Extracurricular event “Golden Autumn” in elementary school

"Autumn holiday in elementary school"

Autumn holiday in elementary school

Goals: to develop the creative abilities of students, to cultivate a love of nature. to instill in students responsibility for the assigned task, to promote the development of the ability to independently obtain and use the necessary information, working with reference and additional literature Objectives: to activate the creative abilities of students while reading literary works, performing song compositions; decorate the assembly hall, taking into account the important role of aesthetic education of students, expand students’ knowledge about the features of the autumn season, taking into account folk traditions, focusing on literary and musical creativity; organize an exhibition of children's creative works made from natural materials; involve parents in organizing and holding the event. Equipment: “Autumn” costume, autumn gifts (fruits, vegetables, pine cones, leaves and mushrooms), various small objects and spoons for playing with the audience, baskets, appliqués made of natural materials, balls for decorating the hall.

Progress of the event:

Teacher: - Hello, dear guys! We are pleased to welcome you to a holiday dedicated to the wonderful time of autumn. All seasons are generous. Spring is green and spares no effort, summer is bright sunshine, winter is white snow. And autumn is probably the richest: with bright colors and a generous harvest. Student 1 In a golden carriage, with playful fire, autumn galloped through the forests and fields. Student 2 The good sorceress changed everything: She decorated the Earth with a bright yellow light. Student 3 From the sky, the sleepy month is surprised at the miracle. Everything around is sparkling, Everything is shimmering Student 4 In the morning we go into the yard - The leaves are falling like rain, rustling under our feet And flying... Flying... Flying... Student 5 Cobwebs fly by with spiders in the middle, And cranes fly high from the ground. Teacher: - The artist - autumn spreads wonderful colors with her brush. Dip his brush into gold paint - and the birches and maples will begin to play; sprinkles with crimson - the tops of aspen and mountain ash trees turn red. Autumn has dressed the mighty oak trees in soft brown caftans. Our artist will sit down on a stump and think, rustling the leaves, has she painted everything in her painted mansion? 1st student: Falling leaves are wandering in the grove, through the bushes and maples, and soon he will look into the garden with a golden ringing sound. 2 student: Let's assemble a fan from leaves, Bright and beautiful. The wind runs through the leaves, Light and playful, 3rd student: And obediently to the wind, the leaves fly away. This means that summer is no more, Autumn is coming. 4 student: Autumn! Glorious time! Kids love autumn. Plums, pears, grapes - Everything is ripe for the guys. And seeing an important watermelon, the children will perk up - And everyone will say cordially: Everyone: Hello, it’s time for autumn! (They sing the song “Autumn has come”) Student: The cranes are flying south. Hello, hello, autumn! Come to the holiday with us, we really, really ask you. Student: Here we are celebrating a joyful holiday, We are cheerfully celebrating, Come, we are waiting for you, Golden Autumn! (Autumn appears to the music) Autumn: Are you talking about me? Here I am! Hello autumn to you, friends! Are you excited to meet me? Do you like the forest outfit - Autumn gardens and parks? Yes, it took me a lot of time and effort for everyone to see nature in such a magnificent attire. And now I can join you at the celebration. Let's sing, dance and have fun together! Student: Hello, autumn, hello, autumn! It's good that you came. We, autumn, will ask you: What did you bring as a gift? Autumn: I brought you flour. Children: So there will be pies. Autumn: I brought you buckwheat! Children: The porridge will be in the oven! Autumn : Brought you vegetables! Children : For both soup and cabbage soup! Autumn : And apples are like honey. Children: For jam, for compote. Autumn: I brought a full deck of honey. Children: You brought apples, you brought bread, you brought honey. And you, autumn, have good weather in store for us? Autumn : Are you happy about the rain? Children : We don’t want it, we don’t need it! Teacher: Attention! Attention! Let's play a word game! They dream of becoming princesses from a book... (girls) - Watch the fight on the sidelines They will never... (boys) - Toenails They paint only... (girls) - Lesha, Kolya, Sevochka They call... (boys) - They love sports, cars, racing Real... (boys) - Seeing a little gray mouse, They will squeal in fear... (girls) - Shedding tears without a break Many are capable of... (girls) - Loading crushed stone into a dump truck They can easily... (boys) - Birdhouse - a home for chicks - Easily put together... ( boys) - Only... (girls) wear summer sundresses. Presenter: (addresses Autumn). You, Autumn, did a lot, but we didn’t waste any time. We worked all summer to harvest a rich harvest of fruits in the fall. Autumn: Our harvest is good, it is abundant: Carrots, potatoes, white cabbage, green zucchini, red tomato. They start a long and serious argument. (dramatization of N. Semenov’s poem “Dispute of Vegetables”) Vegetables: Which of us, among the vegetables, is both tastier and more necessary? Who will be the most useful in all diseases? Polka Dot : (cheerfully) I'm such a pretty little green boy! If I just want, I’ll treat everyone to peas! Beet: (important) Let me say a word, Listen first. You need beets for borscht and for vinaigrette. Eat and treat yourself - There is no better beet! Cabbage: (interrupting) You, beetroot, shut up! Cabbage soup is made from cabbage. And what delicious cabbage pies! Trickster bunnies love stalks. I'll treat the kids to a sweet stump. Radish: I am a ruddy radish, I bow to you low and low. Why praise yourself? I'm already known to everyone! Carrot: It’s a short story about me. Who doesn't know vitamins? Always drink carrot juice and nibble on carrots - then you, my friend, will be strong, strong, and dexterous. Tomato: Don't talk, carrot, nonsense, shut up a little. The most delicious and enjoyable, of course, is tomato juice. Potato: (modestly) I, potato, am so modest - I didn’t say a word... But potatoes are so needed by both big and small! Presenter : It’s time to end the dispute! There is no point in arguing! (a knock is heard on the door. All the vegetables fall silent) Presenter : Someone seems to be knocking... (a student dressed as Aibolit enters) Vegetables : This is Doctor Aibolit! Aibolit : Well, of course, it’s me! What are you arguing about, friends? Vegetables: Which of us, among the vegetables, is tastier and more important than all of us? Who, with all illnesses, will be more useful to everyone? Aibolit: (pacing) To be healthy and strong You must love vegetables Everything, without exception, There is no doubt about it! Each of you has benefit and taste, And I don’t dare to decide: Which of you is tastier, which of you is more needed! Host: How to resolve a vegetable dispute? Do you know about the importance of vegetables in human life? Vegetables are a storehouse of vitamins (from the Latin word “vita”, which means “life”). Thanks to their healing properties, vegetables become doctors for sick people. Carrots and beans treat anemia for those children whose cheeks need to turn pink. Pepper removes scurvy from the body, that is, it treats gums. And lettuce and tomato make fat people lose weight. Cabbage treats stomach ulcers, and turnips, zucchini, eggplants and watermelon help those with liver pain. Grandparents who have high blood pressure turn to pumpkin, parsley and beets for help. More than 120 types of vegetable crops and 70 garden crops are grown in the gardens of our planet. Try to guess riddles about vegetables.

