Quiz “Your own game” for additional education teachers with presentation
Methodological development of a teaching hour in an additional education institution
. Your own game. Methodology and pedagogy Author: Dulina Natalya Aleksandrovna, deputy director, methodologist of MKU DO – DDT “Master”, Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk district, Krasnoobsk settlement. Description: I bring to your attention the development of a teaching hour for institutions of additional education. In an interesting game form, teachers activate their knowledge in the field of pedagogy and methodology. Goal: Development of professional competence of teachers. Objectives: • develop the creative potential of the teaching staff of the Children's Creativity House; • activate personal professional resources of teachers; • increase the motivation of DDT “Master” specialists for methodological activities. The form of work organization is collective-group. Methods of organization: creative-game method, information exchange method, method of research and analytical activity. The tables at which teachers of 7-9 people sit are marked with different colors (blue, red, yellow, etc.) The presenter addresses the groups, naming the color of the table.
Rules of the game • Three teams play. (You can do more if you wish) They choose, using the table on the screen, the topic of the question and its cost. • The right to answer belongs to the team that first raised the sign with its name. • If the answer is correct, the team receives a number of points corresponding to the value of the question. • If an incorrect answer is given, the amount is deducted from the team's account, and the right to answer this question passes to the other team. Sectors of the game “Own game” The cost of the issue may be increased. Opponents can buy the right to answer a question by betting more points. "Pig in a poke" The question must be transferred to another team. Topics: 1. Pedagogy 2. Methodology 3. Who said? 4. Folk wisdom Pedagogy 10 The process and result of mastering a certain system of knowledge (Education) Pedagogy 20 This is a complex process that a teacher goes through after a certain period of time. From rejection (how much nerves, time, expenses for studying literature, summarizing experience, open classes), to a feeling of pride in your work and profession, a sense of self-respect, awareness of yourself as a professional, the understanding that your experience and you yourself are needed and interesting to colleagues (Certification) Pedagogy 30 Which famous teacher called fairy tales “the first brilliant attempts of Russian pedagogy”? (Ushinsky Konstantin Dmitrievich) Pedagogy 40 Sector “Own game”
This humanist teacher, writer, public figure identified pedagogy as an independent science (Jan Amos Comenius - the founder of scientific pedagogy) Pedagogy 50 This Soviet teacher created an original pedagogical system, which is based on the principles of humanism, on the recognition of the child’s personality as the highest value? (Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky) Pedagogy 60 The process of becoming a person as a social being under the influence of all factors without exception - environmental, social, economic, ideological, psychological and achieving a level of maturity and sustainability is ... (Formation) Methodology 10 This technology realizes democracy, equality, partnership in subject-subject relations between teacher and child. The teacher and students jointly develop goals, content, and give assessments, being in a state of cooperation and co-creation. What technology are we talking about? (Collaboration technology) Methodology 20 Mastering ways to apply acquired knowledge in practice. (Skills) Methodology 30 Sector “Pig in a poke” Basic guiding ideas, regulatory requirements for the organization and conduct of the educational process. They depend on the general pedagogical concept of the activities of the children's creative association. (Principles of learning) Methodology 40 According to this principle of learning, the knowledge acquired by children should become part of their consciousness, the basis of behavior and activity. (Principle of strength) Methodology 50 Translated from Greek - instructive. Section of pedagogy and theory of education, problems of teaching. The science of learning, which studies the laws, patterns, principles and means of learning. (Didactics) Methodology 60 Sector “Own game” He was the first to introduce the term “didactics”. Say a name. (German teacher Wolfgang Rathke (1571-1635) And who said? 10 I don’t want to study, I want to get married. (Mitrofanushka from D.I. Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor”)
Who said it? 20 All adults were once children, but then they forgot about it. (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry) Who said it? 30 The great Russian commander, military theorist, and national hero of Russia wrote the following words: “Easy to learn, hard to march; hard to learn, easy to march.” (Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov) Who said it? 40 Sector “Own game” Would you give up your seat to an older person, or weren’t you trained at school? Cartoon character. (The Tsar from the cartoon “Vovka in the Kingdom Far Away”)
Who said it? 50 Wonderful school years, With friendship, with books, with songs, How quickly they fly! You can't turn them back. (Evgeniy Dolmatovsky) Who said it? 60 The French philosopher, writer, thinker of the Enlightenment said: “... raising children is a craft where you need to be able to lose time in order to win it.” (Jean Jacques Rousseau)
Folk wisdom 10 ____?____ teaching is bitter, but its fruit is sweet (Root) Folk wisdom 20 He who ____?____ is good will not perish. (To the letter) Folk wisdom 30 Sector “Your own game” You will get bored with grumbling, ____?____ you will teach. (Example) Folk wisdom 40 Knowledge and wisdom ____?____ person (Decorate) Folk wisdom 50 Repeat and teach – ____?____ sharpen (Mind) Folk wisdom 60 Sector “Pig in a poke” Crazy head – ____?___ (Lukoshko) Final round Teams place bets based on the number of points scored by the team.
