folklore 1
Project on the topic “Folk holidays in the lives of children”
History of folklore Oral folk art (folklore) existed in the pre-literate era. Works of folklore (riddles,
Lesson summary on fine arts “Cities of the Russian Land” 4th grade
1) How did cities appear in Rus'? Ancient Rus' was called the Country of Cities, Gardarika. Cities
Subject development environment in the preparatory group
Social studies test on the topic “Political sphere of society”
Right: 10th grade. Test: form of state test in social studies (grade 10) on the topic Test
Summary of an open lesson on the topic “The Baptism of Rus' - the discovery of history.”
Presentation “The Baptism of Rus'” presentation for a history lesson (grade 6) on the topic Slide 1
Gutenberg, printing
THE BIRTH OF THE BOOK The presentation was prepared by primary school teacher T.Yu. Ordina. Secondary school 25 with in-depth study of individual subjects named after V.A. Malysheva city - presentation
0 0 0 0 by pavlofox, 11/17/2017 In the article we will tell you how the first ones did
Quiz for teachers of preschool educational institutions “Knowledge of regulatory documents regulating the activities of preschool institutions at the present time”
Intellectual game for children 6-7 years old. Child’s readiness for school Blitz - tournament: “Ready
Summary of a class hour dedicated to Cosmonautics Day “Morning of the Space Age” for elementary school
Conversation: “April 12 - International Cosmonautics Day” class hour (5th grade) Conversation: “April 12
Test in physics “Magnetic field. Electromagnetic induction" 11th grade
Presentation “Age characteristics of children 3–4 years old”
Anatomical and physiological characteristics Let's consider the main indicators of physical development: height 96 cm + 4 cm; weight
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