Intellectual game in an English lesson in 5th grade

Extracurricular English lesson

Lesson notes on extracurricular activities in 2nd grade

Lesson topic: My name is... What is your name?

Purpose and objectives of the lesson

1. Goal: Creating conditions for children to develop interest in foreign language culture. Ensuring maximum assistance in the development of the potential of the child’s personality and ability to think creatively.

Objectives: - educational: familiarization with works of children's literature from English-speaking countries; consolidation of the topic “Acquaintance”; activation of lexical units on the topic “Fairytale Land”. — developing: developing students’ interest in the English language through play activities and dramatization. — educational: instilling in students a respectful attitude towards the culture of their country and English-speaking countries.

2. Type of lesson: combined.

3. Forms of student work: playful, individual, mass, dramatization.

4. Necessary technical equipment: computer, screen.

5. These tasks on the topic “Acquaintance” are aimed at developing the following universal learning actions (UAL):

1. Cognitive UUD:

 structuring knowledge;

 conscious and voluntary construction of a speech utterance in oral and written form;

 reflection on methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activity;

 synthesis - composing a whole from parts, including independent completion with the completion of missing components;

 establishing cause-and-effect relationships;

 building a logical chain of reasoning.

2. Regulatory UUD:

 planning – determining the sequence of intermediate goals taking into account the final result; drawing up a plan and sequence of actions;

 control in the form of comparison of the method of action and its result with a given standard in order to detect deviations and differences from the standard;

 correction – making the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action in the event of a discrepancy between the standard, the actual action and its product;

3.Communicative UUD:

 Possession of certain verbal and non-verbal means of communication;

 Ability to listen to the interlocutor. Understanding the possibility of different positions and points of view on any subject or issue;

 Orientation towards the position of other people, different from one’s own, respect for a different point of view;

 Reflection on one’s actions as a fairly complete reflection of the subject content and conditions of the actions being carried out,

 The ability to construct statements that are understandable to a partner, taking into account what he knows and sees and what he does not.

4. Personal UUD:

When performing these exercises, students develop mainly the following personal universal learning actions:

Formation of value guidelines and meanings of educational activities based on:

 development of cognitive interests, educational motives;

 formation of a sense of beauty and aesthetic feelings based on familiarity with world and domestic artistic culture.

Stages of the lesson and goals of each of them

Teacher activities

Student activity

Time (in minutes)


Organizational stage: Goal: organizing the educational activities of students.

— Good morning, children!

- I am glad to see you too, how are you?

- I am fine, thank you, sit down, please.

- Good morning, good morning, Good morning to you! Good morning, good morning, I am glad to see you! - Fine! And you?



Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson:

Purpose: to familiarize students with the activity plan for the lesson.

Phonetic exercises Purpose: preparing the articulatory apparatus for pronouncing the sounds of the English language.

Today in class we meet a guest from England who will introduce us to English fairy tales. We will repeat the theme “Getting Acquainted”, “Animals” and make a surprise for our guest - we will show the fairy tale “Teremok”, but only in English, since he does not know Russian. Now, let's stretch our tongues listen to me and repeat after me.

Students in choir repeat the tongue twister after the teacher. Why do you cry, Willy? Why do you cry? Why, Willy? Why, Willy? Why, Willy? Why?




Updating knowledge Goal: development of communication and speech skills; repetition of the theme “Getting Acquainted”

There's a knock on the door. T. — Come in, please. Meet our guest. His name is Jack. He is from England. He lives in London. "Acquaintance". J. – Hello, children! T. - Children, there are many of you, but Jack is alone. Let's help him get to know you and remember your names better. Let's play the game!

- Hello, Jack!



Game "Dating".

T. – Stand up, children. Come to me. Children go to the board and stand in a circle. In the center of the circle stands Jack with a ball. The guest takes turns throwing the ball to the children and asking them questions. The children answer. J. – Hello! J. – What is your name?