Riddles competition

1) I was born to glory. The head is white and curly. Who loves cabbage soup, borscht - look for Me in them. (Cabbage) 2) Not visible from the garden bed. Plays hide and seek with us. And no one would have found it, but look - the little crest is sticking out! Pull tightly - he will pull out (Turnip) 3) Made everyone around him cry, Although he is not a fighter, but... (Onion) 4) Small, bitter, onion is his brother. (Garlic) 5) Green and thick There is a bush in the last bed. Dig a little - Under the bush - ... (Potato) 6) A curious red nose has grown into the ground up to the top of its head. Only green strands stick out in the garden bed. (Carrot) 7) It is scarlet, sugar, Kaftan is green, velvet. (Watermelon). 8) The yellow chicken is sulking under the tyne. (Pumpkin). 9) I am like the sun, And I love the sun, I turn my head behind the sun. (Sunflower). Host: Well, you know the riddles, but can you guess the vegetables by touch? Competition “Guess the Vegetables and Fruits” (Pieces of vegetables and fruits are placed in an opaque bag. The children are blindfolded, the children try the pieces and guess the vegetable.) Host: Do you know that the faithful three brothers help in autumn’s affairs? The first one is the youngest, makes friends with the warm sun and sea. He is sometimes cheerful, sometimes sad. He will walk through the trees, wave his hand, and begin to recolor the greenery of the trees! Guess: Our school garden is empty, Cobwebs are flying into the distance, And cranes have flocked to the southern edge of the earth. The doors of the schools opened, What month has it come to us? (Children guess that this is the autumn month - September). The student leaves - September. Student On a bush - a bush There are yellow leaves, A cloud hangs in the blue - September is the first month of autumn. - September is the time of departure - September is the sorcerer of light - September is the time of golden autumn - In the old days they said that September is a howler and a frown. But before the gloomy and rainy days, the wonderful time of Indian summer comes - warm and gentle days, when threads of cobwebs, similar to women’s hair, fly in the air. Host: Now it’s time for next month. The month of the first snow and the first cold weather. The face of nature is becoming increasingly gloomy: The vegetable gardens have darkened, the forests are becoming bare, the voices of birds are falling silent. The bear fell into hibernation. What month did he come to us? (children - October, exit) Student: In October, in October Frequent rain in the yard, The grass is dead in the meadows, The grasshopper has fallen silent. Firewood has been prepared for the stoves for the winter. Signs - October is the pre-winter period, the first harsh month of autumn.. But here are the names that the Russian people gave to October: leaf-breaker, mud-eater, wind-blown, wet-tail and also bread-grower - because the bins are full, everything has been removed from the field. Host: They talked about the next month like this: grandson in September, son in October, dear father in winter. The field has become black and white, rain and snow are falling. And it got colder. Ice bound the waters of the rivers. The winter rye is freezing in the field. What month? Tell me? (This month is November. The exit of November) Student: The sky was already breathing autumn, The sun was shining less often, The day was getting shorter, The mysterious shadow of the forest was revealing itself with a sad noise, November is the gate of winter, the month of young, ringing ice. People called November - “breast”. Since the frozen earth lies in dead piles (bumps) on the roads. Presenter: Well done, guys! You know a lot. And now the game “The birds have flown away” The presenter reads poetry, the children listen to him carefully and, if they hear an “extra” word, they begin to clap their hands. The birds flew away: Pigeons, martens. The birds flew away: Pigeons, tits, flies and swifts. The birds flew away: Pigeons, tits, lapwings, siskins, jackdaws and swifts, mosquitoes, cuckoos. The birds flew away: Pigeons, tits, Jackdaws and swifts, Lapwings, hedgehogs. The birds flew away: Pigeons, tits, Jackdaws and swifts, Lapwings, siskins, Storks, cuckoos, Swans and ducks And thanks to the joke. Host: