Development of an open lesson on life safety in the 5th grade on the topic “Dangerous situations in the home” according to the new Federal State Educational Standards.

Extracurricular lesson on life safety for 5th grade

Extracurricular lesson on life safety “How to avoid becoming a victim of criminals at home and in the entrance” for 5th grade

Author: Bestik Irina Viktorovna, teacher of the Regional Special (Correctional) Boarding School for Children with Hearing Impairments, KSU, Republic of Kazakhstan, North Kazakhstan Region, Petropavlovsk. Description: a summary of an extracurricular lesson on life safety will be useful to life safety teachers, class teachers and mid-level teachers when conducting an extracurricular lesson in a playful way for 5th grade students on the rules of safe behavior in criminal situations at home and in the entrance. Goal: familiarization with the rules of safe behavior in criminal situations at home and in the entrance. Objectives: - introduce students to dangerous situations of a criminal nature at home and in the entrance of the house; - teach how to act correctly in such situations; — instill safe behavior skills; — develop logical thinking and creative abilities; — develop the ability to work in groups. Equipment: cards, tablets, pens, pictures for the game. Progress of the lesson: Educator: Hello, guys! Today we will talk about dangerous situations of a criminal nature at home and in the entrance. Guys, explain what a crime situation is? Children's answers. Educator: Correct. Crime, criminals, victims of crime - we hear these words more and more often on TV screens and on the radio, and read on the pages of newspapers and magazines. Crime has always existed. And today criminals are a real threat to human life, health and property. Guys, what are the reasons for the criminalization of society? Children's answers. Educator: That's right, it's unemployment, a decline in living standards, worsening social inequality, lack of life prospects, etc. What types of crimes do you know? Children's answers.

Educator: That's right, and now I offer you a game. You must define the types of crimes. Didactic game “Working on definitions” Two groups of students give definitions of types of crimes using cards and select the corresponding pictures. 1 card - vandalism, fraud, extortion, robbery 2 card - theft, robbery, hooliganism, kidnapping Educator: Very often people suffer because of their own carelessness. Very often, minors also become victims of crime. Guys, why do you think? Children's answers. Educator: You said correctly, minor children are gullible, helpless, physically weak, and simply do not know life, which is why they find themselves the object of a wide variety of crimes. Guys, what are the most dangerous crime zones in the city? Children's answers. Educator: That's right, most of the crimes are committed in basements, attics of houses, in elevators, in apartments, in forest parks and other secluded places. Attackers look out for their victims near schools, on the street and then accompany them to a house, elevator, or apartment, choosing the right moment to commit a crime. Let's first talk about the criminal situation in the apartment (house). What does this include? Children's answers. Educator: Correct. You should definitely take care of the safety of your apartment. Of course, there are government services that protect us in times of danger. It turns out that many crimes could be avoided if we were prudent and more often thought about protecting our homes from criminals. Let us make recommendations for protecting your home from criminals. Didactic game “Useful recommendations” Work in groups. Group 1 makes recommendations “What owners are recommended to do to protect the apartment.” Group 2 - “What is not recommended to do.” Children work in groups (5 minutes).

Educator: Let's listen to the recommendations of group 1, and the second group listens carefully and can offer some other recommendations. Performance of 1 group. Educator: Well done, guys, they made good recommendations. Now let’s listen to the recommendations of group 2. The first group also listens carefully to the performance of the second group and complements. Performance of 2 groups. Educator: Well done, guys! Listen to a poem about safety in the apartment. Don't let your uncle into the house if your uncle is a stranger! And don’t tell your aunt if mom is at work. After all, the criminal, he is cunning, will pretend to be a fitter. Or he will even say that the postman has come to you. In life, anything can happen to those who open doors. So that you don’t get robbed, Don’t get grabbed, don’t steal, Don’t trust strangers, Close the door tight! Educator: What rule of safe behavior is being talked about here? Children: You can’t open the door to strangers.

Educator: If the phone rings, someone says into the receiver: “What’s your name, baby?” Who are you sitting at home with now? And where did I end up? What number did I dial? - Don’t answer anything, call your mom urgently! If there are no adults at home, do not have conversations with anyone, - Goodbye! - say, hang up quickly! (G. Shalaeva, O. Zhuravleva) Educator: What rule of safe behavior is being talked about here? Children: You cannot talk on the phone with strangers.

Watching the cartoon “Arkady Parovozov to the rescue. Stranger. Educator: In most cases, a crime can be prevented or a dangerous situation can be overcome with minimal damage if you act carefully and competently. Let's think about how we will act if you are alone at home and burglars are trying to open your apartment. Didactic game “Necessary-Unnecessary” Students must answer the teacher’s questions, explaining their answer.
Questions: 1. Is it necessary to barricade the front door with chairs and a nightstand? 2. Should you look outside the door if attempts to open the door have stopped? 3. Do I need to call my parents and speak loudly so that they can hear outside the door? 4. Is it necessary to break a window in an apartment to attract the attention of others to your apartment? 5. Should I ask burglars to stop trying to get into my apartment? 6. Should I hit the batteries with heavy objects? 7. Is it necessary to open the front door at the request of the criminal?

Educator: Criminal situations with minors can occur outside the home: near the entrance, in the elevator, on the landing. Let's look at several situations in groups. Didactic game “What is the right thing to do?” Work in groups.
Students must make proper plans for dealing with various situations to ensure their own safety. 1 situation.
You enter the entrance and hear loud screams, laughter, and you understand that this is a drunken group having fun on your landing. Your actions. Situation 2. You approach your entrance, and a stranger is following you. Your actions. 3 situation. You saw strangers on your floor. Your actions. 4 situation. You approached the elevator at the same time as a stranger. Your actions. Children work in groups (5 minutes). Discussing situations and finding the right actions. Educator : What rules of safe behavior are discussed in these poems? Didactic game “Formulate a rule”
Students listen carefully to the poem and formulate a rule for safe behavior.
If at the entrance - why? Why? - Strangers are standing there, It’s better for you not to go in alone: ​​Maybe they want to offend? You ask your friends to quickly escort you home, and once you are in your apartment, close the doors tightly! ( Do not enter the entrance if there are strangers there
) Use the elevator, but just keep in mind: Do not enter the elevator with strangers!
They can offend you, scare you, and take away your valuables. Be careful, my friend, be careful And don’t get in the elevator with strangers! ( Don't get in an elevator with strangers

For some reason, a stranger is standing in the entrance, He has a suspicious, withdrawn look.
Don’t rush to open the door with the keys in front of him. It’s better to leave the entrance for a walk. Wander around, wait in the yard - he will leave, And he won’t hurt you, and he won’t come to you. ( Don’t open the door with your keys in front of strangers
x) You’re already quite big and you’re walking home alone.
Open the door with the keys, but don’t leave it in the lock! After all, if you forget to put them away, a stranger might take them and enter your apartment... Be careful, keep in mind! (G. Shalaeva, O. Zhuravleva) ( Don’t forget the keys on the outside of the door
Educator: I hope that you will remember these simple rules of safe behavior and will observe and implement them. Apply this knowledge, protect yourself from troubles!

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