- Hello!

- My name is...

- I'm...



Primary assimilation of new knowledge.

T. – And now our guest wants to tell you about children’s fairy tales, which children in England are very fond of. On the screen is a slideshow with illustrations of fairy tales. The guest names them in English.

Students repeat the names of fairy tales in English and try to guess the fairy tale and try to translate the name of the fairy tale on their own.



Physical education lesson Goal: expanding visual activity, relieving fatigue in class

T. – Very well! Good for you! Let`s have a rest. Stand up, please. Game "UP-DOWN"

Children play the famous game "Up and Down"



Dramatization of the fairy tale “Teremok” Purpose: development of creative abilities of students; strengthening interest in the language being studied.

T. – Children, you are great. You showed how well you know fairy tales. But, unfortunately, our guest does not understand Russian at all! Let's show him the fairy tale “Teremok” in English that the guest can understand.

Students dramatize the fairy tale “Teremok”.



Reflection: Goal: to remember, identify and understand the main components of activity: its meaning, types, methods, problems, ways to solve them, results obtained.

T. – So, today we repeated how to greet and introduce ourselves in English. Remind me how? We got acquainted with the names of fairy tales in English. Who can name them for me? Now attach the petals to our flower, blue if you really liked the activity, yellow if something was unclear, brown if you didn’t like the activity. T. – And now, our lesson is over. thank you and good bye, children.

Students optionally answer - Hello! What is your name? My name is... I'm... Children's answers.

Students come to the board and attach petals. Children say goodbye to teacher

and with guests.


Extracurricular English lesson (5th grade)

A Crop Holiday



  1. generalization of lexical material and replenishment of vocabulary on the topic “Vegetables and fruits”
  2. teaching the perception of English oral speech.


  1. development of conversational skills and use of vocabulary in oral speech on the topic “Vegetables and fruits”
  2. development of independent and group work skills
  3. expanding the cognitive horizons of students
  4. development of linguistic, intellectual, creative abilities of students


  1. developing group interaction skills

Preparatory work. To conduct the lesson, you need to prepare visuals and handouts: pictures of fruits and vegetables, the fruits and vegetables themselves for the task with the magic tree, cards with words cut in half. Invited guests - parents and teachers - act as a jury.

Progress of the event.

Teacher: A lot of fruits and vegetables have grown in our garden, and today we have a lot of work ahead of us: we need to collect a large harvest from the trees and beds and make preparations for the winter. Let's take a look and name in English what is growing in our garden!

(The teacher shows pictures of fruits and vegetables, the children name them.)

An extraordinary magical tree grew in our garden; fruits and vegetables ripened on it at the same time! (Any participant can act as a magic tree; give him a basket of fruits.)

Let's dance together around the Magic Tree and sing a funny song to it. (During the song, the student who plays the role of the tree shows everyone else a fruit or vegetable, and the students insert the word for that vegetable or fruit into the lyrics.)

One, two, three, four.

Can I have a little more?

Five, six, seven, eight.

Put some pears on my plate…

(The magic tree points the children to another fruit or vegetable, and thus the words of the song change.)

Our magic tree can talk! Make a wish for your favorite fruit or vegetable and ask it - it will give it to you. Children approach the Magic Tree and ask it questions.

Student: Tree! Do you know what I want? It is small and green.

Magic tree: Yes! I do. Do you want a plum (a melon, an apple…)

Student: No, I don,t. (Yes, I do)

The magic tree gives the student what he wished for, they change places. The one who was a participant becomes a Magic Tree, and the one who was a tree becomes a participant and wishes for a fruit or vegetable. All participants have the opportunity to take on different roles.

Teacher: See how kind our Magic Tree is! How many different fruits and vegetables it gave us. We need to put our harvest in a big basket. The magic tree will name the colors, and you must throw only vegetables and fruits of this color into the basket.