Guys, autumn comes not only with a rich harvest of vegetables and fruits, but also with a basket of mushrooms. Guess which ones. I'm growing up wearing a red cap. Among the aspen roots you will see me a mile away, - My name is... (boletus) I don’t argue, I’m not white, - I, brothers, am simpler. I usually grow up in a birch grove (boletus) Very friendly sisters. We wear berets. We bring autumn to the forest in summer Golden ... (chanterelles) There are no mushrooms more friendly than these, - Adults and children know, - We grow on stumps in the forest, Like freckles on the nose (honey mushrooms) Look, guys: Here are chanterelles, there are honey mushrooms , Well, and this, in the clearing, are poisonous... (toadstools) Even kids know the red and white mushrooms, those that are not friends with flies. Don't take them for dinner - This mushroom is inedible, even though it looks handsome. For a long time they have been called that red mushroom... (fly agaric) Presenter: Now the guys will perform mushroom ditties. 1.Put your ears on top of your heads, Listen carefully, Let’s sing ditties about mushrooms. Very wonderful 2.I was sitting on a tree. I looked at the mushrooms from above. When the wind blew, I fell head over heels from the birch tree. 3.How old are you morel? You look old. The fungus surprised me: “I’m only two days old.” 4. Lenya got up early and collected all the mushrooms in the forest. Boasts of mushrooms with little white dots 5. If only mushrooms grew on the nose, they would cook themselves, and they would roll into the mouth. 6. I walked and walked through the forest, and I found a lot of mushrooms. When I saw the bear, I barely carried my legs away. 7. My friend and I went to the forest and found a huge mushroom there. The two of us dragged him, we barely carried him home. Host: Many changes occur in autumn in living and inanimate nature. We offer you the “Erudite” quiz: 1. What vegetables are called “blue”? /eggplant/ 2.Which vegetable is called “snake grass”?/garlic/ 3.Which vegetable is both sweet and bitter? /pepper/ 4.What forest plants can replace meat in terms of nutritional value? /mushrooms/ 5. For whom is fly agaric not poisonous? /deer, elk/ 6. Do birds collect supplies for the winter? /yes, owls and jays/ 7.Which tree leaves turn red in the fall? /aspen, rowan, maple/ 8.Which forest dweller dries mushrooms on trees? /squirrel/ 9.What birds eat mushrooms? / wood grouse/ 10. Who carries apples on their back? (Hedgehog) 11.Who wears a hat on his leg? (Mushroom) 12. Who gives birth to babies during leaf fall? (For hares) 13.Where do crayfish spend the winter? (Under snags, in the river) 14. What kind of grass do cats like? (To Valerian) 15. No one scares her, but she’s all trembling. (Aspen) 16.Which vegetable (green) has a human name? (Parsley) 17. A herb that even the blind can recognize by touch. (Nettle) Presenter: With the arrival of autumn there is a lot of slush, puddles appear, we will hold a competition “Cross the swamp” (bumps - massage mats) Presenter: The next competition is associated with a beautiful phenomenon - leaf fall. Competition “Dress the Tree” (I use leaves-clothespins) two teams of 5 people Host: Guys, do you know the Russian folk tale about a huge vegetable that the owners couldn’t pull out for a long time? Let's play the game "Turnip". The game involves 2 teams of children of 7 children each. Each team consists of characters from the fairy tale “Turnip” (put the corresponding attributes on their heads): Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, Dog, Cat, Mouse. The teams line up in columns behind Grandfather at one end of the hall. At the other end of the hall, opposite each of the teams, a “turnip” is placed on the floor. At the signal, the “grandfathers” begin the game. They each run to their “turnip”, run around it, return to their team, take their “grandmothers” by the hand, run to the “turnip”, run around it, return to their team, take their “granddaughters” by the hand - the three of them run, etc. d. The winner is the team that, moving in a chain (all characters hold hands), does not break this chain and whose “mouse” is the first to grab the “turnip”. Presenter: Well done! Our holiday has come to an end. We thank all participants and wish you health and a good autumn mood.

