the textbook by A. A. Danilov, L. G. Kosulina “History of Russia, grade 6.” The lesson is characterized by the decisive role of the teacher, balanced by active feedback from students. Thanks to the literal presentation of the material, the summary is very simple and easy to use and can be used for its intended purpose immediately after reading. Goal: To form in students an idea of ​​the events of the first princely civil strife and the political events of Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, what were the reasons and circumstances of the baptism of Russia. Objectives: 1. Jointly formulate problematic issues of the lesson. 2. Jointly study the issue “The first civil strife in Rus'.” 3. Jointly study the issue of “The Reign of Prince Vladimir.” 4. Jointly study the question “Reasons for accepting Christianity.” 5. Jointly study the issue “The Baptism of Rus' and dual faith.” 6. Summarize the lesson together. Fonts used: Regular: teacher's text spoken in class. Italics: author's comments to the text and student responses.
Underlined: Material intended for student written recording.

Progress of the lesson
Defining the topic Guys! To determine the topic of our lesson, we need to remember the names of the Russian princes with whom we met in previous classes. Using a frontal survey of students, the teacher receives the necessary data and writes them in a certain sequence on the board. Students make notes in their notebooks following the teacher. The result should be a genealogical diagram like this.

We have just recorded the first representatives of the Rurik dynasty.
What do you guys think, what will we talk about in class today? Students: Most likely, we will continue to study the Rurik dynasty.
Today we will talk about the children of Prince Svyatoslav, one of whom was destined to change the history of Russia, predetermining its cultural development for a whole millennium. Next, the teacher adds new elements to the already recorded diagram. Students write down after the teacher.

Prince Svyatoslav had three sons, among whom he divided the Russian lands.
The eldest, Yaropolk, became the prince of Kyiv. The middle one, Oleg, began to rule in the Drevlyan land. The youngest, Vladimir, received Novgorod. Now, guys, pay close attention to what I’m about to write, and based on what I’ve written down, try to formulate the problematic question of our lesson. The teacher adds the last elements to the diagram.

As a rule, students, looking at the diagram, quickly come to the first part of the problematic question: “Why did siblings start killing each other?” The second part of the problematic question is somewhat more complicated. If students themselves do not find the right answer, the teacher should draw their attention to the word “Holy”. After this, students quickly formulate a problematic question: “How and for what merits did a man who killed his own brother become a saint?” Students write down the remaining elements of the diagram in their notebooks, as well as the topic of the lesson:
The Baptism of Russia.
Studying new material 1. The first civil strife in Russia What were the reasons that after the death of Svyatoslav, his sons quarreled and began to fight with each other, as a result of which two of them died a terrible death? There is no answer to this important question in the textbook, guys, but I will tell you about those distant events. Listen to me carefully and remember. After the death of Svyatoslav, Yaropolk became the supreme ruler of Rus' as the Prince of Kyiv. But Oleg and Vladimir did not want to obey their brother and sought independence for their lands. Open conflict between them began in 975, three years after the death of their father. The reason for it was the following incident. One day, while hunting, in a skirmish with Oleg’s warriors, the son of the old but influential governor Sveneld Lyut was killed. According to legend, wanting to take revenge on Oleg for his son, Sveneld persuaded Yaropolk to go to war against the Drevlyans. In 977, open war began between the brothers, in which Oleg was defeated. His death was terrible: retreating in battle, he was crushed by falling horses.

