Presentation “Interaction between kindergarten and family” presentation on the topic
Presentation “Interaction between preschool educational institutions and families in order to prevent school maladaptation” #Federal State Educational Standards #Methodological developments #Extracurricular activities
Presentation for a lesson on the surrounding world “Vitamins”
Healthy foods and vitamins presentation for the lesson (senior group) on the topic Slide 1 Healthy
International creative competition “Autumn Wonders in Nature”
Drawings on the theme “Autumn” sent to the competition “Our Autumn is Golden, Fruitful” 1st place Migunov
Step-by-step drawing on the theme “Spring. The first thawed patches." (3rd - 4th grade) presentation for a lesson in fine arts (art, 3rd, 4th grade) on the topic
If you dream of learning how to draw a portrait in watercolors, then throw all fears aside and
Literature lesson notes, 5th grade. Andersen "The Snow Queen"
G.H. Andersen “The Snow Queen” Literary reading lesson “The Snow Queen” Lesson objectives: to enrich the ideas of fourth graders
Report “On the implementation of the speech development program in the senior group for the 1st half of the year”
Let's consider two types of analysis: self-analysis and analysis of colleagues. A preparatory class in kindergarten has been created
Booklet for parents “Development of fine motor skills in children 4-5 years old”
Definition Coordinated movement of the hands and small finger muscles is how fine motor skills are defined.
Extracurricular activities club “Skillful Hands” 3rd grade
STRUCTURE OF A EUKARYOTIC CELL. Biology lesson in 10th grade. Teacher: Berdnikova E.G. Municipal autonomous educational institution secondary general education. - presentation
Lesson 21. Prokaryotic cell Methodological development of lessons Lesson type - combined Methods: partially search, problem-based
Environmental factors presentation for a biology lesson (grade 11)
Lesson - presentation on biology, grade 11 Slide 0 Lesson - presentation on biology, grade 11
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