Family and family values. (extracurricular activity) class hour (8th grade) on the topic

Extracurricular activity “My family is my wealth.”

Date: September 7

Class hour “My family is my wealth”


developing in students an idea of ​​a family as people who love each other and care about each other.

  1. Introduce children to the concepts of “family”, “genealogy”, “family tree”. Teach students to create a pedigree for their family. Show the basis for further study of the history of generations.
  2. Develop a need to learn about your family history. Develop citizenship and patriotism.
  3. Cultivate respect for father and mother, relatives, and a sense of responsibility for your family.
  4. To promote the development of family creativity and cooperation between family and school.
  5. Fostering in students a sense of love and respect for their parents, pride in their family, and unity of the class team.

Class progress

1. Organizational moment.

- Hello guys! Today we will talk to you about family!

2. Main part.

A family is people who are related to each other and live together. From the first minutes of our birth, family is next to each of us. If we feel bad, it’s difficult, if a misfortune happens to us, who will listen to us, help, reassure us, give advice, protect us? Of course, people close to us: mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, brothers, sisters - our family, the people closest and dearest to us, our support for life. Emphasizing the importance of family, people even established International Family Day. It is celebrated annually on May 15th. In the family, everything goes on as usual: children are born who, having matured, themselves become first parents, and then old people: grandfathers, grandmothers, great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers. When they were little, their parents took care of them, and when they became parents themselves, they began to take care of their children and their elderly parents. And this is repeated from generation to generation throughout human history.

1st student: Ansar

Family is the most important thing in life for each of us. Family is close and dear people, those whom we love, from whom we take example, whom we care about, to whom we wish goodness and happiness. It is in the family that we learn love, responsibility, care and respect.

2nd student: Alina

You and I are growing up in a family circle, the foundation of the foundation is the parental home. All your roots are in the family circle, And you entered life from the family.

- So, today we’ll talk about family. The topic of the lesson is “My family is my wealth” A family is a collection of close relatives living together; parents with children;

— List your family members (list students)

  • Mother
  • Dad
  • Brother
  • Sister
  • Grandmother
  • Grandfather

— All these family members are related, i.e. are relatives. And they are called close relatives.

— There is also the concept of distant relatives. Who are distant relatives?

  • Uncles
  • Aunts
  • Cousins, sisters.
  • Great-grandmothers
  • Great-grandfathers.

- Okay, well done! And now, in order to find out more about your relatives, let’s play the game “Stand up, all of you...”

  • Who has an older brother.
  • Who has a younger sister.
  • Who has an older sister
  • Who has a younger brother.
  • Whose grandparents live with you in the family.
  • Whose grandparents live here in the village?

— The science that deals with genealogy is called genealogy. Genealogy (Greek) – the science of genealogy, genealogy.

— To make it more clear, the entire pedigree of the family, that is, the generations of a given family make up the family tree of the family.

Each family has its own pedigree. A pedigree is a list of generations of one family. This list is usually depicted in the form of a tree, the trunk of which is divided into two conditional branches (maternal and paternal), each of which is also divided into two smaller branches, etc. To create a complete pedigree, you need to know your ancestors very well. Unfortunately, few of us can even name our great-grandmothers or great-grandfathers. At your leisure, ask your relatives and try, together with them, to compile your family tree, at least within a few generations.

Who wants to show their ancestry. (Student's speech)

Why do children look like their parents? The fact is that each cell that makes up a person contains tiny formations - chromosomes, consisting of even smaller sections - genes. Genes carry all the information about a person - from his gender to eye color. In this case, the child carries both his father’s and mother’s genes. Whose genes are more pronounced, the child will be more like him. And the combination of these genes can sometimes give a person completely new properties. This phenomenon is called “heredity”, and it is studied by a separate science – genetics.

Who wants to talk about their parents? (Student's story)

From his parents, a child can inherit their behavioral characteristics, inclinations, and abilities. It often happens that a son chooses (inherits) the same profession as his father (and sometimes older relatives) because he likes it and suits him more than anything else. Thus, professional dynasties are formed - workers, engineers, composers, doctors, writers, businessmen, politicians, athletes, military men, and so on. It’s great if a person lives in a family in which peace and harmony reign. Children are happy if their parents take care of them, love them, understand them and make sure that they do not experience all the difficulties of life. Parents are happy if they feel mutual love from their children, their attention and warmth.

3rd student Dilnaz

Conversation with my daughter
“I miss warmth,” She told her daughter. The daughter was surprised: Do you freeze even on summer days? You won’t understand, you’re still small,” the mother sighed tiredly. And the daughter shouts: I got it! - And he drags a blanket.


What kind of warmth did mom talk about?
(About spirituality.)
How can you show warmth towards relatives?

In a strong, friendly family, everyone takes on some responsibilities - earns money, goes shopping, cooks, washes, cleans, organizes vacations, etc. If there is a need, one family member comes to the aid of another. Everyone strives to help, to the best of their ability, a family member who has problems. Such a family is not afraid of any troubles. Can you give examples of such relationships in your family? (Children's response.)