The magic tree lists the colors, and the participants throw the vegetables and fruits “collected” in the previous competition into the basket. If the tree says “green,” those children who happen to have fruits and vegetables such as a green apple, green onion or zucchini run up.

Well, we have reaped our harvest! Only leaves remained on the branches of our tree. And they forgot to look under the tree! There are so many different fruits lying here... They crumbled into halves! But we know how all these vegetables and fruits can be combined! (The teacher distributes to the participants sheets on which the names of various fruits are written, only they were previously cut into two parts and mixed. The children’s task is to connect the halves of the sheets and restore the correct names.)

The following “words” are written on separate pieces of paper - app, pe, po, toma, cucum, cab, ora, apri, on, car, mar, che, pl, ban, le, ar, tato, ber, bage, nge, ion , rot, row, rry, um, ana. The resulting words should be: apple, pear, potato, tomato, cucumber, cabbage, orange, onion, carrot, marrow, cherry, plum, banana.

Teacher: Well done, you completed this task quickly. You have collected the harvest, now we need to separate the fruits from the vegetables - they are all mixed in the basket. In the previous game, we formed pairs, and each pair has halves of a sheet with the name of the fruit. On command, the first pair must hold hands, jump to the basket with the harvest, find the corresponding fruit and take it to the “Fruits” sign or to the “Vegetables” sign. Then the next pair does the same.

And now the next competition! We formed two teams - “Fruits and vegetables”. Now each team must select vegetables and fruits for their salad, which you will submit to us for the competition. If you are missing some vegetable or fruit, you can ask the second team for it in English: Please, give me... On the table of each team are vegetables and fruits, a vegetable peeler, a grater, salt, sugar, mayonnaise, and a salad bowl. At a given signal, participants begin preparing the salad.

Teacher: So, the time is up, and our chefs need to present their salad, and the jury will evaluate the appearance, originality, and taste of the dish. (Children tell the recipe in English.)

Teacher: Guys, you did a great job, you collected all the harvest in the garden, sorted all the fruits and vegetables, and prepared salads from them. I invite everyone to the table - let's taste the results of your work together.

The lesson is an entertaining event with game elements, but at the same time it is a control lesson on the topic studied - a reporting event. I conducted this event in 5th grade at the end of the 1st quarter with the goal of reviewing vocabulary on the topic “Fruits and Vegetables.” The event was attended by English teachers from the District Methodological Association of Foreign Language Teachers of the Kanash region of the Chuvash Republic. I would like to express my deep gratitude to the author and compiler of the collection “Extracurricular Activities in English for Students in Grades 5-8,” Marina Aleksandrovna Trofimova. All those invited really enjoyed this event.

List of used literature:

1) Biboletova M.Z., Trubaneva N.N. English language course program for the teaching and learning complex English with pleasure/Enjoy English for grades 2-11 of a general education institution - Title, 2008.

2) Extracurricular activities in English for students in grades 5-8. Holidays, competitions, thematic events, performances, games and entertaining tasks./ M.A. Trofimova-M.: Globus, 2008

