Pedagogical activity of the teacher, his role in the upbringing and education of children

Essay “Why I chose the profession of a teacher”

“Being a teacher is not easy,

Doubly so as a teacher.

If someone else needs you,

So, you are completely happy.”

The art of being a kindergarten teacher is as multifaceted and complex as any other art. Depending on the circumstances, the teacher has to act in different roles: he is a teacher for children, who knows everything, teaches everything, and a playmate, and a loved one who will understand everything and help in difficult times. A teacher must love children, live for children - without this, his work has no meaning. The teacher must be sociable, responsive, tactful, observant and attentive, responsible, have a penchant for working with children, good figurative memory, clarity - an effective type of thinking.

Still, this is an amazing profession - a teacher! Working with children gives a person the opportunity to show all the best that is inherent in him, all his abilities. Someone wants to be a singer - but the voice is not the same, dreams of being an actor, but does not dare, thinks about the glory of an artist, but the abilities are not the same.... And in kindergarten, a teacher can realize all his desires - to sing, to dance, to draw, and to be an artist. Well, what folk artist can boast of two roles within 2 hours! And the teacher can be Baba Yaga at one matinee, and Snow White at another! And he will always find the most grateful spectators, the most independent judges - in the persons of children.

I am sure that children should be loved for who they are. Instill in them a sense of self-esteem and responsibility for themselves and their actions. Praise, encourage, approve, create a positive atmosphere around him. You see the smiles of children and the happy faces of their parents. And I want to believe that by giving a piece of myself, putting a piece of my soul and my heart into every child, I make this world kinder and better. Communicating with children every day, you receive a charge of vivacity, energy, and feel their warmth and affection.

What could be more trembling than the feeling of children’s arms hugging you, a trustingly bowed head on your shoulder! Children deserve respect, trust and friendship. I am pleased to be with them, in this clear atmosphere of affectionate sensations, cheerful laughter, first good efforts and surprises, pure, bright and sweet joys.

Children are different every day: obedient and quiet, laconic, sleep-deprived for some reason, aggressive, noisy, etc. I try to accept all this calmly, I try to find an individual approach to each child. I constantly put myself in the child’s shoes - is he comfortable? Is it comfortable? And it’s very nice to receive reciprocity from children.

One word “WHY” can throw anyone off balance during a work shift. But for this, I, the teacher, must answer the question posed to them in an accessible and understandable form. Sometimes it’s very difficult to do it right away, I can’t find the answer. I apologize to the child, and at home I “get into” the literature to find the answer. I really don’t want to look stupid in front of my child. This is why you have to read a lot in order to be fully prepared in front of the kids. The good work of a teacher largely depends on daily communication with children's parents. If parents hide the shortcomings of their children from the teacher, in this case it will be difficult for him to communicate with him, not to mention the children. Such children may be left alone, which is undesirable in a children's group.

I want to teach children everything: to hear sounds and know what is round and what is tall, collect pictures from cubes and sculpt snowmen, draw airplanes, feed dolls. None of this is easy. But I have a magic wand - this is my profession as a teacher. She helps me to be in the wonderful world of childhood. My work requires me to see myself through the eyes of a child, to put myself in his place, to think not only about my feelings, but also about his feelings for me. These steps allow you to accept your child for who he is.

I am happy that I am a teacher. I have a favorite thing. You can make one important invention in your life, and your descendants will remember you. Or you can simply release more than a hundred children into life, and when you meet them many years later on the street, you hear: “This is Anna Alexandrovna - my favorite teacher. Do you remember when we went to her group?” And such pride in our profession covers you that you even want to cry with happiness, and then create and create even more...

I would like people to come into our profession with serious training and deep spiritual potential. The main thing is to believe in yourself and love your children. And our profession is the most wonderful!

Be happy and give happiness to those with whom life’s path has brought us together - after all, developing and raising happy children is easy and joyful!

Essay “Why I chose the profession of a teacher.” Essay “Why I chose the profession of a teacher”

“A teacher is a magician who opens the door to the world of adults for children. And what and how he teaches his pupils depends on what the teacher knows and can do.”

