tests on life safety grades 5-9 test on life safety (grade 9) on the topic

Test No. 1

  1. A dangerous man-made incident that poses a threat to the life and health of people and leads to the destruction of buildings, equipment and transport is called:
      A. Disaster.
  2. B. Accident.
  3. B. Breakdown.
  4. An accident on a main pipeline is considered:
      A. Leakage.
  5. B. Transport accident.
  6. B. Hydrodynamic accident.
  7. Which of the following objects is not classified as a fire and explosion hazard?
      A. Gas station.
  8. B. Flour mill.
  9. B. Match factory.
  10. G. Hunting farm.
  11. D. Painting shop.
  12. Arrange the damaging factors of the explosion in order of increasing danger of exposure to humans:
      A. Shock wave.
  13. B. Detonation wave.
  14. B. Effect of explosion products.
  15. G. Scattering of fragments.
  16. The source of ignition cannot be:
      A. Petard.
  17. B. Empty bottle.
  18. B. Heating battery.
  19. G. Electric kettle.
  20. A decrease in oxygen concentration during a fire leads to:
      A. Increased panic.
  21. B. Fainting of victims.
  22. B. Increase in flame height.
  23. D. Change in smoke color.
  24. It is recommended to open the door to a smoky room:
      A. With a sharp kick.
  25. B. Pre-watering with water.
  26. B. Carefully, holding with your body.
  27. D. Covering your head with a wet cloth.
  28. If you find yourself in a jam, it is recommended:
      A. Immediately get out on your own.
  29. B. Having assessed the situation, disassemble the passage.
  30. B. Stay in place, giving signals by knocking or shouting.
  31. D. Light a fire to attract the attention of rescuers.
  32. To avoid smoke poisoning you should:
      A. Hold your breath as much as possible.
  33. B. Breathe only through your nose.
  34. B. Breathe through any tube or hose.
  35. D. Breathe through a wet cloth.
  36. If you find yourself in a panicking crowd, you must:
      A. Loudly telling people not to worry.
  37. B. Move along with everyone, moving to the edge of the crowd.
  38. B. Fall to the ground and crawl out.
  39. D. Distract attention by loudly shouting “Guard!”
  40. Arrange these organizations in the order in which they were created:
      A. RSChS.
  41. B. GO.
  42. B. Rescue Corps.
  43. G. Ministry of Emergency Situations.
  44. Laws and other documents on the protection of the population RSChS system:
      A. Studying.
  45. B. Performs.
  46. B. Develops.
  47. D. Coordinates with the President of the Russian Federation.
  48. RSChS operates in the following modes: (remove the unnecessary).
      A. Combat readiness.
  49. B. Daily activities.
  50. B. High alert.
  51. D. Emergency mode.
  52. Which unit is not part of the RSChS forces.
      A. Civil Defense Troops.
  53. B. Engineering Troops.
  54. In Aviation Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation.
  55. The airlines operated by RSChS are: (remove unnecessary information).
      A. Aircraft for landing troops.
  56. B. Fire hydroplanes.
  57. B. Electronic warfare aircraft.
  58. G. Helicopters for spraying chemicals. drugs.
  59. International humanitarian law fulfills the following tasks:
      A. Distribution of humanitarian aid.
  60. B. Limitations on the means and methods of warfare.
  61. B. Elimination of the consequences of military conflicts.
  62. The four main IHL Conventions have been adopted by the international community
      A. In 1941.
  63. B. In 1945.
  64. V. In 1949.
  65. G. In 1977.
  66. Civilians not participating in the war are recognized as:
      A. Combatants.
  67. B. Prisoners of war.
  68. B. Civilian population.
  69. G. Partisans.
  70. Severely wounded prisoners of war must:
      A. Treat before sending to a special camp.
  71. B. Use only for light work.
  72. B. Send home.
  73. By depicting a “red cross” on the ammunition wagon, the echelon commander violates:
      A. Rules for concealing weapons.
  74. B. UN Regulation on the Promotion of Medicine.
  75. B. Norms of International Humanitarian Law.

Final test on life safety for grade 8

Final test on life safety for 8th grade

1. A dangerous man-made incident that creates a threat to the life and health of people in a certain territory and leads to the destruction of buildings, structures, equipment and vehicles, as well as damage to the natural environment is called:

a) an accident, b) an emergency, c) a catastrophe.