competitions for the autumn holiday material on the topic

Competitions for the autumn holiday.

TELL US WHAT IS THIS? Children stand in a circle, in the center of the circle is the driver with the ball. He throws the ball to any child and says one of the words: “Vegetable”, “Berry” or “Fruit”. The child, having caught the ball, quickly names a familiar vegetable, berry or fruit accordingly. Whoever makes a mistake leaves the game.

WHAT IS MISSING? Fruits are drawn on the tablet in several rows (for example: apple, pear, orange). In each row, the fruits are arranged in a different order. The presenter closes any fruit in any row and asks: “What’s missing?” Children must name the fruit that is closed. Options: instead of fruits - vegetables, berries, mushrooms, tree leaves.

PICK MUSHROOMS! They play in twos. Each participant is given an empty basket. There are silhouettes of mushrooms on the floor. Children take turns taking the silhouette of a mushroom, name any mushroom they know, and put it in a basket. The one who “collected” the most mushrooms wins.

EAT AN APPLE! Two parent volunteers hold a rope with tied apples hanging from it. The game involves 2 children. They are asked to eat an apple hanging on a rope without touching it with their hands. Who is faster?

TURNIP Two teams of 6 children each participate. This is grandfather, grandmother, Bug, granddaughter, cat and mouse. There are 2 chairs on the opposite wall of the hall. On each chair sits a “turnip” - a child wearing a hat with a picture of a turnip. Grandfather starts the game. At a signal, he runs to the “turnip”, runs around it and returns, the grandmother clings to him (takes him by the waist), and they continue running together, again go around the “turnip” and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, etc. At the end of the game, a “turnip” clings to the mouse. The team that pulls out the turnip the fastest wins.

COLLECT THE CONES! The game involves two people. They each take a basket in their hands. 10 - 12 cones are scattered on the floor. At the signal, the children begin to collect them in their baskets. The one who collects the most cones wins.

SORTING VEGETABLES! Two people play. On one side of the hall there are two buckets in which carrots and potatoes are mixed. Each child, at a signal, runs with a basket to the bucket and selects either carrots or potatoes into his basket and returns back. Whoever completes the task faster wins.

FEED A FRIEND! You can use apples or carrots in the game. Two players sit on chairs opposite each other. They are blindfolded and given an apple. They start feeding each other. The one who eats the apple the fastest wins.

GATHER THE WEEDS! The game involves 3 people. Paper vines, cornflowers and dandelion leaves are scattered around the hall. Children are given a bucket. At a signal, they must collect the weeds in buckets: one - vines, another - leaves, the third - cornflowers. The child who completes the task faster than others wins.

COLLECT LEAVES! The game involves 2 children. On 2 trays there are 1 maple leaf, cut into pieces. On command, children collect the piece of paper piece by piece while listening to music. The winner is the one who is the first to make a leaf from scattered particles.

COLLECT POTATOES WITH A SPOON! The game involves two people. 6-8 potatoes are scattered on the floor. Each child has a basket and a wooden spoon. At the signal, you need to collect the potatoes with a spoon, one at a time, and put them in the basket. The child who collects the most potatoes in a certain time wins.

CROSS THE PUDDLE IN GALOSHEES! Two children participate. “Puddle” is a carpet in the center of the room. At a signal, children put on galoshes and run from one end of the carpet to the other and back. The one who runs faster wins.