The presenter reads out the task:
Which great Russian writer wrote the words: “Education is an art, not a craft - this is the root of teaching.” After a minute of discussion, the team hands over their answer sheets to the facilitator.
The correct answer is Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.
The team with the most points wins. Presentation on the topic: Your own game. Methodology and pedagogy
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Questions about the hero of the day for guests of the competition
On the wall behind the hero of the day there is a poster with stars (balloons, flowers - whoever you like). From them you can make the word “Happy Anniversary!” In addition, on each star there is a photo of the hero of the day (you can photocopy a child’s photo) and a question about the life stages of the hero of the day.
Presenter: During the years that the hero of the day lived in the world, a house was built, a bush was planted, and the children grew up. And what else he did in his life, what destiny he built, everyone can find out today, taking a star with a question.
(There are stars hanging on the wall. Each star has a question on it. Guests choose a star and answer the questions). Questions: 1. When and under what circumstances did you meet the hero of the day? 2. What do you like most about the hero of the day? 3. Why would you present the order to the hero of the day? 4. What great joyful events do you know from the life of the hero of the day? 5. Try to guess the dream of the hero of the day. 6. What question have you always wanted to ask the hero of the day? 7. Tell us an interesting incident that happened to you and the hero of the day. 8. How many years has the hero of the day been given the honorary title “grandfather”? 9. Name the first place of work of the hero of the day. 10. name the day of the week when the birthday boy was born. (….) 11. His parameters at birth (height, cm. Weight) 12. Where this event took place. (….) 13. What time of day was it. (….) 14. What was the name of the teacher in kindergarten.() 15. Favorite toy.(….) 16. Best friend at school. (….) 17. Where was the first day of work? (…) 18. Favorite dish (…. ) 19. Favorite activity.(. )
Host: Thanks to the guests for their answers! We are talking about the fact that half a century has already passed, Just about half a person’s life. What is age? Really, nonsense. The soul of the hero of the day will be forever young. Toast Let's drink to the golden date of our respected hero of the day. A musical pause is announced.
You can also use balls instead of stars.
The host hands out medals, certificates or prizes; he must know the answers.
can be done as a quiz
The host names various numbers, names, etc. from the life of the hero of the occasion, which need to be clarified from her in advance, and the guests guess what they mean to her. At first the questions are very simple, then gradually become more complicated.
What does it mean for the hero of the day?
- name Andrey? (her husband's name),
- number 17? (date of her birth),
- Moscow city? (city where she was born)
- number 20? (years of her work experience), etc.
The guest who knows the hero of the day best is awarded a prize - a kiss from the hero of the occasion.
An excerpt from the song “Everything I have in life” (from the repertoire of the group “Gems”) is played.
Game "Story by Numbers"
Those interested are invited, 3-5 people. The presenter announces that everyone can write letters and numbers with their hands, but it’s more difficult to do this with the help of... hmm, the waist. The participants of the game stand with their backs to the guests and do a short warm-up: draw the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 with their waist movements.
Then the presenter asks that when reading the story, the participants draw a number with their waist as soon as they hear it.
“On Sunday, the teacher woke up as usual at 7 (seven) mornings. Having stretched sweetly, I decided to take a nap until 8 (eight) hours. Suddenly 3 (three) bells rang. It was the 1st (first) congratulatory caller. Then the teacher remembered that today was his birthday, smiled 5 (five) times and answered his interlocutor 4 (four) times: “Yes,” and then nodded another 9 (nine) times.