K. A. Vasiliev “Volga and Mikula”, 1974
Having learned about the tragic death of his brother, Vladimir fled overseas to the Varangians and stayed with them for some time, gathering strength to fight Yaropolk.
Finally, having gathered many Varangians, Vladimir arrived in Novgorod, expelled the princely mayors and began to prepare for a campaign against him. But first of all, he decided to humiliate his brother. The Polotsk land was ruled by Prince Rogvolod, who had a beautiful daughter Rogneda, the bride of Yaropolk. Having decided to take the bride away from his brother, Vladimir sent envoys to the Prince of Polotsk. However, Rogneda flatly refused to become the wife of a man of “slave origin”: according to the generally accepted version, Vladimir was the son of Svyatoslav and the slave, housekeeper Malusha (according to the Russian historian D.I. Prozorovsky, Malusha was not a slave, but the daughter of the Drevlyan prince Mal, who in 945 raised a rebellion against Prince Igor). Then Vladimir decided to take possession of Rogneda by force: he captured Polotsk, killed Rogvolod and his sons and married Rogneda against her will. Having committed this cruel crime, Vladimir began the siege of Kyiv and, thanks to the betrayal of the Kyiv governor Blud, captured the Russian capital. He did not spare his brother: the Varangian mercenaries stabbed Yaropolk with swords. So Vladimir became the sole ruler of Rus'. Guys, you listened to my story. What are your impressions of what you heard? Why do you think the brothers were so cruel to each other? Students express their subjective opinions, which will most likely be based on moral condemnation of the brothers’ actions.
It is humanly impossible not to agree with much of what you guys said.
But do not forget that in order to understand the past, for a true reconstruction of ancient history, we must evaluate the events and actions of historical figures not from the point of view of modern morality, but based on those value categories that were accepted in the period under review. Of course, even in the tenth century, fratricide was condemned by people and perceived as a crime. However, was it something out of the ordinary? Unfortunately no. In the cruel world of the Middle Ages, where the rule of the strong reigned, human life was of little value, especially when it came to the struggle for power. In the next lessons we will get acquainted more than once with how the Rurikovichs fought with each other, shedding their own blood and the blood of innocent people. One thing I would like to tell you now: do not think that fratricide among those in power was specific only to our history. In other medieval countries, rulers sorted out relations with their relatives in the same way. We have already studied the history of the Middle Ages, and you yourself can remember the names of those European monarchs who, in the struggle for power, rebelled against their relatives. Students: Clovis, Louis XI, Mehmed II.
It's good that you remember them.
Now let’s summarize the first question of our lesson and make a note in our notebook. Notebook entry:
After the death of Svyatoslav, civil strife began in Russia, during which Oleg and Yaropolk died, and Vladimir became the sole prince of Kiev.
Civil strife is the struggle of princes for power. 2. The reign of Prince Vladimir So, having killed Yaropolk, Vladimir became the sole ruler of Russia. He reigned for 35 years and during this time carried out many important state events. Which ones? You guys will find out about this yourself by reading the paragraph “The beginning of the reign of Prince Vladimir” in § 5 of the textbook. At the same time, you must write down the prince’s most important events in a notebook. You will be given 5-7 minutes for this work. Students read the text, make notes in their notebooks, after which the teacher checks the students’ work. Here is an example of how students might format their notes.

3. Reasons for adopting Christianity Guys, the events that you wrote down were very important: they contributed to the strengthening of the state, making it stronger. However, it was not they who glorified Vladimir, but his radical policy in the field of religion: the rejection of paganism and the adoption of Orthodox Christianity. Before we discuss the reasons for this event, I will read you an excerpt from the book of the Russian historian N.M. Karamzin, “History of the Russian State,” which tells about Vladimir’s meeting with ambassadors from different nations who called on the prince to convert to their faith. “The first Ambassadors were from the Volga or Kama Bulgarians. On the eastern and southern shores of the Caspian Sea, the Mohammedan Faith had long dominated, established there by the happy weapon of the Arabians: the Bulgarians accepted it and wanted to inform Vladimir. The description of Mohammed's paradise and flowering houris captivated the imagination of the voluptuous Prince; but circumcision seemed to him a hateful rite and the prohibition of drinking wine - a reckless statute. Wine, he said, is joy for Russians; we can't be without him. – The ambassadors of the German Catholics told him about the greatness of the invisible Almighty and the insignificance of idols. The prince answered them: Go back; our fathers did not accept the Faith from the Pope. After listening to the Jews, he asked where their fatherland was? “In Jerusalem,” the preachers answered, “but God in his wrath scattered us across foreign lands.” And you, punished by God, dare to teach others? Vladimir said: we do not want, like you, to lose our fatherland. - Finally, the nameless Philosopher sent by the Greeks, having refuted other Faiths in a few words, told Vladimir the entire content of the Bible, the Old and New Testaments: the History of creation, paradise, sin, the first people, the flood, the chosen people, redemption, Christianity, seven Councils, and in conclusion, he showed him a picture of the Last Judgment with the image of the righteous going to heaven and the sinners condemned to eternal torment. Struck by this spectacle, Vladimir sighed and said: “Good for the virtuous and woe for the wicked!” Be baptized,” answered the Philosopher, “and you will be in heaven with the first.”