TRANSPORT THE HARVEST FROM THE FIELD! On one side of the hall there are 2 trucks, on the other side, models of onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets and potatoes, 2 pieces of each, are laid out on the floor. Two people play in the game. At a signal, they drive trucks to the opposite side of the hall, fill them with vegetables and return back. The one who completes the task faster wins. A more difficult option: transport one vegetable at a time.

STEAM LOT Two teams participate in it. Fake mushrooms are laid out on the floor. At a signal, the team runs around the mushrooms like a snake along a “winding path” (each child holds on to the shoulders of the one in front). The winner is the team that: - did not drop a single mushroom; — did not lose a single participant; — got to the finish line faster.

FRUIT ON A ROPE Two stands with a rope stretched between them are placed at the opposite wall of the hall. Apples and pears are tied to a rope by sticks. The child is blindfolded. He must reach the racks, cut off any fruit with scissors and guess it by touch.

TELL US WHAT IS THIS? Children stand in a circle, in the center of the circle is the driver with the ball. He throws the ball to any child and says one of the words: “Vegetable”, “Berry” or “Fruit”. The child, having caught the ball, quickly names a familiar vegetable, berry or fruit accordingly. Whoever makes a mistake leaves the game.

WHAT IS MISSING? Fruits are drawn on the tablet in several rows (for example: apple, pear, orange). In each row, the fruits are arranged in a different order. The presenter closes any fruit in any row and asks: “What’s missing?” Children must name the fruit that is closed. Options: instead of fruits - vegetables, berries, mushrooms, tree leaves.

PICK MUSHROOMS! They play in twos. Each participant is given an empty basket. There are silhouettes of mushrooms on the floor. Children take turns taking the silhouette of a mushroom, name any mushroom they know, and put it in a basket. The one who “collected” the most mushrooms wins.

EAT AN APPLE! Two parent volunteers hold a rope with tied apples hanging from it. The game involves 2 children. They are asked to eat an apple hanging on a rope without touching it with their hands. Who is faster?

TURNIP Two teams of 6 children each participate. This is grandfather, grandmother, Bug, granddaughter, cat and mouse. There are 2 chairs on the opposite wall of the hall. On each chair sits a “turnip” - a child wearing a hat with a picture of a turnip. Grandfather starts the game. At a signal, he runs to the “turnip”, runs around it and returns, the grandmother clings to him (takes him by the waist), and they continue running together, again go around the “turnip” and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, etc. At the end of the game, a “turnip” clings to the mouse. The team that pulls out the turnip the fastest wins.

CHENS AND COCKERS Three pairs collect grains (beans, peas, pumpkin seeds) scattered on the floor within one minute. Those who collect the most win.

WHAT KIND OF VEGETABLES ARE THIS? Blindfolded, the players must taste the vegetables that are offered to them.

PLANT AND HARVEST! Equipment: 8 hoops, 2 buckets, 4-5 potatoes, 2 watering cans. 2 teams of 4 people each participate. The 1st participant “plows the ground” (puts down hoops). The 2nd participant “plants potatoes” (puts potatoes in the hoop). The 3rd participant “waters the potatoes” (runs around each hoop with a watering can). The 4th participant “harvests” (collects potatoes in a bucket). The faster team wins.

DRAW PEAS! The player must, blindfolded, draw the peas so that they do not go beyond the line of the pod.

UNLOAD THE CAR! Children are invited to unload the “cars” with “vegetables”. The machines are placed against one wall, and two baskets are placed opposite them against the other wall. One player at a time stands near the baskets and, at a signal, runs to the cars. You can carry vegetables one at a time. Vegetables must be the same in all machines, both in quantity and volume. Other participants can then "load" the machines; In this case, the players stand near the cars, run to the baskets at a signal and carry the vegetables into the cars. Machines can be boxes, chairs; vegetables - skittles, cubes, etc.

SCARECROW Musical accompaniment sounds. Children, each of whom is a “scarecrow,” go out to the middle of the hall and spread their arms to the sides. If the presenter says: “Sparrow!”, then you need to wave your hands. If the presenter says: “Crow!” - You have to clap your hands. Mushroom picker The driver (“mushroom picker”) is blindfolded. Mushroom children are running around the hall. If they come across a fly agaric, the children shout: “Don’t take it!” The winner is the one who “collects” more “mushrooms” within a certain time. CAT IN A BAG You need to identify the vegetable or fruit by touch without removing it from the bag.

MAPLE LEAF Two children participate in the game. On 2 trays there are 1 maple leaf, cut into pieces. On command, children collect the piece of paper piece by piece while listening to music. The winner is the one who is the first to make a leaf from scattered particles. GUESSING GAME There are pieces of different vegetables or fruits in a cup. The child is blindfolded and must determine what it is by taste.

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