Integrated extracurricular lesson in mathematics and English, grade 6

Abstract of an integrated extracurricular lesson in mathematics and English for grade 6 “Quiz: There is no third option”
Author: Yulia Ryamilyevna Pestova, teacher of mathematics and English MBOU “Secondary School No. 76”, Ulyanovsk Description of work: This abstract is intended for conducting an extracurricular lesson in mathematics and English for 6th grade students.
The lesson can be taught by two teachers, and if the teacher has knowledge of both English and mathematics, then the lesson can be taught by one teacher. The English teacher translates each spoken line into Russian, or asks the students to do so. Integrated extracurricular lesson in mathematics and English Quiz “There is no third option”
Type of lesson: integrated (discovery of new knowledge) Goals: - Formation of a vision of mathematical patterns in everyday life. — Formation and development of logical, abstract and spatial thinking. — Activation of phonetic, lexical, reading and speaking skills. — Developing interest in learning mathematics and English. Objectives: Educational:
1. Implementation of interdisciplinary connections;
2. Formation of speech and logical skills; 3. Activation of previously studied lexical units and enrichment of students’ vocabulary; 4. Acquaintance with one of the laws of logic - the law of excluded middle. Developmental:
1. Broadening the horizons of students;
2. Development of the ability to switch thinking; 3. Development of skills to carry out reflective activities. Educational
: Formation of the need and ability for cooperation and mutual assistance when working in teams.
Lesson equipment: - projector; — multimedia screen; — electronic presentation; - Handout. Within the framework of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard, the following universal educational actions : 1) personal - self-determination, a positive attitude towards the process of cognition, orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships.
2) regulatory – planning a solution to a learning task, identifying and realizing by students what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, assessing the quality and level of learning. 3) cognitive – reproduce from memory the information necessary to solve an educational task, structure the acquired knowledge, discuss problematic issues. 4) communicative educational activities - participation in educational dialogue, cooperation in joint problem solving, work in a group. Progress of the lesson:
I. Organizational moment. Introduction to the topic of the lesson. (3 min) Teacher: introductory speech Teacher: Good morning, dear friends. We are glad to see you today at our lesson. It will be an unusual lesson and you should be very attentive. Hello, dear friends. We are very glad to see you in our lesson. This will be an unusual lesson and you must be very careful. I have got a letter from a famous magician David Copperfield. He is asking you to make a negative sentence to his message. I received a letter from the famous wizard David Copperfield. He asks you to write a negative sentence to his message “David has got a black cat.” What is your answer? What's your answer? Children: David has not got a black cat.

Teacher: Say me, please. Have you thought if the message is false or true? Please tell me, have you ever wondered whether David Copperfield's message is true or false? Children: No, we haven’t thought about it. Teacher: So today we will learn to make and use true and false sentences correctly not only in English, but also in Maths. So, today we will learn how to correctly construct and use true and false sentences not only in English, but also in mathematics. II. Introduction to theoretical material (7 min) Teacher: When people argue about something, some of them consider some statement to be true, while others consider it false. Thus, for many centuries, scientists have argued about whether the statement “The sun revolves around the Earth” is true or false. A few centuries ago, everyone was sure that this statement was true, and quite obvious (“seen with the eyes”). And it took more than one century to prove the hypothesis of Nicolaus Copernicus (1473 - 1543), which denies this seemingly “obvious” statement. In general, when two people argue, one of them claims that a certain statement is true, and the other denies this opinion, he has the opposite opinion. For example, if in a test a student wrote that 6 x 9 = 45, and the teacher crossed out this equality, then he and the student have opposite opinions about the product 6 x 9. We can say that the statements 6 x 9 = 45 and 6 x 9 does not equal 45 deny each other, and each of them is called the negation of the other. Here are some more examples of sentences where in each pair one is the negation of the other:

Both in life and in mathematics, you have to deal with negations at every step, so it is very important to learn how to correctly formulate the negation for any given sentence. In principle, this is not difficult: to do this, it is enough to attribute the words “It is not true that” at the beginning of this statement. For example, the negation of the sentence “Katya has a brother” can be formulated as “It is not true that Katya has a brother,” but, of course, in ordinary speech they say “Katya has no brother.” So, to formulate a negation, they act in two steps: first, they mentally attach the words “It is not true that” to the sentence, and then they “process” the resulting negation so that it sounds good in Russian - one might say, they translate it from Russian “ mathematical" language into literary Russian.