K. Gelvitsky

It was not by chance that I chose the profession of a teacher; since my school years I have been surrounded by children. I loved to play with them, and together with them I learned about the magical world around me. Throughout my life, I realized that being a teacher is not a profession, not a job, it is a calling, a state of mind, a way of life. And I also realized that being a teacher is a big responsibility. For me, working with children is life. The principle at work: “To make children’s lives bright, rich and unique.” Every day, opening the doors to the kindergarten as if it were a magical world, I try to ensure that the children’s love, surprise, creativity, and joy never disappear. And they flared up and became brighter and stronger. And for this you don’t need much - to walk next to the child, help him, discover something new, teach him to think, evaluate, analyze, compare, generalize.

I consider my highest achievement in working with children when children love you and are happy to meet you. Years pass, my first graduates, having become adults, still greet you and smile at you when they meet. This is what I consider the highest achievement. I am very glad when the children who were my students choose the path of a teacher.

The world of childhood is sweet and subtle,

Like a flute floating sound

While my child laughs at me,

I know that I don’t live in vain...

The main principle of working with children is based on creating a comfortable, friendly atmosphere for children, and respectful attitude towards each child. Every child is an individual. I follow the golden rule in pedagogy - an individual approach to each child, otherwise he will not achieve perfection in his development.

I decided to participate in the competition because I would like to prove the importance of the profession of a teacher.

The main features of the educational process of children is the integration of training and education into a holistic process based on spiritual, moral and sociocultural values ​​and socially acceptable rules and norms of behavior in the interests of the family and society. The educational process takes place in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, in five educational areas, in various types of activities, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children. I pay great attention to the health of children, conducting physical education and health activities, games and exercises, breathing exercises, outdoor physical exercise, and training on simulators. To develop the intellectual and creative thinking of children, I use the gaming technology “Fairy Tale Mazes Games”, educational games by B. Nikitin, creative tasks by A. Zak, etc.

I build a specific play environment so that children can participate in a wide variety of games.

I imagine the ideal educational organization of the future as a “fairytale garden”, where everyone is friends, and the teacher is a gardener who grows plants, taking into account that one plant loves the sun, another loves the bank of a stream or a dried-out mountain peak.

Since childhood, I really love being in nature. Maybe that’s why I started studying natural sciences. Over time I understood. That in order to preserve the world around us, we need to teach children to see its beauty, uniqueness, and reveal its secrets. This is how the priority direction in my work was determined - environmental education for children. Kamensky wrote: “It is necessary to teach in such a way that people, as far as possible, acquire knowledge not from books, but from heaven and earth, from oaks and beeches, that is, they know and study the things themselves, and not just other people’s observations and testimonies about things.” . This Idea is of particular importance today.

I build my work on environmental education on the principles of developmental education. I give priority in learning not to simple memorization and not to mechanical reproduction of knowledge, to understanding and evaluating what is happening, to joint practical activities of the teacher and children. I combine various activities (game, experimentation, art, music, etc.). I created my own system of environmental education, adapted to the conditions of a preschool institution. Children really enjoy exploring the secrets of nature: traveling with a drop of water, catching invisible air, writing letters to animals, experimenting with pebbles.

There are a lot of indoor flowers in our group; in winter, the children plant onions, herbs, and grow cucumbers and tomatoes; In the spring, seedlings are planted in the vegetable garden and flower bed. Children observe and care for plants, becoming familiar with the natural world. Children become acquainted with animals through fairy tales, natural history literature, and the group also organizes a mini-museum “Dog is Man’s Best Friend,” which contains many exhibits, paintings, and books about various breeds of dogs. There is a dry aquarium and an artificial pond. Preschoolers are convinced that we are not alone on earth, that there are plants and animals living next to us that need love and care. I hope that my approach to work will increase the number of children and parents who are passionate about environmental education. After all, our future largely depends on the relationship between man and nature!

MBDOU teacher

"TsRR-kindergarten No. 000"

“Childhood” exemplary educational program DO/SP: Childhood-Press, 2014 “Our home is nature” // M: Karapuz-didactics, 2005

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