Project “The Magical World of Art” in the middle group of preschoolers at MADOU 44 in Tomsk. Author: Evgenia Petrovna Shmal, teacher. Project type: creative, presentation
Examples of finished works, photo gallery Here are several finished works with topics interesting for kids:
Presentation “In the country of the Traffic Light”, grades 1-2
The history of the emergence of traffic rules. History of the traffic light There was a time when the streets and roads
Research project “Alternative Energy Sources”
Alternative energy sources presentation for a lesson on the environment (grade 4) on the topic Slide
Station games, methodological development in English on the topic
Good afternoon, dear readers! Today we will talk about a very popular entertainment at present.
Little swans
Master class for preschool teachers on developing a sense of rhythm in children of senior preschool age
Master class “Game choreography” Master class “Game choreography” Children’s play is a means of active
Summary of direct educational activities in the middle group of kindergarten.
On a visit to Kapelka: direct educational activities in the middle group Mukhatdinova S.S., Tochilina O.L.
Methodological development of a lesson-seminar on history in the 11th grade “The Civil War in Russia: analysis of the opposing forces”
History lesson in 11th grade, Topic: Lessons from the Civil War 1917-1922 Civil War -
Art lesson in 4th grade on the topic: “Architecture” methodological development in fine arts (art) on the topic
A junior architect can easily and freely express his ideas on paper only if he knows how to draw
Lesson summary for preparing for school “Vowel sounds”
a, o, u, i, y, e + 4 unusual letters e, e, yu, i Why unusual? And why e, e, yu, I
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