Thus, the task of formulating a negation is in a sense a task from the grammar of the language, and for its solution it does not matter whether the sentence we are negating is true or false. For example, we did not check whether the number 135 is prime, and we certainly cannot say whether Katya has a brother, since we do not know which Katya we are talking about. However, this did not prevent us from formulating a negation of these proposals. By the way, when doing exercises in a foreign language, do we really think about whether the sentence that is proposed to be written in negative form is true or false? The main thing is that if a given statement is true, then its negation is false, and vice versa - if a given statement is false, then its negation is true. In other words, one of two statements - either the given statement or its negation - is necessarily true. This fact is a law of logic, and it has a special name - the law of excluded middle: either the statement itself is true or its negation (there are two possibilities). And therefore the law of the excluded middle is often pronounced in Latin: tertlum non datur (tertium non datur - “there is no third”). Of course, a statement and its negation cannot both be true at the same time - the negation just says that the statement is false, that is, the statement and its negation contradict each other. Therefore, if as a result of the reasoning we found that both the statement and its negation are true, then we received a contradiction, and, therefore, an error was made in the reasoning. In mathematics we often have to construct the negation of general statements and statements about existence. At the same time, the formulation of the negation should not only be literate from the point of view of the Russian language, but also convenient for further use in reasoning. The simplest technique is to put “not” before the predicate - in this case it does not work, it can lead to a serious mistake. So, if we formulate, using this technique, the negation of the statement “All natural numbers are divisible by 3,” we will get “All natural numbers are not divisible by 3,” or, in other words, “No natural number is divisible by 3.” But the original statement is false (counterexample is the number 1), and the second one is also false (counterexample is the number 3), and this cannot happen according to the law of excluded middle. As a result of using the general technique of putting the words “It is not true that” in front of a given sentence, the sentence “It is not true that all natural numbers are divisible by 3” is obtained. This sentence means that not all natural numbers are divisible by 3, or, equivalently, that some natural numbers are not divisible by 3. Thus, we have an existence statement: “There is at least one natural number that is not divisible by 3.” " This is the negation of this statement. General statements can have other forms of expression in language. Consider another example where the original general statement has a more complex form: “No bear can swim.” It means the same thing as "All bears can't swim." And his denial, “It is not true that all bears cannot swim,” means that some bears can swim. And again we got the existence statement: “There are bears that can swim.” Conclusion: The negation of a general statement is a statement of existence. Indeed, the general statement states that all objects in question have some property. Therefore, its negation means that not all objects have this property. III. Initial mastery of theoretical material (3 min) Teacher: David would like to play with you. He sent two statements for you. David wants to play with you. He sent two sayings for you. 1. A watermelon is only striped. 2. Bicycle wheels may be square. Who can translate? Children: 1. Watermelon only comes in stripes. 2. The bicycle may have square wheels. Teacher: For the realization of his magic you must say if the statement is common or about existence and make the negative sentences to these statements correctly. In order for the magic to come true, you must say which statement is general and which is about existence, and it is necessary to correctly construct negations for these statements. Children: 1. General statement, because. this means that all watermelons are striped. Negation: It is not true that all watermelons are striped. This means that there is no striped watermelon. 2. Statement about existence, because this means that there is a bicycle with square wheels. Negation: It is not true that there is a bicycle with square wheels. Teacher: Excellent. Fabulous. You helped David Copperfield make his magic happen.

