“Autumn holiday in elementary school” Autumn holiday in elementary school Goals: to develop creative abilities
Summary of the parent meeting “The health of children is in our hands” Only a small number of parents can boast
Relevance In light of modern requirements for teaching the Russian language as a central unit of instruction
UMK in social studies A.F. Nikitin Subject: social studies Class: 10-11 Topic: Business game “Unified State Exam in
Games for schoolchildren during a rhythm lesson. Olga Mikhailovna Vasilenko, Rhythmics Teacher, MAOU “Gymnasium No. 8”,
Application “Fruits” In the preparatory group, children know the names of many fruits and what they look like.
Russian language at school can, perhaps, be considered one of the most important subjects, ignorance
Didactic games on environmental education Didactic games on environmental education for preschool children