The teacher’s wife woke up from intense nods and presented the birthday boy with gifts: 2 (two) packages and 3 (three) bags with something pleasant and necessary. She looked at her husband with affection and kissed him on the cheek 5 (five) times. And then there were 2 (second), 3 (third), 4 (fourth). 5 (fifth), 6 (sixth) and 7 (seventh) calls. The birthday boy gladly accepted congratulations, but he no longer felt like dozing.”
After reading the text, the presenter says that in fact it was a test of grace. The most graceful guest is chosen based on the volume of applause.
Cosmetic quiz for men
Host: It has long been known that a man loves with his eyes. Therefore, many tricks have been invented by the weaker sex to make themselves even more attractive. Dear men, let's surprise charming ladies with your knowledge in the field of beauty. And if suddenly you don’t know something, then women, of course, will tell you.
- A duty tool that guards the beauty of eyebrows. (Tweezers.)
- Decorative cosmetics designed to emphasize and highlight the color of eyelashes. (Mascara.)
- Cosmetic product for coloring and moisturizing lips. (Lipstick.)
- A part of a shoe that raises the heel above the level of the toe, making a woman’s gait look more graceful and feminine. Appeared in women's fashion thanks to the legendary Marquise Pompadour. (Heel.)
- An item that adorns a lady's hand. (Bracelet.)
- Women's things from the category of “beauty for the eyes.” (Eyeshadow.)
- A small envelope handbag that has neither handles nor a strap - it is worn clasped in the palm of the hand or under the arm. (Clutch.)
- A small but very necessary tool that is used to bring your nails into combat readiness. (Nail file.)
- This item is in every woman's handbag and is an indispensable tool for maintaining makeup throughout the day. He will tell the whole truth, or rather, show it. (Mirror.)
- An element of clothing that elegantly emphasizes a woman's waist. (Belt.)
- Cosmetic cream containing solid particles. Designed to cleanse the skin of dead cells. (Scrub.)
- A cosmetic procedure for treating fingernails and the fingers themselves. (Manicure.)
- A pair of ear jewelry. (Earrings.)
- A spray used to create and maintain hairstyles for a long time. (Hair fixation spray.)
Football quiz for women
Host: Nowadays, the most popular sport is football. Dear women, let's surprise men with knowledge about this men's game. And if you cannot answer, then we will ask men to help.
- The “Black Pearl” of football, he is the best, officially recognized football player of the century. (Pele.)
- How many people should be on the field from each team? (eleven)
- A structure of two posts and a crossbar at the edge of the field where players try to kick the ball. (Gates.)
- What word can be used to describe a goalkeeper? (Goalkeeper.)
- Side gate post. (Barbell.)
- Breaking the rules. (Foul.)
- A famous player who is considered the second most important football player in Brazil after Pele. (Ronaldo.)
- Choose a Russian synonym for the word forward. (Attack.)
- A portion of a football match consisting of 45 minutes. (Half.)
- The national hero of Argentina, his nickname is “San Diego”, that is, Saint Diego. (Diego Maradona.)
- Who is a referee? (Football referee, field referee.)
- What is the top goal post called? (crossbar.)
- A competition between two football teams within the time allotted by the rules, consisting of two halves. (Match.)
- Who is a scorer? (A player who scores a lot of goals.)
- Name the Soviet football player who holds the title of “best goalkeeper of the 20th century.” (Lev Yashin.)
Organizing a brainstorming session
This online service allows you to conduct social voting. First, a question is added, then colleagues, friends, or students are invited to the discussion. As a result, ideas, arguments and voting are collected together.
Padlet is an online whiteboard for collaboration with students, which can be used in various ways in educational work. I talk in great detail about using this service in this video.
Slide captions:
QUIZ FOR CURRENT AND FUTURE TEACHERS The presentation was compiled by Vera Alekseevna Shumarina based on the quiz by Inessa Dmitrievna Ageeva (creator of the site “Methodological piggy bank for teachers, educators, parents”)
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