IV. Quiz (15 min) Teacher: And now David wants you to do a little magic yourself in teams. He gives you a little quiz. You will be given 20 seconds to prepare your answer. I. Construct negations of statements using the words “It is not true that”, and then paraphrase them in a simpler form:
1. The Moon is a satellite of the Earth.
(It is not true that the Moon is a satellite of the Earth. The Moon is not a satellite of the Earth). 2. Fly agarics grow in the forest. (It is not true that fly agarics grow in the forest. Fly agarics do not grow in the forest). 3. Watermelon is a vegetable or fruit. (It is not true that watermelon is a vegetable or a fruit. Watermelon is neither a vegetable nor a fruit). 4. No buns or shortcakes were brought to the buffet. (It is not true that they did not bring any buns or shortcakes to the buffet. They brought both buns and shortcakes to the buffet). 5. There are crocodiles in the Moscow River. (It is not true that there are crocodiles in the Moscow River. There are no crocodiles in the Moscow River.) II.
Prove that the statement is false and construct its negation. 1. The number 0 is a natural number.
(Natural numbers are 1, 2, 3, 4, ... The number 0 is not a natural number.) 2. The number 1 is prime. (Prime numbers are only divisible by themselves and by one. The number 1 is not prime.) 3. There are no other numbers between numbers 2 and 3. (It is not true that there are no other numbers between the numbers 2 and 3. For example, 5/2). 4. The number 53,535,353 is divisible by 3 or 5. (This number is not divisible by 3, since the sum of the digits is 32 and it is divisible by 5, since it does not end in either 0 or 5. Number 53,535,353 is not divisible by either 3 or 5). 5. An improper fraction is less than one. (It is not true that an improper fraction is less than one. For example, 3/2). III.
Find false general statements and construct a negation for each of them. 1. All birds can swim.
(There are birds that cannot swim). 2. A cart always has four wheels. (There are carts that do not have four wheels.) 3. Petya sits at the same desk with Sasha. 4. A brother is always older than his sister. (Some brothers are younger than their sisters). 5. Any medal has two sides. 6. Some police officers are women. 7. It snowed heavily on Friday. 8. Sometimes dogs are friends with cats. 9. There are no parrots that cannot speak. (There are parrots that cannot speak). 10. Any clock is always in a hurry. (There are clocks that do not hurry). IV. Teacher: Children, David would like to open his secret. Guys, David Copperfield liked you so much that he decided to tell you his secret - his real name. But only those who correctly write down the letters corresponding to the true statements, line by line, will be able to find out. ( Seth Kotkin

V. Solving logical problems (6 min) Teacher: Guys, David suggests considering the application of the law of excluded middle when solving logical problems. But since he doesn’t know Russian, we need your help. Teacher: He suggested to guess a natural number less than 20 and his friends said: Thomas: “It's number 9.” Richard: “It is a simple number.” Andrew: “It is an even number.” Michael: “It is number 15.” Thomas and Richard have one true statement. Andrew and Michael have the same situation. Which number was given by David?

David thought of a natural number, less than 20, about which his friends said: Thomas: “This is the number 9” Richard: “This is a prime number” Andrew: “This is an even number” Michael: “This is the number 15” Thomas and Richard made one true statement; like Andrey and Mikhail. What number did David have in mind? Children (with the help of Teacher): If Thomas has the truth, then Andrei and Mikhail are lies. If Michael has the truth, then Thomas and Richard are both lies. So Richard and Andrey have the truth. This is an even and prime number - number 2. Teacher: Guys, try to solve the following logical problem, based on the law of excluded middle, in teams. Problem 1:
Kolya, Borya, Vova and Yura took the first four places in the competition.
When asked what places they took, three of them answered: 1) Kolya - neither first nor fourth; 2) Borya took second place; 3) Vova was not the last. What place did each boy take? (Borya - 2nd place, Kolya - neither 1st nor 4th, which means Kolya took 3rd place, Vova is not last, which means he took 1st place, Yura - 4th place.) Task 2:
Three pies were baked for Misha, Petya and Vasya: with apples, cabbage and meat.
Vasya does not like pies with cabbage, and Petya does not like pies with meat and does not eat with cabbage. Which pie did each boy eat? (Petya - with apples, Vasya - with meat, Misha - with cabbage). VI. Summing up (2 min) Teacher: Guys, our lesson has come to an end. Please tell us what you learned and learned in class today? Children: Learned the law of the excluded middle, learned to use it when solving logical problems. Teacher: Did the knowledge of English help you on the lesson? Did your knowledge of English help you in class? Children: Yes. The teacher invites you to express your opinion about the lesson by completing the following sentences: 1. Today it was new for me…. 2. What I liked most was…. Teachers determine the team with the most medals. Teacher: We received the message from Copperfield. He likes you very much and sent the presents for you. Teacher: We received a message from David Copperfield. He liked you very much, and so he sent small gifts for you.