2. According to the scale of distribution of man-made emergencies, they can be:

a) local, b) hydrodynamic, c) transport.

3. Regional emergencies of a man-made nature include:

a) not extending beyond the boundaries of the production facility, b) covering the territory of 2-3 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, c) not extending beyond the boundaries of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

4. Accidents on main oil pipelines include:

a) to non-production accidents, b) to transport accidents, c) to accidents on public life support systems.

5. Accidents involving the release of biologically hazardous substances can cause:

a) mass poisoning of people and animals, b) the occurrence of radiation sickness in people and animals, c) mass infectious diseases of people and animals.

6. Hydrodynamic accidents often occur when:

a) nuclear power plants, b) thermal power plants, c) hydroelectric dams.

7. Any oxidation reaction in which heat is released and a glow of burning substances is observed is called:

a) combustion, b) fire, c) ignition.

8. Combustion, in which, due to a lack of oxidizing agent, incomplete oxidation of decomposition products of substances occurs is called:

a) incomplete combustion,

b) ignition, c) complete combustion.

9. One of the main ways to stop combustion when extinguishing a fire is:

a) cooling the combustion zone with foam, b) chemical inhibition of the combustion reaction with sand, c) insulating the combustion zone with powder.

10. A table made of particle board can be classified as a building material:

a) flammable, b) non-flammable, c) difficult to combust.

11. Hydrodynamic accident is:

a) spring-summer flood;
b) destruction of the dam with the formation of a hole ;
c) an incident associated with the failure of a hydraulic structure or its parts and the subsequent uncontrolled movement of large masses of water.

12. An artificial water-retaining structure or a natural obstacle in the path of a watercourse that creates a difference in water levels along the river bed is called:

a) dam; b) dam; c) jumper; d) gateway.

13. A tail is called:

a) a section of the river between two adjacent dams;

b) the distance between neighboring dams; c) water level in the river.

14. Depending on the location of the hydraulic structures, there are:

a) high mountains; b) underground;

c) flat.

15. Underground structures include:

a) fisheries; b) water and energy; c) sewer; d) decorative.

16. The world's first nuclear power plant began operating in Russia:

a) in 1045, b) in 1954,

c) in 1961.

17. Internal human exposure occurs as a result of:

a) radiation from the sun, b) bathing, c) eating meat.

18. Where is the radiation level higher?

a) high in the mountains, b) in the Far North,

c) at the equator.

19. Radiation hazardous objects include:

a) thermal power plants,

b) nuclear power plants, c) hydroelectric power plants.

20. According to the scale of consequences, radiation accidents are:

a) regional,

b) terrestrial, c) cosmic.

21. Radiation contamination acts as a damaging factor

: a) on buildings and structures, b) on people, animals and plants, c) on food products.

22. They are exposed to radiation pollution

: a) people, b) food, c) fish in the sea.

23. The most dangerous area during a nuclear power plant accident is

: a) accident zone, b) restricted zone, c) preventive measures zone.

24. After a nuclear power plant accident, people remain living in the zone

: a) alienation, b) temporary resettlement, c) strict control.

25. What is more dangerous for people?

a) fluorography, b) x-ray, c) sun rays.

26. The most common storage facilities are:

a) chlorine. b) mercury.

c) bromine.

27. According to the degree of danger to humans, chemical weapons are divided into

: a) fatal.

b) low-risk. c) dangerous

28. Extremely dangerous toxic substances include

: a) mercury. b) sulfuric acid. c) ammonia.

29. Accidents limited to the sanitary zone of the enterprise are called:

a) general. b) local. c) local.

30. DYAV heavier than air is:

a) fluorine. b) ammonia. c) chlorine.

31. When moving through contaminated areas, you must move:

a) at a fast pace. b) crawling. c) run.

32. The first nuclear icebreaker built in Russia was called:

a) Lenin. b) Sedov.

c) Stalin.

33. Natural background radiation consists of radiation:

a) terrestrial and cosmic. b) stellar and solar. c) internal and external.

34. Terrestrial sources of radiation are

: a) water. b) stars. c) sun.

35. Radiation levels increase with altitude

: a) remains constant. b) increases. c) falls.

