Presentation “Industrial technologies and transport” (10 grades)

"Ray technologies

Beam technologies

Technology lesson in 10th grade

In recent decades, beam processing methods have become widespread, using laser and electron beams to influence the workpiece, which provide an energy density several orders of magnitude higher than other sources.

High energy densities are provided with low radiation power due to focusing the beams on a small area - about 0.1 mm2. Therefore, beam processing methods are used for cutting high-precision parts, producing small holes, cutting difficult-to-cut materials, precision welding, hardening and alloying the surfaces of parts.

Laser processing

materials is carried out using a light beam emitted by an optical quantum generator (laser) and is based on its thermal action.

When a light beam hits a surface, it is partially absorbed by it and partially reflected from it. Absorption of energy by the surface leads to its heating; the temperature at the point of application of the beam ranges from 2000 to 6000 C. This temperature is sufficient to melt and turn any material into steam.

The higher the temperature, the greater the absorbing and less reflective ability of the material being processed, as well as the lower its thermal conductivity and heat capacity.

Electron beam processing

uses the thermal energy released when fast-moving electrons collide with the materials being processed.

When an accelerated electron flow collides with a solid body, 90% of the kinetic energy of electrons is converted into thermal energy.

By increasing the speed of electrons and their kinetic energy, as well as increasing the number of electrons moving in a given volume, it is possible to create an extremely high concentration of thermal energy in time and space, leading to heating, melting, evaporation and thermal explosion of the substance.

Features of electron beam technology are used in welding ( electron beam welding

) various materials: glass, molybdenum, tantalum, niobium, tungsten, beryllium, etc.

Electron beam cutting and piercing


  • for the production of thin grooves, slits and slits with sizes ranging from several tens of micrometers in thin parts (films, foils);
  • for drilling small diameter holes
  • when cutting semiconductors and ferrites for the production of electronic equipment.

Electron beam melting

allows the melting of any refractory metals in a vacuum without the danger of oxidation or contamination of the molten metal with gases and other impurities. Used to obtain especially pure refractory materials.

Connection of technology with science, technology and production

If we consider the history of mankind from a technological point of view, we can see that human existence throughout the history of civilization has always been associated with the processing of raw materials and materials into various finished products, which in one way or another were supposed to satisfy the physical, spiritual or intellectual needs of man .

All these many transformations allowed man to create a special artificial world, which was completely different from the natural environment. People created the so-called technosphere



is an artificial shell of the Earth that embodies human labor organized by scientific and technical intelligence.

Today we can say with confidence that humanity is moving further and deeper into this artificial world from the natural environment. After all, the high level of technology

creates good conditions for the development of culture and the economy, and also improves the quality of life of people.

In turn, the high material standard of living of society and its culture create excellent conditions for the technological environment to develop and progress to move forward.

The needs of man and society as a whole are growing at a tremendous pace, which leads to an acceleration of the pace of development of technological

The level of development of human society is determined by the level of technology
In turn, the development of technology is
inextricably linked with
science, technology and production

It must be recalled that technology

as the science of methods and methods for processing raw materials arose in connection with the development of large-scale machine industry.
To date, technology
has established itself as an independent branch of knowledge, which has accumulated extensive theoretical and practical material.
directly affects the improvement of production processes, the organization of production, as well as the reduction of heavy and routine labor.
The main incentives for technology
are the needs of society.

As the labor process develops historically, the productive forces are enriched with new elements and new productive forces. The components of the productive forces form an integral system, the center of which is living labor, and, consequently, the person himself. Technological

relations cover the relationship between a person, the means of labor and the object of labor in the production process.
As a result, we have a whole system of interaction that looks like this: “ man – technology – technology – science – production

Technological system

relations are constantly developing and undergoing significant changes in the course of the historical process.

technology plays an important role in the life of society

It must be recalled that technology
is a set of artificial means that people use in their activities.

During the production process, it is with the help of technology

transforms raw materials, materials, energy or information into useful things. The production produces building materials and houses, cars and airplanes, military and medical equipment, various gadgets, food products - in general, everything that people need and use.

Do you think they would have been able to produce all this if there were no various machines and devices for processing or transporting raw materials and materials, in other words, without technology?

Of course not! But you need to understand that all technology

, no matter how expensive and innovative it may be, without
it is just a pile of scrap metal.


is one of the forms of realization of scientific knowledge.
Therefore, the development of modern technology
is determined by the development of science.