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Lesson No. 1 of extracurricular activities in English

Scenario for an extracurricular English lesson No. 1


Korotkova Olga Yurievna


Let's get acquainted

Purpose of the lesson

: formation of communication skills and teaching skills.


Formation of dialogical speech skills.

Develop speaking skills, linguistic and cognitive abilities.

Foster a culture of communication.

Planned results:


They will get the opportunity to get acquainted with a new subject.

They will have the opportunity to remember the words of greeting and farewell.

They will gain experience in listening to new foreign language speech.

Educational form of the lesson:

conversation, game, reflection;

Educational and methodological support for the lesson:

handouts (pictures with dolls)

Stages of a training session

Organizational and motivational stage.

The purpose of the stage: to motivate students for educational activities.

Ways to organize student activities Content of students' activities

“Good morning, children! I'm glad to see you."

- Just now, children, I greeted you in English and asked you to sit down. We are starting to learn English. I'm your teacher. My name is Olga Yurievna. Let's get acquainted.

- Look, guys, what I brought with me to class.
This is a magic box, and it is not empty. Want to know what's in it? Kenny lives in it, who will help you in class. It 's Kenny . _ Hello Kenny ! _ Kenny speaks a different language. Do you know what kind of language this is? English .
Let's say hello to Kenny and introduce ourselves.
- Hello , Kenny ! I'm (name).
-And now look here. It's Molly. It's Billy. Say: Hello, Molly! Hello Billy!

Listen to their Hello song.
( track 03) Let's sing together. Listen to me and repeat after me. Listen to me and repeat after me.
Let's sing the song.

Go to the table,

Sit down, please.

Go to the Table,

One, two, three.

Children stand in a circle. Listen carefully and repeat the words of greeting.

- They say their names.

Listen carefully and answer questions.

Children greet the doll, shake its hand and say their name.

Listen to a song.

They listen to the words of the song line by line and repeat after me.

They sing a song and wave when the hero's name is called.

They sit down at their desks.

Control and evaluation activities of the teacher:

pedagogical observation.

Educational and didactic support:

clarity (pictures of domestic and wild animals)

Stage of organizing educational activities.

The purpose of the stage: to form an idea of ​​​​the difference between wild and domestic animals.

Ways to organize student activities Content of students' activities
1- Well, now you know how to make acquaintances. Now let's do some work. You have printouts with new characters on your desks. Look at them carefully. What's special about you?

- This is not an ordinary kitten, but a magical one.
He lives on a magical farm where a lot of interesting things happen. Kenny has two very good friends. It's Molly. It 's Billy .
_ - Now let's draw a little. Your task is to color the characters and make a doll almost like mine.

- Now let's play a game called ' Who am I ?'. To do this you need to stand in a circle.

Stand in a circle,

Stand with me.

Stand in a circle,

One, two, three.

The leader stands in the center of the circle and closes his eyes. I point to one of you, and the one I point to greets the leader. How are we going to say hello? The presenter needs to guess who greeted him and say his name.

The entire print is black and white, and Kenny's heart is red.

They color the pictures and make dolls out of them.
At this time they listen to Hello song .
Stand around

Hello, (name)!

It's (name).

Open extracurricular lesson in English, grade 3, on the topic “Food” - plan - lesson notes

Extracurricular activity for 3rd grade on the topic “Food”


: Pin the topic.


: practice vocabulary; concepts of “countable and uncountable nouns”; work on the use of the words some, any; teach the basics of healthy eating.


: ICT, resources, presentation, electronic board, cards.