2 COMPETITION. Russian language lesson.

You need to solve a simple crossword puzzle on the topic of family relationships.

1. My mother's son. 2. My parent. 3. Brother of father or mother. 4. A girl who has parents like me. 5. The one who gave us life. 6. “Holy Blood” – the husband’s mother. 7. Mom or Dad's sister. 8. My child's son. 9. My heir. 10. The son of my sister or brother. 11. Husband's father.

3 COMPETITION. Math lesson (

questions for attention).

1. What happened on February 31? (He's not there)

2. What will remain in the box if you take out the matches?
3. How will you reach the sky?
4. Why does the dog run?
(On the ground)
5. Why is there a tongue in the mouth?
(Behind the teeth)
6. What year lasts only 1 day?
(New Year)
7. How to write “dry grass” in 4 letters?
8. Which number has as many numbers as letters?
(One hundred)

1. What can’t you bake bread without? (No crust)

2. In what year do people eat more than usual?
(On leap days).
3. What kind of water can be brought in a sieve?
4. What is half an orange more like?
(On the other half)
5. Which tree does the crow sit on after the rain?
(On wet)
6. In which fields does grass not grow?
(On the margins of a school notebook)
7. What does a watchman do if a sparrow sits on his hat?
8. Where does the water stand?
(In a glass)
9. What disease on land does no one get sick?
10. What do they walk on, but never drive?
(On a chessboard)
11. Which bird’s name consists of a letter and the name of a river?
12. What is between the city and the village?
(Conjunction “I”)
13. What can you watch with your eyes closed?
14. My father's son, but not my brother.
Who is he? (Myself)
4. Final part. Family is something that we share among everyone, A little bit of everything: tears and laughter, Rise and fall, joy, sadness, Friendship and quarrels, a stamp of silence. Family is something that is always with you. Let seconds, weeks, years rush by, But your dear walls, your father’s house - Your heart will forever remain in it!

- Let's sum it up. What is family? What kind of relatives are there? What is genealogy? What else did you do in class? What did you like about the lesson?

A sketch about a family for children aged 5-7 years in kindergarten

“If your family is friendly, then worries are not a problem.”
A performance for preschoolers on the theme “Family” Author: Tatyana Mikhailovna Koren, music director Place of work: MBDOU-kindergarten No. 362, Yekaterinburg
A performance for preschool children on the theme “Family”.
If your family is friendly, then worries are not a problem. Purpose: Understanding the need to preserve family values, caring for your family and friends, based on Russian folk sayings and proverbs. This work will be useful to educators and music directors of preschool educational institutions, as well as primary school teachers and additional education teachers. The dramatization, based on a folk proverb, teaches children love and respect for their family and friends. Designed for children of senior preschool and primary school age. * * * Characters: Mom (preparing breakfast) dad (reading the newspaper) son (sleeping, lying on his side) daughter (playing with a toy) dog Nochka (lying on the rug) Dog : Once upon a time they didn’t grieve And they spoke Russian Actors introduce themselves: Mom : Mom Dad : Dad Son : Son Daughter : And daughter Nochka : And also the dog Nochka. Dad : And when the morning comes, my head is spinning. Son : Son doesn’t want to wake up, (turns over on the other side) Daughter : Daughter is getting ready for kindergarten (turns away offended) Mom : Dad is nowhere to be seen - (throws up his hands) Dad : Went out with the dog for a walk. Night, follow me! (leaves with the Dog) Mom : Well, Mom is all busy. Briefcase, braids, work is waiting... I need to stir the porridge, do my hair, run to the garden. And a picture presented itself: No father, no daughter, no son. No dog Nochka... No family, period! Who did you cook porridge for? Who should I go for a walk with? Who can I help with my homework and read a book? Mom is crying
Nochka comes running : And my mother became sad, After all, there is nothing better in the world When there is a kind husband and children next to you! Without them there is no happiness. Without them there is no family. And tears rolled down from the heart, from the soul... Dad comes out and carefully hugs mom. Dad : You, my dear, rest, sit down. Son ( comes up to mom, strokes her head)
: And I’ll do my test with an “A”!
The daughter puts her head on her mother’s lap
: I will draw the most beautiful flower for you!
Nochka runs up to her mother, puts her head on her other knee.
And Nochka just came up and poked her muzzle in the side.
Dad : You, friends, remember People's words: All in chorus: If your family is friendly, then worries are not a problem! My daughter asks
: But how the word came about is not clear to me at all.
Well, “I” - I understand. Why are there seven of them? Son : There is no need to think and guess, but you just need to count: He counts, bending his fingers.
There is a grandfather, there are grandmothers. You, mom, dad, me.
Add it all up. That makes seven people. Family! Daughter : And if there is a dog, It turns out, Eight-I?.. Dad : No, if there is a dog, It turns out: IN! Family! (All children show thumbs up “Cool!”)

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