Software requirements for creating “Mushrooms” applications in the middle group
Applique classes in kindergarten should be given attention. This type of creativity requires more
Open lesson on the topic “The midline of a triangle.”
The middle line of the triangle is a lesson plan for a lesson in geometry (8th grade) on the topic Methodological development of a lesson
Giant planets and small Pluto The group of giant planets includes: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Summary of a 5th grade natural history lesson on the topic “Giant Planets” - presentation
Fruit mathematics - a game for the development of mental arithmetic and mental arithmetic
How to quickly count in your head: techniques for mentally counting large numbers
Mental counting has existed as long as humanity has existed. At different times, quick counting skills
Lesson summary on literary reading by A.P. Chekhov “White-fronted” (3rd grade)
White-fronted. A. P. Chekhov Home All authors Home → A. P. Chekhov →
Fauna of mixed forest. Presentation “Animals of forests” presentation for a lesson on the surrounding world (grade 3) on the topic Presentation of vegetation of a mixed forest without animals
Slide captions: Forest animals Description, features of the appearance of forest animals. Hedgehog small hedgehog
Game “Field of Miracles” on the theme “Our Land” for 5th grade.
Extracurricular activity in the Russian language - the game “Field of Miracles” for grades 5-6. A game
Shuttle run
Shuttle run. Execution technique, rules and regulations
≡ September 25, 2020 · Category: Cardio Shuttle running is one of the running disciplines
Summary of an open lesson on drawing in an unconventional way for children of the second junior group “Let's draw needles for a hedgehog”
Lesson notes 2 junior drawing group “Hedgehog” Lesson notes on visual arts in
Intellectual game in an English lesson in 5th grade
Extracurricular lesson in English Lesson notes on extracurricular activities in 2nd grade Topic
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