During the classes:

1) Greetings

: Good morning, children!
— answer: Good morning, teacher! on the board slide 1
(1 m)

2) Conversation

: How are you? (children respond with different emotions) - Fine, thanks! It's ok! So-so! I'm happy! And I'm happy to see you to! (And I'm glad to see you!) (4m)(5)

3) On the board slide 2, 3

(picture “food”). Look at the blackboard, please! What can you see there? Please take a look at the board! What do you see? Answer: apple! milk! orange!...Children name the products. What do all these words have in common? Children express opinions (fruits, vegetables, drinks,!) Right! What theme of the lesson we study today? Right! So what topic are we studying today? Children answer: Food! (3m)(9)

4) Let's play!

What words do we know! Let's play! What words - products do you know? Children call. Now let's learn how to read them correctly. Slide 4 (3m)(11)

5) Guys

, and into what groups can we divide products? — (fruits, vegetables, drinks). Take your cards and do this groups. Take the cards on the table and distribute them into these groups. You have 2 min.(2m)(13)

6)Slide 5 on the board

(check yourself 1)(1m)(14)

7) So, children

, can we count apples? - Yes! Can we count oranges? - Yes! Can we count milk? - No! - So, children, can we count the apples? - Yes! -Can we count the oranges? - Yes! -Can we count the milk? - No! - And why? Children answer (because it is a drink, a liquid). Children, what do we call words that we can count? - countable! (countable!). What do we call those that we cannot count? - uncountable! (uncountable!). (2m)(16)

8)Let's lay!

You have the cards on the tables. Put them in two: count-l/uncount-l! Let's play! There are cards on the tables in front of you. Divide them into two parts: countable and uncountable. You have 2 minutes, then we’ll test ourselves. (2m)(18)

9) Slide 6 on the board

(check yourself 2). Children compare their results. The group that makes no mistakes receives a sticker. (1m)(19)

10) Sportminute

: Let's have some rest! Let `s have some rest!

Bread and butter, milk and tea, Put your fingers on your knee. Bread and butter, cake and ice, Put your hands on your eyes. Bread and butter, duck and rose, Put your finger on your nose. Bread and butter, juice and eggs Put your hands on your legs.

Bread and butter, milk and chips,

Put your hands on your hips.

Burger, sandwich, turn around!

Please, stand up, and please, sit down!(2m)(21)

11) Children

, our mother wants to make a vegetable salad and a fruit icecream. She writes a shopping list. But she needs our help. She can't stay the words “some and any” to make the right list. Let's tell how we can stay them in the sentences. Guys, our mother wants to make us a vegetable salad and popsicles. She writes a shopping list, but she can't do it. She does not know how to use the helper words some and any correctly. Let's help her and tell her how to use these words correctly. On the board, slide 7 (on the slide there is a diagram and example sentences) We tell the story according to the diagram. (3m)(24)

12) Well done, guys! Well done! Now let's help mom complete the shopping list and play the horse game. (game in learning apps). Groups answer in turns. I give a sticker for correct answers. (3m)(27)

13) Good job! Let's see our cards, tell, what kind of food do we need to eat and what kind of food should we not eat? Guys, take the cards again, look and tell me what food we should eat and what we shouldn’t eat? Why can't you eat these foods? why can't we eat this food? The children answer. Right, it's a junk food. That's right, it's junk food. Let's divide the cards into unhealthy and healthy foods. You have 2 minutes. (4m)(31)

14) Slide 8, 9 (check yourself 3). Children check the result. (1m)(32)

15) Now let’s consolidate the acquired knowledge and play the game “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.” Groups answer questions in turns. I give a sticker for a correct answer. (4m)(36)

16) Fine! Great! Guys, let’s summarize: what topic of the lesson did we study? And what important idea can we identify in this lesson? what food should you not eat? What topic did we learn? what can we say about the food? what kind of food should we eat? (2m)(38)

17) Reflection: slide 10, 11 on the board. Guys, take some pieces of paper and note how productive you were in the lesson. Take your papers and tick(1m)(39)

18) So which group has the most stickers? Who has won? Friendship! Here's your prize for today! (I give tangerines)(1m)(40)

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