36. Ecology is:

a) geoscience; b) science of living organisms; c) the science of the relationship between living organisms and the environment.

37. A chain of events leading to irreversible natural processes that threaten the life and health of people is called

: a) emergency situation; b) environmental disaster; c) an incident.

38. A set of actions that ensures ecological balance in all regions of the earth is called:

a) environmental safety; b) environmental literacy;

c) ecological culture.

39. Electromagnetic pollution of the environment is called:

a) ingredients; b) energy; c) destructive.

40. To purify drinking water you can use:

a) defending it;

b) freezing; c) chlorination.

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Test No. 2

  1. An incident that causes serious consequences and human casualties is called:
      A. A transport accident.
  2. B. Ecological disturbance of the habitat.
  3. B. A disaster.
  4. The sinking of the Titanic can be considered:
      A. Hydrodynamic accident.
  5. B. Sabotage.
  6. B. Transport accident (Disaster).
  7. A potentially dangerous object is called:
      A. Specially protected object.
  8. B. An enterprise where theft of hazardous substances is possible.
  9. B. An enterprise where emergency situations are possible.
  10. Hearing the signal “Attention everyone!” necessary:
      A. Go down to the basement.
  11. B. Call everyone you know and warn about the danger.
  12. B. Turn on the radio or TV, listen to recommendations.
  13. Those who will be most affected by an explosion are:
      A. The tallest buildings.
  14. B. Garages.
  15. B. Basements and attics of residential buildings.
  16. D. Pets.
  17. The oxidizing agent during combustion is usually:
      A. Citric acid.
  18. B. Air oxygen.
  19. B. Vinegar essence.
  20. The fire of the TV in the apartment is considered to be:
      A. Man-made incident.
  21. B. Internal fire.
  22. B. Hidden fire.
  23. The secondary damaging factor of the explosion can be called:
      A. Costs of property restoration.
  24. B. Damage caused to the owner.
  25. B. Scattering of glass fragments and debris.
  26. If there is a fire in a neighboring apartment, it is better to do this:
      A. Climb to the roof and wait for rescuers.
  27. B. Tie the sheets and curtains together and try to lower yourself to the ground.
  28. B. After calling the fire department, do not take any action.
  29. If a person's clothing catches fire, you:
      A. Wrap his head in a blanket or blanket.
  30. B. Quickly cut his clothes with a sharp knife.
  31. B. Roll it up in a carpet or rug.
  32. D. Fill the bath with water and lower the victim into it.
  33. In the process of creating the RSChS, the civil defense forces were:
      A. Liquidated.
  34. B. Reformed into the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
  35. B. Became part of the RSChS.
  36. Name the “extra” level of RSChS.
      A. Federal.
  37. B. Territorial.
  38. B. Local.
  39. G. District.
  40. A state of emergency within a specific territory is introduced:
      A. If there is a threat of an emergency.
  41. B. When an emergency occurs and is eliminated.
  42. B. When eliminating the Consequences of an emergency.
  43. Which unit is part of the RSChS?
      A. Patrol and guard service.
  44. B. Treatment and preventive service.
  45. B. Search and rescue service.
  46. A group of pyrotechnicians consisting of:
      A. Undergoing training to be sent to “Hot Spots”.
  47. B. Ensures celebrations and celebrations.
  48. B. Performs work with explosives.
  49. During war, international humanitarian law prohibits:
      A. Seize the military property of a surrendered enemy.
  50. B. Cause serious or long-term damage to the natural environment.
  51. B. Transport prisoners of war in vehicles not intended for them.
  52. The main IHL Conventions have been adopted in the city:
      A. Bern.
  53. B. Geneva.
  54. V. Strasbourg.
  55. According to the definition of IHL, a combatant is not:
      A. Partisan.
  56. B. Wounded general.
  57. V. Military priest.
  58. G. Military canteen waiter.
  59. Items not subject to confiscation from a prisoner of war:
      A. Clock.
  60. B. Compass.
  61. B. Telephone.
  62. G. Money
  63. The commander who allowed the execution of a prisoner according to the norms of IHL is considered:
      A. A criminal.
  64. B. Violator of the Conventions.
  65. B. A war criminal.
  66. G. Marauder.


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