I. E. Eggink “Grand Duke Vladimir chooses religion”, 1822
After this meeting, Vladimir, on the advice of his entourage, chose ten noble men and sent them to the Bulgarians (Muslims), to the Germans (Catholics) and to the Greeks (Orthodox), so that they They themselves experienced different faiths and chose the best one.
At the end of the trip, the ambassadors unanimously agreed that the Greek faith (Orthodox) was the best of all. After listening to the envoys, the prince turned to his boyars for advice, to which he received the following answer: “If the Greek law had been bad, then your grandmother Olga would not have accepted it, and she was the wisest of people.” It is difficult to say whether all these meetings actually happened or are fiction. If you follow the logic of the legend, then Vladimir was fascinated by the beauty of the Orthodox faith and its deep morality. But was the prince himself moral? Unfortunately, this cannot be said. All known sources paint us an image of a real libertine. Vladimir had several hundred concubines in all Russian cities, as well as 6 wives, who bore him 12 sons and at least 10 daughters. So the reasons for accepting Christianity must be sought in another area. What do you guys think? What reasons could have prompted the prince to choose Orthodox Christianity and why did he need it? Students express their subjective opinions.
The guys' knowledge in this area is limited, but perhaps they will name reasons such as “strengthening power” or “justifying social inequality.” It is important to bring them to the understanding that the decisive reason was trade and cultural ties with Orthodox Byzantium. This can be done by reminding students about Rus'’s neighbors and the influence they had on the ancient Russian state. So, the influence of Byzantium - the most developed European power of that time - was the main factor that determined Vladimir’s choice of faith.
In general, this choice has long been made by a significant part of the squad. Trade interests forced many of its representatives to accept Christianity long before Vladimir. The first Orthodox church in Russia, the Church of St. Elijah, was built in Kyiv back in 940. By the time of Vladimir's reign, the number of Orthodox Christians among the princely warriors increased even more. According to the Russian historian N.M. Nikolsky, “just as in his time Emperor Constantine had to legalize Christianity and become a Christian, because his army turned out to be three-quarters consisting of Christians, so the Kiev prince could not remain with the old faith when most his squad adopted Christianity.” The choice in favor of Orthodox Christianity was also dictated by the personal motives of Vladimir himself. In 987, a rebellion broke out in Byzantium under the military commander Phocas. The Byzantine emperors Vasily and Constantine turned to the Russian prince for military assistance. Vladimir agreed, but on the condition that he give their sister Anna as his wife. The Byzantines set a counter condition: let the prince be baptized. So Vladimir became Orthodox. Let's summarize. Notebook entry:
Reasons for adopting Christianity: - trade and cultural ties with Byzantium;
— the influence of Christian vigilantes; - strengthening of princely power; - marriage to the Byzantine princess Anna. 4. Baptism of Russia and dual faith Vladimir was baptized in 988 and married Anna. In the same year, the baptism of Kyiv residents was also arranged. According to legend, first the princely warriors destroyed the pagan idols, the main one of which, Perun, was pushed into the Dnieper, and the next day the Byzantine priests baptized the people of Kiev in the river. The process of Christianization itself lasted for several centuries. What do you guys think, why for such a long time? Students express their subjective opinions.
The fact is that the baptism of Rus' was a purely external event: the new religion remained alien to the bulk of the Russian people, who, although formally Christians, in fact continued to remain pagans. A kind of dual faith arose when the old Slavic deities continued to live next to the Christian cult. Under these conditions, the priests were forced to make concessions: they recognized the reality of all pagan gods, equating them to demons, and Christian holidays began to be scheduled on the same days on which pagan ones had previously been held. But this did not immediately help. Mothers continued to carry their sick children to the Magi, pagan rituals were preserved, and Christian ideas themselves changed. Thus, according to the Russian historian N. M. Nikolsky, “the salvation that Christ brings was transformed in the popular imagination into a purely material bringing of well-being: “Jesus Christ stands at the gate, he is with bread, with salt, with a tablecloth, with a little animal” - was sung in a Christmas song. Paradise is already in heaven, not underground; but to get there, you don’t need any feats; It’s enough to climb a ladder to heaven, cut a hole in it and crawl through there, and heavenly bliss lies in the fact that in heaven there are wonderful millstones - no matter what, there’s porridge and pies for you.”

S. V. Ivanov “Paganism and Christianity”, 1909
Christianity was never able to eradicate many pagan holidays, and they survived to this day in an Orthodox wrapper.
What holidays do you guys know that arose in pre-Christian times? Students: Maslenitsa, Kupala, Christmastide.
These holidays are as much a part of our culture as the Orthodox religion. So there is no need to talk about the complete displacement of paganism: traces of its cultural influence permeated the entire history of Russia. As for Orthodoxy, it became the true religion of all Russian people only during the period of the Mongol-Tatar yoke. Notebook entry:
988 – Baptism of Kiev residents by Vladimir.
The Christianization of Rus' was a long process. For several centuries, dual faith existed when the Christian cult was supplemented by faith in pagan gods. Summary of the topic Guys, our lesson is coming to an end. Remember the problematic question of our lesson and try to answer it taking into account the knowledge that you received today. The teacher randomly interviews a number of students. Student answer option: After the death of Svyatoslav, civil strife arose in Rus': Oleg and Vladimir wanted to rule independently, regardless of the Kyiv prince Yaropolk.
As a result of the war between them, two brothers died, and Vladimir began to reign in Kyiv. He was called a Saint because he baptized Rus', although in his personal life he was far from a saint. He had many wives, he killed Yaropolk and Prince Rogvolod. Yes, in his actions Vladimir was very far from the Christian way of life.
And although the chronicles claim that after baptism the prince changed, it is unlikely that these changes were really serious. It is no coincidence that Vladimir was canonized only in the 13th century, 250 years after the baptism of Rus'! But whatever the moral character of Prince Vladimir, with his choice in favor of Orthodoxy he forever wrote himself into the history of Russia, and the year of the baptism of the Kievites became a symbolic milestone from which a new period in the development of the Russian state began. Homework: § 5, notes in a notebook, questions after the paragraph, written assignment in a notebook: draw up a diagram of “The structure of the Russian church.”

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