By the way, science

this is a sphere of human activity, the functions of which are to develop, theoretical generalization, verify the truth and explore the possibilities of applicability of objective knowledge

Therefore science

as one of the forms of social consciousness is aimed at obtaining new knowledge and establishing ways of its practical application.
The implementation of these methods is carried out directly through technology. This emphasizes the enormous importance of science
in our lives.
But it was not always so. The beginnings of science
appeared in the ancient world, but they developed separately from each other.
At that time, the main way for humanity to acquire new knowledge was the simple accumulation of experience through experimentation, in other words, through trial and error. But the increasing complexity and high cost of technology
required the abandonment of this method. Over time, the need for scientific knowledge arose. For production needs, it was necessary to find answers to many questions. For example,

– What happens to the material if it is heated, cut or deformed in some way?

– What happens if you mix different chemicals?

– Is it possible to convert the chemical energy of fuel into mechanical energy of machines?

– What happens in an electrical circuit?

A huge number of such production and technological questions arose, but thanks to the development of science, answers to most of them were found. All the achievements of modern technology

based on scientific discoveries and research.

Even the term “
scientific and technological revolution
to the close connection between science
technology .

Scientific and technological revolution

increased the well-being of the peoples who primarily benefited from its results. There have been dramatic changes in everyday life: televisions, video equipment, computers, and mobile phones have become common household items. Life has become more convenient and comfortable.

In turn, science

it is closely connected with production, which turns it into the direct productive force of society. The process of production of each new product, new technical means, first of all, begins in the offices of scientists and in the laboratories of researchers.

Now microelectronics, robotics, flexible production systems, and new materials with specified properties are being widely introduced into production. Currently, the pace of development is especially high, characteristic of those areas of science where the achievements of its various branches are integrated (for example, space research, the creation of new materials, new energy sources, control of large systems). Modern production is in great need of scientific support. After all, in order for the goods or services produced to be competitive, efficient technologies

, based on the latest achievements of science - the so-called high
. At the same time, science must always develop ahead of schedule in order to ensure intensive growth and improvement of production.

Lesson summary.

From the previously discussed provisions we can conclude that technology

closely related to
science, technology and
production .
And finally, I would like to say that all people should have technological knowledge
- knowledge about the world created by man, be able to act in this world and foresee the consequences of their actions.
Indeed, in the modern development of the technological
world, each of us takes a direct and
part - either as a consumer, or through the discovery of new laws and patterns of development of society, nature, or through economics, politics, culture, ecology, and so on.

Use of welding in industry

The use of EBW is constantly expanding despite the high cost of the process and some of its disadvantages. The technology is characterized by an efficiency rate of almost 95%. This figure is higher than that of the more common arc welding.

Industrial applications are expressed as follows:

  1. When working with active metals.
  2. When processing heat-strengthened metals.
  3. For joining refractory materials.
  4. When working with stone and ceramics.
  5. To create critical parts.

Today, ELS has become widespread in the production of electronic products. Due to the vacuum, microcircuits can be sealed. In this case, the surface can be affected by very different temperatures. The production units are suitable for use in the aviation sector. The volume of the chambers can vary over a wide range. In conclusion, we note that technology has been actively developing recently. This is due to the possibility of obtaining high-quality products at low cost.

Advantages and disadvantages of electron beam welding

Like many other technologies, this one also has advantages and disadvantages. The positive aspects include:

  1. Less heat is applied to the surface. Generally, arc welding produces a higher thermal impact. Due to this, the degree of warping of the metal increases significantly. Too high a temperature leads to a change in the crystal structure.
  2. It is possible to process ceramics and some other low-melting metals. When focusing the beam, it is possible to treat surfaces with a diameter of less than one millimeter.
  3. The high quality of the resulting seam determines that the technology can be used to produce critical products and decorative elements. The focused beam leads to degassing of the metal seam, thereby increasing the degree of ductility and some other parameters. Electronic welding can also be carried out on corrosion-resistant alloys.
  4. The equipment used allows power adjustment over a fairly large range. Therefore, electron beam welding can be used to work with various workpieces.
  5. You can get a narrow but deep seam. Due to this, the strength of the connection significantly increases.
  6. When choosing a pulse mode, you can eliminate the possibility of surface deformation due to exposure to high temperature.
  7. The method can be used for heat treatment and perforation, as well as metal cutting.

There are also certain disadvantages. They are as follows:

  1. It takes a certain amount of time to create a vacuum environment. That is why the performance indicator of such technology is significantly reduced.
  2. A hollow hole may appear at the root of the seam. That is why connection quality control should be carried out when using special equipment.

Electron beam welding is justified if it is necessary to process hard-to-reach areas. Cost-effectiveness is associated with low energy consumption.

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